Intro to Theology 205- Anderson

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How do we deal with Bible difficulties in general?

Realize that God cannot err the bible is the word of God God is clearly seen as trustworthy


The Scriptural concept of the Bible and related issues.

What are the four pillars of the Christian worldview (A/T, C, F, R)?

authority/ truth= people/writings creation=origins fall=evil/suffering redemption= destiny/solution

The difference between a creed and a confession is a. a creed is inclusive and a confession is exclusive as to purpose. b. a creed is exclusive and a confession is inclusive as to purpose. c. a confession affirms what a group believes at any given time or place and a creed prescribes what members must believe. d. All of the above. e. b and c only.

b and c only

The impeccability of Christ is the position that believes that a. because Christ's divine nature was joined to His human nature, He was temptable but unable to sin. b. because of Christ's human nature, He was both temptable and able to sin. c. because of Christ's humility, he laid aside the independent exercise of His divine attributes.

because of Christ's divine nature was joined to his human nature, he was temptable but unable to sin

This method of theology investigates the progress of the revelation of a doctrine or teaching in the Bible (i.e., the kingdom of God, the covenants of God, etc.). a. Biblical Theology b. Practical Theology c. Systematic Theology d. Natural Theology

biblical theology

Which of these is/are not a category(s) of Christian theology? a. Bibliology b. Pneumatology c. Cultural Anthropology d. Theology Proper e. c and d

cultural anthropology

Plenary inspiration a. emphasizes the writers themselves being inspired in all they have written. b. emphasizes the text of Scripture being inspired. c. argues that God dictated all of the Scriptures to the human authors. d. emphasizes b and c.

emphasizes the writers themselves being inspired in all they have written

his theory of inspiration of Karl Barth and others, which holds that the Bible is only a witness to the Word of God believes therefore that the Bible contains errors produced by fallible human authors. a. The Neo-Orthodox Theory b. The Conceptual Theory c. The Intuition Theory d. The Dictation Theory

the neo orthodox theory

Christian Theology is a. the study of God only. b. the study of the Christian worldview as revealed in the Bible. c. the study of Bible. d. the study of philosophic questions concerning the meaning of life.

the study of the Christian worldview as revealed in the Bible

Hypostatic union of the theanthropic person

the substances/ nature of the God/man

The cosmological argument for God's existence ("cosmos" means "world or orderly arrangement") is based upon the fact that a. the universe as an observable orderly effect of an sufficient uncaused Cause. b. man can conceive of the Most Perfect Being. c. man has a unique intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual nature as opposed to animals, his Maker must have these same or greater characteristics. d. the highly complex universe also implies an intelligent designer. e. all men have a sense of ethical obligation governed by conscience thus an Ultimate Lawgiver and Judge must exist.

the universe as an observable orderly effect of an sufficient uncaused Cause.

The summary of the Chalcedonian Creed from A.D. 451 is that the incarnate Christ is a. two natures in one person. b. two whos in one what. c. all of the above.

two natures in one person

The inspiration of Scripture guarantees its a. unity as God's Word. b. uniformity like the Koran. c. only its doctrinal teachings and precepts. d. b and c only.

unity as God's word

According to Galatians 5:16 and 25, the Ministry of the Holy Spirit, in which He Frees the Dependent Believer from the Control of the Flesh and Produces the Fruit of the Spirit, is a. walking in the Holy Spirit. b. being filled with the Holy Spirit. c. being baptized with the Holy Spirit. d. all of above.

walking in the HS

Pneumatology—Baptism with the Holy Spirit (views, key issues) Spiritual Gifts Relational ministries of the Holy Spirit (key passages, definitions, etc.)

wrong views: tongues must evidence the baptism of the holy spiritualitythis baptism of the hs shows whether or not one possesses the hs gift of tongues died with apostles positive from pentecostal: lerning of God through scripture, actively expecting an answer negative: addiction. Spiritual superiority

What are the basic theories of inspiration and which one do we hold to?

