Intro to Social Psych - Ch 11: Prosocial Behavior

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a.Make sure that people feel that doing the community service is voluntary.

A company is considering offering its employees the opportunity to do community service. Which of the following would you recommend they do, based on research in social psychology? a.Make sure that people feel that doing the community service is voluntary. b.Make the community service mandatory. c.Offer incentives for doing the community service, such as extra vacation days. d.Assign people to different community agencies.

d.Both Jade and Bill are likely to give money

According to Batson's empathy-altruism theory, which of the following people is most likely to give money to a homeless person? a.Bill, who wants to impress his date by helping the homeless person b.Jade, who feels empathy for the homeless person c.Jack, who is related to the homeless person d.Both Jade and Bill are likely to give money

a.Kwame, who wants to impress his date by helping the homeless person

According to social exchange theory, which of the following people is most likely to give money to a homeless person? a.Kwame, who wants to impress his date by helping the homeless person b.Emma, who has a genetic predisposition for helping people c.Jack, who is related to the homeless person d.Jade, who feels empathy for the homeless person

b.Amy doesn't feel empathy toward the person and doesn't think she has much to gain by helping.

Amy is walking across campus and sees someone on her hands and knees looking for a ring that slipped off of her finger. Under which of the following conditions is Amy least likely to help the person, according to the empathy-altruism hypothesis? a.Amy feels empathy toward the person and thinks she will be admired by passersby if she stops to help. b.Amy doesn't feel empathy toward the person and doesn't think she has much to gain by helping. c.Amy feels empathy toward the person, but she doesn't think she has much to gain by helping. d.Amy doesn't feel empathy toward the person but recognizes her as a TA in her English class. Amy really wants to get a good grade in that class.

c.When Usha was in a building that caught on fire, she let everyone else exit before her, even though she didn't know them.

Evolutionary psychology would have the most trouble explaining which of the following incidents? a.When Julio was put in the unfortunate situation of saving his cousin or his son in a boating accident, he chose to save his son. b.Clint risks his life to save his nephew who was drowning. c.When Usha was in a building that caught on fire, she let everyone else exit before her, even though she didn't know them. d.Natalia runs in front of a moving car to keep her daughter from being hit.

c.The change in his immediate surroundings changed his likelihood of helping.

Frank has recently graduated from college and moved from New York City back to the small town in Ohio where he grew up. He now finds that he is much more inclined to engage in prosocial behavior. What is the most likely reason for this change? a.Growing up in a small town caused him to internalize altruistic values. b.Frank is more likely to engage in negative-state relief when he is in the small town. c.The change in his immediate surroundings changed his likelihood of helping. d.College students are less likely to help because they are more susceptible to the bystander effect.

b.Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

In which city are people most likely to help a blind person cross a street? a.Budapest, Hungary b.Rio de Janeiro, Brazil c.Amsterdam, Netherlands d.New York, USA

a.Maggie, who is very religious but doesn't know the man who dropped the papers

It's a busy day at the motor vehicles office, and many people are waiting for their turn. As one man gets up to leave, he accidentally drops a folder he was carrying, and papers go everywhere. Which person is least likely to help him pick up the papers? a.Maggie, who is very religious but doesn't know the man who dropped the papers b.Miguel, who is feeling guilty because he should be home helping his roommates clean their apartment c.Joe, who is taking social psychology and heard a lecture about Bibb Latané and John M. Darley's decision tree earlier in the week d.Meghna, who was just thinking about times in her past when she acted in uninhibited ways

b.pluralistic ignorance

Luke listened to a lecture in his history class that he found very confusing, but at the end of the class when the professor asked whether there was anything students didn't understand, Luke didn't raise his hand. Because no other hands were raised, Luke assumed that other students had understood the material and that he just didn't pay enough attention. In fact, many students hadn't understood the material and were in the same situation as Luke. This is an example of __________. exchange b.pluralistic ignorance c.reciprocity norm d.empathy-altruism hypothesis

a.A diffusion of responsibility

Meghan lives in a single room in a college dormitory. Late one night, she hears a scream coming from just outside her dorm. She is pretty sure that the person needs help because the person yelled, "Help me! I think I broke my leg!" Meghan goes back to sleep, only to find out the next day that the person was on the ground for 45 minutes before someone helped. Which of the following best explains why Meghan didn't help? a.A diffusion of responsibility b.She didn't interpret it as an emergency c.Informational influence d.Pluralistic ignorance

c.are more likely to help than other people are if the person in need shares their beliefs, but are not more likely to help strangers

Research on prosocial behavior finds that religious people __________. others more than nonreligious people do in virtually all ways more compassion toward needy strangers than do nonreligious people c.are more likely to help than other people are if the person in need shares their beliefs, but are not more likely to help strangers d.actually help others less than do nonreligious people

c.Jinyi just began tweeting and has only a few followers.

