Into to Sociology Final Exam

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Amy is a married woman with children. She and her partner Alan both work full-time jobs. When they come home, Amy makes dinner, cleans, and tends to the children for the evening. Alan helps with these things sometimes, but many days he rests after work. If Arlie Hochschild saw this household, she would say Amy is experiencing the:

"second shift."

Approximately ________ percent of the nation's population 16 years and older is functionally illiterate.


About how long do the majority of single mothers stay on the welfare rolls in the United States?

2 Years

The Soron family consists of a male breadwinner, a female housewife, and their children. A sociologist might see the Soron family as statistically interesting, because this family type represents about ________ of today's U.S. families.

6 %

What percentage of Americans claim a religious affiliation?

77 percent

Approximately what percentage of Americans marry at some point in their lives?

90 %

Based on recent research, which of the following statements is true with regard to preferential admissions to colleges and universities?

Admissions preference for athletes has risen steadily, surpassing that of minority students.

Which of the following statements is true about college admissions decisions?

Affirmative action programs at colleges and universities are designed to provide opportunities to historically underrepresented groups and to increase diversity on campuses.

A TV director pitches the idea of remaking The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, but with African American characters. An African American producer says, "This is a terrible idea! That family never could have been black!" Why was the traditional family depicted in The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet never a reality for African American families?

African American women have always had to combine work and family.

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates "stereotype threat"?

Antoine, a black student at Yale University, is nervous about taking the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). He fears that if his score is low, he will confirm negative perceptions about the intelligence of black men. His fear then affects his performance, and he scores lower on the actual test than he did on practice tests.

Which of the following is a conflict perspective argument about why education levels have continually risen in the United States over the course of the last century?

As education became more common for all people, social elites needed to obtain more education in order to set themselves apart from others.

If affirmative action programs were eliminated, which group would most likely see an increase in chances of admission to elite colleges and universities?

Asian Students

Who wrote The Feminine Mystique (1963)?

Betty Friedan

them are remarried. He has two stepsisters on his mother's side and a new stepbrother on his father's side. These families are examples of which of the following type of family?

Blended Family

A powerful example of the devaluation of housework in the United States was the original September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. Ultimately, after feminist groups lobbied the U.S. government, what happened?

Both the deceased's future earnings and his or her estimated contributions to the family's unpaid household work were measured to determine the family's amount of compensation.

What was the name of the landmark court ruling that mandated desegregation of American schools?

Brown v. Board of Education

Taking into account students' family backgrounds, ________ schools tend to outperform ________ schools in preparing children academically.

Catholic; non-Catholic private

Studies show that ________ school students score highest on achievement tests, followed by ________ school students.

Catholic; secular private and public

Which of the following contains evidence to support the conflict perspective of religion?

Christianity in Europe during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was used as a justification for imperialist expansion into non-Christian counties.

Which of the following is an example of secularization?

Crosses are used for decoration and worn as fashion accessories.

Which of the following is an argument that would be made by a conflict theorist?

During elementary school, children are socialized by learning skills that will help them become adults who will be obedient workers.

Which of the following examples would be supported by the research findings on the influence of home characteristics on education?

During the summer, children from higher socioeconomic status backgrounds make educational gains, while children from lower socioeconomic status families experience greater summer setbacks.

Journalist Barbara Ehrenreich traveled around the country to study firsthand what it was like to "get by" working low-wage jobs. Which of the following is true about her experiences?

Even with only herself to support and juggling two or more jobs, she could not afford to live off her wages

Rodney and Tina are a married couple with children. They split up work, chores, and childcare, and they feel the balance is pretty much equal. Sociologist Barbara Risman calls this a(n) ________ family.


According to sociologists Jerry Jacobs and Kathleen Gerson, because workers want to advance in their careers, many avoid taking full advantage of:

Family Friendly office policies

Amy and her husband Seamus both work. Outside working hours, Amy does most of the housework and Seamus serves on the local city council. Sarah Fenstermaker Berk, who studies family role formation, has called the family a:

Gender Factory

Nani is a Zambian girl who needs advice regarding a friendship conflict. Following the norms of her culture, she is likely to seek advice from:

Her aunt

Which question is a sociologist of religion most likely to ask?

How are religious beliefs patterned by social forces?