-Dictation theory: this emphasizes the divine authorship of scripture to the exclusion of the human. God does this in specific places like Isaiah 6:9 and rev 2 and 3. a problem with this is the various styles of the different human authors. -The partial inspiration theory: inspiration only extends to the doctrinal teachings of scripture. But it separates the two authorships of the Bible. -The conceptual theory: God imparted the ideas but left the human authors to express themselves in their own languages. But scripture does not speak of only concepts being given. The very words themselves constitute the medium of the message -the intuition theory: inspiration is the insight of spiritual men. This view, tends to ignore or downplay the divine authorship -the illumination theory: inspiration is merely the intensifying or elevating of the religious perceptions of special Christians. Thus the "illumination" that brought about the writing of the scriptures is only greater in degree but not different in kind, than that which every believer has by the spirit. But in this view the Bible contains the word of God and men, not the Scriptures were inspired. -The neo-orthodox theory: the Bible is a witness of the word of God. God is so above humans, he can't be tied to words on a page. So he only uses this imperfect document to communicate to man, but only when it is read or preached. The Bible has errors in it since it is the product of fallible human writers. The Gospel accounts are not necessarily literal or intended to be factual. Those who hold this view accuse evangelicals of holding to a dictation theory view of inspiration. It is true that God in Christ speaks to us through the pages of the Bible.

What is progressive revelation? What are some examples of it? Why is it significant to know this is how God revealed things to His people?

-God revealed things that those in the OT wouldn't have known their full significance. God revealed the full significance bit by bit -examples: Gen 3:15 redemption was told to eve, 2 sam 7 king, 1 sam 2:10 Hannah messiah/ anointed one, Isa 53 servant -it is important because it will help us in our theological method and interpretation and application of the OT and it also helps us be more consistent and hopefully guard us from proof-texting to support our doctrines. God reveals himself progressively, yet he himself doesn't change

What are implications of denying inerrancy?

-If we deny inerrancy, a serious moral problem confronts us: may we imitate God and intentionally lie in small matters also? -If inerrancy is denied, we begin to wonder if we can really trust God in anything he says -we essentially make our own human minds a higher standard of truth than God's word itself -we must also say that the bible is wrong not only in minor details but in some of its doctrines as well

Existence of God and the various arguments for His existence (i.e., the cosmological argument for God's existence is based upon the fact that . . .)

-cosmological argument: the universe is an observable effect which requires either an infinite regress of causes tracing back to its origin which is impossible or else a sufficient uncaused cause for its existence. -Teleological argument: the highly complex universe not only implies a cause/maker but also an intelligent designer. -Moral argument: since all men have a sense of moral obligation governed by conscience an ultimate lawgiver and judge must exist.

What are three names for the theology of the "Theological Evaluation Exercise" TV preachers we listened to?

-positive confession movement -word of faith movement -prosperity theology

key passage for Christ identity?

1 tim 3:15-16 " he was revealed in the flesh, was vindicated in the spirit, beheld by angels, proclaimed among the nations, etc"

What is a proposition . . . examples?

A declaratory statement or claim that can be either affirmed or denied... testing for veracity. examples: Jesus is God Jesus is a god Santa gives presents to millions of children in one night or Jesus is Lucifer's brother

What are the five elements that make up this theology (concentric circles)?

1. Hodge podge of doctrinal distortions 2.culture of Bible-belt Biblical ignorance 3. extreme Arminianism/anti-Calvinism 4.charismatic chaos 5. greed

The process of the writing of Scripture is seen in its inspiration, discussed in this passage, which describes men who were moved by the Spirit of God to give and write prophetic words. a. 2 Timothy 3:16 b. 2 Peter 1:21 c. 1 Corinthians 2:13 d. None of the above.

2 Peter 1:21

The quality of writing of Scripture is seen in its inspiration, which is the result of its being God-breathed is seen in this passage. a. 2 Timothy 3:16 b. 2 Peter 1:21 c. 1 Corinthians 2:13 d. None of the above.

