Intro to HR

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What are the six HR competencies?

(1) Provide transformation leadership (2) Collaborate and resolve strategic challenges within the firm (3) Encourage real employee involvement (4) Empower and facilitate learning as well as change and decision-making (5) Design process and performance systems (6) Maintain a global business perspective

What 3 factors are critical for transfer of training to occur?

1. Ability of the attendees to concentrate (avoid distraction) 2. Configuration of tables and chairs to achieve training goals 3. Resources needed (computer labs, software, notebooks, etc.)

What are the six major trends have been identified as influencing the work environment?

1. Change in technology 2. Capital investment 3. Economic changes 4. Capital utilization 5. Outsourcing 6. Government policies

HRP process "DOPE"

1. Develop- understand human capital needs 2. Objectives- determine links that exist between corporate and HR polices 3. Programming- ensuring the org will have the needed supply of employees in the future 4. Evaluating - evaluating and controlling HR plans and programs

4 implicit HR Objectives

1. Improve productivity 2. Improve quality of work 3. Ensure legal compliance 4. Foster ethical behavior

What are four implicit HR objectives?

1. Improve productivity 2.Improve quality of work 3. Ensure legal compliance 4. Ensure ethical behavior

What are three judge mental forecasting methods?

1. Managerial estimates 2. Delphi techniques 3. Nominal grouping techniques

What are the three levels of needs assessment associated with the ADDIE model?

1. Organizational level 2. Task level needs assessment 3. Person level needs assessment

What are the six statistical forecasting methods?

1. Simple linear regression 2. Multiple linear regression 3. Productivity ratios 4. HR ratios 5. Time series analysis 6. Stochastic ratios

Kirkpatrick's model

4 Levels of training outcomes: 1. Reaction criteria: focuses on what participants thought/felt about the program 2. Learning criteria: provides a quantifiable measure of what has been learned during the program 3. Behavior criteria: addresses the impact the program had on a participant's performance/behavior in the workplace 4. Results criteria: measures the effects of the program on broader organizational goals & objectives

HR Generalist

A person who has responsibility for performing a variety of HR activities

HR specialist

A person with in-depth knowledge and expertise in a limited area of HR

Stock option

A right to buy a given number of shares of stock at a set price, usually within a specified time period.

Wage-divided plan

A special type of cash plan, set the percentage of profits paid to employees according to the amount of dividend paid to stockholders

learning organization

An organization in which managers try to maximize the ability of individuals and groups to think and behave creatively and thus maximize the potential for organizational learning to take place.


Gathering factual background information about candidates, interviewers may ask in-depth questions regarding motivation, attitudes, and experience.

Background checks

May include reference verification, criminal history, credit history, legal status, driving records, drug test, military records, and employment records

HRM's work on improving the workplace environment focuses on what two environments?

Physical and psychological

HR tasks

Recruiting Placement (hiring) Training/development Evaluation/Performance Appraisal & Feedback Firing/Termination

What role does the staffing function of Human Resource management play within organizations?

Recruiting and selection of people with the needed skills of jobs within the organization.

Replacement planning

Snapshot assessment of the availability of qualified back-up for key management positions.

Where do ethics come from?

Social system, external

What role does the planning function of Human Resource management play within organizations?

Strategic and short and medium range planning align human resources wjrh strategic mission of organization

Supply forecasting methods

Succession planning Replacement planning

Is the ADDIE model a continuous or cycle or a linear series of steps? Why is the beneficial to the development process?

The results of evaluation from one training program become part of the assessment of needs for the next program.

Define the term "criterion"

The set of behaviors that represent a successful job holder

Training HR function

Try to improve employees knowledge, skills, and abilities in their current job

fixed pay

a set amount employees receive regardless of performance

ultimate criterion

a theoretical construct encompassing all performance aspects that define success on the job

Dynamic change

continual change, constant change or process that evolves over time

gender discrimination

denying a job to someone solely on the basis of whether the person is a man or a woman

Daphne Cosmetics, LLC uses the industry-leading video assessment to screen potential salespersons. The test has been utilized for 10 years and predicts success on the job. This assessment could be described as having _______________.

empirical validity

Employees may leave a company without giving a reason or notice under the ________________ doctrine.

employment at will

SWOT analysis

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats


the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure.

