Interview Questions

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What drives your priorities?

Achievement of targets, provision of excellent customer service, delivery of excellent products and services, efficient team working, pride in your work, financial efficiency and creation of a happy working environment. These are all values which can drive ones priorities.

Tell me about yourself.

A lot of jobs require someone who can think on their feet or present ideas with crispness and clarity. This question provides employers with an early preview of your core skills, your personality and your ability to respond to an unstructured question. This is something you'll be asked a lot at the beginning of an interview. Here are three tips that'll help you nail the opener. Be succinct, honest and engaging. I call this the "SHE" formula. Resist the urge to give a detailed account of the last two decades of your career. The interviewer is looking for an answer that shows them you're qualified and can respond to an unstructured question. Use the job description to prepare. Reread what they want and highlight the most required skills that you have. Are they looking for someone who can solve problems or deal with tough customers? Pick a few and brainstorm how you can describe yourself while showcasing your strengths for what they're seeking. Tie your story to their needs. People love a good tale, so weave in some personality. For example, maybe you fell in love with the hospitality industry because your grandparents ran a bed and breakfast. Connect your story back to the job, keep it short, and be truthful.

Direct Interview Question You will most likely be asked what we called Direct Interview Question such as: • Why have you chosen to apply for this role? • What will you bring? • Why are leaving your current job?

All of these invite the candidate to provide a 'list' whether that is a list of reasons or a list of skills or characteristics. However simply providing a list is a mistake and instead we suggest using the ABC formula to answer. A=Answer: Answer the question in the first sentence. In other words this first sentence is a summary of the whole answer you are going to give. It sets the scene and the interviewer knows what you are going to talk about. There are a whole range of skills that I bring to this role and three which I regard as most relevant are my Leadership skills, My Team Working skills and my ability to Deliver Results in a highly pressurised environment. B=Build: Build your answer taking each item in turn, expanding and giving evidence to prove your claim. This part will take up about 80% of your answer and you can use the STAR/IPAR formula we mentioned earlier when talking about your examples. C=Conclude: This is strong sentence reiterating the key points mentioned and very neatly closes your response. It is also leaves an opportunity to continue selling yourself in a very positive manner. All of this means that I can contribute great results from the start in this role and I see myself as a perfect fit. I am passionate about this opportunity and I would relish the chance to work with yourselves and show you what I can do.

Tell me, what would you say the key features of an effective communication strategy are and talk me through one that you successfully implemented.

An effective Communication Strategy is all encompassing and includes not just the messages, the vision but the channels to communicate that message and the target audience. Refer to your own experience in developing a Communications Strategy or Plan and mention aspects of best practice including consistency of messages, speed of delivery, upwards and downwards and having a central management of communications. Talk further about the key elements you would include not forgetting the importance of having clearly defined objectives and ensuring that sufficient resources are in place to deliver the strategy.

Tell me, what would you say the key features of an effective communication strategy are and talk me through one that you successfully implemented.

An effective Communication Strategy is all encompassing and includes not just the messages, the vision but the channels to communicate that message and the target audience. Refer to your own experience in developing a Communications Strategy or Plan and mention aspects of best practice including consistency of messages, speed of delivery, upwards and downwards and having a central management of communications. Talk further about the key elements you would include not forgetting the importance of having clearly defined objectives and ensuring that sufficient resources are in place to deliver the strategy. Successful communication in presentations would involve addressing each member of the audience, using effective body language to emphasise key points, allowing time for questions. Finally and very importantly you must show that as a result of the exercise, you achieved your objectives.

Tell us about a time when you showed leadership. What did you learn from the experience?

As a teacher there are many ways in which you can show leadership, for example: mentoring and coaching individual pupils, supporting NQTs and student teachers, inspiring and motivating fellow teachers, providing advice and support to staff and colleagues, acting as a role model and being passionate about your career, being a great educator and motivator, taking the lead when organising extra curricular activities and in relation to specific projects or exercises and possessing the ability to foster respect from colleagues, parents and pupils alike. The key when answering is not just to talk through your experience of leading but to show what you learned and how you developed skills which will help in the job you are being recruited for.

Describe a time when you were able to contribute to your school outside of the classroom.

As a teacher your work does not end in the classroom and you will be expected to contribute to the welfare of your school and of your pupils in a variety of ways. These can include Pastoral work, dealing with issues around bullying, poor individual performance, problems in the home, social issues and child protection. Extra curricular activities range from helping out with school play, sports events or arranging school trips and of course parents evenings are a regular occurrence. In addition, you can contribute to the development of school policy in many ways supporting and mentoring new or supply teachers will be viewed favourably. A good answer is one which shows your willingness to get involved, to take the lead as necessary and to do so effectively.

Tell us about a situation where your Time Management skills let you down.

As with all negatively phrased questions you do not have to give a detailed answer. You can very easily say, I don't recall a time when that happened. The interviewer may choose to explore deeper or more than likely will move on. A tip with these questions is to turn them to your advantage by saying - I don't recall a time when that happened. I always plan thoroughly and envisage every eventuality and I'm glad to say this process hasn't let me down yet. Carry on by detailing the process such as using task lists, prioritisation, delegation and anticipating potential obstacles.

Talk me through a time when you had many projects to manage, all with demanding deadlines. How did you do and what particular challenges did this present?

At this level of Management there will often be many tasks which have simultaneous and sometimes very tight deadlines. This question gives you a chance to show how good you are with prioritisation, organisation and delegation skills which help you become highly effective and work more efficiently. When answering you can refer to: Establishing clear goals and targets, Creating action plans which consider a range of factors such as costs, timing, resources available, etc. Prioritising tasks, Delegating responsibility and authority, Empowering others to achieve success, Providing the resources and equipment which allows them to do so and Implementing systems to effectively monitor and assess progress. You can also talk about evaluating processes and implementing improvement initiatives to result in greater productivity and improved efficiency.

Give me an example which demonstrates your ability to develop successful working relationships.

At this level you will be expected to seek, build and maintain working relationships with a verity of external bodies and to further your organisations goals. This is a test of your networking and interpersonal skills and your answer should refer to the types of relationships and contacts you developed previously, how you developed links with experts and information sources, developed key contacts and participated in networking and social events internal and external to the organisation. Maybe you attended conferences, committees or group meetings or facilitated industry wide forums. Irrespective, the key is to show that you are able to initiate contact and develop mutually beneficial relationships. Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Uses professional and personal networks to generate and develop new and mutually beneficial partnerships • Identifies and refers to areas of common interest as a means of deepening relationships • Communicates openly, showing a willingness to understand others needs • Builds trust by treating partners fairly and ethically • Meets partner needs by responding to requests efficiently and effectively • Strives to gather information to further relationship building • Further develops relationship through the use of regular contact and personal meetings • Management involved in the setting up of an infrastructure that supports effective relationship building

What has been one of the most difficult documents you have written? Why was it so difficult?

Be careful when answering question which ask about difficulties. If you admit to difficulty with a report you had to write for your manager for example and report writing is an essential part of the job you are being interviewed for, chances are you will not get the offer. Refer instead to a report, letter or email which was a one off and would have been difficult for anyone to write such as a letter bringing bad news to someone, a memo dismissing someone or a report which resulted in redundancies being made.