2 Timothy 3:16

Pneumatology specifically is the a. Bible's teaching on the Holy Spirit's work in salvation. b. Bible's teaching on the personality, nature and activities of the Holy Spirit. c. gracious and personal intervention of God Himself. d. Bible's teaching on the sign gifts.

Bible's teaching on the personality, nature, and activities of the HS

Trinity (significance, three strands of Bible's teaching, significance, essential/economic, illustrations, false views, etc.)

Christianity's uniqueness, our insight, our practice, out theological method three strands: there is one God, God is three persons, each person is fully God illustrations: water= solid, liquid, gas, egg= shell, yolk, whites. Sun= light, heat, power false views: Unitarianism/jw's,Mormons= f-creator, s-creature,hs-impersonal. Sabellianism/modalism:father=OT son=NT, HS= present tritheism: three Gods.

What does continuity and discontinuity mean? What are examples of each along points on a continuum?

Continuity: -the bible is one complete book= all scripture is God breathed 2 tim 3:16 -the OT is the foundation for all God's revelation= of himself, the universe, humans, sin , God's plan for redemption, nations, hebrews/Jewish people -The OT contains= record of God's grace, laws of God for human life, promise of a coming Savior, the promis of God for the NT covenant discontinuity: -NT priority issue: they believe that NT teaching has priority then they go to OT, but begin with OT on its own terms rather than reinterpret it in light of NT -Affirmation issue: whatever the NT does not explicityly affirm is set aside and the OT prophetic language is typologically interpreted. But also whatever the NT does not explicityly affirm is still in effet and the OT prophetic language is literally interpreted . -Original meaning elimination issue Examples: continuity: roman catholics, seventh day adventism, anglicans discontinuity: mennonites, deutsche christen,

Attributes of God (ways of describing them, incommunicable, communicable, etc.)

God is spirit, one, omnipresent God's being is not a collection of his attributes, God's attributes are not additions to his real being, God's attributes are ways of describing his total character or being.

Athanasian Equation

God saves+ Jesus saves= Jesus is God

What are some basic logical fallacies?

Hell isn't fair because blind, deaf, mentally handicapped, and children in Africa have never heard the Gospel-ad miscordiam, an appeal to pity the vast majority of scientist believe in evolution, so it must be true=consensus genteum, accept it because most people believe it is true the Bible must have errors in it because humans wrote it and "to err is human"=cliche, accept it because it agrees with a popular maxim/saying

Which one(s) is/are not an element(s) of the view of the baptism of the Holy Spirit Dr. A advocated in class? a. Pentecost was the transition between Old Covenant ministry of the Holy Spirit and New Covenant. b. The baptism of the Holy Spirit today is for all Christians (1 Cor 12:13; Gal 3:26-27). c. If you have not spoken in tongues as a result of the baptism, then you are not a Christian. d. a and b only.

If you have not spoken in tongues as a result of the baptism, then you are not a Christian.

Incarnation=Inadequate views/Superheroes (in general they either deny, diminish, separate or mix his nature),

Jesus aged, he was hungry, he had a physical body. Divine characteristics: eternal word, the creator, he forgave, worthy of worship superheroes: docetism: denied his humanity=superman ebionitism: denied his deity= batman arianism: more human than God= thor apollinarianism: diminished his humanity=hulk nestorianism: separted his deity from humanity=galum eutychianism: affirmed humanity, but mixed it with deity= spiderman adoptionism: affirmed humanity, but also separated his deity= green lantern

What are the keys to the use of reason/logic in theology?

Making rational statements about scripture's teachings and putting them into logical order 1 peter3:15 2 corinthians 10:3-5= "...the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. ...they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

The idea that God knows truth exhaustively, truth can be known through what God has revealed in the Bible and through the Holy Spirit to Christians, and truth can be known in part through general revelation to unbelievers can be symbolized as a. "TRUTH, Truth, truth". b. "truth, Truth, TRUTH". c. "Truth, TRUTH, truth". d. None of the above.