Diversity Management

the process and programs by which managers make everyone more aware of and sensitive to the needs and differences of others

ADDIE: Implement

Training implementation, tool in place, observation. schedule and deliver the program

Morals- why we do it ?

Because we believe in something being right he wrong

Gainsharing (bonus based on achievements)

"Profit sharing" - leads to enhanced productivity and subsequently creates additional profits in which all parties share.

Describe the purpose of recruitment

"To generate a pool of potentially qualified applicants To help organizational meet their legal and social responsibility"

How does the book define abilities?

Qualities that enable a person to perform a particular task; abilities are more stable and enduring than skills

Regardless of the ranking method used, what is the output?

Quality and quantity of performance

Why is establishing HR objectives and polices vital? (Phase 2)

Link between HR planning and strategy is vital, because it fosters HR strategies that support the firms business plans

Quality of life work (QWL)

Quality of life experience by employees in their work environment

What are the 4 phases of HR planning

1. Gathering, analyzing, and forecasting data to develop and Hr supply and demand forecast 2. Establishing HR objectives and polices and gaining approval and support for them from top management 3. Designing and implementing plans and action program in such areas as recruitment, training. And promotion, that will enable the organization to achieve its HR objectives 4. Controlling and evaluating HRM plans and programs to facilitate progress toward HR objectives

Three exceptions to employment at will

1. Public- policy exception 2. Implied-contract exception 3. Implied covenant-of-good-faith exception

What are three basic elements of an affirmative action plan?

1. reasonable self-analysis 2. reasonable rational for taking affirmative action 3. reasonable affirmative action

Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

1938 act which provided for a minimum wage and restricted shipments of goods produced with child labor

Affirmative Action

A policy designed to redress past discrimination against women and minority groups through measures to improve their economic and educational opportunities

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)

Act that prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of their genetic information in both employment and health insurance.

Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)

Act that prohibits discrimination against job applicants on the basis of national origin or citizenship; establishes penalties for hiring illegal aliens and requires employers to establish each employee's identity and eligibility to work.


Actually measuring exactly what you intend to measure. How accurately and precisely a measure assesses an attribute

implied contract exception

An exception to the employment-at-will doctrine stating that a legally binding agreement is created between an employer and employee based on their actions, and not on a formal contract.

What are two ways organizations use performance appraisal data?

Administrative and development use

What are two advantages of using computer monitoring as a data source for performance appraisals?

Alignment with strategic goals and company culture

Multiple Linear Regression

An extension of simple linear regression analysis. However, in multiple linear regression, instead of relating employment to just one variable, multiple variables are used.

ADDIE model

Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate

Characteristics of HR professional

Analytical abilities Leadership and influence Engagement Political awareness Customer focus Greater understand of economic phenomena

What is the result of diversity management within organizations?

And effective diversity management program will help each individual within the organization feel included.

_________ are an effective method for gathering a large amount of applicant biographical information for relatively little cost.


sales incentive commission

Apply to salespeople and managers, who generally receive their pay in the form of commission

ADDIE: Evaluate

Awareness, knowledge, behavior, and results

Types of screening prior to a on offer that assist in confirming information, such as a drug test, monitor vehicle reports and credit reports are called____?

Background checks

Ethics- why do we do it ?

Because society says it's the right thing to do

Why is establishing HR objectives and policies vital?

Because there is usually a gap between demand and supply

What is meant by "engagement"?

Being involved and aware of structural changes

What are the various ways implied contracts are created ?

Between and employee and employer if the employer gives oral assurances that the employee will have continued work for satisfactory job performance

What information is Included in the design blueprint ?

Blueprint consist of the goals, objectives, and evaluation task that must he developed and sequenced. Development is the stage during which the design is revised and improved.