Which of the following characterized the preindustrial family?

Husbands and wives were partners in both homemaking and economic labor.

Max Weber likened the history of society to a train and ideas to the switchmen of the tracks. What does this mean?

Ideas can be powerful forces to create change and alter the course of history when enough people believe them at the right time.

The embodied cultural capital that parents have may work with institutional cultural capital. Which of the following illustrates this?

If a parent has confidence in social settings, he or she may be better able to advocate for children in front of the school board or at parent-teacher meetings.

If you are a salaried worker and you miss a day of work, how does your salary change?

It doesn't change

In the early days of the new monetary system, stockholders were more willing to invest in corporations because of ________, which limits their financial responsibility to whatever they invested in the company.

Limited Liability

In much of the Western world, choice of a marriage partner is influenced by age, education, class, race, and religion. Which of the following explains this tendency?

Marrying someone significantly different in age, race, social class, and religion is often met with disapproval from others.

Martin decides to start a religious movement of people who both work and worship with intensity. He studies religious history and decides to create a theology that will make people feel insecure about their eternal destiny so that they will work hard in an attempt to prove themselves worthy. Martin's religious movement is an application of whose theory?

Max Weber

Which of the following is an example of how social solidarity and collective conscience function?

Max attends a church youth group regularly. Because he is active in group-sponsored activities and has been socialized to the norms of this group, he is less likely to spend time with peers who may engage in deviant activities.

Jenny lives in a society in which there is a strong norm against mixing business with pleasure. Work and leisure activities are physically separate, occurring at different times, on different days, at different places, and often with different people. Jenny lives in a ________ society.

Modern capitalist

________ trade agreements, such as NAFTA, encourage business at a regional or worldwide level.


The faith of Americans tends to be more broad than deep. This is evidenced by which of the following results from research?

Of those Americans who agree that the Bible is the inspired word of God, only half can name the first book of the Bible.

Which of the following is a central belief of evangelical Protestants?

Others must be converted to the faith.

Max Weber said that a person who pursues profit removed from any sense of right and wrong has:

Parceled out his soul

Which of the following would be an example of social capital?

Parents volunteer to work in the library of a public school that does not have the funding to pay a librarian's salary

What is one consequence of more people obtaining college degrees?

People will seek to differentiate themselves not only by having a degree but also by earning degrees from the most prestigious schools.

Which of the following statements about religion is most likely to be made by a sociologist?

Religion is a powerful mechanism of social organization and social control.

Jeremy used to be religious, but after he spent a summer doing antipoverty advocacy work in New Orleans, he became an atheist. He says, "I agree with Karl Marx! Religion really is the opium of the masses." Which of the following statements reflects Jeremy's agreement with Marx?

Religion pacifies people with promises of rewards in the afterlife; therefore, they do not challenge the subjugating, exploitative, and alienating social conditions in this life.

It is sometimes difficult to determine whether large corporations such as the Carlyle Group, or Wall Street overall, are expanding the economy in ways that broaden the economic value available to everyone or just amassing money at other people's expense. Using Adam Davidson's framework, a company that doesn't add value but just rearranges existing dollars for its own benefit is called: Correct Answer

Rent Seeking

George lives in fifteenth-century England. He is bound to the land but does not own it. He works the land but must give a portion of his harvest to the landowner. In return, he gets protection from roaming bandits and thieves. George is a:


Which of the following is a finding of the research examining the effects of class size on educational achievement?

Short-term and long-term benefits of smaller classrooms are stronger for minority and low-income students.

As is the case within Christianity, denominational divisions exist within Islam. The main division is between which two groups?

Sunnis and Shiites

Max Weber used the term charisma to describe a person's:

Superhuman aura

Suzanne and Jessica are best friends. They have been in the same classes throughout elementary school and have performed similarly with respect to grades. Suzanne's dad owns his own company and her mom is a lawyer. Jessica's dad is a plumber and her mom works at Walmart. All other things being equal, which is a true statement?

Suzanne is more likely than Jessica to stay in school longer, score higher on cognitive tests, and be placed in college preparatory classes in high school.

Which of the following is an argument against tracking in schools?

Systems of tracking socialize students to the inequalities they will encounter in American society.

What might be a plausible reason that upper-status students score higher on SATs?

