Intro to mass comm. exam 2

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when was the first war broadcast live on television?



Grand Theft Auto's extreme violence made it popular with players of the late 1990s, but its popularity was mostly due to it being a _____ game--an open world defined by the ability of users to freely pursue their own objectives.

what is a major influence on films today?

early films

Most movies cost the studios much more to market and produce—upward of $100 million—than their box-office returns ever generate, so studios tend to invest the majority of their budgets on movies that fit the _____ mold.


Movie production and marketing techniques began to shift in the 1970s, with studios investing more money in fewer films in the hopes of producing more_____.


tv antenna

broadcast located in cities

With the advent of _____ that stored the games and could be interchanged in the console, users were no longer limited to a set number of games, leading many video game console makers to switch their emphasis to producing games.

game cartridges

vanity labels

these are spin-offs of the parent company that enable artists to run "a label within a label" and release music by other performers that they admire

Elvis Presley, a singer and guitarist often called the "King of Rock and Roll" further helped make music written by Black individuals acceptable to then-mainstream _____ audiences.


With the opening of Jaws, the then-highest grossing film of all time, Hollywood embraced the _____ method of movie distribution; instead of debuting a film in a handful of select theaters in major cities, Jaws was released in 600 theaters simultaneously

wide release

During the early 1990s, Fox began to establish itself as an edgy network, luring affiliates and audience away from the big three networks by targeting _____ viewers and Black audiences with shows such as Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place, In Living Color, and The Simpsons.


Created by three PayPal engineers in 2005 and purchased by Google in 2006, _____ enables users to upload personal videos, television clips, music videos, and snippets of movies that can be watched by other users worldwide.


the great train robbery

1903, multiple camera angles, silent film

the birth of a nation

1915, very racist, use of light, story telling and camera angles

the jazz singer

1927, first "talkie", had audio during musical moments

steamboat willie

1928, 1st feature animation, mickey mouse debut.

Hollywood blacklist

1947-1960, the house in-American activities committee began to subpoena artists, producers and screen writers in October of 47' to answer questions regarding communist affiliations. HW ten refused to answer and questions of HUAC, hundreds of film employees went unemployed and couldn't be hired.

US v. paramount pictures

1949, major studios were forced to sell off the cinema chains they owned, ruling that their practices were monopolistic, theaters had to play more than the big five companies movies.

Mass-production advances made during World War II substantially lowered the cost of purchasing a set, making television accessible to the masses during the _____--the Golden Age of Television


During the_____, broadcasters began to diversify families on their shows to reflect changing social attitudes toward formerly controversial issues such as single parenthood and divorce


As of 2010, a $0.99 download from the iTunes appliance program generates $0.30 for Apple and $0.70 for the record label, of which _____goes to the songwriter and publisher.


when was the origin of the film industry?


A trip to the moon

1902, silent, black and white, French movie, had special effects, director was a magician

In 2010, women made up about __ percent of game designers and programmers, and those who do enter the field often find themselves facing subtle—and not so subtle—sexism.


drive time

5-8 am and 4-7pm because people are in the car on the way to or from work, most expensive time on radio.

Radio formats have become so specialized that ratings group Arbitron includes more than _____ designations.


prime time on tv

7-11 pm, most expensive and most popular times to watch

Today's music industry is dominated by the so-called Big Four--Sony Music Entertainment, EMI, Universal Music Group, and Warner Music Group--who collectively control about ____ percent of the U.S. recording music industry.



A new generation of accessible games in the late 2000s encouraged families to interact through video games, even bringing in _____ demographics that had never used video games before.

The early Internet was called _____ and consisted of just four hosts: UCLA, Stanford, UC Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah.


Launched in 1980, _____ was the first television network in the United States dedicated to the interests of African American viewers and became the first Black-controlled company on the New York Stock Exchange.



Between 1972 and 1978, CBS aired _____, a socially controversial sitcom featuring a middle-aged feminist living with her fourth husband and divorced daughter; the show tackled social and political issues such as abortion, menopause, birth control, alcoholism, and depression.. Featuring , the show exploded the dominant values of the White middle-class domestic sitcom and its traditional gender roles.

