Introduction to Communication - C464 UNIT 6

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Which of the following sayings best suggests the benefits of synergy?

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." Correct. A high-functioning team uses feedback, collaboration, and accountability to enhance the individual abilities of each of its members.


"extra energy" created by a high-performing team when it interacts and functions well, distinguishes teams from groups in an important way


(software that facilitates collaboration among users working on related tasks) that allows members to enter their ideas into chat without interruption

Specifically, in addition to being technically competent at their jobs and understanding the processes and policies of their organizations, team members and leaders must learn and perfect complex communication skills. These communication skills include the following (Waldeck et al., 2013):

-Giving effective feedback -Receiving feedback and criticism -Asking for help or clarification when you do not know something

What Makes a Team Successful?

-Goal-Orientation and Purpose -Shared Accountability -Rules, Roles, and Sanctions -Collaboration

Teams work when they are supported by their systems (Coutu, 2009; Kennedy, Loughry, Klammer, & Beyerlein, 2009). Support may include the following:

-Resources, such as information, places to meet and time allocated to do so, budgets, and administrative and technical support -Authority to act and make decisions -The knowledge that their decisions will be taken seriously and implemented -Rewards and recognition for efforts and outcomes -Access to resources outside the system, such as vendors, materials, travel, subscriptions, and supplies (Waldeck et al., 2013)

Although they can be a roadblock to team success, all interactions have agendas. Agendas are a normal part of the human experience, but they do need to be managed and balanced in order for teams to work.

-The first step to balancing the effects of competing agendas in team situations is to recognize them. -ask questions in order to bring them into balance with team goals. -Conversely, teams should recognize that personal agendas may hold value for the team -each team member should feel a sense of connection to the team's goals so that he or she will feel personally invested in, and committed to, making those goals happen -when teams reward people for their work—either tangibly or through praise—members become increasingly proud of their work and their connection to something that is making a difference.

Team members demonstrate trust in the following ways:

-They communicate in straightforward ways -They give other team members a fair hearing -They treat other team members with dignity and respect. -They present themselves as reliable and dependable. -They compensate for team members who may temporarily be unable to perform at capacity

The Benefits of a Team

-when a particular project would benefit from the diversity of individuals coming together to make decisions or solve problems -minimizes the chances of arbitrary, subjective decisions made by a single judge -when a task would benefit from diverse skills or specializations, a team might make sense. In this way, the team offers flexibility and focus. Members may be selected because they possess a skill or talent that is unique. -Some projects are just too big for one or two people to handle, either in terms of the time it would take or the complexity of knowledge, skills, and creativity needed to complete them

What is a web conference?

A live meeting held over the Internet Correct. These are synchronous meetings enabled by computers.

Which of the following statements best distinguishes a team from a group?

A team is a group that has specifically chosen members, clear goals, and cohesiveness. Correct. A team is a particular type of group that is characterized by its cohesiveness, carefully selected membership, goal-orientation, high performance, and synergy.

Which of the following is the MOST likely situation in which team communication would likely be present?

A team of debaters from the University of Minnesota are in the national finals.Correct. The debators need to work as a team both in the research and preparation of their arguments, as well as in the actual debate tournament.

The Team Takes Time to Pause, Reflect, and Assess

Although it can feel inefficient to stop work and potentially interrupt momentum, time taken to pause, reflect, and assess the team's process and products is invaluable. Discussions should focus on the initial objectives that the team drafted.

Which of the following is the best "general rule" for managing a successful team?

Always give opportunities to pause, reflect, and assess the team. Correct. Teams should always build regular times to communicate among individuals.

Which of the following examples BEST illustrates the storming stage of development?

Andy, Deb, and Marjorie are becoming more comfortable expressing disagreement and offering alternative perspectives for the project's direction. Correct. Disagreement and conflict define the storming stage.

Which of the following is defined as a situation where one single unproductive member of a team prevents team communication or teamwork from being a productive possibility?