Their parents are better able to obtain help for them, as in SAT prep courses and extra tutoring if they are doing poorly in school.

Which of the following is a factor affecting the strong academic performance of Asian Americans?

There is a high degree of social capital in Asian American communities, and the community reinforces norms regarding education and parenting.

What characterized the "new markets" that are part of globalization?

They are primarily financial and not bound by geography; anyone anywhere with the proper equipment can participate.

In what way are the conclusions of Max Weber and Karl Marx similar?

To Weber, people in the modern world are trapped in the iron cage; to Marx, people in the modern world are alienated.

Which of the following is an argument in support of tracking in schools?

Tracking benefits children with less-advantaged backgrounds, but only if their parents can advocate on their behalf to get them into college-preparatory tracks.

In the Na culture of China, a little boy grows up very close to one of his male relatives. Everyone expects a strong degree of influence between this man and the child. This role model male relative is the boy's:


According to Max Weber, in order to understand what drives social action, we must try to understand what meanings social realities have for others. This is called:


Research has shown that religious attendance and affiliation are inversely correlated with alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. Which of the following is a valid conclusion of this?

We cannot determine if religion causes healthy lifestyles or if some other factor predisposes people to both healthy behavior and religion.

With regard to the effects of families on children's educational outcomes, which of the following is true?

When a family goes from two to three children, middle children are significantly more affected by the loss of family resources.

With regard to research on the effects of race and social class on education outcomes, which of the following is true?

When social class characteristics are controlled for, test score gaps between black and white students shrink, black students have a higher high school graduation rate, and black students are less likely to be held back a grade.

Recent trends indicate that weekly hours of housework done by men and women are converging. Which of the following statements indicates how household labor is divided by gender?

Women do the housework and men help out.

Which of the following is an example of an interest group?

a corporation lobbying to win a government contract

A religious movement that makes some new claims about the supernatural and does not easily fit within the sect-church cycle is called:

a cult

In the 1960s, many social scientists, including Daniel Patrick Moynihan, viewed the strong role held by women in many African American families as:

a detrimental characteristic that undermined men's roles in the family and caused all sorts of social problems.

Angela is writing a story about a "typical American family." She researches the work lives of the statistically typical family and concludes that her story will feature:

a husband and wife who both work

An organization that seeks to gain power in a government, generally by backing candidates for office who subscribe to certain policies and values, is referred to as:

a political party

Which of the following is an example of a legal-rational institution?

a prison

A paradox of the American education system is that education is:

a social institution that stratifies students based on the characteristics of their backgrounds even though it is intended to provide equal opportunity.

Which of the following reflects the growing trend of "buy and return" activity, or "religious shopping," in reference to faith?

a tendency among teens to participate in multiple congregations in order to explore the market

Results from the Coleman Report found that:

achievement differences between schools could be explained best by the family background of students and peers with whom children attended school.

Ethicalism is the ________; examples of it are ________.

adherence to ethical principles in order to live a moral life; Taoism and Buddhism

Karl Marx described workers as:

alienated from the process of production

Which of the following factors contributed to the development of the ideal of the traditional family (male breadwinner and female homemaker) in post-World War II America?

an increase in real wages

Adam Smith argues that money is inherently social because:

any and all economic exchange requires two partners.

Michael and Shawn are cohabitating. They love each other, but sociological research predicts that, when they do marry, they will face a higher risk of divorce. Sociologists believe this is because they:

are likely more accepting of divorce.

Modern-day schools tend to reward which of the following parenting techniques?

asking children many questions and reasoning with them

Your deference to your parents, professors, and the laws of the U.S. government is best seen as an example of domination by:


Structural changes brought on by industrialization in the United States meant that families changed from "grapevine" forms to:


Animism is the ________; examples of it are ________.

belief that spirits are present in the natural world; totemism and shamanism

Adam Smith demonstrated with his pin factory example that:

by dividing labor, factory production increases output by making it more efficient.

Professor Worth decides to emulate Zephyr Teachout's approach to running for public office. Therefore, Professor Worth makes ________ the center of her platform.

campaign finance reform

A person who is always the center of attention and comfortable being a leader probably has what kind of authority, according to Weber's theory?


Most people living within a state have certain rights as citizens of that nation, called ________ rights.


