Intro to Global Politics Exam #1

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Those who favor unicameral legislatures argue which of the following?

-Unicameral legislatures are more efficient. -Unicameral legislatures are more accountable to the citizens. -Unicameral legislatures incur fewer expenses.

In bicameral legislatures, the lower house typically

-has the authority to name the prime minister (in parliamentary systems) -has more political power -is designed to represent local interests from across the country -represents the will of the people

According to research by political scientists, women legislators are more likely than their male counterparts to do which of the following?

-pursue a legislative agenda that includes children, education, and health care -once senior, sponsor more legislation -once senior, are more likely to have their bills enacted into law -work in a collegial and collaborative fashion

Which of the following was the reason for ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment (1913), which transformed the Senate from an elective to an appointive position?

-state legislatures' gridlock -corrupting influences in state legislatures -perception of senators as protective of party bosses and corporate elites -changes in American political culture in the latter half of the nineteenth century

How many members were there in the first U.S. House of Representatives?


Each member of the U.S. House of Representatives now represents approximately how many people?

700,000 people

Which of these political situations would NOT be considered a latter-day example of Machiavelli's theories on gaining and maintaining political power?

Abraham Lincoln's suspension of habeus corpus during the American Civil War Ayatollah Ali Khameini's endorsement of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in questionable elections in Iran The electoral campaign strategy undertaken by Karl Rove, advisor to George W. Bush, referring to opponent John Kerry as a flip-flopper All of the above are reflective of Machiavelli's political theory

One of Machiavelli's motivations for writing The Prince was to offer needed advice on power and leadership in order to bring about Italian unification of the five Italian city-states. Which was NOT one of the five Italian city-states?

Alexandria The five city states were: Florence Naples Milan Venice

Machiavelli's theory is considered:

Amoral, because he advocates removing morality from political equations altogether

what refers to the democratic movements that have spread across the Middle East in 2011

Arab Spring

Which of the following statements about 18-24 year old voting turnout rates in the 2008 presidential election is true?

As a percentage, young African Americans turned out in higher numbers than Caucasians

This form of government grants almost all power to an individual leader


Which 1962 Supreme Court case is credited with establishing the principle of one person, one vote in state legislatures by requiring legislative districts to be populated with an equal number of residents?

Baker v. Carr

According to Machiavelli, why should a prince seek to be feared, but not hated?

Because hatred puts people in an emotional state and it makes it harder for the prince to control them as they are no longer motivated by self-interest

Machiavelli is considered to be an amoral theorist. Why is he characterized this way?

Because he believes morality should be removed from all political decisions

Why did Machiavelli advise that leaders should create a state religion?

Because religious authority can help fortify the power of the prince

Political scientists who use this methodological approach use mathematical or statistical models to explain different kinds of political and social behavior, without a strong commitment to values


An economic system in which the means of production, such as land and factories, are privately owned and operated for profit is referred to as


Which of the following leaders offers an example of Machiavelli's advice to use violence to enhance political power?

Cesar Borgia General Hannibal Saddam Hussein Kim Jong Un

This ideology advocates for a limited government and for greater individual liberties at the political, social, and economic levels of society. This movement also inspired both the American and French Revolutions.

Classical liberalism

Which term describes a rule in the Senate that requires 60 senators to vote to stop a filibuster?


Differences between Senate and House versions of a bill are ironed out by

Conference committees.

Those advocating a what approach argue that to fight terrorism in Afghanistan, the United States must assist in Afghanistan's economic and political development.


Which legislative term describes the practice of voting in the same manner as a respected colleague or party leader when a member of Congress is undecided on how to vote on a particular bill?


What refer to some of the ways people are categorized


Jean-Jacques Rousseau advocated for what type of government?

Direct democracy

Which Supreme Court case(s) has(have) made it illegal to draw congressional districts based solely on the racial make-up of the district?

Easley v. Cromartie and Miller v. Johnson and Shaw v. Reno

The most dramatic predictor of whether a young person is likely to vote is

Educational attainment

Justice who is the most recent member appointed to the United States Supreme Court

Elena Kagan

Political theorists who are less interested in the way politics ought to be and more interested in studying politics as it is actually practiced follow this approach

Empirical theory

This social and political movement primarily seeks to prevent the further deterioration of our natural resources.


Which U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit decision (2010) held that a Washington law banning ex-felons from voting violates the Voting Rights Act because it has the effect of disproportionately disenfranchising African American voters?