Tell Me About Yourself

Common first question. Answer: talk about your work background, skills, and interests and relate them to how well they fit the job. The "Tell me About Yourself" question is one of the most common questions guaranteed to come up regardless of your sector, your experience level or your job. It is universally popular and used equally by inexperienced interviewers who haven't looked through your application before and experienced interviewers who want to get an initial overall view of you and your skills. For many job seekers this question can be a real challenge and even more so for senior candidates with years of great experience. Just how do you get it all in into a two minute answer. The short answer is you don't and you just mention the key relevant highlights. We regard this question as a great opportunity for you to take control and to make an excellent start to the interview. It is worth spending time creating a powerful answer and then practicing until you can deliver it smoothly and confidently. It is vitally important as a good answer can set a positive tone for the rest of the interview while a poor one can be very difficult to recover from.

Give me an example of a time when you had to make a decision in a very short space of time, for example to deal with a major crisis or disaster.

Crisis Management refers to the process of anticipating disasters and having effective procedures in place to deal with them. In a work environment, there are three key types of crisis, Strategic, Operational and Financial and this question is exploring your experience and competence when dealing with the actual occurrence of one of these. When answering talk briefly about the steps you follow to forecast and plan for events such as these and the initiatives you implement to prevent their occurrence. Then carry on by talking through your experience of a crisis, clearly showing your ability to think logically, to make accurate decisions on your feet and to follow pre defined procedures. This will include your ability to very quickly assess the situation, determine the impact, focus resources on a resolution and implement a successful course of action.

Describe a major decision you made recently referring especially to the process you followed and the methodology you used to come to your conclusions.

Decisions are made at all levels and relate to all aspects of our daily and working lives and can include what to say, do, buy, etc. When dealing with the working environment there are a number of models available and the common elements of most are: a.) Trigger ?? situation or problem requiring the decision b.) Information - sufficient detail to be available c.) Options - what are the choices d.) Evaluate - check quality, assess the potential outcomes, including risks f.) Implement -make the decision and put it into practice g.) Review How successful was it, is there a need to change. The interviewer is looking for you to demonstrate a clear decision making process, you should describe the steps you take and finish by describing a situation where you used your methodology successfully. If company policy or procedures dictate the process make sure that your answer shows you adhere fully to them.

Give me an example of a situation which demonstrates your ability to use your analytical skills to deliver a successful result.

Decisions are made at all levels and relate to all aspects of our daily and working lives and can include what to say, do, buy, etc. When dealing with the working environment there are a number of models available and the common elements of most are: a.) Trigger a situation or problem requiring the decision b.) Information - sufficient detail to be available c.) Options - what are the choices d.) Evaluate - check quality, assess the potential outcomes, including risks f.) Implement - make the decision and put it into practice g.) Review- How successful was it, is there a need to change. The interviewer is looking for you to demonstrate a clear decision making process, you should describe the steps you take and finish by describing a situation where you used your methodology successfully. If company policy or procedures dictate the process make sure that your answer shows you adhere fully to them.

Describe a situation where you had to take many different actions and overcome a variety of obstacles in order to deliver a successful result.

Describe a situation where you had to take many different actions and overcome a variety of obstacles in order to deliver a successful result.

Describe a time when you showed determination and tenacity in order to achieve a particularly successful end result.

Determination and tenacity are particularly desirable qualities in many roles and especially at this level. Choose an example which was unusually challenging or complex and clearly demonstrate your ability to apply yourself, to invest the energy and time required to complete the task and to stay focussed on the end result. Start by detailing the end result quoting numbers to clarify the scope and magnitude of the achievement and then talk through the steps you followed and the skills you employed. Did you initiate the task yourself, did you use your communication or persuasion skills, did you have to work closely with other people or management in order to deliver. All these will be important to the interviewer but do remember to talk in terms of what you did as an individual rather than as part of a team. Whenever you answer this type of question, expect follow up questions exploring any aspect of your answer and seeking to gather additional proof of your skills.

What Are Your Strengths?

Employers look for candidates with self-awareness and the ability to sell themselves and you must be prepared to answer questions about your strengths, skills and positive attributes. Interviewers have two objectives in asking What are your strengths?. Firstly, they really want to know what you are good at. And secondly, they want to see how aware you are of your strengths and how you can use them in a working environment. Many candidates find it difficult to answer this question and to describe themselves in a positive light; they are uncomfortable and see it as boasting. However you must overcome this; after all, if you do not know yourself how can you expect an employer to.

Tell me about a project you were involved with which delivered successfully. What obstacles did you encounter and how did you overcome them?

Even if the project or task was a team effort, always talk in terms of I. Talk about the part you played in helping deliver the end result, how you interacted with your team, with stakeholders, suppliers and colleagues as appropriate. Give details about the part you played in the success of the project and if available quote numbers which will help give some idea of scale. Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Clarifies the potential opportunities and consequences of proposed changes and explains the process, implications and rationale to those affected by it • Applies standard project management principles • Anticipates potential resistance to change and implements approaches that address resistance • Has the capacity to build, motivate and lead a team to deliver against pre • set objectives • Takes responsibility for progress and initiates corrective actions where necessary • Conducts effective planning and manages resources, risks and issues efficiently • Delivers change successfully to quality and cost constraints

Describe a complicated problem you have had to deal with. How did you tackle it and what was the outcome?

Firstly, choose a situation which is not part of your normal daily routine or tasks, something which was a one off and was genuinely 'complicated' or complex. When answering follow the IPAR structure: Talk about the part you played in IDENTIFYING the problem, Describe the PROBLEM, challenge or situation, Describe what you did to resolve it, the ACTIONS you took, Detail the successful RESULT. Focus on the outcome and use figures to illustrate the impact you had and of course always talk in terms of I rather than we.

How do you go about making key decisions, what strategies do you employ to ensure that you are successful?

Good decision making is an essential skill in this type of management role with timely and well considered decisions often leading to significant success for you and your team. With this question the interviewer is looking for evidence of a clear and logical approach to decision making which combines analytical thinking and an ability to consider and evaluate all options and your answer can refer to a process which includes: a.) Trigger ?? situation or problem requiring the decision b.) Information - sufficient detail to be available c.) Options - what are the choices d.) Evaluate - check quality, assess the potential outcomes, including risks f.) Implement - make the decision and put it into practice g.) Review How successful was it, is there a need to change. When answering you can refer to any particular tools which aid the decision making process such as a Pareto Analysis or a Grid Analysis, Decision Trees, Cost/Benefit Calculations and Impact Analysis.

Why are you leaving your current role?

If you are moving jobs your prospective employer will most likely explore your reasons for leaving. To answer this question well we first of all look at what is going on in the interviewer's mind and explore their motivation for asking you this question? In summary, the interviewer wants to understand the following: Did you leave of your own accord? — If you quit your job, is it because you wanted to or were you dismissed? If still in the job, are you at risk of being fired? Are you leaving because the job was too much for you? The interviewer will want to determine if it was because of your performance or competency in the role which is now forcing a move. Is your leaving based on an emotional response? — The interviewer will be interested to know whether you left because you felt under appreciated or whether you were motivated to leave due to some other issue. Did you leave due to conflict? - Leaving on good terms with a manager or coworkers is always a good sign and anything that indicates the opposite will raise a red flag for the interviewer.

Tell me about a time you were forced to make an unpopular decision. In hindsight, would you have made the same decision again?

In any management position there will always be decisions you have to make which will not be universally popular. These can relate to changes to employees ways of working, terms and conditions, targets, remuneration etc and your answer needs to show that you have the both leadership skills and the courage to make tough and possibly unpopular decisions and stand by them. Sample Answer: I recently had to make a decision to dismiss an employee I had recruited personally. I knew this individual had great potential however their personal behaviour and actions were very clearly against company policy. It was a difficult decision on one level but I am very happy with the result as the morale in the team improved greatly once they had left.

How would you communicate strategic and operational goals so that every member of the organisation understood the part they played in the overall achievement of those goals?

