Interpersonal Communication exam 1

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Self disclosure

The act of giving others information about oneself that one believes they do not already have.


The amount of description and embellishment in communication.

high/low power distance

The degree to which institutions and organizations within a culture accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.


The degree to which the personality and identity of the communicator is embedded in the communication itself.

Low power-distant culture

The idea that all people are created equal

Fellowship face refers to our need to avoid being imposed upon by others. t/f


Telling someone something about ourselves that is not true is still self-disclosure. T/F


perceptual inaccuracies- ways to combat

focusing on the characteristics of others. considering the context. knowing yourself


goal v. relational and form-oriented communication.

self awareness

self awareness is being aware of one's behavior and its effects on others.

self serving bias

success is because of an internal cause Failure attributed to an external cause Failure attributed to a situation out of one's hands Success attributed to a permanent state

Write in the 5 building blocks which must be stacked up and accumulated in order for self disclosure to deepen in a relationship.

truth, trust, mutuality, time, commitment

self serving bias

you attribute all your failures to external and unstable causes

Fundamental Attribution Error

Success attributed to an external cause (locus) Failure is attributed to a permanent state of being


Culture is the accumulate pattern of values, beliefes, and behaviors, shared by an identifiable group of people, with a common history and a common verbal and nonverbal system.


Deals with gender roles and societal values


Deals with how an individual sees him/herself in relation to others.

high/low context

Deals with where the main meaning is carried in verbal communication.


Decodes the message

Name and explain 2 potential benefits and 2 potential risks of self disclosure.

1) enhancements of relationships and trust: self disclosure preserves and builds quality relationships. 2)Reciprocity: sharing personal information with others allow them to feel they can share personal information as well. Allows you to get to know each other. 1)rejection: Disclosing personal information that results in the other person rejecting the relationship due to the new information. 2)Violation of privacy: sharing of personal information to another that is meant to be kept a private, however it is shared with others.

Perception checking process- four final steps.

1. Seperate Interpretations from facts. 2. Generate alternative perceptions. 3.Engage in perception-checking behaviors. 4. revise your perceptions as necessary.

Perceptual ability- four shot factors that can affect it.

1.sick 2. hungry 3. overwhelmed 4. tired


An explanation for why something occurred is called a(n)..

Explain the difference between channel-lean and channel rich communication

Channel lean context involves smaller amount of channels (senses) used during communication, such as text messaging. While communicating via text the person decodes the message by focusing on the words. Channel rich context involves large amounts of channels, such as face to face. During a face to face interaction one must analyze facial expressions, tones, and body language. Face to face provides more channels which allow for a better understanding of the message.

Give at least two ideas of how cognitive complexity affects our ability to communicate effectively on a daily basis.

Cognitive complexity allows for us to look at a situation in more than one way. This lessens the chance of miscommunication because you are not jumping to conclusions. This allows for a miss call to not be interpreted as someone avoiding you, but rather maybe they were busy, at work or had their phone on silent. Cognitive complexity eliminates the wrong response to the message.

Give at least two ideas of how ethics affects our ability to communicate effectively on a daily basis

Ethics effect our communication on a daily basis because it pushes us to speak truthfully. Lying to someone is considered unethical. It also allows us the ability to distinguish hurtful words or hidden intentions so that we can avoid them. Speaking unethically can have negative consequences on the relationship of the source and receiver such as; hurt feelings, loss of trust, and anger.

In the Johari window the blind pane represents information you know about, but do not reveal to others T/F


Research has shown that genetics have little or no influence on personality. T/F


Self disclosure is often unintentional. T/F


feminine cultures characteristics

Feminine cultures value quality of life Feminine cultures value nurturance Feminine cultures do not strongly differentiate between male and female gender roles

The four aspects important in the development of our self-concept are:

First personality or biology.Second culture or gender.Third reflected appraisal or what we learn about ourselves from what others say/think about us.Last social comparison or what we determine about ourselves by comparing and contrasting ourselves to others.


Gender roles are not distinctive. Men and women can take on either role. Societal values include care-taking for citizens, education, care of the elderly, and quality of life.

Give at least two ideas of how self awareness affects our ability to communicate effectively on a daily basis

Good self awareness can have a positive impact on our ability to communicate effectively because one is able to gauge the conversation by reading others. You wouldn't start a conversation with someone who looks busy, but a person who lacks self awareness would be oblivious to the cues. Having self awareness impacts the environment in which we are speaking. Lack of self awareness can result in offending others around you or making people feel uncomfortable.

uncertainty acceptance/avoidance

How a culture views change and the unknown.


How a cultures handles time and tasks


I am concerned with form and relationships when I communicate. I build rapport and maintaining hierarchical harmony.


I avoid confrontation and instead only offer verbal cues as to the issue I am concerned abou


I communicate to accomplish a specific goal.