What are three factors that affect the validity and relatability of an organizations performance appraisal process?

Rate errors , incomplete or inaccurate information, and poor communication

Dynamic, incremental change

Change in procedure, periodically

What information does middle- level management provide during a needs analysis ?

Can advice on the resources available for trainings the nature of specific performance problems they see in their assigned areas of responsibilities, and the categories of employees they see as targets for potential training program

Organization-level change

Change the organization culture in some way

Religious discrimination goes beyond considering only employees' faith but also extends to protecting their ________?

Closely held beliefs

How does the EEOC define "color"?

Color is also commonly understood to mean pigmentation, complexion, or skin shade or tone.

Employment-at-will (EAW)

Common law doctrine that employers have the right to hire, fire, demote, or promote as they choose, unless there is a law or contract to the contrary. Employees have the right to quit and get another job under the same constraints.

What is the most coming source of external recruiting in most industries ?

Company website

Define the term "reliability"

Consistency or stability of a selection instrument (predictor)

A company's HR department gives all candidates for positions at the senior manager and above a personality assessment. When choosing the assessment, they need to ensure it has ______?

Construct validity

Reference Checks

Contacting previous employers of a job applicant to determine his or her job history. Reference checks may also include checking with school(s) or college(s) attended by the applicant to verify educational qualifications.

What information is included in a "candidate profile"?

Contains information regarding the candidates experience or skills related to specific jobs

When employers use a selection test that measures a specific skill on the job description, the test likely has ______?

Context validity

Learning organizations are dedicated to:

Continuous learning Nurturing new and expansive patterns of thinking Expanding people's capacity to create the results they desire

How can HR professionals create a culture where ethical behavior is encouraged?

Create a positive work environment, hiring ethical individuals, provide ethical training, labeling and modeling ethical behavior, crashing well- defined code of ethics, establishing open-door policy, providing a EAP- employee assistance program

ADDIE: Development

Create a prototype, develop course material, review pilot session

Foster ethical behavior by

Creating and sustaining a positive work environment

How was the EEOC created?

Federal agency created by the Civil Rights Act of 1964

What is job rotation?

Is temporary and used to expose management trainees to various positions, career management, and planning , and to relieve job burnout


Is the number and type of employees you will need to achieve organizations strategic mission


Is the number and types of employees who will be available now or in the future to fill those jobs

What are job profiles?

Detailed job descriptions as well as job specifications

Employee Development

Development refers to improving knowledge for the future

Why is it important for and HR professional to have analytical abilities?

Diagnose and singe problems, increase managing process instead of activities, financial data and testing procedures and testing

List the two types of compensation

Direct and indirect compensation

Alternative ranking method

Direct comparison of employees to each other on each job criterion

static change

Discontinuous, are definitive and occur almost instantly

A business becomes more global in nature, employing people with a variety of thinking styles, personalities, cultural, racial and ethnic backgrounds is important. This workforce could be described as having ?


Indirect Compensation

Employee services, benefits; trainings and/or any other indirect form or compensation or benefits

What are the goals of a needs assessment?

Ensure that any training program meets a real need in the organization. Determine enter a training need exists.

What are the benefits of a reliable selection process?

Employees are more likely to succeed in their jobs, in turn, if employees are successful in their jobs. The org experiences less turnover and increases loyalty and a positive work environment

Who must have an affirmative action plan?


Ensure legal compliance by

Enforcing the laws and regulations that affect hiring and pay decisions


Equipment and knowledge used to produce goods and services

Why is it important for HR professionals to be customer focused?

Equity and justice. Serve external customers as well as internal needs

What role does a job analysis play in performance appraisals?

Establishes the validity of the performance appraisal

Why is the evaluation of HR plans and programs an important process?

Evaluation of Hr plans and programs is an important process not only for determining the effectiveness of HRP, but also for demonstrating the significance of both HRP and HR departments role within the organization

What must management be aware of in order to maintain effective work relationships ?

employee rights

What information can an SME provide during a needs analysis?