Bad apple effect Correct. The bad apple effect claims that a single unproductive team member can negatively impact the entire team.

Why is there a need for individuals to have team training as they begin their team communication?

Because a team is not immediately a team but develops through stages Correct. Training is required because a team of individuals does not immediately form a team.

New Media Support Teams on a Number of Tasks

Brainstorming Collecting Research Data Collaboration and Workflow Facilitation Routine Updates Promoting Initiatives and Projects Using Social Media Pausing, Reflecting, and Evaluating Planning and Designing Presentations

What is the relationship between brainstorming and social loafing?

Brainstorming encourages social loafing by allowing some to remain invisible. Correct. When many others are talking, it's easier to fly under the radar.

Meg has become adept at using Facebook and Instagram to share photos and updates from her team, as well as provide a space for client feedback and to introduce the team to potential new clients. How is social media benefiting the team here?

By promoting and enhancing their customer base Correct. This is an example of relationship building via social media.

How does groupware help brainstorming teams work more effectively?

By overcoming the tendency toward groupthink Correct. Groupthink is the result of pressure for everyone to agree, which makes teams less effective.

You and four other colleagues have been assigned to a team tasked with generating new business ideas. Though all five members are of equal rank, Jillian has become the unofficial leader of the team and leads many of the discussions. At a recent team meeting, Jillian proposed an unrealistic business idea, but encouraged the team to explain why it wouldn't work,offer criticism, and propose counter ideas. Which aspect of transformational leadership is Jillian exhibiting

Challenging others Correct. By encouraging others to criticize, debate, and propose alternatives to the idea, Jillian demonstrates an ability to challenge others.

Transformational leaders seem to inspire people to do their best and enjoy their work by demonstrating four behaviors, which all highlight communication (Bass & Riggio, 2006):

Communicating vision Challenging others Supporting others Modeling good behavior

Before Shelbie's team starts a service project to supply a local homeless shelter, she takes a few minutes to tell the team members the rules they need to follow at the shelter and how they should help load the supplies. She also reminds them of the importance of their work for the people who live at the shelter. Which transformational communication behavior is Shelbie demonstrating?

Communicating vision Correct. Shelbie's communication about how important their work can be shows the outcome scenarios and helps motivate the team.

Stage 2: Storming.

During the storming stage, team members may openly disagree with one another about who is going to do what, the definition of the team's goals, and what processes will work accomplishing those goals. People posture for status: They compete to assume the roles and to obtain the resources they want. For instance, perhaps multiple team members want to lead or hold some other sought-after position.

Stage 4: Performing.

During this phase of team development, members do the work necessary to accomplish the team's objectives. The team is flexible: Roles and responsibilities may change in order to meet deadlines. People know one another well and also understand their roles. Members can help out and fill in for others when necessary in order to complete required tasks. During this stage, in high-performing teams, we see the synergy that was mentioned earlier in this module.

Stage 3: Norming.

During this stage of team development, individual members resolve their conflicts and assume their roles in functional, appropriate ways. They begin to come together as a cohesive team. Individuals work out a balance between conforming to the team and maintaining a sense of individuality, and, as a result, the most effective teams avoid groupthink.

The Team Has Clearly Defined Standards for Performance

Effective teams have high standards (Larson & LaFasto, 1989). Ineffective teams have low standards, or give insufficient attention to standards and do not define them at all.

Which of the following is the BEST example of team building through the communication skill of giving and responding to feedback?

Ellen and Steve evaluate each other's business plans, offer suggestions for improvement, and ask questions that help clarify feedback. Correct. This example shows a genuine attempt to help others grow as team members and facilitate communication.

Recall the scenario about Seth and Constance. Seth eventually confesses that he feels like Constance mocks his contributions and is entrenched in her own agenda. He admits that he acts out as a way of attempting to rattle her confidence. What can be done by the supervisor to facilitate more constructive conflict management here?

