Intro to Environmental Science

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Give 3 examples of situations that show the Tragedy of the Commons:

-Commercial Fishing -Aquifer depletion for irrigation -Destruction of common land

2 major events have changed the course of human history and the way we interact with natural resources

1. Agricultural Revolution 2. Industrial Revolution

Which counties have the smallest?

India, Africa, and South America

Why is the Tragedy of Commons called a "Tragedy"?

It can lead to the depletion of the common resource

____________ _______ _________ take a long time to replenish Ex: ______ _____ (____, ___, _______ ___)

Non renewable natural resources, Fossil Fuels (Coal, Oil, Natural Gas)

Which countries have the largest ecological footprint?

North America, Europe, Russia, Australia, and Middle East

Give a possible explanation for these observations

North American, Australian, and European nations are heavily industrialized. These require more fossil fuels and therefore have a greater footprint

_________ _______ _________ are naturally replenished over short periods of time Ex: ________, _____ _____, ____

Renewable Natural Resources, Sunlight, Fresh Water, Soil

Tragedy of the Commons-

When a shared resource is unregulated, individuals will consume it a selfish rate

An __________ _________ is a measure of the demands made by one person or group on global natural resources

ecological footprint

In fact the ___________ includes all ______ things and the ___ ______ things with which they interact

environment, living, non living

An ecological footprint includes the _________ and _________ consumed and the _________ needed to _______ of the _____ produced

materials, resources, resources, dispose, waste

The "environment" is often a term used to describe the _______ world


In order to sustainably use our natural resources, we need individual ______________, community ___________ or __________ regulations

responsibility, cooperation, government

Resources must be used at a ___________ rate- one that replaces what's used at the same rate


Environmental science is not...

•Environmental Activism- social movement advocating for protection of nature •Ecology- purely scientific study of nature

Environmental science is...

•The study of ecology and how humans affect the environment problems •Interdisciplinary- involves bio, chem, earth science, economics, and political science

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