Experts on the nature of the tasks that need to be performed more effectively, the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform each task, the equipment necessary to conduct the task, and/or the working conditions under which a given task is performed.

System model of organization

Explains the rules of organizations, development interventions that are available

HRP helps organizations fulfill business plans:

Financial objectives Output goals Product mix Technologies Resource requirements

What knowledge of the business and industry must an HR professional possess?

Firms business objectives, training in strategic planning , in-depth understanding of financial statements. Familiarity with sales, marketing, and production techniques; and technological proficiency.

How does technology influence an organizations structure ?

Flat verse vertical, how Jon's are broken down and the overall hierarchy

What is the primary purpose of a person level needs assessment ?

Focus on individual employees and how well they perform their jobs. Who, specifically, needs training

HR specialist

Focuses on one or two targeted (specific) functions and has deep knowledge of those

Best practices in recruiting

Forward thinking approach -types of employees org needs Social needs- federal and social regulations Uses benefits to its advantage- attract top talent with benefits Emphasize internal recruiting- internal employees who are already trained Embrace diversity - huge rewards associated with investing in a diverse workplace

How do organizations improve the quality of work life? How have employees' attitudes regarding involvement with their work shifted?

Greater involve the in work-enjoy more autonomy and change to have input.

Redundancy Planning

HR planning associated with the process of laying off employees who are no longer needed.

What impact has globalization had on Hr practices?

HR policies need international applicability and be inclusive of other cultures.

What is critical for transfer to training to occur?

Have conditions in training identical to the job position, teach principles for applying the learned behaviors to the job, and a contract plan

HR Generalist

He a broad understanding of all HR functions

Indirect Compensation examples

Health insurance, paid time off, retirement, etc.

The importance of Human Resource Planning (HRP)

Help execute the org business strategy & forecasting the human capital needs for the organization

Common forms of fixed pay

Hourly wage and/or a yearly salary

Empirical Validity

How much a predictor relates to a criterion (some measure of job success)

Define the term "demand" in terms of HRM

Human capital needs (the demand)

What are the key benefits of ensuring the validity of selection test?

Identifying applicants who are best qualified

Use of performance appraisal data- Developmental

Identifying training needs Motivating employees to improve Feedback Counseling employees Spitting performance deficiencies Identify and acknowledge strength

In what circumstances is the validity of peer appraisals reduced?

If the organizations reward system is highly competitive and based on performance, and if there is a low level of trust among subordinates

A company's employee handbook with its description of policies and processes can be misconstrued as?

Implied contract

employee training

Improving skills needed to perform better in the current job

What industries are more like key to use trade associations as a recruitment source?

In some industries, such as the construction industry, skilled workers are recruited through the local labor organization

The acme widget company strives to create an environment in which all employees feel they belong. The teen for such a goal is _______?


What makes a performance appraisal instrument invalid?

Incompetent or inaccurate information, communication, and rating errors

Types of Employee Compensation

Indirect and direct

Morals - where do they come from?

Individual, internal

A diverse workplace increases the company's likelihood of success through creativity and _______?


Why is it important for HR professionals to have political awareness ?

Integrating resources becoming a change agent

What information is learned from appraisal by subordinates?

It can make superiors more aware of their impact on subordinates, and if the learning experience can be improved.

content validity

It estimates the relevance of a predictor as an indicator of performance, without collecting actual performance information

Why would an organization choose to use on-the- job training?

It provides an "hands- on" learning experience that facilitates learning transfer and because it can fit into the organizations flow of activities.

The process for gathering information on the task, processes and functions that make up a position, that is then used to identify selection methods, is called ______?

Job analysis

What are two major components of job- matching?

Job profiles and candidate profiles

The KSA's necessary for the successful performance of the essential functions of a position is called _____?

Job specifications

What information is included in replacement planning?

Job vacancies

Demand forecasting methods

Judgmental and statistical

What are two common forecasting techniques used to project the organizations demand for Human Resources ?