A poll taken in 2007 found that more Canadians surveyed could identify a photo of Mario, from Super Mario Bros., than a photo of the current _____ prime minister.


The families of victims of the 1999 _____ brought a lawsuit against 25 video game companies, claiming that if the games had not existed, the massacre would not have happened.

Columbine high school shooting


Created by two graduate students at the University of North Carolina,_____, much like an electronic version of community bulletin boards, allowed anyone with a computer to post a topic or reply.

Which of the following is not considered an advantage of indie record labels?

Elaborate internal structures


Despite reports that cash-strapped consumers were switching off pay-TV services to save money during strained economic times, _____ industry revenues rose steadily throughout the 2000s


During the Prohibition era in the 1920s and early 1930s, some _____ bands played in illegal speakeasies, which helped generate the genre's reputation for being immoral and for threatening the country's cultural values.

Atari produced a game based on the movie _____, which has gained notoriety as one of the worst games in Atari's history; piles of these unsold game cartridges are rumored to have been buried in the New Mexico desert under a veil of secrecy.


When the lead character on the ABC sitcom _____ came out in 1997, she became a test case for the nation's tolerance of openly gay characters on prime-time TV; though the show was cancelled the next year, DeGeneres returned to television in 2003 with her own successful talk show.



Releasing a cover of a Black performer's song by a White performer was known as _____ a hit.

sweeps months

February, may, july and November

One of the first acts of the _____ was to reallocate station bandwidths to correct interference problems.

Federal Radio Commission


Formerly known as Community Antenna Television, or CATV, _____ television was originally developed in the 1940s in remote or mountainous areas, including in Arkansas, Oregon, and Pennsylvania, to enhance poor reception of regular television signals

A trip to the moon

Georges Méliès's _____ was one of the first films to incorporate fantasy elements and to use "trick" filming techniques, both of which heavily influenced future filmmakers.


In 1995_____, using the freemium business model (where basic services are free but subscribers pay extra for some things), allowed users to create web pages with text and pictures within a community (topic).

Films based on video games are increasingly common, including hits such as_____, released in 2001, starring Angelina Jolie; the movie ranked No. 1 at the box office when it was released.

Lara Croft: Tomb Raider


The 1920s through the _____ is considered the golden age of radio.

DVRs are capable of targeting viewers with tailored ads when recorded programs are played back, however a 2008 battle between consumer groups and cable companies caused _____ to make this type of audience tracking optional.


By keeping console prices low and installing proprietary circuits into consoles so they could only play licensed games, _____ maintain control of game production and dominated the home video game market in the mid- to late-1980s.


The radio website _____ does not distribute existing programs but rather allows users to create their own custom music radio stations.


below the line

Part of a movie's budget goes toward negotiated above-the-line costs: screenplay rights and salaries for the writer, producer, director, leading actors and their assistants; part to fixed _____ costs: non-starring cast members and technical crew, use of technical equipment, travel, locations, studio rental and catering.

The _____ established the Federal Radio Commission (FRC) to oversee regulation of the airwaves.

Radio Act of 1927


The _____ is the name we give to the huge network of interconnected computers that collectively form this entity.


The invention of a simple standard for _____ is often cited as one of the most important factors in the rapid spread of the Internet, and is still one of the most widely used Internet services.


The major Hollywood studios of the late 1970s and early 1980s, run by international corporations, tended to favor the conservative gamble of the tried and true, and as a result, the period saw an unprecedented number of high-budget_____.


The youth culture's liberal attitudes toward formerly taboo subjects like and drugs began to emerge in film during the late_____, including films such as Bonnie and Clyde, The Wild Bunch and Easy Rider


There are three important aspects of communication that the Internet has changed which has changed the way we connect with one another socially: the speed of information, the volume of information, and the "_____" of publishing, or the ability of anyone to publish ideas on the web.


Through the early-1980s, the top three networks (ABC,_____, and CBS) dominated television broadcasting in the United States until cable services gained popularity, giving viewers a multitude of options.