Suppose that Jinyi sends a Tweet asking for someone to help her move a couch into her apartment. Under which of these conditions is one of her followers mostly likely to agree to help? a.Jinyi grew up in the United States. b.Jinyi has a very large number of followers. c.Jinyi just began tweeting and has only a few followers. d.Jinyi lives in a very large city.

b.Good moods make us pay more attention to the possible rewards for helping.

Which of the following is not a reason why being in a good mood tends to increase prosocial behavior? a.Good moods make us view situations more positively, and thus we are more likely to give people the benefit of the doubt. b.Good moods make us pay more attention to the possible rewards for helping. c.Good moods increase how much attention we pay to ourselves, which makes us more likely to act according to our values. d.Helping prolongs good moods.

a.Social exchange

Which of the following is not a way in which evolutionary theory explains prosocial behavior? a.Social exchange b.Group selection c.Kin selection d.The reciprocity norm

b.Jawal anonymously donates $100 to a homeless shelter.

Which of the following is the best example of altruistic behavior? a.Maria helps her husband with the dishes with the hope that he will cook dinner more often. b.Jawal anonymously donates $100 to a homeless shelter. c.Robert volunteers at his son's school to help out his class. d.Julie puts a dollar in the church collection basket because everyone else donates.

a.How often people have moved from one place to another influences how helpful they are.

Which of the following is true about prosocial behavior? a.How often people have moved from one place to another influences how helpful they are. b.Being in a bad mood decreases prosocial behavior. c.There is no effect of personality on prosocial behavior. d.Being in a good mood decreases prosocial behavior.

b.As a result of learning about the social psychology of prosocial behavior, you may be more likely to help someone in need in the future.

Which of the following is true? a.Hearing a lecture about prosocial behavior and bystander intervention isn't likely to change how people behave in a real emergency. b.As a result of learning about the social psychology of prosocial behavior, you may be more likely to help someone in need in the future. c.If someone doesn't want to help others, there isn't much we can do to change that. d.People are always grateful for offers to help them.

c.Listening to song lyrics with prosocial lyrics makes people more helpful.

Which of the following is true? a.If we want someone to say yes when we ask for a date, it doesn't really work to have them listen to a song with romantic lyrics. b.Playing violent video games makes people more helpful. c.Listening to song lyrics with prosocial lyrics makes people more helpful. d.Playing prosocial video games has no effect on how helpful people will be.

a.People with high scores on tests of altruism are not that much more likely to help another person than people with low scores.

Which of the following is true? a.People with high scores on tests of altruism are not that much more likely to help another person than people with low scores. b.If a person has an altruistic personality, then they are quite likely to overcome situational pressures preventing them from helping someone. c.People with high scores on tests of altruism are much more likely to help another person than people with low scores. d.The genes for an altruistic personality have been identified by evolutionary psychologists.

c.Ben, who just played the videogame Tetris

Which of the following people is least likely to help someone who dropped a folder of papers on their way to class? a.Owen, who just played the videogame Lemmings b.Julia, who just listened to Bill Withers' song "Lean on Me" c.Ben, who just played the videogame Tetris d.Chanel, who just listened to the Beatles song "Help!"

d.Jiaying, who has lived in that city her entire life

Which of the following people is most likely to agree to help clean up a park in a large city? a.Dev, who just moved that city b.Rachel, who grew up in a small town c.David, who just played a violent video game d.Jiaying, who has lived in that city her entire life

c.Shamika volunteers at a shelter for homeless families because she really likes working with the kids.

Which of the following people would be most admired by their peers? a.Kevin works at a soup kitchen each week as part of a mandatory community service requirement at his job. b.Jun failed to help in an emergency because he thought someone else had already called 911. c.Shamika volunteers at a shelter for homeless families because she really likes working with the kids. d.Victoria volunteers at a hospital because she thinks it will look good on her college applications.

b.Having an altruistic personality

Which one of the following is not part of the Bystander Intervention Decision Tree? a.Knowing the appropriate form of assistance b.Having an altruistic personality c.Interpreting an event as an emergency d.Assuming responsibility

b.Marco, who is having a normal day and is in a neutral mood

Which person is least likely to help a blind person cross the street? a.Olivia, who just got a D on a paper and is thus feeling sad b.Marco, who is having a normal day and is in a neutral mood c.Brandon, who just cheated on his girlfriend and is thus feeling guilty d.Silvi, who just got an A on a paper and is thus in a good mood

b.A man; a woman

__________ is most likely to dive into a pond to save a drowning child, whereas __________ is most likely to do errands for an elderly neighbor every week. a.A woman; a man b.A man; a woman c.A Western citizen; an East Asian citizen d.An East Asian citizen; a Western citizen

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