In many organisations change and business improvement projects fail because the staff affected are not involved in the change process and refuse to adopt new procedures or guidelines once implemented. The primarily goal is to get all managers buying into the changes and it is key that every member of the team know the rationale for the changes, the desired outcome and the benefits for the organisation. Ensure that staff have a clear line of sight between the end goal and the part they play. They need to be involved from very early on in the process and this can be via initial team meetings, brainstorming sessions or conferences and ensure that ongoing communication is regular, frequent and informative.

The Rule of Three The Rule of Three is a simple but effective formula for communicating successfully. It is used by writers, musicians and speakers and we recommend its use when answering interview questions. The Rule of Three is based on the idea that concepts or ideas presented in threes are inherently more interesting, more enjoyable, and more memorable. When you think about stories they always have a beginning, middle, and end and in the same way an interview answer is a story which can be structured similarily.

In the previous lesson we talked about ABC formula which follows the Rule of Three. However not only is the answer formed of three parts but the content also uses the Rule of Three. We don't mention five or six skills that we bring or ten reason for applying. We mention three only and then we expand on these three giving more detail. This is a manageable number for your audience to assimilate and understand. Any more and there is a risk your answer may become boring and they will lose interest.

What strategies have you implemented to improve internal communication in your department or team?

Internal communication is vital to the smooth running of any organisation irrespective of the size or industry and can be made via the intranet, newsletters, emails, blogs, and surveys. An effective internal communication system is one which is fast, flexible and accessible to all and benefits can include improved job satisfaction, increased productivity and reduced absenteeism. When answering, talk through any improvements or positive changes you implemented successfully, detail what was involved and illustrate the successful result using figures where possible. For example, did you improved the speed with which messages reached all staff, did you achieve a more consistent and accurate system of communication, did you save money whole doing so, did you help your staff to do their jobs better?

What is your view of mentoring as a concept? Have you used this before and how successful was it?

Mentoring is used as an additional tool in training and developing staff and can be applied to staff at all levels throughout the organisation. Anyone can be a Mentor and it does not always fall to managers and by appointing a colleague or team member at the same level, benefits are two fold as the mentoree learns and develops under the tutelage of a more experienced person while the mentor is given the opportunity to develop their leadership and management skills. Talk through your own experience of mentoring and remember there is no right nor wrong answer to this question.

Talk me through a situation where you used your negotiation skills to achieve a winning result for all parties involved.

Negotiation requires keen persuading and influencing skills irrespective of which parties are involved be they customers, suppliers, colleagues or managers. When answering, demonstrate that you used skills such as listening and understanding the other parties situation, communicating your employer's needs clearly, stating your case competently and effectively and ultimately negotiating a win win situation for both parties without any conflicts. Sample Answer: I recently re negotiated our telecoms contract with ____ and saved my employer _____ per annum in the process. I prepared extensively prior to the meeting and knew exactly what we needed, I was confident they could deliver and my discussions were targeted at making sure that I achieved the best quality service at the best price possible. The sales manager was pleased also with the deal as they keep us a valued customer for another year.

Tell me about a time you had to negotiate with an external party, a supplier for example

Negotiation with a supplier involves what is called Integrative Negotiation and this refers to a situation where both parties are looking for a solution that generates a positive result, where there is a win/win. The process will involve analysing the points being negotiated from many different perspectives and considering the outcomes of each, negotiating trade offs and working towards an outcome that benefits both parties and results in a long term collaborative relationship. The interviewer will be looking to see if you are aware of this and have experience in achieving this type of outcome rather than taking a more aggressive approach targeted at 'beating' the other party.

Describe for me a situation where you were required to make a decision without having all the necessary information and which subsequently turned out to be wrong.

On one level the interviewer is really asking 'Tell me about a mistake you made'. You are being invited to confess to a weakness and the options you have when answering are: a.) Say you don't recall any b.) Mention something innocuous from an early part in your career and emphasise what you learned from the experience c.) Choose a decision someone else made which did not work out and describe what you would have done, being careful not to criticise the individual involved d.) Refer to the realities of working life where it is sometimes the case that you don't have as much information as you would like but you were skilled enough in interpreting what you have to make sound decisions. Provided it is true and you can refer to specific examples, answer d. will gain you the most points in the interview.

What is your greatest strength?

Overview Employers want to see if you can strike the right balance between confidence and humility. Hiring managers also want to get a sense for how self-aware and honest you are and align your strengths to the role at hand. When responding to this question, you want to sound humble and not like you're arrogant or bragging. Here are some tips to help you give them a great answer. Describe a relevant experience. If you're applying for a sales job, tell a story about a time where you helped a customer solve a problem with your solution. Give specific details. Tell them about a time you closed a deal that helped you hit a percentage of your annual number. When you share those facts with them, it helps them visualise how effective you have been. Show them you're a well-rounded person. For example, share a story of when you used a "soft" skill, like effective communication with a coworker, and then one about you using a technical skill, which could be anything asked for in the job description.

Tell me about a time you showed leadership.

Overview Employers want to understand your capacity to step up and handle tough situations that undoubtedly arise in the workplace. They want to know when you've seen an opening to lean in and lead with good judgment. Respond to this kind of question with a compelling story that uses the "SAR" framework: situation, action, and results. Describe the situation. Talk about the initial events that occurred. What were the problems that you were experiencing? What needed to be solved and what resources did you have--or not have? This is a really key part of the story, so it should be about three to four sentences long. Get into the action. Speak about the key milestones that you went through. Tell them what you did to turn the situation around. Don't go into too much detail though. It should only be about two to three sentences, and try to use active verbs, things like "I implemented" or "I persuaded". Show the results. Let them know how well things turned out, how the problems were solved and what you may have learned along the way. Try to include a clincher at the end, like dollars saved or improved profitability. It drives home that you did a great thing.

Tell me about a time you were successful on a team.

Overview If you can show that you've helped a team move through a challenge, you probably have strong communication and interpersonal skills. These kinds of "soft" skills are in high demand and make people successful in their jobs. Respond to this kind of question with a compelling story that uses the "SAR" framework: situation, action, and results. Describe the situation. Talk about the initial events that occurred. What were the problems that you were experiencing? What needed to be solved and what resources did you have--or not have? This is a really key part of the story, so it should be about three to four sentences long. Get into the action. Speak about the key milestones that you went through. Tell them what you did to turn the situation around. Don't go into too much detail though. It should only be about two to three sentences, and try to use active verbs, things like "I implemented" or "I persuaded". Show the results. Let them know how well things turned out, how the problems were solved and what you may have learned along the way. Try to include a clincher at the end, like dollars saved or improved profitability. It drives home that you did a great thing.

What would your co-workers say about you?

Overview Interviewers want to know if you'll fit in with the team. This question can also help you highlight your strengths without feeling like you're bragging. This question gives you an opportunity to share how amazing you are—without feeling like you're showboating. Here are three quick tips on how to answer it: Find features that fit. Re-read the job description and look for answers that go well with it. For example, if they need a strong problem solver, maybe you can share that your office nickname is "The Fixer" because you're so good at solving tough challenges. Share some of your reviews. Before the interview, go through your LinkedIn recommendations and performance reviews and see if there are some gold nuggets you might want to show them. And if it's on LinkedIn, mention it to the interviewers so they can read the whole recommendation if they want more detail. Back it up with evidence. If you think your colleagues would say that you're super creative, resist the urge to say "People like that I can think outside of the box". Instead, share a tangible example of your creativity that ties to the job description.

Why do you want to work here?