30 and 60

Unlike typical 15-minute radio programs, television shows were often 30 minutes or longer; advertising costs were prohibitive for a single sponsor which led to multiple sponsors with _____ second spot advertisements.


While _____ initially competed with other popular forms of entertainment—circuses, vaudeville acts, theater troupes, magic shows, and many others—eventually it would supplant these various entertainments as the main commercial attraction.

Because it was closer to outdoor social games such as horseshoes or croquet than it was to traditional video games, _____ created a way for group play without the need for familiarity with video games.

Wii sports


With the outbreak of _____ RCA and General Electric focused on military electronic equipment instead of commercial television sets at the same time many TV stations reduced their schedules to around 4 hours per week or went off the air altogether.


World of Warcraft depends on the actions of millions of players to drive the game and allows people to literally live their lives through a game, including finding _____ to sell to other players.


a form of variety entertainment containing short acts featuring singers, dancers, magicians, and comedians that opened new doors for publishers to sell songs popularized by the live shows


a style of piano music characterized by a syncopated melody

The downside of the seemingly infinite breadth of online information is that there is often not much _____ the coverage of any given topic.

accurate information about

Because the Internet's segmented communities tend to be exposed only to information they are interested in and opinions they _____, a lack of understanding among people with different beliefs is reinforced making political and social compromise more difficult to achieve.

agree with

The success of _____ was its encapsulation of several once-disparate programs--dial-up access to the internet, email account, creation of online communities, chat rooms, and instant messaging--into a single user-friendly bundle


John F. Kennedy

assassination coverage, 1960 debate with nixon

A study published in the science journal Nature in 2002, found that regular video game players had _____ developed visual-processing skills than people who did not play video games.


While critics praised D.W. Griffith's 1915 Birth of a Nation for its narrative complexity and epic scope, many others were outraged and even started riots at several screenings because of its highly controversial, openly racist attitudes.

birth of a nation

Formerly known as Community Antenna Television, or CATV, _____ television was originally developed in the 1940s in remote or mountainous areas, including in Arkansas, Oregon, and Pennsylvania, to enhance poor reception of regular television signals.



cable channels sought out niche audiences within specific demographic groups

With the growth of Internet technology worldwide and the expansion of markets in rapidly developing countries, some critics are concerned about the exporting of American cultural values, specifically_____.


social exchange theory

choose to communicate based on perceived rewards and costs in a given relationship

In protest of the favor that the 1927 Radio Act showed toward_____, nonprofit radio broadcasters created the National Committee on Education by Radio to lobby for more outlets.

commercial broadcasters

HD radio allows current broadcasters to provide content that they would normally put aside in favor of more _____ programs.

commercially viable


communicated messages through a series of long and short clicks, long distance communication

In 1947, more than 100 people in the movie business were called to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) about their and their colleagues' involvement with_____; 10 people--later known as the Hollywood Ten--refused to cooperate and were fired from their jobs and sentenced to serve up to a year in prison.

communist affairs

vertical integration

company is organized so that it oversees a product from planning/development stage to production to marketing through distribution and to the consumer

The Motion Picture Patents Company formed in 1908 was a trade group that pooled the most significant motion picture patents and thus shut out _____.


Schools such as Berklee College of Music, Yale, and New York University have programs that focus on _____ for video games because this has turned into a profitable means of employment for many musicians.

composing music

The high costs of moviemaking pushes studios to produce films with moneymaking potential in _____ media—computer games, network TV rights, spin-off TV series, DVD and releases on Blu-ray Disc format, toys and other merchandise, books, and other aftermarket products.


when did the film industry decline and rise?

declined in the 50's due to increase in TV and rose again in the 80's when Hollywood studios fully recovered.

The Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Services agreed to switch U.S. broadcasting from analog to digital format in 2009; once the switch took place, many older analog TV sets were unusable without a cable or satellite service or a _____.

digital coverter

The _____ business model allows independent artists and record labels to market their music online, keep track of sales, create demand for their music, and communicate with fans.