Judgmental and statistical

HR Competencies

Leadership and Navigation Ethical Practices Consultation Communication Relationship Management Ethical Practice HR Knowledge Business Acumen Critical Evaluation Global and Cultural Effectiveness

ADDIE: Design

Learning objective, delivery format, activities and exercise

What is the Civil Rights Act?

Legislation prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Why is the ability to influence others a critical characteristic of and HR professional?

Lends to personal credibility

How does the EEOC define "race"?

Local geographic or global human population- a distinct group- that is evident by genetically transmitted characteristics

What is the primary purpose of an organizational level needs assessment ?

Look at the company's long-Term bison and cuter directions, in order to determine the workforce needs of the future. Also, provides a broad look across the organization to identify where training might be needed based in high turnover and absenteeism or low performance

What is the primary purpose of a task level needs assessment ?

Look for current or potential gaps when compared to workforce capabilities. What needs to be taught in a training program and how certain skills and knowledge translate into tasks performance

What is the role of performance appraisals?

Measures and monitors employee performance

Define the term "employee selection"

Most employers, the application form or resume is the first step in the selection process, followed by interviews and reference checks

Job rotation

Moves employees between 2 or more assignments or jobs at regular intervals of time to expose them to all the aspects of an organization


Natural or acquired skills or talents a person has to perform a certain task

What role does training managers/ instructional designers okay during a need analysis ?

Need to assess whether potential training programs are alighted with business strategy, but they will particularly focused on how the needs assessment and analysis will assist them in the design, development, and conduct of the actual program

Why is a propensity for action needed by an HR professional?

Needs to be proactive to prevent major problems

ADDIE: Analysis

Needs, requirements, task, participants current capabilities

Quantum change

Noticeable, instant

National origin employment discrimination

Occurs when an employer makes an adverse employment decision against an individual because of the individual or his or her ancestor: 1. Is from a certain country or place 2. Belongs to or identifies with a national, cultural, or ethnic group 3. associates with a person from that group

Which of the three types of validity (empirical, content, and construct) is legally defensible if challenged in court?

Only empirical validity is legally defensible

Narrative essay performance review

Only provides qualitative data- including behavior criteria on the form, such as critical incidents, behavioral checklist, and forced-choice forms. Can significantly enrich the appraisal

Define "culture" and identify who shapes an organizations culture

Organizations value system identifies people's values and assumptions about their willingness to work, their ethics, and the way they should be treated.

_______ will help reduce turnover and increase productivity among the new employees.


What should be included in redundancy planning ?

Outplacement counseling, buy-outs, job skill retaining, and job transfer

Americans with Disabilities Act

Passed by Congress in 1991, this act banned discrimination against the disabled in employment and mandated easy access to all public and commerical buildings.

Direct Compensation

Pay that is received by an employee, including base pay, differential pay, and incentive pay

Why is being a learning organization beneficial?

People continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free and where people are continually learning

What is the purpose of a SWOT analysis?

Play to strengths, moderate weakness, make the most of opportunities, and manage or eliminate threats

What can results from the poor validity of selection tests?

Poor validity can result in legal action if the test is shown to be discriminatory

How does the book define knowledge?

Practical understanding of a subject

Morals- what are they ?

Principals or habits with respect to right or wrong conduct.

Job evaluation

Process of comparing jobs by the use of formal and systematic procedures to determine their worth. Compares the knowledge, skills, behavior, and working conditions of all jobs in the org

In what type of situation are employment agencies used?

Professional and managerial workers; skilled workers


Proficiency acquired through training or experience

Attraction Plan

Program in which the employer creates a workplace culture that attracts and retains workers

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

Prohibits discrimination against workers over the age of 40 and restricts mandatory retirement

Civil Rights Act

Prohibits discrimination in employment, education, and places of public accommodation (1964).

linear regression analysis

Projection of future demand is based on past relationships between org employment level and a variable relates to the employment

Why is it important that hr managers and personnel be familiar with the laws and regulations ?