Overview Interviewers want to understand what prompted you to apply for this job. They don't want candidates who are indifferent to where they work. Instead, they want someone who offers very specific reasons for why they want this job. You would be amazed by how few people get this question right. So you've got a big opportunity to shine. Make it all about them. Your best answer will be about what they need. It'll show that you've done your research and have thought through what you can contribute to that team. Show them how you can help. Weave your story into the context of what you can contribute. If you have strong accounting skills and are interviewing for a finance role at a humane society, you could suggest that this job would allow you to blend your professional skills with your passion for animals. Speak from the heart. Telling a genuine story can make a big difference. For example, I once worked with a client who was applying for a zoo event manager job and she had grown up next door to that zoo and had great memories of the peacocks flying over the fence and sitting on her dad's car. So her answer was that she wanted people to have fun memories of that zoo just like she did. Try to top that.

What is your greatest weakness?

Overview The interviewer is assessing whether your weaknesses will get in the way of doing the job. Employers are looking for humility and whether you're committed to learning and growing. This is a place you can showcase what you're doing to improve. This can feel like a tricky question, but it's a good opportunity to shine. Here are some tips on how to answer: Be humble. You want to communicate an authentic story that shows you're self-aware. It's okay that you don't come off as perfect, that's authentic, which is important for someone who will have to trust you in the role that they're hiring for. Choose a trait that is not too relevant to the job. For example, if you're applying for a project manager role, choose a weakness that is more related to creativity, which is something that doesn't disqualify you from the description of the things that would make someone successful in that role Show how you manage it. Have a fix-it strategy. For example, if you struggle with remembering product details so you track them in their phone or side notebook, that's okay, share that with them. That shows that you've got commitment to solving that problem and addressing it.

Why should we hire you?

Overview This question tests how persuasive you are. Interviewers want to see if you can make a calm, confident case for yourself, even if they're acting skeptical. They're looking for factual and compelling answers. This is a nerve-racking question, so make sure you're set up for success. Here are some tips that can help you do well in answering it: Ask yourself why you think you're qualified. Prepare for the interview by picking three or four qualifications and experiences that help them understand why you're a fit for this job. Tell them how you'd fit in. Paint a picture of what you'd accomplish that gives you a leg up on the competition. Also, show them why you are a great match for this company by letting them see that you know about their mission, their vision, how they operate—and how you would fit into that really well. Speak authentically. How you say something is as important as what you say. So when you're sharing your successes and you're answering these questions, speak like the best version of yourself and make sure that you're doing it in a way that allows the interviewers to connect to you.

Please talk us through your approach and the steps you take when producing and implementing development plans for your year group.

Planning is a key activity for every teacher and many schools ask for a combination of long term, medium term and weekly plans for each curriculum subject. Most of this work is done during the summer holidays or at weekends and is essential not only for the delivery of effective teaching but also for co ordinators to monitor coverage and progress. When answering talk through the approach and steps you follow, being clear about the benefits of planning and giving examples of the positive impact it has on the quality of your teaching. Detail any particular techniques you have found useful and mention the resources and software you use such as Microsoft Excel for spreadsheets. This will help demonstrate your competence with IT and hence ICT.

Evidence Based Technique When a candidate is giving an answer, the Interviewer has to be able to trust what they are saying. For example, if a candidate says 'I am an excellent Project Manager', at that point the Interviewer has no way of knowing whether this is true or not, they have to take it at face value. However if the candidate then carries on and provides evidence to back up their claim and can convince the interviewer that evidence is valid, then they become instantly believable. The have proven they have the experience and skills needed to do the job. The most effective way to do this in an interview setting is to use what we call The Evidence Based Technique.

Put simply you will give evidence which proves your claim and these can be in the form of: • Examples of past achievements • Situations where you performed successfully • Feedback from third parties such as your manager or external stakeholders • Published articles or results • Prizes or awards won • 360 degree feedback • Online publications or references • Citations received With a well structured example referring to any of the above, the interviewer can instantly see how skilled the candidate is and they will have evidence that you can do the job

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Responding to this type of a question can be challenging even for the most focused candidate. However, the fact that you cannot predict the future does not mean you cannot plan for it. What is it exactly that the interviewer wants to ask? The hiring manager does not expect a detailed plan of all your actions over the coming years, they simply want to understand the following: 1. Will you still be with this school? The cost of recruitment is high, and not surprisingly, those hiring are looking for employees who will commit and will stay long enough to return the investment. 2. Will you be in this career for the foreseeable future? Your interviewer will be keen to see how dedicated you are to your career or do you have plans which will take you in a different direction. This is important because they want to hire someone who will be excited about the job and where it will lead them, whether that's to a higher-level position or just increased accomplishment or satisfaction. 3. How ambitious or motivated are you? Some positions require you to be ambitious however once again they will want to see that your plans involve them as an employer.

Would you say you have improved as a decision maker during your career and how?

Show progress in terms of the types of decisions you have made at the start of your career compared to those you make now. Demonstrate your confidence and competence in making them and the successful outcome of each and refer to any major decisions you have made recently which reflects the skills you need as detailed in the Person Specification.

Tell me about a time when you had to elicit information from another person in order to complete a task or activity.

Sometime you will have to gather information or data from a variety of sources in order to resolve an issue and sometimes this information may not be forthcoming. You will need to show that you are skilled with interviewing, using persuasive arguments, asking open questions, probing skilfully, referring back and using reassuring body language to get your subject to open up so that you can collect all the relevant facts. When answering talk through a recent example clearly showing your competence in collecting information from a variety of sources and using this effectively to achieve a desired result.

Describe a time when you used your skills to persuade a manager or colleague to accept your recommendations.

The art of influencing others is all about gaining support for projects, ideas and solutions and this behavioural question explores your ability to persuade others to accept your recommendations. Be aware, that in this type of working environment, team work is vital, so choose a situation that resulted in a win for your team as a whole rather than something which resulted in a gain just for you. As with all behavioural questions you should follow the IPAR structure: Talk about the part you played in IDENTIFYING the problem, Describe the PROBLEM, challenge or situation, Describe what you did to resolve it, the ACTIONS you took, Detail the successful RESULT. When answering talk about the preparation you made prior to the meeting, how you anticipated objections and were ready to deal with them, how you skilfully presented your arguments, addressing others concerns and having data to back up your recommendations.

Give me an example of a time when you convinced someone to do something they were initially reluctant to do?

The interviewer is looking for clear evidence of your ability to successfully persuade someone to take a particular course of action which they were initially reluctant to do. If you don't have a work related situation you can draw on, choose a personal experience, a situation that led to a positive outcome and talk about the particular skills you used to achieve the successful result. When answering refer to your ability to: Identify and address the particular concerns of others, Present persuasive arguments, Ensure a win win situation for all concerned, Offer concessions to gain commitment, Propose solutions that benefit all parties.

Describe a time when you successfully challenged someone whose views you knew to be incorrect. Tell me how you convinced them to accept your opinion.

The interviewer is looking for evidence that you have the capacity and confidence to challenge pre set ideas and can use your initiative to effect a change in those views. You must show that you are willing and able to speak up for your own views and contribute when you know someone else is wrong. We suggest it is better to choose a non work related example if you have not experienced this type of scenario in your training or job. By saying you never had to persuade someone to change their mind may indicate that you are not very experienced or skilled in your interactions with others. Sample Answer: I always express my point of view and if I know that someone else is wrong I will do my best to show them that it is so. This happened recently where I successfully convinced a colleague to divert resources to a research project I was managing. I listened intently to understand their motivation and intentions and I asked them questions such as 'What is the most important aspect for you?', 'What is your major concern relating to project B?'. These were designed to get them thinking at a deeper level and I presented facts and data and persuaded them that there was a better way to take this work forward. I delivered the project 2 weeks early, contributing a win win for both of us and for the company.