Amy and Raymond live together in an intimate relationship without formal legal or religious sanctioning. This arrangement is known by sociologists as:


At Thanksgiving dinner, college student Janie expresses her dreams to her parents. Her aunt says, "I'm not sure that's realistic, honey!" Janie says, "I'm a postfeminist! That's why I expect to ________."

combine marriage to an egalitarian man with motherhood and a successful career

In a capitalist economic system, the price and distribution of goods and services are determined by what?


A ________ is a group of people who get together for worship.


Which term refers to a legally recognized person who shares many of the rights of a human individual as well as the ability to act as a legal entity by entering into contracts or owning property?


Marilee Jones, former dean of admissions at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), resigned from her position in April 2007 after it came to light that she had claimed to have academic degrees she did not have. While this is an extreme case, it illustrates the overemphasis on qualifications such as college degrees in order to be hired for a job. This is known as:


In the 1960s, Peter Berger wrote that pluralism would cause a ________ in which religion would lose its legitimacy as the ________ came apart. The result would be psychological malaise and a loss of meaning to life.

crisis of credibility; sacred canopy

According to Espenshade and Chung (2005), eliminating affirmative action programs would do which of the following?

decrease black and Hispanic admission acceptance rates by one-half to two-thirds

A system of government wherein power theoretically lies with the people—and citizens are therefore allowed to vote in elections, speak freely, and participate as legal equals in social life—is referred to as:


Protestantism is split into many different ________, or groups that share the same faith and are governed by the same administration. Examples are Baptists, Lutherans, and Methodists.


Serena works for a shoemaker in a small shop, doing a variety of tasks. At the end of the week, the shoemaker offers her a choice: She can be paid with cash, or with her choice of a pair of shoes. Serena chooses cash, which confirms Georg Simmel's theory that says ________ is part of a historical evolution of economy that has many advantages.

depersonalized exchange

Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company was in a position to issue commands and dictate the price of oil to oil producers by virtue of its monopoly on oil refining. This is an example of domination by:

economic power

When a company dominates because it has a monopoly on the industry, this is called domination by:

economic power

For some followers of religion, ________ such as dancing can make the religious experience feel more authentic and real.

embodied practices

Gausa has fallen in love with Niso, a man who is outside her ethnic group. Her family shames her and convinces her to marry Xhoso, a man within her group. Gausa is following her ethnic group's rule of:


In her native country of India, Malina's family would have insisted that she marry someone of a similar ethnicity and social class. Her family has immigrated to the United States, and though her family disapproves, Malina marries a Hawaiian man she has fallen in love with. Her choice reflects her preference for the U.S. marriage rule of:


Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins who live together in a multigenerational household are considered a(n) ________ family.


Marriages that cross racial and ethnic lines have become more common in the United States, although most U.S. marriages are still racially and ethnically endogamous. What factors might discourage exogamy?

facing ostracism from within one's community

In his book The Marriage-Go-Round: The State of Marriage and the Family in America Today (2009), sociologist Andrew Cherlin proposes that America's "love-hate" relationship with marriage stems from the:

fact that Americans are individualistic and evaluate their marriages in personal terms.

Anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski (1913) examined the family structure of nontraditional cultures and settled a long-standing debate when he concluded that:

family is a universal human institution.

Organizations ruled by traditional authority run into problems when a situation occurs:

for which the first leader did not set a precedent.

In a legal-rational society, personality and tradition are less important than:

formal rules

The ________ theory of the family, developed by Talcott Parsons, argues that nuclear families are necessary for child rearing and fulfilling society's need for productive workers.


William, a 17-year-old high school student, chooses products in the grocery store by looking at the pictures on the labels of the goods on the shelves because he cannot read many of the words. William would be considered:

functionally illiterate

A modern model to explain the variations in forms of government is the study of the strategic decisions actors make by taking stock of the options available to them and the other players. This is referred to as:

game theory

An honorarium is similar to a:

gift for something you have agreed to do for someone, like giving a speech.

Recent trends in marriages between people from different races or ethnic groups indicate a:

growing acceptance of exogamy.

What effect did the agricultural revolution in Europe have on the transition to capitalism? The agricultural revolution in Europe:

helped capitalism develop.