The Fairness Doctrine, in effect from 1949 to 1987, required any station broadcasting a political point of view over the air to allow _____ to all reasonable dissenting views

equal time

Despite its noble intentions of safeguarding public airwaves for diverse views, the _____ was said to have a chilling effect on political discourse as stations chose to avoid programs that were divisive or controversial.

fairness doctrine

The Communications Act of 1934 created the _____ who ruled RCA must sell its NBC Blue network; this spun-off division became the American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) in 1943.

federal communications commission

Television broadcasting began as early as 1928, when the _____ authorized inventor Charles Jenkins to broadcast from W3XK, an experimental station in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC.

federal radio commission

what brought the US into the 20th century?


President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Depression-era radio talks, or "_____," remain one of the most famous uses of radio in politics.

fireside chats

An important step in the mainstream acceptance of personal computer games was the development of the _____ genre which put the player in the character's perspective, making it seem as if the player were firing weapons and being attacked.

first person shooter

In the late 1960s, supporters of the civil rights movement—along with feminists, environmentalists, and Vietnam War protesters—were gravitating toward _____ music, which would become the sound of social activism.


social media

forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share info, ideas, personal messages and other content. EX: twitter, facebook and snaphat.

In 1968 the Motion Picture Association of America replaced the Production Code with a _____-category, ratings system.


As broadcasters narrow their focus to cater to more specialized audiences, viewers choose to watch the networks that suit their political bias, centrist journalists have been replaced by highly politicized news coverage on cable channels such as conservative _____ and liberal MSNBC.


In recent years television has been narrowing the focus of its programming to meet the needs and interests of an increasingly _____ audience.


In 2009, advertisers removed their support of Fox News' _____ talk show after its host offended viewers and sponsors alike with incendiary comments that President Obama was a "racist" and had a "deep-seated hatred for white people."

glenn beck

Television western _____, airing from 1955 to 1975, featured characters who faced relevant social issues of the day including the treatment of minority groups, the meaning of family, the legitimacy of violence, and the strength of religious belief.


Reacting against the extravagance of disco, many rappers developed their new street culture called _____ by adopting a casual image consisting of T-shirts and sportswear, developing a language that reflected the everyday concerns of the people in low-income, urban areas, and by embracing the low-budget visual art form of graffiti.


Which of the following is not considered an advantage of digital cinematography?

introduces the need to reload film while shooting a scene

HD radio

is essentially a digital transmission of radio signals resulting in less static and better sound quality, even for AM stations

who integrated the military?

president harry Truman in 1948.

notable films since 1970

jaws (1975) star wars (1977) toy story (1995) blair witch project (1999) low budget, heavily advertised. avatar (2009) very expensive, highly advertised and anticipated but flopped in theaters.

Golden Age of cinema

late 1930's and early 1940's, a time of unparalleled success for the movie industry

The connection between video games and other media has increased with the popularity of _____, animated films and series created by recording character actions inside video games.


Doom, Command and Conquer, and Total Annihilation included options where players could play each other over the Internet, initiating the _____ game genre

massively multiplayer online role playing

tv ratings

measurement of a tv channel or networks popularity/viewership.

Recording artists often focus on live performances and_____, which have become their main source of revenue.


bill clinton

monica Lewinsky scandal, nervous speaker and not good with the media

Whereas the broadcast networks sought to obtain the widest audience possible by avoiding programs that might only appeal to a small minority of viewers, cable channels sought out niche audiences within specific demographic groups—a process known as _____.


Although some have accused _____ of presenting the news with a liberal bias, its listenership in 2005 was 28 percent conservative, 32 percent liberal, and 29 percent moderate.

national public radio

what brings the nation together?

national tragedies and the superbowl

big networks

nbc, cbs, abc, fox, cw, pbs.