Encourage good listening, respectful behavior, and straightforward communication from both parties. Correct. Both Seth and Constance need to work on communicating more openly, respectfully, and with more maturity.

Which type of power is Alberto trying to exercise when he shows his colleagues spreadsheets and other data to prove that he alone is responsible for the increased profit?

Expert Correct. Alberto is appealing to his knowledge and skill set to justify his leadership.

When Teams Don't Work

Groupthink Social loafing the larger systemic culture undermined the group's efforts.

The students' professor agrees to their request while stipulating that Lee and Rachel must contribute to the social awareness message of the project, and that Maggie and Alison must be involved in the shooting and editing process. What part of teamwork is he trying to encourage?

He is ensuring that the team is mutually beneficial for the two different goals the students share. Correct. He is ensuring that each student experiences the processes of achieving the two goals for the team.

How does groupware enhance brainstorming?

Ideas can be entered without interruption. Correct. Groupware can help overcome shyness and politeness norms

Why is shared accountability an important aspect of a functional team?

It ensures that all members are functioning effectively and in pursuit of the same outcome. Correct. Accountability for all team members supports direction and motivation.

Aiden, Kate, and Lisa are members of a team working on a project to beautify vacant land. Every Tuesday morning, from 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m., they have a status meeting and delegate upcoming tasks. Kate and Aiden proofread the memos for their boss, Mark, and everyone is responsible for preparing and delivering a PowerPoint to update the team on his or her specific progress. Kate, however, is becoming frustrated with the meetings. Every week, Lisa procrastinates, falls behind on her work, and asks Kate for help on her presentation the afternoon before it is due. Lisa's presentation is not Kate's responsibility, but Kate knows that it will reflect poorly on the entire team if anyone is unprepared for their weekly meeting with Mark. Which of the following ground rules is being violated?

Keep expectations high at all times Correct. The team has lowered its expectations for Lisa due to her tendency to procrastinate.

What type of power is being exercised when subordinates immediately defer to a manager or someone of a higher rank?

Legitimate. Others are complying because of this person's title. Correct. In this case, power comes to this person due to his job title.

Rick is working on improving his contributions to his team through enhancing his communication skills. As such, he is making a point to carefully hear what others are expressing, and responding in a way that acknowledges the legitimacy of their concerns. Which of the following communication skills BEST exemplify Rick's commitment?

Listening actively and showing respect Correct. Rick is determined to listen more carefully and respond in a manner that indicates concern and appreciation for others.

What is the biggest downside of reward power?

Motivation tends to evaporate once the reward is gone. Correct. This type of power often produces short-term effects only.

Consider the manager in the above example, who feels pressure from her boss to persuade her team to accept an outcome that they dislike. Which of the following is NOT one of the recommended steps for balancing competing agendas?

Pressure the team to reach a consensus as soon as possible. People with hidden agendas tend to stall. Correct. Those with hidden agendas tend to operate hastily. Proceed slowly and carefully.

How might social media updates enhance productivity in this scenario at their current stage and foster better relationships with clients?

Preventing the need for face-to-face meetings Correct. Clients could use Skype, for example, to meet with Meg, John, and Alberto more frequently and without having to spend as much time travelling to face-to-face meetings.

What must each individual in a team do to begin effective team communication?

Put the shared goals of the team ahead of any personal interests or concerns.Correct. Before a team can begin to effectively communicate, each member must understand the importance of shared goals.

During one of their regular meeting sessions, Constance notices that Seth engages in passive-aggressive behavior every time she presents one of her ideas. He shuts down, refuses to contribute, and rolls his eyes when she makes suggestions. How should Constance manage this situation?

Realize that, although Seth is not verbalizing it, he has a problem. Ask questions to get to the heart of the omitted issue. Correct. If one senses that a group member has an issue, the best course of action is to get to the bottom of it through proactively asking questions.

What is the first step for balancing individual and team goals?