Farrakhan v. Gregoire

Which Federalist Paper addressed the size of the House of Representatives by explaining it would not be an elitist body because the size of the House of Representatives would grow alongside the size of the U.S. population?

Federalist Paper No. 55

This theoretical movement began in earnest in the mid-nineteenth century and called for social, political, economic, and familial equality between men and women.


What is the term for the method used in the Senate to stop a bill from coming to a vote when senators make long speeches or engage in unlimited debate, controversial for its more frequent use in recent times?


Machiavelli proposes that the prince who possesses the strength of a lion and the cunning of a fox will be able to control the people through the use of:

Force Gifts Threats Force and threats

Machiavelli asserted that The Prince can best lead by applying the finest traits associated with these two members of the animal kingdom.

Fox and lion

Which term is used to describe a lack of progress on enacting legislation typically caused by partisan and/or institutional infighting?


Which of the following people is associated with liberalism, a theory within international relations that asserts humans can exist in nonviolent and cooperative political structures?

Immanuel Kant John Locke Woodrow Wilson All of the other answers

What is the only country that has larger legislative districts than the U.S. House of Representatives in their lower legislative chamber?


n 2009, this country's Supreme Religious leader's reputation was tarnished when he endorsed the electoral victory of the incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadininejad while thousands took to the streets to protest the integrity of the election.


Which political era (1824-1854) was marked with the expansion of democratic rights and started the trend away from political appointments and toward the use of elections to select public officials?

Jacksonian democracy

This political theorist authored A Social Contract and advocated for a direct democracy. He had a major influence on the French Revolution.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Which political theorist stated that Man is born free, and yet we see him everywhere in chains?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

He argued for a representative democracy where government possesses limited powers and where the selected representatives make decisions on their behalf.

John Locke

This political theorist authored The Two Treatises of Government and had a major influence on Thomas Jefferson when he wrote the Declaration of Independence.

John Locke

This political theorist had a strong influence on Thomas Jefferson when he penned the U.S. Declaration of Independence

John Locke

What are considered social contract thinkers

John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean Jacques Rousseau

His theory believes that all conflict in society occurs because of class conflict that results from capitalism.

Karl Marx

This political strategist in George W. Bush's administration was known by colleagues as the Mayberry Machiavelli.

Karl Rove

Which of the following best describes Machiavelli's economy of violence theory?

Leaders should only use violence when necessary because violence wrongfully implemented could diminish the prince's power.

A person who believes it is the duty of government to ameliorate social conditions and create a more equitable society is a


This political ideology believes that government should not interfere in the economic or social life of people except to provide police and military protection


Which of the following is NOT n element of fascism


This Florentine statesman ruled Florence during the Italian Renaissance. Machiavelli sought to curry favor with his family when writing The Prince.

Lorenzo De'Medici

Which of the following political theorists is NOT considered a social contract theorist?


Just as Galileo used science to prove Copernicus's theory that the sun was the center of the universe, so did Hobbes attempt to use science to prove the correctness of whose theory of power?


Which term describes the underrepresentation of the population that arises when one legislative district is considerably more populated than another?


This eighteenth century female theorist authored the Vindication of the Rights of Women and argued for equal education and equal rights for women.

Mary Wollstonecraft

A society in which power is wielded by those who deserve it, based on their talents, industry, and success in competition rather than through membership of a certain social class or possession of wealth is referred to as a


This political system includes a form of government whereby a king or queen holds absolute or limited power, usually inherited.


Which statement about contemporary voter behavior is true?

More women voted than men and there is a growing gender gap in American politics.

Which Italian political theorist argued in The Prince that power is the key unit of analysis in politics?

Niccolo Machiavelli

Which U.S. Constitutional amendment made it illegal for any state to deny voting rights on the basis of gender?

Nineteenth Amendment

This modern country's leader named Kim Jong Un is regarded by some as a ruthless leader because reports indicate that he keeps approximately 200,000 political prisoners in gulags where they are forced to work 12-15 hours per day and because many of these prisoners ultimately die of malnutrition.

North Korea

What is the name of the types of legislation that contains several smaller bills within the framework of one large bill?

Omnibus legislation

This political belief holds that war is never justified and that all disputes should be settled peacefully.


John Locke believed in the concept of tabula rasa. What does tabula rasa mean?

People are born with a blank slate and can only know what they learn from their experiences.

This type of political system is ruled by the wealthy or a group of wealthy people who control or influence the government.


Which of the following is NOT one of the four distinct types of committees in Congress?