A growing demand for new films could only be met through a regular, year-round production calendar, which was was impractical given that the climate of the then two predominant film locations--Chicago and _____--did not invite outdoor filming for a significant portion of the year.

new york city

_____ like Google News profit from linking to journalists' stories at major newspapers and selling advertising, but these profits are not shared with the news organizations and journalists who created the stories.

news aggregators

By the late 1930s, due to radio's ability to emotionally draw its audiences in close to events, the popularity of radio news broadcasts surpassed that of _____.



not good with the media, Watergate scandal, hearings and resignation

contemporary American film industry

now dominated by 6 major film companies, big six account for 90 percent of NA film industry, all are subsidiaries of major media conglomerates.

problems with television

often blamed for decline in literacy, rise in crime and lack of community

Despite a massive loss in profits over the past decade, the global music business still comprises a powerful _____—a market condition in which a few firms dominate most of an industry's production and distribution


In recent years, tensions between artists and their labels have been heightened by the cost-cutting measures that have taken place at many companies due to the impact of _____ on profits.

online file sharing

_____ were the stars of the 19th century, and their music generated most of the sheet music sales in the United States

opera singers

Among the educational _____ network's major innovations was its refusal to take money from commercial advertisers, relying instead on donations from listeners and grants from institutions such as the Ford Foundation and calling itself listener-supported.

pacifica radio

In 1948, the case of the United States v. _____ mandated competition and forced the studios to relinquish control over theater chains; control of the major studios reverted to Wall Street and studios were eventually absorbed by multinational corporations.

paramount pictures

After the United States entered WWII, the government opening the federal Bureau of Motion Picture Affairs to work alongside Hollywood, resulting in the production of many _____ films.


The 1972 Home Box Office (HBO) venture, in which customers paid a subscription fee to access premium cable television shows and video-on-demand products, was the nation's first successful _____ service

pay cable

_____ was a common practice in radio; it's the illegal practice of receiving payment from a record company for broadcasting a particular song on the radio.


_____—the process in which two or more computer systems are connected over the Internet for the purpose of sharing music or video files—became a worldwide phenomenon in 1999 with the development of centralized online file-sharing system Napster.

peer-to-peer file sharing

Edison's 1877 _____ reproduced sound using a strip of tinfoil wrapped around a rotating metal cylinder.


In the 1990s,_____, originally a game developed for the Nintendo Game Boy, was turned into a television series, a card game, several movies, and even a musical


Ratings services such as Arbitron can identify the 10-year age demographic, the education level, and even the _____ of listeners who prefer a particular format

political leanings

In 1972,_____, the table-tennis simulator that has come to symbolize early computer games, was created by the fledgling company Atari, and it was immediately successful.


The Tin Pan Alley tradition of hiring songwriters to compose music based on public demand and mainstream tastes introduced the concept of _____ music as we know it.


In 1940, the FCC reserved a set of frequencies in the lower range of the FM radio spectrum for _____ purposes as part of its regulation of the new spectrum.

public education

_____'s reach made it an instrument of social cohesion as it brought together members of different classes and backgrounds to experience the world as a nation.


Cheap to produce, with a seemingly never-ending supply of willing contestants and eager advertising sponsors, _____ TV shows, which can be traced back to the 1948 series Candid Camera, continue to bring in big ratings.


In 1926, the National Broadcasting Network (NBC) formed the _____ radio networks--groups of stations that carried syndicated programs and a variety of local shows.

red and blue

social penetration theory

relationships become more intimate as we reveal more personal information

Most traditional media companies have incorporated blogs, Twitter, and other social media as a necessary part of doing business as _____ are expected to update instantly and often.


redirecting someone to the music video of Rick Astley's 1987 hit "Never Gonna Give You Up," quickly became one of the most well-known Internet memes of all time.


Grand Theft Auto's extreme violence made it popular with players of the late 1990s, but its popularity was mostly due to it being a _____ game--an open world defined by the ability of users to freely pursue their own objectives


Despite reports that cash-strapped consumers were switching off pay-TV services to save money during strained economic times, _____ industry revenues rose steadily throughout the 2000s.


Like cable television, _____ was not required to censor its disc jockeys or guests for profanity.

satellite radio

Because they were often sponsored by _____ companies, daytime serial dramas soon became known as soap operas


_____ featured in the popular games Guitar Hero and Rock Band experienced increased downloads and sales—as much as an 840 percent increase in some cases.