At 9:05 A.M., the bell rings and children file into their third-grade classroom. The first student to sit at his or her desk—book open and pencil ready to write—wins a star for the day. The students love this little bit of competition. This example of nonacademic socialization (which can teach students the benefit of competition) is referred to, by sociologists, as the:

hidden curriculum

On most weekends the Smiths, who have one son and two daughters, do their assigned chores. The son mows the lawn and helps his dad with automobile maintenance, while the girls help clean the house and prepare the meals. This distribution of chores reflects:

how gender roles are learned at home

The logic of industrialism theory states that ________ cause(s) the needs provided for by social welfare systems.


Though she graduated from high school, Jenny does not possess the skills necessary to balance her checkbook or make change for a customer without the aid of a cash register. Jenny is:


Max Weber described bureaucracies as the ________ of modern life.

iron cage

Research on teacher quality demonstrates that:

it is difficult to identify characteristics that will make effective teachers because these characteristics are hard to quantify.

The research on teacher quality demonstrates that:

it is difficult to identify characteristics that will make effective teachers because these characteristics are hard to quantify.

Which of the following is a negative social function of religion? Religion can:

justify unequal and unfair differences between groups in society.

Research has shown that the ________ the family, the ________ the children's achievement on test scores and grades.

larger; lower

________ authority is based on standard, regular procedures, and is the type of authority supposedly most pervasive in modern society.

legal rational

According to research in Dalton Conley's The Pecking Order (2004), how does the average income of daughters raised by stay-at-home mothers compare to that of daughters of working moms? The daughters of stay-at-home mothers are

less likely to earn as much as their brothers.

According to research in Dalton Conley's The Pecking Order (2004), how does the average income of daughters raised by stay-at-home mothers compare to that of daughters of working moms? The daughters of stay-at-home mothers are:

less likely to earn as much as their brothers.

Which of these is a characteristic of dictatorships?

limited sufferage

Legal-rational authority is pervasive in modern society today. This is probably because it:

means everyone is theoretically treated the same, based on clear and consistent procedures.

Promotions to higher levels within an idealized bureaucratic hierarchy based on achievement rather than personal attributes or favoritism refers to:


To understand the role of religion in people's lives and how individuals value and experience their faiths, which type of sociological approach should we adopt?


Today, sociologists tend to study religion from a ________ perspective. This allows them to look at everyday human interactions, practices, and beliefs on a small scale.


James has had four wives, but this is legal in the United States because he was married to only one at a time. This legality reflects a rule of:


Which of the following is a paradox about religion? Religions that are:

more demanding of their followers grow faster than less strict religions, but as a religion grows larger, it tends to become less strict.

College faculty members in the ________ are much more likely to belong to churches and express religious commitment than are faculty in the ________.

natural, physical, and engineering sciences; social sciences, law, and humanities

During the Cold War, the United States tended to use hard power with regard to international relations. Joseph Nye, former assistant secretary of defense, concludes that use of hard power in international politics today is:

no longer needed, especially because countries are economically dependent on each other.

The principle of ________ means that each state tacitly agrees to mind its own business when it comes to the internal affairs of other sovereign countries, as long as borders are respected.


The Frith family consists of a mother, a father, and their biological children. Sociologists classify this as a(n) ________ family.


Rosenthal and Jacobson's 1968 study of the Pygmalion effect provided strong evidence that teacher expectations matter. Mr. Hildebrand is a teacher who reads this study and, in an effort to improve his teaching, decides to:

offer promising learners detailed and personalized feedback on their performance—not just a generic "good job."

The Coleman Report was a systematic large-scale evaluation of data from students and school facilities. It concluded that differences in school characteristics explained:

only a small portion of educational differences between schools.

Although the state's authority derives from the implicit threat of physical force, when the state resorts to physical coercion to enforce its will, its legitimate authority diminishes drastically. This is an example of:

paradox of authority

Karl has been hired to paint a house blue, but he mixes the color wrong, and it turns out purple instead of blue. Under which wage system(s) would he be responsible for paying for new paint?


Maria and Steve are on summer vacation in Greece. They want to go into an old church to view the artwork inside, but before they are allowed to enter the church, a volunteer church worker asks them both to cover their bare legs and arms and provides them with coverings. This example illustrates how:

places considered sacred are often protected and set apart from what is considered profane.