I refer to we and us and speak of situations in generalities rather than putting in my personal opinions and thoughts. I use titles rather that names


I speak in understatements and leave a lot of room for interpretation


Identity is found in the role one plays within ingroups. Loyalty, obedience, respect, and harmony are the key values.


Identity is found in the unique, separate, and distinctive self Freedom, equality, rights, and responsibility are key values.

When we consider how we want to be perceived by other people, we are considering our:


Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is communication that occurs between two people within the context of their relationship and that as it evolves helps them to negotiate and define their relationship.

why is it necessary to study communication?

It is necessary to study communication because communication is complex. One must understand messages can be sent through a variety of channels. However due to interference messages come through either complete, partial or not at all, which may lead to an issue in communication. Understanding how to read all channels of communication can provide a person the ability to provide better feed back. Also understanding that context/situation varies depending on the situation can also help a communicator reach better communication.

Self disclosure includes

It is usually reciprocal It should be allowed to follow a process It can serve many purposes in relationships

interference/ noise

Keeps the message from being sent or received accurately

The defining elements of culture

Language Values Symbols

reflected appraisal

One of the ways we figure out who we are is by seeing who others think we are.

Self Esteem

One's subjective evaluation of one's value and worth as a person.

Competence Face

Our desire to appear knowledgeable/smart and our need to be respected for what we know.

Autonomy Face

Our need for privacy or to prevent unwanted intrusion/imposition

Fellowship Face

Our need/desire to be liked by others and to have others see us as likeable

What is the difference between over-attribution and stereotyping

Over-attribution brings about a persons actions to a certain characteristic that individual possess. One could say about a 3 year old " She doesn't share because she never has gone to school". One could even say that the 3 year find it okay to hit because they don't go to school. By associated all the bad traits of the child not being in school is an example of over attribution. However, stereotyping generalizes a specific group of people. Such as "all Mexican love spicy food". The difference is stereotyping associates a behavior to a specific group, on the other hand over-attribution associates a characteristic to a certain individual


Physical environment, culture, relational factors, etc

Which of the following statements is true with respect to perception accuracy?

Physiological characteristics including our biological rhythms, affect perceptual accuracy

When competent communicators discover that their perceptions were inaccurate, they will respond by?

Seeking more information Considering alternative perceptions Revising their perceptions accordingly


Societal values include wealth and power building, strong military and defense, and world leadership. Traditional gender roles, men are strong leaders and women gentle care-takers.


The process by which cultural traditions are passed from one generation to the next is known as what?

Image Management

The process of projecting one's desired public image

Self concept

The set of perceptions a person has about who he or she is

Regarding the benefits of high self-esteem, which of the following statements has been supported by the research?

Those with high self-esteem are more outgoing and willing to communicate


Time is a general guideline, not a fixed element. Multi-tasking is the rule, people-focused, present focused


Time is exact, schedules are followed, be on time! Do one thing at a time in sequence- wait in line.

Self concept refers to one's perception of the self while self esteem refers to the value/worth one places on the self. T/F


Fundamental attribution error

We committed when we assumed that another person's behavior is caused by internal and stable causes It causes us to discount external and unstable causes for people's actions It refers to attributions we make for other people's behavior, rather than our own

self serving bias

When Traci was pulled over and received a ticket, she immediately thought the cops must be out to raise funds since she couldn't have been driving that fast. After all she isn't a fast driver and never speeds. If she was speeding it was clearly because she had just been in an argument with her boss and had a lot on her mind. This is an example of what?

Low context

When cultures embrace change and expect the future to be better and brighter this is _____uncertainty avoidance. When words are primary and context is less important in communication this is ______context. When equality is valued and distinctions in power are seen as superficial this is ______power distance.


Whether a message is communicated exactly s meant, or with a verbal map (cues).

High context

_ When the meaning is carried in the context primarily rather than the words this is ____context. _ When change and the unknown is met with anxiety and distrust and a culture looks to the past for the ideal this is ______uncertainty avoidance. When inequality and large distinctions in power are present between hierarchical levels within a culture this is ______power distance.


adaptability is the ability to modify one's behavior according to what is appropriate and effective in a given context or situation.

Cognitive complexity

cognitive complexity is the ability to understand a given situation in multiple ways.


concept of culture includes judgments about how good, desirable, or beautiful something is

Which of the following would be considered an instrumental need that can be met through communication? A)developing a romantic relationship with someone you are attracted to B)convincing your roommate to turn off his or her music by midnight each night C)talking with a grandparent on the telephone after not speaking with them for a while D)making small talk with a stranger you just met at a party

convincing your roommate to turn off his or her music by midnight each night

sender/ source

ecnodes message


empathy is the ability to think and feel as others do.


ethics is a code of morality or a set of standards about what is right.


information being sent


message about a previously sent message

the three needs that we all have that interact with our self esteem and affect our communication.

need for affection, inclusion and control

What term is used to describe anything that interferes with the accurate decoding or encoding of a message?

noise / interference


the 5 senses

This model considers both people in a conversation to be senders and receivers simultaneously


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