In 2010, excessive game use was problematic enough that the _____ government imposed an online gaming curfew for people under the age of 18 that would block certain sites after midnight.

south Korean

The end of the 1970s ushered in a new era—what some call the golden age of video games—with the game _____, an international phenomenon that exceeded all expectations, even causing a national coin shortage in Japan.

space invaders


specific info like age, occupation and income of audience

The inflexibility of the Motion Picture Patents Company allowed independent companies to capitalize on two important trends that were to become film's future: single-reel features and _____.

star power

satellite and cable


Narrowcasting has proved beneficial for advertisers and marketers who now concentrate their ad buys on _____ that appeal directly to their target consumers.

subscription channels

While radio, a new and popular entertainment, had been drawing audiences away from the picture houses for some time, with the birth of the "_____," audiences once again returned to the cinema to see and hear their idols perform.


By 1932, _____ had designed a three-color system with more realistic results, and for the next 25 years, all color films were produced with this improved system including Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and MGM's The Wizard of Oz and Gone With the Wind.


Between 1950 and 1959, record sales in the United States skyrocketed from $189 million to nearly $600 million--thanks in large part to the purchasing power of _____.


Music in the 1940s had primarily been recorded for adults, but the popularity of Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald among others revealed an entirely untapped market:_____.


Given the opportunity to watch "movies" from the comfort of their own homes, the millions of Americans who owned a _____ by the early 1950s were attending the cinema far less regularly than they had only several years earlier


In the 1950s, _____ threatened radio; the radio industry adapted by focusing on music, joining forces with the recording industry to survive.


what was the 1930 film industry dominated by?

the Big 5 called the "majors" and were vertically integrated

fairness doctrine

the FCC established the _________________ as a rule stating that if broadcasters editorialized in favor of a position on a particular issue, they had to give equal time to all other reasonable positions on that issue

The Beatles' 1964 appearance on _____was the largest audience for an American television program, with approximately one in three Americans (74 million) tuning in.

the ed Sullivan show

the great migration

the extreme exodus of black farmers from the south to the north.

Ronald reagan

the great communicator, was an actor before being elected president, good with the media

The _____ established the realistic narrative as a standard in cinema, used editing, camera pans, rear projections, and diagonally composed shots to produce a continuity of action, and was also the first major box-office hit.

the great train robbery

what happened in 1954?

the supreme court ruled in brown vs. board of education that schools would no longer be segregated


through social media we have created a surveillance social disciplinary system

One of the most notable and far-reaching programming innovations in radio was the _____ station, a concept that supposedly came from watching jukebox patrons continually play the same songs.

top 40

Improvements in computer animation led to more special effects in film during the 1990s with movies like The Matrix, Jurassic Park, and the first fully computer-animated film, _____.

toy story

Web 2.0 is a reference to the increased focus on _____ content and social interaction on the web, as well as the evolution of online tools to facilitate that focus

user generated

Twitter became profitable in December 2009 when it entered a $25 million deal allowing Google and Microsoft to display _____ in browser search results.

user's tweets

quiz show scandals

usually rigged, people were paid to lose. Charles Van Doren played on 21 and won 129,000 and admitted he was fed the answers.

In 19th century America, a popular genre of recordings was _____—a form of variety entertainment containing short acts featuring singers, dancers, magicians, and comedians that opened new doors for publishers to sell songs popularized by the live shows.


The five most influential motion picture studios in 1930s were_____: they controlled every part of the system as it related to their films, from the production to release, distribution, and even viewing.

vertically integrated

Images from _____ were streaming into people's living rooms during the nation's first televised war.


_____, such as Second Life, are societies in which communication can be expanded to relay information in ways that cannot be done with other forms of media and are examples of the thin line between games and social media.

virtual worlds

The big six

warner brothers (time warner) 21st century fox paramount pictures (Viacom) Columbia pictures (sony) walt Disney universal pictures (Comcast)

strong and weak ties

we have different strengths of relationships that serve different purposes

Because Internet Explorer, Firefox, Apple Safari, Google Chrome, and other browsers all interpret the same code in more or less the same way, creating _____ is as simple as learning how to speak the language of these browsers.

web pages

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