Some critics claim that the Carlyle Group uses insider political knowledge, or ________, to dominate heavily regulated markets.

political arbitrage

In some rural areas of Asia, women can have several husbands at one time. This practice is known as


In some rural areas of Asia, women can have several husbands at one time. This practice is known as:


Rumiel is a student working on a group project about Jennifer Jacquet's research. Rumiel does far less work than the other group members. At a meeting that Rumiel doesn't bother to attend, the other group members say they're going to put Jacquet's research into action, so they decide to:

post his photograph with the caption "I'm a freeloader" on social media.

According to the state-centered approach, a politician from West Virginia who pushes a bill to improve health benefits for miners would do so to enhance his or her own:


The president vetoes a bill although there are many supporters. This is an example of:


At the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century, a massive transition was propelled by the development of new technologies, including:

power loom and the steam engine

The linking of social movements with religion demonstrates the:

powerful capacity of religion to shape the social world.

A branch of Christianity believed that their souls were selected for salvation before birth. This is known as:


Under feudalism, lords exchanged land with the vassals in return for what?


FBI consultant Robert Hare claimed that in the pursuit of profits for shareholders, corporations exhibit many of the same traits as:


Adam Smith, the father of liberal economics, determined that groups of individuals pursuing their own self-interest manage to stay intact and not fall into civil strife because individuals:

pursuing self-interest in an environment of others acting similarly will lead to healthy competition.

Barbara Risman equated gender inequality, in the form of marriage, to:


Which of the following features was part of the social context of early-nineteenth-century America, a time when religious faiths were becoming networks for social change?

rapid population growth

Max Weber wondered how ________ entered the modern world when the premodern worldview was governed by ________.

rationality; tradition

The SAT was developed in order to provide children from public schools with a chance to demonstrate their fitness for college and to show they are as able as students from private high schools. It is therefore ironic that:

researchers now question how meritocratic the SAT is, because the SAT may test knowledge that is biased against certain groups.

The trend in industrial nations toward a separation between church and state, a belief in rationality and science, and the movement away from religiosity and spiritual belief is known as:


The difference between evangelical Protestants and fundamentalist Christians is that fundamentalists:

separate themselves from the world; evangelicals try to win converts by engaging with the world.

Structural changes brought on by the Industrial Revolution had major consequences for families. One important consequence is that the Industrial Revolution:

separated work and home and created new roles for men and women.

To what does the so-called drive-through church refer?

short, frank church services that last 50 minutes or less

Some people consider corporations to be "psychopathic" because corporations:

show little regard, remorse, or guilt for harming others.

According to your textbook, the most frequent form of domestic violence is:

sibling vs. sibling

If you were to look for an apartment, you would be free to live in any neighborhood that you chose. This is an example of a person's ________ rights.


`If you were to look for an apartment, you would be free to live in any neighborhood that you chose. This is an example of a person's ________ rights.


Jacqui is a student at a Catholic middle school. One day she is asked by her friends from the public school to skip school. Though Jacqui wants to be with her friends and is excited by the thought of breaking the rules, she decides not to go. Jacqui is concerned that if she were seen skipping school, her actions would reflect badly on her school, her parents, and her teachers. She also does not want to undermine the trust that adults have placed in her. Her rationale illustrates how ________ in Catholic schools may influence behavior.

social capital

According to Hobbes, to achieve peace and avoid death, humans enter into a ________ and submit to an overarching sovereign authority charged with ensuring peace for everyone.

social contract

When asked if they attend church services at least once a month, about 60 percent of Americans say they do. But when daily diaries of people's activities are examined, rates of church attendance are much lower. This problem of self-reporting of positive behaviors is known within sociology as:

social desirability bias.

According to Émile Durkheim, religion is created by ________, and religious expressions represent ________.

social interaction; collective realities

After the period of rapid industrialization that began in the late eighteenth century and culminated at the beginning of the twentieth century, many states began adopting various policies developed to meet social needs. This is referred to as:

social policy.

The logic of industrialism thesis argues that:

social welfare benefits emerged to satisfy the social needs created by capitalism.

Émile Durkheim felt that one of the major functions of religion was that it perpetuates:


Which of the following is an argument against the sorting function served by schools? The sorting function results in students being:

sorted in ways that reproduce existing social inequalities.