Protect employees, protect organization, and avoid liability

What is the purpose of age discrimination act ADEA?

Protect workers from 40-65. The age discrimination in employment act applies to public and private employers, and to unions with more than 20 employees

Cash plans

Provide for payment of profit shares at regular intervals, typically monthly or yearly. The % of profits distributed ranges from 8-75 percent.

What information does upper- level management provide during a need analysis?

Provide unlit in the vision of the organization and how this relates to future needs for talent. They can also assess current organizational effectiveness in broad terms.

HR planning

Provides better basis for planning employee development Reduce cost promotes a greater awareness provides a tool for evaluation Improves overall business planning process Provides more opportunities for women and minority groups

Job transfer

Provides experience in other areas of an employees current department or a nee department. Gain wider and broader experience within the business

When an employee has informed a governmental agency of the company's wrongdoing, the employer cannot (for this reason only) let the employee go. This exception to a rule is called the _____?

Public policy exception

public policy exception

Public policy interest could include and employee who refuses to break the law, exercised legal right, fulfills a statutory duty. Or engages in whistle-blowing activities

employment at will exceptions

Public policy, implied contract, covenant of good faith

List the ways human resource planning (HRP) helps organizations.

Reduce dose by helping management anticipate shortages or surpluses of hr and correct imbalances before they become unmanageable and expensive Provide a better basis for planning employee development that makes optimum use of workers strengths Improve overall business planning process Provide more opportunities for women and minority groups Promote greater awareness of the importance of sound HRM throughout all levees of the org Provide a tool for evaluating the effect of alternative HR actions and policies

______ Allows us to gather information from other people's perspective on the candidate.

Reference checks


Refers to the similarities and differences between individuals, accounting for numerous aspects of personality and individual identity

Static, incremental

Relatively small, quick change

Religious Discrimination

Religious discrimination is the unfavorable or unfair treatment of a person on the basis of that person's religious beliefs.

What are two judgmental techniques used by organizations to make supply forecast ?

Replacement planning, succession planning

construct validity

Requires demonstrating that a relationships use between a selection procedure and a psychological trait or measure

Equal Pay Act of 1963

Requires that men and women be paid the same amount for doing the same job

Variable Compensation

Rewards that link employee pay to employee and organizational performance. Examples include forms of profit sharing, bonuses, stock options, merit pay, and piecework plans.


Rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or particular group or culture

Uses of performance appraisal data - Administrative

Salary increases/ decreases (Placement decisions): Demotions Layoffs Promotions/ transfers Termination

Lair an example of a variable


Application Blanks

Seeks information about the applicants background and current situation

In what circumstance is peer appraisals useful?

Self-managed teams, when teamwork and participation are part of the organizational culture

Why is transfer of learning important?

Sequencing skills to be learned Developing instructional methods Assessing the effectiveness of practice conditions

What is the different between succession planning and replacement planning?

Succession planning is similar to replacement planning except that succession planning tends to be longer term, more developmental, and more flexible. Replacement planning uses charts that show the names of the current occupants of positions in the organization and the names of likely replacements

What does research teach us about effectiveness of orientation and socialization ?

Suggest that effective orientation and socialization reduce turnover and help create a positive work environment.

What is required from the supervisor under a forced distribution performance appraisal method?

Superior must assign only a certain proportion of subordinates to each of several categories with respect to each other.

Sources of Performance Appraisals

Supervisors rating their employees Employees rating their supervisors Team members rating each other Employees rating themselves Outside sources rating employees multisource or 360 feedback

Dynamic, quantum change

Sustained change, immediate impact - long term merger

What Is Job Matching?

Systematic effort to identify people's KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities) and match them to job openings

How has technology influences HRP?

Technology allows organizations to create human resource information systems that include import web hr-related records for every employee with the organization

Succession Planning

Tends to be long- term, developmental, and flexible

Developing data

The first phase of the process of human resources planning. Developing data includes inventories of the current workforce, projected future needs, and an understanding of what will be required to meet those needs.