What for you were the greatest challenges in your last role and what strategies did you use to overcome them?

The interviewer is looking for information and clues as to what you regard as a challenge knowing that this can often reveal potential weaknesses or areas where you need development. The key is to show clearly that whatever the challenges you were presented with, you were successful in solving or overcoming them and ideally, you should talk about isolated or one off scenarios rather than situations which are likely to occur frequently during the normal course of the job.

What Are Your Weaknesses?

The interviewer is trying to see if you have a relevant weakness, if you are aware of it and whether you understand its potential impact on the role. Most of all, they will be trying to judge if it will stop you from doing the job effectively. Many people have a hard time answering this difficult question; even though there is no right answer, a wrong one can set off your chances of landing a job. This is also a stress based question as most people feel uncomfortable admitting weaknesses especially in an interview environment. When answering it is very important that you are not tempted to confess all. While your frankness may be refreshing it will not help you win the job offer and we suggest that you choose something innocuous and certainly not something related to a core requirement of the job. A good example of an answer would be to turn a particular weakness into a developmental action, something you are improving on. Ideally you should put the weakness into a past context and talk about how you overcame it.

Tell me about a time you discovered a better way of doing something either at work or outside. What was the situation and what was the result?

There are always opportunities to do our work faster, better and more efficiently and this question tests your ability to recognise these opportunities, to analyse them and to recommend a solution which is an improvement. It assess your ability to come up with ideas that could change or improve some of the current processes you undertake and remember, at this level the interviewer will not be looking for you to have changed the world, even tiny changes can have a big impact. For example, did you ever contribute something to a suggestion box, did you suggest an improvement to your manager, did you ever write to your local council or community recommending some change to your environment. All these no matter how small will show that your are intelligent enough, are able to think logically, to create a solution and have the confidence to progress that solution.

Tell me about a recent situation where you had to work to an extremely tight deadline. What was involved and what was the outcome?

There are deadlines to be met in all aspects of life and not just in the workplace. When answering you will need to show that you are comfortable with tight deadlines and are able to identify what is required and can use available resources to meet them in an effective manner. Choose a recent example, either a one off situation or one which occurs as part of your daily activities and show that you understand the importance of achieving the deadline and are successful in doing so. Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours shown by good leaders in the Action part of your answer: • Strives to be the best, continually delivering, measuring and improving • Sets goals and works to meet them with energy and drive • Remains persistent when obstacles are encountered • Stays focussed on the end objective • Completes tasks and duties to a high standard • Creates a climate that relentlessly strives for excellence • Takes responsibility for own actions and encourages others to be the best they can • Uses initiative to develop goals for self and takes independent action to achieve results

Give me an example of the different approaches you have used when persuading your team, colleagues or manager to agree with your views.

There are many tools and techniques available which can help you to persuade others. Active listening and Persuasive Communication, Establishing common ground, Looking for a win win solution, Involving others in the decision making process, Building mutually beneficial relationships, Using statistics and data, Considering and managing emotional impacts, Negotiating wining situations for all. These are all approaches which can be combined to convince others that your views are right and provided you can show an ability to use some of these techniques or any others you have found useful then your answer will be acceptable.

Tell me about a time when your written communication skills made a significant difference.

There are often times when writing is the best way to communicate and very often the only way to guarantee you get your message across. To answer this question you can choose any situation where you used your writing skills effectively such as writing a report for your boss, a letter to a client, an email to your team, completing a thesis or article or as output from your research. There is no right nor wrong answer with these types of questions and provided you can illustrate the success that your efforts achieved you will win points from your interviewer.

Talk me through a complex decision you made, where the data was ambiguous or the information led to two different conclusions.

This can be a very common scenario at this level where you are required to make a decision in the face of ambiguity. Very often you will be presented with situations in your work for which there are no preset procedures and you will need to gather information and to interpret and analyse what can sometimes be contradictory or incomplete data. There may be a limit to the amount of time you have to come to a conclusion and you will be required to use the information you have as a guide only and then apply sound business and common sense, corporate values and priorities and effectively take a calculated risk. A good answer is one that shows you have sufficient business and organisational acumen and can apply reasonable logic when making your decision.

How would you describe your leadership philosophy and describe a time when you have been able to use it effectively to develop a team so that they could deliver great results.

This is a chance for you to talk about your values and beliefs as a leader. Think about great leaders from history and assess what it was that made them great. For example, their ability to create and communicate clear vision, their commitment to shared success, their ability to inspire others to follow these same goals, their understanding and care of their people and their passion for their cause. You are also being asked about your ability to apply this philosophy when developing a team and your answer can refer to a time when you: Shared information, ideas and advice, Provided effective coaching and mentoring, Initiated development programs and encouraged staff to create self development plans, Used Performance Management tools to review progress, provide feedback and assess training needs, Helped developed staff by involving them in projects and assignments which helped add to their skills.

Tell me about a recent decision you made which required you to act outside of standard procedure. What were the circumstances and what was the result?

This is a difficult question to answer and you need to refer back to the position you are being interviewed for and how much freedom you have to act outside of standard policy. The reality is that you probably have very little freedom at this level and the safest answer would be to say that you always refer to published and recommended procedures when making decisions, that you follow explicit guidelines and you deal with exceptions using clearly specified rules. Carry on by saying that you have freedom to take the initiative and make decisions about how your work, how you achieve your targets and how you develop your skills but these are all within pre set boundaries.

Why Should We Hire You?

This is a potential closing question which can often come towards the end of the interview. The interviewer is saying, ok we have heard enough so now give me a summary of why I should give you the job. Being an all-time classic, the "Why should we hire you?" comes in various forms: • Why are you the best candidate for the position? • What will you bring? • Why should we select you? This is a great question from you point of view. It is a chance for you to sell yourself to summarise why you are able to do the job, how committed you will ne and how you see yourself fitting in with the team.

Tell me how you would react to a situation where there was more than one way to accomplish the same task, and there were very strong feelings by others on each position

This is a test of your influencing skills where you are being asked to act as a mediator between two opposing parties and to affect an outcome which supports one side in favour of the other. You can imagine this scenario where a task needed to be completed and until this 'stalemate' is resolved it is being delayed. Firstly talk about how you would assess the situation, meet with each side, understand all the issues, gather data and create a solution based on what is best for your employer while at the same time trying to generate a win win for both sides. Next your task will be to influence one or both sides to accept your solution and you can achieve this by presenting your argument in a persuasive manner, using data to demonstrate the benefits, outlining the implications of not taking this action. You may want to consider getting a third party to act as facilitator especially if you would not be seen as independent.

You observe a colleague flouting professional guidelines or doing something you believe is inappropriate, how would you react, what would you do?

This is an interesting question which explores your Professional Integrity and your capacity to challenge others. This is a situation which requires delicacy and tact and you must observe recommended best practice at all times. Key words to use when answering are communication, listening, understanding and dealing with resistance and conflict. Sample Answer: I would first of all check out their understanding of what was happening by taking them out of the situation and have a two way conversation with them. It may be that they are not aware of their actions or current guidelines and they would need to be advised accordingly. Where it is a deliberate attempt then I would be more careful in my choice of words and would try to get a view on what is motivating them to commit this action. I would like to get them to the point where we could talk about choices and courses of action and I would advise them that irrespective of the rationale or outcome I would be reporting the situation to our superiors as appropriate.

Describe a time when you dealt effectively with a low morale issue with an employee or team. How did you resolve it?

