Into into Psychology

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Infants by age ___ months will imitate acts modeled on television.


Which of the following is evidence that animals are predisposed to learn associations that help them adapt and survive in their environment?

Birds, which hunt by sight, appear biologically primed to develop aversions to the sight of tainted food.

Ray drank too much whiskey last night. He spent much of this morning vomiting and nauseated. According to the principles of classical conditioning, how will Ray likely react today when he tastes from or smells the whiskey bottle that he drank from last night?

He will find the scent and taste of whiskey aversive.

Although Skinner and other behaviorists did not think that it was necessary to refer to thoughts or expectations when explaining human learning, findings from experiments with rats suggest otherwise. Which of the following findings suggests that cognitive processes are involved in operant learning:

Rats appear to experience latent learning while exploring mazes.

In a series of experiments conducted by Elliot and Niesta (2008) in which subjects were shown photographs of women that controlled for other factors (such as the brightness of the image), men (but not women) found women more attractive and sexually desirable when framed in the color _____.


In a 1972 classical conditioning study, _____ showed that an animal can learn the predictability of an event.

Robert Rescorla

In the classical conditioning experiment conducted by Robert Rescorla that involved two groups of rats, one group of rats heard a tone just before each of 20 shocks. The second group of rats experienced the same 20 tone-shock pairings, but also experienced an additional 20 shocks that were not paired with a tone. How did the two groups differ?

The rats in the first group displayed a much stronger conditioned fear response to the tone than did the rats in the second group.

If you get violently ill a couple of hours after eating contaminated food, you will probably develop an aversion to the taste of that food but not to the sight of the restaurant where you ate or to the sound of the music you heard there. This best illustrates that associative learning is constrained by:

biological predispositions.

Psychologist John Garcia found that rats did not learn to associate a taste with flashing lights and noise. However, rats did learn to associate a taste with getting ill. The concept that best accounts for this observation is _____.

biological preparedness

A mental representation of the layout of one's environment is called a(n):

cognitive map

Kayne always drives down Hampton Avenue to go to work. One morning he discovers that Hampton Avenue is closed due to construction. Kayne immediately takes a different route to work. He is able to make a quick route change because he has formed a(n) _____ of the area.

cognitive map

Road construction prevents you from getting to campus using the route that you always travel. You think about the situation for a moment and then come up with a different route to take. To figure out this alternative route, you are using your _____ of the area to devise a different route.

cognitive map

Studies have shown that exposure to violence also _________________ viewers when later viewing other violent on television.


Robert Rescorla's research demonstrated that in classical conditioning the more predictable the association, the stronger the conditioned response. It's as if the animal learns a(n) _____, which is how likely it is that the US will occur.


Behavior driven by rewards, rules, and responsibilities is _____ motivation.


Money is an _____ reward.


Money is to _____ as enjoyment of an activity is to _____.

extrinsic reward; intrinsic reward

You condition a rat to press a lever in an operant conditioning chamber for the positive reinforcement of food. The next day, after being fed a reduced diet, the rat is more interested in smelling the cedar on the cage floor than pressing the lever. This is an example of _____.

instinctive drift

An experimenter visits a preschool with a big box of magic markers and paper. The children are told that they can draw as many pictures as they want. The children enjoy the task very much. On another visit, the children are told that for every picture they draw they will earn a prize. Two weeks later when the experimenter returned, he offered up the markers and papers for play but no prizes were offered. The children played very little with the markers because extrinsic rewards can undermine _____ motivation.


Enjoyment of an activity is an _____ reward.


A rat is allowed to explore a maze for several trials. On the last trial he finds a piece of food at the end of the maze. On the following trial his speed through the maze increases dramatically. This is an example of:

latent learning

Latent learning is:

learning that is not demonstrated until one is motivated to perform the behavior.

You are conducting a research study with a group of men on the effects of movies and sexual violence. You will have the men watch three violent films over the next two days and then assess their attitudes toward women and violent sexual acts by reading actual cases of rape victims. You find that the men expressed _____ sympathy for the rape victims.


The process of learning and imitating behavior is called _____.


In a famous experiment, John Garcia gave novel food to one group of rats and familiar food to another group of rats. Then both groups of rats were made to vomit. According to Garcia's work, the rats given the _____ food would develop an aversion to their food.


Studies show that a significant number of children who are victims of child abuse become child abusers themselves. This behavior is learned through _____, and the area of the brain that models this behavior involves the mirror neurons.

observational learning

One chimpanzee watches a second chimp solve a puzzle for a food reward. The first chimp then imitates how the second chimp solved the puzzle. This best illustrates:

observational learning.

To determine if watching television violence and playing violent video games causes children to act more aggressively, which research study would you conduct?

randomly assign some children to play violent video games and other children to play educational games and then measure their aggressive behaviors afterwards

Findings from Garcia's research on taste aversion in rats indicate that

rats are more likely to develop aversions to taste than they are to sights or sounds.

Ever since he drank too much tequila at a rock concert and vomited all over his best friend, Javier becomes nauseous at the smell of tequila. In this example, the conditioned stimulus is the _____ and the conditioned response is the nausea.


Coyotes who have been fed sheep carcasses that have been laced with a nausea-inducing poison are less likely to prey on sheep in the wild. This phenomenon is best explained by which classical conditioning phenomenon?

taste aversion

A guest will be spending time in your classroom. To make sure your students imitate this person's prosocial behaviors, you should pick a guest who:

the children think is similar to them.

Seven-year-old Mark likes to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles every day after school. When the program is over, he meets his friends in his backyard, and they playfully drop kick each other over and over. This eventually leads to real fighting between the children. This is an example of the:

violence-viewing effect

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