What information is learned during the "pilot program"?

The sequencing of content, assess the effectiveness of chosen learning activities, assess the time allotted, determine if the physical space and layout are appropriate, and test the various assumptions about program design, development, and implementation.

Business Ethics

The values and principals that are used to evaluate whether the collective behavior of members of an organization is appropriate


Theoretical or practical understanding of a subject

What are the consequences of the "employment at-will ?"

There are no legal consequences however, recent decades, the at-will doctrine has come under criticism due to potentially harsh consequences to employees, which may leave employees vulnerable and financially insecure

Why are conventional rating forms extensively used by organizations ?

They are relatively easy to develop and permit quantitative results that allow comparisons across employees and department

How do you improve productivity ?

Through work organization and design

The EEOC acts as the enforcement agency for ____that protests people from discrimination based on sex, religion, race, national origin and color

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

Why is it important that the HR managers be at the tip of the organizational hierarchy?

To provide input regarding chive ember if strategic objectifies, HR policy formation and power to implement fair and consistent HR polices.

What is the expectation of the HR department regarding change?

To stay up to date on latest best practices and innovative approaches to personnel problems and concerns, must be aware of issues facing firm/ industry to be proactive instead of reactive

What are for types of action plans ?

Traditional organizational structure Workable organizational structure

How does HRM enhance human potential?

Training and development

Why is transfer of training important?

Training servers no purpose if its not used back on the job

What criterion do organizations think should be used for transfers?

Transferring candidates from whiting is whether seniority m, or performance and merit, should be used as the criterion

Pregnancy Discrimination Act

U.S. act that prohibits discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.

Affirmative Action

When employers are urged to make up for historical discrimination

What should multiple linear regression be used to forecast demand?

When more variables are used

When should time time series analysis be used to forecast demand?

When projecting future HR needs

Define the term "supply" in HRM

Who is available to fill those needs

What protected categories are covered under affirmative action?

Women, African Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, American Indian/Alaska Native, disabled persons, and veterans

How can HR managers make a significant contribution toward productivity improvements?

Work organization process, distribution organization of work design, work design content, methods, and relationships among jobs.

What action program is designed to increase the supply of the right employees in the organizations?

Workable organizational structure

incentive pay plan

a compensation structure that ties worker pay directly to performance. such plans include piece rates, bonuses, stock options, commissions, and profit sharing


a compensation system in which employees are paid a set rate for each item they produce

EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

a federal agency that administers and enforces civil rights laws against workplace discrimination

actual criterion

actual measure of job performance obtained

sexual harassment

comments, gestures, or physical contacts of a sexual nature that are deliberate, repeated, and unwelcome

gender identity discrimination

discrimination against an individual because the victim is transgender, lesbian, gay, or bisexual

What two types of data are typically gathered during the evaluation phase?

formative and summative 1. Determination of the measurement criteria 2. The development and implementation of a research design that allows reasonable conclusions to be drawn about cause and effect

The purpose of the EEOC is to ________.

investigate claims of discrimination

On-site training

is advantageous to a facility because it is less disruptive to the normal workflow than other forms of training

What does KSA stand for?

knowledge, skills, and abilities

paired comparison method

method of performance measurement that compares each employee with each other employee to establish rankings, two at a time on a single standard, to determine which is better

How does the book define skills?

proficiencies developed through training or experience.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

prohibits employment agencies, employers, and unions from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex.

Covenant of Good Faith Exception

prohibits terminations made in bad faith or that are malicious in nature. Each party to the employment relationship makes an implied promise to treat the other in good faith and fairness.

Straight ranking method

rank employees from best performing employee (with rank of 1 indicating best performance) to lowest performing employee

Moral Philosophy

refers to the specific principles or values people use to decide what is right and wrong


the process through which the organization seeks applicants for potential employment

Replacement planning

uses charts that show the names of the current occupants of positions in the organization and the names of likely replacements.

Women, Asians, African Americans, Pacific Islanders, people with disabilities and ________________ are covered under affirmative action.


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