Subcutaneous layer
The subcutaneous layer is the
3rd layer of the skin,it lies just beneath the dermis.
The subcutaneous layer protects
deeper tissues of the body
The Subcutaneous layer is made up of largely
loose connective tissue and adipose (mainly lipocytes)
The subcutaneous layer is rich in
nerves and never endings including those that supply the dermis & epidermis.
The subcutaneous layer contains
nerves, nerve endings, blood vessels, base of sweat glands & hair roots.
The major blood vessels that supply the the skin pass through..
The subcutaneous layer.
Which layer serves as the body's insulation blanket?
The subcutaneous layer.
Sweat glands and hair roots extend from
the dermis down into the subcutaneous layer.
the subcutaneous layer is A.K.A
the hypodermis, super fascia, or subcutaneous fascia.