TRUTH, Truth, truth

What are three ways we can understand the nature of and know truth as a Christian?

TRUTH: known exhaustively only by God Truth: known by Christians as humans and through Scripture truth: known by humans through experience, reason, etc.


The Bible's teaching on Christ's natures and activities

Theology Proper

The Bible's teaching on God

What is inerrancy and what are the theories of it?

Theories: numerical discrepancies: 2 sam 10 700 chariots vs. 7000, men of judah and israel, genealogies of Christ: matt 1 vs luke 3 the number of angels at Jesus's tomb: matt 28/mark 16 and luke 24/john 20 inerrancy means that the bible is without error

Which of these was not going on with tongues in the early church? a. Tongues were a judgment sign to unbelievers (1 Cor. 14:20-25): God had turned away from Israel to the Gentiles. b. Tongues were known languages (Acts 2:11; 1 Cor. 14:10-11, 13) c. Tongues were being abused (1 Cor. 12-14): They became a test of spirituality. d. Tongues were not regulated in any way (1 Cor. 12-14).

Tongues were a judgment sign to unbelievers (1 Cor. 14:20-25): God had turned away from Israel to the Gentiles.

What is truth (correspondence)?

Truth: knowing and testing it, truth is real states of affairs or that which corresponds to reality. It can be known through experience, reason, and faith

Historical theology can study the significance, meaning and cultural context of a. creeds. b. confessions. c. all of the above.

all of the above

The incarnation of Christ a. means the "in-flesh-ment" of Christ (John 1:14= "And the Word became flesh."). b. is the term for God becoming a man. c. is the second person of the Trinity becoming a human. d. all of the above.

all of the above

The summary of the Chalcedonian Creed from A.D. 451 is that the incarnate Christ is a. two natures in one person. b. two objects in one subject. d. all of the above.

all of the above

What is/which are (an) inadequate option(s) for undermining the incarnation that people have proposed? a. Deny one of Christ's natures. b. Diminish one of Christ's natures. c. Separate or mix one of Christ's natures. d. All of the above.

all of the above

The inadequate view of the Nestorius that claims that Christ's natures were separate like multiple personalities is like having Him be a. Spiderman. b. Superman. c. Batman. d. Gollum


Progressive revelation a. is when the writers of Scripture received their revelation from God they didn't receive everything about that subject. b. is seen in pessimistic existentialism. c. is illustrated in the fact that faith in Jesus Christ of Nazareth specifically was not revealed in the Old Testament. d. is a and c only.

is a and c only

Christ's "whatness" (a term coined by N. Geisler) refers to His . a. whoness b. person c. natures d. subjectivity


The concept of the union of the divine and human _______________ in the one ____________ of Christ is known as the____________ . a. persons, nature, incarnation. b. natures, person, kenosis. c. natures, person, hypostatic union. d. persons, incarnation, hypostatic union.

natures, person, hypostatic union

The inadequate view of Docetism that claims Christ only seemed to be a man is like having Him be a. Spiderman. b. Superman. c. Batman. d. Gollum


What is the term for the introductory or preface remarks concerning Christian theology? Also the intro/method of theology


What is the term for the introductory or preface remarks or concepts concerning Christian theology? a. Etymology b. Prolegomena c. Natural Theology d. Systematic Theology


chalcedonian summary

the incarnate Christ is two whats in one who. two objects in one subject, two essences or natures in one person.


study of the actions of the HS

This theory of inspiration holds that God only imparted the ideas of Scripture but left the human authors to express themselves in their own language. a. The Neo-Orthodox Theory b. The Conceptual Theory c. The Intuition Theory d. The Dictation Theory

the conceptual theory

This theory of inspiration that over-emphasizes the divine authorship of Scripture to the exclusion of its human authorship is disproved by the various styles of the different human authors. a. The Neo-Orthodox Theory b. The Illumination Theory c. The Intuition Theory d. The Dictation Theory

the dictation theory

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