Recognize the goals. Correct. Identifying competing agendas is the first step in dealing with them.

Meg is advocating for herself and increased power in the team based on the fact that she seems to be a favorite of the customers. What type of power does she evoke here?

Referent. Meg evokes likability and respect she has earned. Correct. Meg's success comes from the admiration and respect she has earned from others.

A team who cooperates and performs because their boss may extend lunch breaks or not ask them to work over the weekend are being influenced by which of the following bases of power?

Reward Correct. Reward power can be exercised through both negative (cancelling weekend work hours) and positive (paying bonuses) reinforcement.

Which of the following is an example of coercive power?

Showing power by threatening to fire someone Correct. Motivation by way of negative reinforcement is coercive power.

Rob is leading a new team in charge of a big project. Alex has begun to challenge Rob's leadership somewhat. A couple of team members are unclear on their roles, and perform poorly as a result of the confusion. Everyone is busy discussing, debating, and brainstorming ideas for what directions the project could take. Which stage is this group in?

Stage 2: Storming Correct. This team is experiencing power struggles and questions of direction.

Which of the following is the BEST definition of power?

The ability to influence others to do things on their own, without influence Correct. Power involves exerting influence over others and motivating them to act.

Stacy, Lynne, and Carrie work for an organization characterized by dysfunctional communication. Management is unclear when expressing what they need from employees, and displays favoritism and unjust treatment of employees. Employees gossip, undermine each other, and sabotage. Consequently, when the three employees mentioned are assigned to a team, they have trouble completing tasks. People shirk responsibility, engage in passive-aggressive communication, and are overly critical. Which of the following aspects of team failure are Stacy, Lynne, and Carrie experiencing in this scenario?

The larger organizational culture is toxic. Correct. Dysfunction with management, and among employees, sets the state for unproductive teamwork.

Stage 1: Forming.

The team explores and identifies its primary objective(s). Further, members of the team consider how their own goals mesh with other members' individual priorities, and with the team's goal. At this point in team development, the objectives may not be very clear, and it is very important that the team clarify them.

Which of the following scenarios describes Maggie, Lee, Rachel, and Alison engaged in the norming stage of team development?

They are all sitting together, discussing the ground rules and organization that ensures their film is more about its social message than entertainment. Correct. This is the stage where they all feel comfortable within the constraints of the team to express ideas for their common goals.

Brenda's team decides to live tweet a workshop they attend, tweeting the details to employees in partner organizations. How are they leveraging social media?

They are using it to promote an event. Correct. They are promoting the workshop to potentially interested parties.

Modeling good behavior

They are well liked in general because they are charismatic and socially attractive. These behaviors tend to be somewhat contagious among team members, according to research on transformational leadership. Simultaneously, these leaders are not pushovers. They have convictions and are not afraid to express and defend them. They will allow others on the team to do the same.

Why is a strong vision important to transformational leadership?

They promote optimism. Correct. Positive thinking is a big motivator.

Lu is a small business owner, a leader in the Chamber of Commerce, and a member of the local chapter of Business and Professional Women. As a civic and professional leader in her community, she was asked to be on a team charged with preparing the necessary documentation to nominate a building of historical significance in her town for a National Register of Historic Places listing. Lu's role is as community liaison, while Greg is in charge of social media. Trish prepares the financial reports, while Kim is a location scout. Which of the following BEST illustrates why a team is a useful approach in this particular situation?

This project is large and varied in terms of workload and expertise, and is best executed by drawing on diverse skill sets. Correct. In this case, the breadth of skills that the team possesses will help ensure project success.

Alberto has designed an online survey to rate customer satisfaction. The survey will be distributed among the team, who will then work to accommodate suggestions. How is social media being leveraged here?

Through collecting research data to improve projects Correct. The team uses digital surveys for information and research.

reasons that technology can be useful to groups and teams?