Policy committees

According to Aristotle's Politics, this political ability is most highly valued because it allows us to put reason into action.

Political Debate

What is the process by which citizens develop the values, attitudes, beliefs, and opinions that enable them to support the political system?

Political socialization

Political scientists who use this methodological approach link experimental and quantitative data-driven analysis to an ethical responsibility to ask important questions affecting citizens.


The ancient political theory of Plato and Aristotle often focused on an understanding of justice to help explain politics, whereas the modern political theory of Machiavelli and Hobbes focuses on the concept of ______.


What are the surveys taken that provide useful way of showing how different groups view certain political issues

Public opinion polls

This school of thought in international relations is linked with Machiavelli and Hobbes and emphasizes the furtherance of national interests and military security.


John Locke advocated for what type of government?

Representative democracy

Which of the following is not a part of the United Kingdom?

Republic of Ireland

The Affordable Care Act of 2010, dubbed ObamaCare by some, is the most significant piece of health care legislation since Medicare and Medicaid was enacted into law in the 1960s. Which provision is NOT contained in the Affordable Health Care Act of 2010?

Requires coverage for legal and illegal immigrants

What is the name of the author who argues that Members of Congress have two goals: (1) to enact meaningful legislation (Washington style); and (2) re-election concerns (Home style)?

Richard Fenno

Known by some as the American Machiavelli, who argued that presidents must above all else have the political skills to persuade the Washington establishment and the American public to act on their agenda.

Richard Neustadt

Appointed by former United States President Ronald Reagan, who was the first female member of the U.S. Supreme Court

Sandra Day O'Connor

Who was the first women to serve on the United States Supreme Court?

Sandra Day O'Connor

This type of theory most closely linked with Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau typically provides an observation on human nature, an observation on problems that arise because of a lack of government, and recommends a best form of government.

Social contract theory

Thomas Hobbes advocated for which type of government?

Strong authoritarian government

Which term best describes the pursuit of political aims by means of violence and intimidation?


The ____________ has to face off against his political opponents weekly during half-hour sessions referred to as Question Time.

The British prime minister

What law capped the number of representatives in the U.S. House at 435?

The Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929

The Declaration of Sentiments is a feminist document created at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 that argued for the equality of women. Which historical document was used as a template for the document?

The U.S. Declaration of Independence

Which best describes John Locke's view of the precontract state?

The state of nature is largely cooperative and guided by natural laws.

Which term best describes a political system controlled by a particular religious entity?


John Locke's Two Treatises of Government directly challenges the self-interested view of human nature and the authoritarian political theory of which theorist?

Thomas Hobbes

This political theorist argued that all human nature is driven by our pursuit of pleasures and an avoidance of pain.

Thomas Hobbes

This political theorist argued that political power should be viewed as a means to prevent chaos and warfare.

Thomas Hobbes

Who's classic text sets out to prove the correctness of Machiavelli's contention that power rather than justice is the most important variable in studying politics

Thomas Hobbes' ; The Leviathan

" We hold these truth to be self- evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." This famous quote comes from

Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence

Which of the following people is associated with realism, a theory within international relations that argues that states should maximize their power in order to deter foreign aggression?

Thucydides Machiavelli Hobbes Ronald Reagan All of the other answers

Edmund Burke's belief that government should not attempt to change society, but that government should merely reflect changes that have already taken place in society helped shape this theoretical movement.

Traditional conservatism

This methodological approach within political science avoids numerical or quantitative analysis, seeking value judgments instead.


The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it is unconstitutional for a state to unilaterally place term limits on Members of Congress. What was the name of the 1995 Supreme Court case that made this ruling?

U.S. Term Limits v. Thornton

_________, ____________ states are the most common in the world today.

Unitary, unicameral

Machiavelli asserts that power can be exercised in which of the following ways?

Use of force Making threats Providing gifts Manipulation of subjects

What is the name used to describe the party leader responsible for working closely with rank and file members of Congress to ensure individuals vote in accordance with the wishes of the party leaders?


Harold Lasswell has defined politics as

Who gets what, when, and how

Which of the following statements about youth voting behavior is true?

Young women vote in higher percentages than young men

In 2011, the grassroots revolt against Middle Eastern autocrats, known as the Arab Spring, was inspired by

a 26 year old Tunisian named Mohammed Bouazizi who set himself on fire to protest political corruption.