It is commonly perceived that the divorce rate has skyrocketed since the 1950s, but actually divorce rates in the United States have been:

steadily rising since the nineteenth century.

With regard to biological or genetic differences between people, sociologists have found that:

stigmatized minorities in all countries have lower IQ scores, lower educational attainment, and lower occupational status, indicating that social processes of stratification and stigmatization affect the life chances of these groups.

Thomas transfers to a new school when his family moves to a new district, and he is placed in a classroom with students who have slightly higher average math grades than he does. Based on the research, what is the most likely outcome? Thomas will:

succeed and make academic gains when he is in the classes with other high achievers.

Boys are more likely to engage in risky behaviors and experience problems at school; boys are also more likely to ________ than girls.

take math and science AP classes and score higher

An employee manual that outlines the proper way to build a product on an assembly line in a factory is an example of:


A Marxist theorist of education would critique schools for socializing children to accept the status quo, because schools:

teach skills that make students subordinate.

According to Karl Marx, one of the ways a factory owner (the owner of the means of production) would control his or her workers (the propertyless) would be through religion. This was done by:

teaching the workers that they would reap their rewards in the afterlife.

During the 1960s, some social scientists touted the secularization theory. This theory predicted:

that the influence of religion would be diminished in the coming years.

Georg Simmel saw the development of monetary payment systems as part of a historical evolution leading to:

the depersonalization of exchange.

The citizens who have the most to lose by not being politically active are the group most vulnerable to changing political and policy definitions of what constitutes a social right. Who makes up this group?

the deserving poor

In families where both spouses work for wages, the second shift can best be described as:

the domestic tasks that fall disproportionately on women in addition to their paid work.

In Freakonomics, Levitt and Dubner found that a political candidate can't win an election unless:

the electorate likes him or her

Globalization in the twenty-first century is characterized by:

the emergence of new markets, new means of exchange, new players, and new rules that are intensifying worldwide interdependencies.

In terms of the evolution of payment and exchange, wage labor is more developed than piecework payment because under wage labor:

the employer assumes responsibility for the quality of the raw materials, the technology, and the production process.

Robert volunteers at the local animal shelter. After ten days, abandoned animals are put to death. This distresses Robert and goes against his ethical beliefs, but because the manager of the shelter says he must, Robert participates in the euthanasia. This is an example of:

the findings in Milgram's authority experiment.

Broadly defined, education is:

the processes through which academic, social, and cultural ideas and tools are developed.

Social Security benefits in the United States are an example of:

the right to contributory programs

It is difficult to make generalizations about Latino families in the United States because:

their origins and geography are so diverse.

Legal-rational authority allows a governor to make laws, but not a police officer. What is the difference between the governor and the police officer?

their roles

Corporations are considered people because:

they are entities distinct from their owners

Phillipe Aries wrote that children of preindustrial families were:

thought of as small adults who didn't warrant any special treatment or nurturing.

According to Adam Smith, the most efficient way to produce something is:

through a division of labor that breaks production into its constituent parts.

One of the major reasons Native Americans were placed in boarding schools for 60 years was:

to socialize them to become "civilized" Americans.

A system of payment whereby workers are paid a set amount of money not tied to the quality of the raw materials, accidents, or other exigencies in the production process refers to:

wage labor

With industrialization, families were less able to rely on extended networks to help take care of children, the elderly, and those who were disabled. As a result, the government intervened to take care of these people. When governments assume responsibility for the basic needs of citizens, this is called a(n):

welfare state

With regard to the family wage, women:

were seen to be working just for "extra money," so they were not paid the same as men.

According to Lukes's first dimension of power, when is power most visible?

when different agendas clash and conflict results, with one side prevailing

Feminist sociologists claim that the family wage is a patriarchal bargain because it implies that:

women depend on a man's wage.

With regard to gender and religion, which of the following statements is supported by research?

women tend to be more religious than men

One good thing about a salary, according to Simmel, is that:

workers still get paid, even if the electricity goes out for the day and no work gets done.

Theism is the ________; examples of it include ________.

worship of a god or gods; Hinduism and Islam

The Milgram experiment helped explain the actions of Nazis during the Holocaust because it showed that people:

would obey authority figures without hesitation.

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