To communicate across great distances To improve development of original ideas To make research more productive

Communicating vision

Transformational leaders can describe outcome scenarios that are attractive to others. They visualize and communicate to others what life will be like once the hard work is done and the vision is realized. They are persuasive in their ability to get others to share in their vision and goals. Strong visions are helpful to teams because they give members a great sense of purpose, commitment, and optimism.

Supporting others

Transformational leaders provide emotional, social, intellectual, and task support. They are good listeners who know how to practice empathy when others are frustrated or concerned.

What does communicating vision have to do with transformational leaders?

Visionary leaders can articulate outcomes in attractive ways.Correct. Communicating vision entails getting others excited about outcomes.

Mary's process to facilitate the creation of realistic, useful goals is one that all teams should use. Early in team discussions, before any work is attempted, the team members need to ask and answer the following questions:

Why are we here? What is the long-range outcome we want to accomplish? What shorter-term activities and actions need to happen in order to accomplish our ultimate goal? How will we know that we have accomplished each element of our goal statement? How will we recognize, measure, or assess each outcome?

transformational leadership

a model that illustrates how some leaders inspire, energize, engage, and motivate teammates to excel within the team context in committed, passionate ways


a particular type of group that is characterized by its cohesiveness, carefully selected membership, goal-orientation, high performance, and synergy.


a specialized type of education in which team members are taught specific skills and knowledge that can enhance their performance.


a team's overwhelming motivation to agree and reach consensus—and failure to critically evaluate the task or alternative plans and solutions.

cognitive costs

affect the kind of polite turn-taking that most professional team sessions demand: While others talk, you may forget or second-guess your own idea.


can be any number of people getting gathered together for any reason, or no reason at all

Virtual teams

collaborate across time, space, and organizational boundaries, primarily through electronic communication, and spend varying degrees of time working face-to-face.

Challenging others

communicate in ways that challenge those around them to engage in higher thinking, to take risks, and to think or do "outside the box." They encourage creativity, questions, and even disagreements. They do not punish mistakes in any conventional way; rather, they look at mistakes, failures, and setbacks as opportunities to refine the team's purpose or process.

Team building

formal activities that encourage team members to closely examine their process of working together in an effort to maximize quality and effectiveness

One of the most frequently cited in the literature on team communication was articulated by Bruce Tuckman and has four primary stages:

forming, storming, norming, and performing (Smith, 2005; Tuckman, 1965). Each of these predictable phases features behaviors and events that support a team's development in terms of completing its tasks, as well as how its members function in relationship to one another.


involves the authority or ability to influence other people to do things they may lack motivation to do on their own without influence. Power is in the mind of the beholder; power is a matter of perception.

Asynchronous media are BEST described by the...

linear model of communication,

bad apple effect

poisonous impact of having just one ineffective team member

Legitimate power

power assigned to people because of their job, position, or assignment

Informational power

power associated with one's ability to acquire and share valuable information

Expert power

power associated with one's ability to influence others' thoughts or behaviors because other members perceive him or her as competent, credible, and knowledgeable in the subject area

Referent power

power associated with one's ability to motivate and influence others because he or she is well liked, respected, and admired

Coercive power

power associated with perceptions that a particular individual has the ability to punish them for not cooperating or complying as participants with his or her requests

Reward power

power associated with the perception that one has the potential for either providing a positive reward (positive reinforcement) or removing something negative (negative reinforcement) in exchange for their participation and cooperation


refers to the generation of as many ideas as possible in a short period of time. When it is used to its fullest potential, brainstorming can increase the number and creativity of suggestions, possibilities, and options as teams make decisions and solve problems.


represents the larger environment in which a group operates, and its rules, history, norms, and communication climate

Social loafing

situations in which one or more members exert little or no effort to the team's work. Researchers have documented the poisonous impact of having just one ineffective team member, labeling it the bad apple effect

New media that help teams get their work done in a collaborative fashion vary in two dimensions:

the extent to which they are synchronous and structured.

synchronous media are BEST described by the..

transactional model of communication.

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