This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your leadership, management and communication skills and when answering show that you are willing to face problems head on rather than avoiding them. A tip is to choose a situation or problem which you inherited rather than one you created. Sample Answer: When I started my current role as Head of the Department, I discovered that staff morale was very low. This was manifested by poor quality service being given to clients, high sickness and high turnover levels. I made this my first priority, and spent time meeting the staff, gathering information and working out the cause of the problem. I discovered that staff had been through a series of changes and restructures where many of their colleagues were made redundant and as the team were simply waiting their turn, they had very little reason to work hard. The first step was to build trust and confidence in the team, to involve them in setting goals and in creating a vision for the department. Importantly I convinced them that I would not implement a restructure and they worked in a safe and secure environment. I implemented a series of developmental initiatives designed to improve team dynamics and gradually over a period of months, morale improved significantly and staff turnover dropped dramatically.

Describe a situation where you used your communication skills to achieve a successful outcome.

This is simply testing to see where you have used your communication skills previously in a work based environment. Choose your most recent position and talk through the people or groups you communicated with, the type of communication, the format and the reason for the communication you had with each. Frame them in terms of achievements rather than a list of duties as this will have more impact and you can refer to: keeping others up to date on progress, sharing important information in a timely manner, sharing ideas with an appropriate audience, managing multiple channels of communication and ensuring that consistent communication takes place.

Some Directors and Heads of Department prefer a tight control on their team while others allow a lot of autonomy. Which approach do you take and why?

This question assesses how comfortable you are at letting go of control and your skills at delegating authority. The key here is to recognise the difference between the two approaches and understand the advantages and disadvantages of each. A diplomatic answer might say that you are competent with both and would use different styles dependent on the situation and team involved.

Tell me about a time when you led a new team to deliver a project within a very short timeframe. What challenges did you encounter and what techniques did you use to get the team all thinking on the same level?

This question explores your skills with leading and developing a new team, with quickly creating coherence and establishing focus. Talk through your experience detailing a particular project mentioning: How you established clearly defined role from early on, Ensured that all team members understood the project deliverables and the part they played in achieving it, Created open channels of communication, Identified and eliminated conflict, Tackled morale problems, Used team building tools to create a close knit supportive group, Maintained this atmosphere through regular updates, reward and recognition of individual contributions. An effective technique which ensures that all are focused on the same end result is to involve the team in setting goals and this will also engender a sense of ownership and responsibility for the performance of the team and is more likely to create a positive team atmosphere.

What techniques do you use to ensure that you complete your daily tasks on time?

This question gives you a chance to show how good you are with time management, prioritisation and organisation, skills which help you become highly effective by showing you how to identify and focus on the activities that give you the greatest returns, saving you time and helping you work smarter. When answering you can refer to: Creating a daily to do list, Prioritising tasks into three categories, such as low, medium and high, Monitoring your progress and Avoiding procrastination. You can also talk about the steps you take to set personal goals for yourself, how you assess where your time is spent and identify wastage, how you learn from more experienced colleagues and continuously monitor your progress.

At this senior level there will be pressure and demand on your time from many different levels both internal and external. What strategies do you employ to cope with this?

This question is about your ability to manage time and prioritise activities. Your answer could refer to: planning work and deploying adequate resources to deliver results, setting and communicating priorities throughout the team and organisation, effective delegation of authority, empowering others to make decisions, br> the use of effective diary management, proper preparation for meetings to avoid wasted time, following up on actions and monitoring performance.

Tell me about a time when you were particularly effective at achieving your targets.

This question is all about your ability to deliver and to achieve results and it gives you a chance to prove to the interviewer that you can use our skills in a commercial environment. To answer this question effectively we suggest you choose a situation where you perhaps exceeded your targets or where you did a job particularly well. Start by detailing the end result quoting numbers to clarify the scope and magnitude of the achievement and then talk through the steps you followed and the skills you employed. Did you initiate the task yourself, did you use your communication or persuasion skills, did you have to work closely with other people or management in order to deliver. All these will be important to the interviewer but do remember to talk in terms of what you did as an individual rather than as part of a team. Whenever you answer this type of question, expect follow up questions exploring any aspect of your answer and seeking to gather additional proof of your skills.

Tell me about a time when you felt frustrated with the progress you were making at work, maybe a time when you lost your temper.

This question is designed to find out how you react at work and how you express your emotions. When dealing with this question, remember there is a difference between feeling angry and showing it. Most of us have experienced situations at work which annoyed us greatly and while we may have wanted to shout or scream, there are appropriate times and methods for expressing these in the work environment. The key here is to show that you can remain calm even in the most difficult situations. It is important to demonstrate that you are capable of controlling your emotions and getting the job done. Sample Answer: I don't recall a time when I have lost my temper at work. People tend to regard me as a calm and rational person, however that is not to say that I do not challenge inappropriate actions or behaviours when I see it and I always follow company policy when dealing with these.

Why Are You Applying For This Job?

This question is really asking two questions: • Why this job? • Why this school? There is a multitude of positive reasons for applying for a post and some could include: • The school's profile and reputation, the community it serves, its board of Governors or future changes • The job itself, perhaps the variety and interest of the tasks involved • The employee policy and the quality of the staff and the prospects for your advancement When answering it is important to show the interviewer what you have to offer rather than what you hope to get from the company. Talk about the research you have done which will show the interviewer that you are serious in your targeting of this particular organisation, rather than simply taking whatever comes along. Once again, use this as an opportunity to align your skills to the key competencies of the role. If good communication is essential, mention that you want to use these skills in this particular company, industry or sector. While the salary or other benefits package may be attractive do not mention it as being a reason for applying. The recruiter is looking for someone who will is going to stay with the job for a considerable period of time, usually at least 2 years and may worry about your willingness to move should another attractive offer come along within that period.

How well do you take instructions?

This question relates to your ability to 'take direction'. It is asking you about your attitude towards authority and your relationship with your managers in general and the interviewer wants to hear that you take direction well, you clarify any points you are not sure about and then you get on with the job and delivers great results by the due time. Sample Answer: From feedback from my previous managers I know that I take direction very well. I am well aware that when a job needs to be done the last thing a manager or supervisor needs is for someone to disagree or argue and I pride myself on just getting on with it. I believe it is this attitude which earned me top marks in my last performance appraisal.

Describe a project you were involved with which clearly shows your skills in leading and delivering change, creativity and innovation. What part did you play and what was the outcome?

This question relates to your ability to initiate and implement change and is a test of your ability to create goals and deliver against them. Your ability to persuade your colleagues, to negotiate and to manage and motivate staff all come into play and your answer should refer to some recent achievements quoting figures where possible to help illustrate the size and scale of the projects you were involved with.

Give me an example of a time when you showed initiative at work.

This question relates to your ability, confidence and skills when taking charge, when making decisions, when delivering creative output, when implementing or completing tasks. The actual subject matter of your answer does not matter so much but your interviewer will want to hear you describe a time when you identified or were instrumental in initiating a process of change. For example, talk about a problem you spotted or identified, mention how you devised a solution, how you presented and persuaded your boss/colleagues to adopt this solution, how you implemented the solution successfully. Finish your answer by talking through the methods you put in place to monitor the results and describe in detail the impact your solution had. This answer will demonstrate a whole variety of skills not just your ability to take the initiative, but it shows persuasive skills, communication, decision making and problem solving.

How do you manage your own time and objectives?

Time management refers to the processes and tools that increase your efficiency, allowing you to perform more actions in the day, getting everything done that needs to be done and giving you time to do the things you enjoy. Refer to the use of planners, calendars and software and key words and phrases to use when answering are: determining priorities, planning ahead, effective delegation, managing a to do list and efficient team managemen

Describe a time when you showed exceptional leadership skills and inspired outstanding performance.

Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Communicates a shared vision in a clear and concise manner and ensures that all individuals understand what is required and the part they play in achieving it • Leads by example, displays self belief, builds confidence, inspires commitment and promotes belief in the organisation • Encourages individuals and the team to take ownership of goals • Makes decisions by taking into account the differences among team members and the strengths each member brings • Ensures the respective strengths of team members are used in order to achieve the teams overall objectives • Provides constructive and timely feedback and recognises all contributions Shares successes and sets up events to enable others to share their successes and achievements

Tell me about a time when you used your organisational skills effectively so as to complete a number of simultaneous tasks.

Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Identifies objectives and goals and uses available resources to meet them in the most efficient manner • Sets priorities for tasks in order of importance • Establishes goals and organises work by bringing together the necessary resources • Practices and plans for contingencies to deal with unexpected events or setbacks • Capacity to foresee problems, issues and to revise plans accordingly • Establishes alternative courses of action, delegates effectively, organises people and prioritises the activities of the team to achieve results more effectively • For senior management, the ability to develop both short term operational plans and long term strategic plans is key

Tell me about a time when you used your Interpersonal skills to affect a positive outcome.

Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Develops and sustains effective working relationships with colleagues, management and staff • Is willing to consider others point of view and shows an acceptance of others timescales, priorities and workload • Is able to build empathy and to recognise different values and motivation in others • Deals effectively with conflict and promotes participation or assistance in completing tasks • Works effectively within groups Offers help and asks for feedback to identify own areas for improvement

Talk me through a scenario which shows your ability to work successfully while under pressure.

Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Has a capacity to maintain sound and safe judgement and to keep functioning effectively during stressful situations • Is able to control emotions and take action to respond constructively • Takes time to analyse and understand personal stress triggers and develops effective coping mechanisms • Keeps issues and situations in perspective and reacts appropriately • Recognises personal limitations and displays a willingness to ask for help Takes personal responsibility for initiating activities to reduce the effect of stress outside of the workplace

Give me an example of a time when you made a difficult decision resulting in a successful outcome.

Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Identifies and analyses problems based on a variety of internal and external factors • Makes accurate decisions based on pre • defined options • Always defers to guidelines, procedures and policy where available • Is willing to involve others and ask for contributions as appropriate • Is able to consider the implications of decisions across a variety of areas • Assesses external and internal environments in order to make a well • informed decision

Tell me about a time you had to make a difficult decision relating to a pupil.

Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Identifies and analyses problems based on a variety of internal and external factors • Makes accurate decisions based on pre defined options • Always defers to guidelines, procedures and policy where available • Is willing to involve others and ask for contributions as appropriate • Is able to consider the implications of decisions across a variety of areas • Assesses external and internal environments in order to make a well • informed decision

Tell me about a time when your planning skills were essential in order to complete a task.

Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Identifies objectives and goals and uses available resources to meet them in the most efficient manner • Sets priorities for tasks in order of importance • Establishes goals and organises work by bringing together the necessary resources • Practices and plans for contingencies to deal with unexpected events or setbacks • Capacity to foresee problems, issues and to revise plans accordingly • Establishes alternative courses of action, delegates effectively, organises people and prioritises the activities of the team to achieve results more effectively For senior management, the ability to develop both short term operational plans and long term strategic plans is key

Tell me about a time when you have planned in a cross curricular way. What challenges did you have?

Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Identifies objectives and goals and uses available resources to meet them in the most efficient manner • Sets priorities for tasks in order of importance • Establishes goals and organises work by bringing together the necessary resources • Practices and plans for contingencies to deal with unexpected events or setbacks • Capacity to foresee problems, issues and to revise plans accordingly • Establishes alternative courses of action, delegates effectively, organises people and prioritises the activities of the team to achieve results more effectively • For senior management, the ability to develop both short term operational plans and long term strategic plans is key

Describe a time when you successfully challenged someone whose actions you knew were incorrect. Tell me what happened.

Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Is fully up to date with recommended ethical guidelines as appropriate to ones profession and as published by the relevant governing body • Avoids conflicts of interest and follows guidelines on reporting when breaches occur • Adopts a policy of honesty and openness when dealing with colleagues, clients, patients and relevant to the profession • Has confidence to challenge others who are flouting ethical guidelines and takes steps to address the situation • Understands professional expectations and offers guidance to colleagues and staff on how to maintain ethical standards • Takes responsibility for ones actions, shows willingness to admit to mistakes and to take steps to minimise risks

Describe a situation where you have used your imagination in order to complete a task or overcome an obstacle.

Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Is willing to question conventional approaches and has the capacity to explore alternatives • Uses intuition, creativity and experimentation in order to develop original perspectives • Identifies alternative solutions and searches for new ideas • Investigates approaches that have worked elsewhere and adapts them to fit • Is able to successfully integrate relevant concepts into an existing or new solution • Designs new processes, products or procedures

Tell me about a time when you have been especially creative when planning a lesson.

Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Is willing to question conventional approaches and has the capacity to explore alternatives • Uses intuition, creativity and experimentation in order to develop original perspectives • Identifies alternative solutions and searches for new ideas • Investigates approaches that have worked elsewhere and adapts them to fit • Is able to successfully integrate relevant concepts into an existing or new solution • Designs new processes, products or procedures

Talk me through a time when you delegated successfully.

Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Provides equal access to training and development programmes for all staff • Assesses individual performance, agrees measurable and clearly defined goals, allocates tasks to help develop skills • Shares expertise with team members to support continuous learning and improvement • Actively encourages and supports individuals in working to achieve full potential • Encourages team members to develop learning and career plans and provides coaching, counselling and mentoring to help • Encourages independent learning through the use of systems, strategies and initiatives • Provides long • term direction in terms of staff development and initiates and implements process to help staff achieve this

Talk through a situation where you developed an innovative solution to a complex problem.

Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Resolves problems by applying clear pre • set procedures • Deals with exceptions within established guidelines using clearly defined rules • Develops solutions that address the root cause of the problem and prevents recurrence • Recognises, and strives to resolve problems across a wide variety of projects and in complex commercial and non • commercial situations Incorporates originality into solutions and assesses external and internal factors in order to implement them most effectively

Tell me about a situation or task where you delivered an exceptional result.

Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours in the Action part of your answer: • Strives to be the best, continually delivering, measuring and improving • Sets goals and works to meet them with energy and drive • Remains persistent when obstacles are encountered • Stays focussed on the end objective • Completes tasks and duties to a high standard • Creates a climate that relentlessly strives for excellence • Takes responsibility for own actions and encourages others to be the best they can • Uses initiative to develop goals for self and takes independent action to achieve results

Describe a time when your leadership skills made a difference.

Use the STAR or IPAR formulas and include some of the following positive behaviours shown by good leaders in the Action part of your answer: • Communicates a shared vision in a clear and concise manner and ensures that all individuals understand what is required and the part they play in achieving it • Leads by example, displays self belief, builds confidence, inspires commitment and promotes belief in the organisation • Encourages individuals and the team to take ownership of goals • Makes decisions by taking into account the differences among team members and the strengths each member brings • Ensures the respective strengths of team members are used in order to achieve the teams overall objectives • Provides constructive and timely feedback and recognises all contributions • Shares successes and sets up events to enable others to share their successes and achievements

What was the most significant presentation or report you made and what was the outcome?

Use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to give successful presentations or create effective reports. Start by outlining the reason for the presentation or report, what you hoped to get from the exercise, who your audience were, the process you undertook to create the content, and the actual delivery itself. Successful communication in presentations would involve addressing each member of the audience, using effective body language to emphasise key points, allowing time for questions. Finally and very importantly you must show that as a result of the exercise, you achieved your objectives.