If I believe that all government is corrupt and that organized authority should be abolished, I am an


Costa Rica's Asamblea Legislativa comprises 57 members directly elected by the people. Which of the following is NOT one of its powers?

appoint the Prime Minister

How were U.S. Senators originally selected?

appointment by the state's legislature

Thomas Hobbes argued that human behavior is

best understood by examining how sensations interact with the mind best explained by humans' natural appetites and aversions driven by our pursuit of pleasures and aversion to pain best explained through the study of psychology All of the other answers

The National Diet in Japan is a _________________ comprised of the_____________.

bicameral legislature; House of Councilors and the House of Representatives

The political system under which the economy, property, and major industries is controlled and directed by the state is referred to as


According to Hobbes, which of the following cause quarrels in the state of nature?

competition diffidence glory All of the above

A political philosophy that tends to support traditional values and advocates change only in moderation is referred to as


Traditionally those in __________ Ukraine have favored greater alignment with Russia.


The theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes is referred to as


In Japan, people vote in elections

for both the upper and lower houses of the legislature.

An example of a state threatening to cut off economic aid to another state in order to achieve a desired objective is an example of

hard power

Nations exert what when they compel other nations to modify their behavior through military and economic force.

hard power

Social sciences seek to understand what and include what?

human behavior; anthropology, criminology and political science

When a social science researcher makes an educated guess based on previously understood facts, he/she is making an


The Framers changed their mind about granting Congress the power to make war (instead granting Congress the power to declare war) for what reason?

in order to enable the executive branch to defend the nation if attacked when Congress was not in session

When Bill Clinton advised Democrats after the 2002 mid-term elections that the people, when insecure, would Òrather have someone who is strong and wrong than someone who's weak and right,Ó he echoed Machiavelli's advice that a prince should never appear


John Locke argued that the most important role of government is to protect

individual rights, especially the right to own property.

What food or drink analogy did George Washington use when discussing unicameral versus bicameral legislatures with Thomas Jefferson, to describe the Senate?

it cools the coffee

The _________________ branch is considered to be the most representative of the people.


John Locke endorsed the belief in an what form of government


In the United Kingdom, the British House of Commons is __________ than the House of Lords.

more politically powerful

Japan is considered a(n) __________ that has a _______________ legislature.

multiparty parliamentary democracy; bicameral

An what approach seeks to determine how one "ought" to do something


Thomas Hobbes was a nominalist, someone who believes that

o permanent objective truth lies beneath our world of appearances language is necessary in part to help us make sense of the world humans construct a perception of ÒtruthÓ ÒtruthÓ is filtered through self-interest and the syllogisms of language All of the other answers

In Baker v. Carr, the Supreme Court established the principle of

one person, one vote

Since the majority party that controls the House of Commons determines the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, we label it as a

parliamentary democracy.

Which of the following systems of governance is defined by a fusion of the legislative and executive branches?

parliamentary systems

Drawing congressional district lines within a state to enhance one party's control of the state legislature or the states representatives to Congress is known as

partisan gerrymandering.

A Congressperson's attempt to publicly express his or her support of a particular policy position perceived to be of interest to his or her constituents (whether taking action on it or not) is identified in Mayhew's Congress: The Electoral Connection as

position taking.

Ancient political thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle believed that political power

should be applied as a means to the ends of social justice

Political theorists who study human nature, problems that naturally arise in nature, and then recommend a political system to best address these problems are referred to as

social contract theorists

When leverage is gained through the sway of diplomatic and cultural persuasion, the state is using

soft power

Thomas Hobbes argues that life in the precontract state was

solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

Which of the following was created in part to establish a social contract between the American government and the people?

the House of Representatives

Political power can be broadly defined as

the ability to get others to do what they would not do on their own

Which of the following is NOT a power granted to Congress by the U.S. Constitution?

the power to make treaties They are granted -the power to coin money -the power to punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas -the power to lay and collect taxes -the power to declare war

Costa Rica's stability flows from policies designed to protect

the sanctity of the electoral process.

A state or government that is run by priests or clergy is known as a


A Member of the House of Representatives serves ___ years in each term, whereas a Senator serves ___ years.

two; six

Those who favor ____________ legislatures say that they are more efficient, more accountable to the people, and generate fewer expenses.


Today Ukraine is considered a ___________, ____________, ___________ democracy.

unitary, unicameral, presidential

Most __________ states tend to be more culturally and linguistically homogeneous than ________ states.

unitary, unicameral; federal.

Which of the following is NOT one of the issues analyzed by all three major social contract theorists?

women's suffrage

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