What methods of internal communication have you found to be most effective in getting staff involved and keeping them up to date on continuous improvement and other change programmes?

Very often change programmes will not succeed without the compliance of those members of staff who are directly affected. In order to guarantee success it is vital that they are included in the change process from the early stages. A very effective tool is to hold brainstorming meetings where staff are allowed to voice their comments, positive and negative, on the current situation, make suggestions as to how to improve the current state and have some input into the solutions being discussed. Experience has shown that staff who have had a contribution and see their ideas considered are much more likely to buy into any changes being made. Ongoing communication can be via emails, newsletters, team meetings and teleconferences if available.

Tell me about a mistake or something you did wrong in your previous job.

We are all human and during the course of a career mistakes and errors of judgement will inevitably be made. When answering this type of 'negative' question you should use an example from the past rather than the present, turn it into a development or learning exercise and by showing that as a result of the mistake you grew as an employee and as a person will earn you brownie points. A word of warning, if your mistake cost your previous employer significant amounts of money or resulted in an operational disaster, don't mention it. A good answer would be to use something innocuous for example: Sample Answer: In the first week working with ________ as a ___________ I did not understand the system for _______. I made a small mistake which my manager discovered very quickly and managed to rectify. For me as a young and impressionable employee it was a great lesson that I never forgot and ever since I make sure I know all the guidelines and procedures in depth and follow them to the letter. Try to avoid answers such as I never made a mistake or I never make mistakes as interviewers tend not to believe them and will probe deeper.

Describe a time when you used your skills to create a real sense of cohesion among a team. What approach did you take to ensure the team was working at its most effective?

When answering choose a situation which clearly demonstrates your ability to foster effective teamwork, to motivate and inspire members to work cooperatively to achieve a common goal. Mention how you communicated and shared your vision with the team, how you achieved their buy in and belief in the achievements or goals, Talk about steps you took to enlist and ensure the active participation of all members, how you ensured that all members knew the part they played and believed in the potential for success, How you instilled confidence and recognised and rewarded behaviours which contributed to effective teamwork and finally how you acted as an inspiring and dedicated leader.

I am a firm believer that training and development is a key contributor to an employees successful performance. What approach do you take when inducting new members into your team?

When taking on new staff it is always best to have some form of structured approach to ensure that they feel welcome and are appraised of all aspects of their new job. Some useful techniques you can mention in your answer include: a.) Have a clearly defined role and ensure the understand each aspects b.) Plan the first day and include a series of induction meetings with other team members and other departments c.) Assign a mentor, a team member who will be responsible for introducing the new employee and their success d.) Provide training material in the form of procedures manuals, computer based training or a combination of internal and training modules as required.

Talk me through your recruitment philosophy and what policies have you implemented which were particularly successful?

While the recruitment philosophy is partly set by the HR department and legal and government guidelines, senior managers and executives will also have a clear input into the approach adopted. You can talk about Diversity in the Workplace, Promotion from Within, Fair Assessment and Selection or any other philosophy you are familiar with.

Describe a time when you had to persuade your colleagues or fellow team members that your views were right in order to progress with a task or project.

With this question the interviewer is looking for clear evidence of your ability to get a task or job done by persuade your colleagues that your views are right. Choose a situation that led to a positive outcome and talk about the particular skills you used, referring to your ability to: listen and understanding your colleagues views, Identify and address their particular concerns, Present persuasive arguments, Ensure a win win situation for all concerned, Offer concessions to gain commitment, Propose solutions that benefit all parties and Ultimately negotiating a win win situation for all parties and getting the project or task back on track.

Talk me through a decision you made recently which you regarded as difficult. Why was it difficult, what steps did you take and what was the consequence of your decision?

You can answer this question in a variety of ways depending on the job you are being recruited for. There is no right nor wrong answer and provided you can articulate the process you followed and the rationale behind the decision, your answer will be valid. It is important that you choose decisions which are not seen as part of your normal day to day activity, ones which are unexpected or unforeseen, or those which any jobholder would find difficult. Talk through the part you played in resolving the situation even if it was a team event and ensure that the decision you choose to speak about had a positive impact. Show that you can think independently using the information available and you are willing to take action. Also highlight the fact that you refer to policy, procedures and legal guidelines as appropriate.

Tell me about a time when your communication skills played a key role in achieving a successful outcome. What was involved and what part did you play?

With this question you are not limited to speaking about a school related, any scenario which clearly demonstrates your ability to communicate either with an individual or with a group such as your class will be fine. In terms of structure, start your answer by describing the successful result as this will have more impact and give it the emphasis it deserves. As you will have the interviewers full attention, you can then carry on and talk through the circumstances in more detail. Refer to: the aims and objective of exercise the steps you took to understand your audience how you planned and prepared the message (whether written or oral) your skills when organising the mode of communication and choosing the most appropriate media to use the methods you used to maintain the audience attention how capable you were at adjusting the message to suit your audience and their understanding steps you took to check that they have understood ensuring that there were channels which allowed your audience to check back with you on any points they did not understand. As always with these competency based questions ensure that your answer clearly demonstrates the successful result or outcome.

Tell me about a time when your communication skills played a key role in achieving a successful outcome. What was involved and what part did you play?

With this question you are not limited to speaking about a school related, any scenario which clearly demonstrates your ability to communicate either with an individual or with a group such as your class will be fine. In terms of structure, start your answer by describing the successful result as this will have more impact and give it the emphasis it deserves. As you will have the interviewers full attention, you can then carry on and talk through the circumstances in more detail. Refer to: the aims and objective of exercise the steps you took to understand your audience how you planned and prepared the message (whether written or oral) your skills when organising the mode of communication and choosing the most appropriate media to use the methods you used to maintain the audience attention how capable you were at adjusting the message to suit your audience and their understanding steps you took to check that they have understood ensuring that there were channels which allowed your audience to check back with you on any points they did not understand. As always with these competency based questions ensure that your answer clearly demonstrates the successful result or outcome.

Tell me about a project you worked on which required you to develop an effective team. What approach did you take and what was the outcome?

You can talk about: the importance of having specific roles and responsibilities, providing sufficient resources, setting a clear purpose, generating a sense of ownership and commitment and rewarding successes. All of this will go towards creating an effective team whereby all members are focused on achieving a common goal where there is cooperation, mutual support and accountability by every member.

The TAAP Formula

You may be asked how you would deal with a Hypothetical situation and we suggest the use of the TAAP Formula to structure your answer. Click on the tabs above to learn how to use it. T=Theory: Briefly show a clear understanding of the theory and reasoning behind the concept. This can be a single sentence showing your awareness. A=Adherence: It is vital that you show adherence to legislation, company policy, procedures, best practice guidelines as appropriate for the role. A=Actions: Summarise the actions you would take, what you would do. P=Previous: If possible detail a real life example of a situation or task. It is fine to give a hypothetical answer however even better of you can show that you have real life experience of the particular situation.

Talk me through your ability to develop strong working relationships across this sector and with government and other regulatory bodies.

this level you will be expected to seek, build and maintain working relationships with a verity of external bodies and to further your organisations goals. This is a test of your networking and interpersonal skills and your answer should refer to the types of relationships and contacts you developed previously, how you developed links with experts and information sources, developed key contacts and participated in networking and social events internal and external to the organisation. Maybe you attended conferences, committees or group meetings or facilitated industry wide forums. Irrespective, the key is to show that you are able to initiate contact and develop mutually beneficial relationships.

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