Introduction to Theology

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St. Gregory Nazanzius on the Incarnation

"God became man so that man might become God not by nature but by participation."

St. Augustine on Salvation

"He who created you without you will not save you without you."

St. Augustine quote about Love

"Love and do what you will"

St. Augustine Quote about Scripture

"The New Testament is hidden in the Old Testament, and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New Testament." -St. Augustine

St. Francis of Assisi on Crucifixion

"You crucified Him and you crucify Him still when you delight in your vices and sins"


"one will"; Jesus only had one will; denied human will; 3rd Council of Constantinople; human will necessary to be human person

Possible Prescribed Acts for Plenary Indulgences

-Adoration for at least 30 minutes -Prayerfully read the Bible for 30 minutes -Pray the Rosary alone in a Church -Pray the Rosary with at least one other person anywhere -Praying of the Stations of the Cross

Mary's Perpetual Virginity

-Virgin before, during, and after Jesus -No relations with a man; Joseph not known her -No labor pains (until death on cross) because Jesus not destroy her virginity, instead miraculous birth -Not give her tabernacle to anyone else; only had cousins; first-born was a privilege -Protestant Reformers believed in Perpetual Divinity

Understanding of Divine Revelation

1 Source (God) 2 fold Deposit of Faith 3 channels

Three necessities to forming consciences

1) A life of prayer 2) Learning and studying theology 3) Obedience to the Magisterium and teachings

Original Sin Hinders our Image in God

1) Intellect is darkened 2) Will is weakened 3) Interpersonal Communion become objectified

4 Reasons Why Partial Inerrancy is Wrong

1) It is incompatible with Biblical Inspiration: God authored the Bible and doesn't make mistakes, so the Bible is 100% inerrant 2) It contradicts Vatican II: Dei Verbum says is plenary, so partial denies that 3) It violates all prior Magisterial Teaching 4) It violates the relationship between Faith and Reason: Some teachings, like Resurrection, are both matters of faith and history, so must be taught as true

Problem of anti-Semitism

1) Taught to love all 2) We are more responsible for Jesus's death 3) Jesus was a Jew

Two principles for the act of formation

1) The Golden Rule 2) "The ends don't justify the means"; Intention and Object must be good

Church Response to Macro Evolution

1) We all descend from one original set of parents 2) A human soul was infused into soul as a direct act of creation by God

Biblical Foundations of Purgatory

1. 1 Corinthians 3:10-15- We will be cleansed of what is not of God 2. Matthew 12:31-32- venial sins will be forgiven in the age to come 3. 2 Maccabees 12:41-45- Prayers for the dead so they can go to Heaven

Significance of the Sign of the Cross

1. Calls to mind the Redemption that our Lord accomplished through His Passion and Death 2. It reminds us of our Baptism and therefore our commitment to the Christian life 3. It invokes God's protection over evil; Demons flee when it is made 4. A visible way of professing our faith in the Trinity

Non-healing miracles

1. Calming of the sea (Mk 4:35-41); Jesus has power over nature and over chaos and evil 2. Feeding of the 5000 (Mk 6:30-44); only miracle mentioned in all 4 Gospels; took, blessed, broke, and gave mimic the Last Supper; shepherd and sheep 3. Jesus walks on water (Mk 6:45-51)

Sola Scriptura

1. Canon exists from Tradition 2. Non-biblical 3. Anti-biblical

Healing Miracles

1. Casting out of Demons (Mk 1:21-28); Jesus has power over Satan and Darkness 2. Man w/ withered hand on the Sabbath (Mk 3:1-6) 3. Rising of Jarius' Daughter (Mk 5:21-42); hemorrhaging woman, Jesus has power over death itself

Conditions for Plenary Indulgences

1. Go to Confession 2. Receive Holy Communion 3. Pray for the Intentions of the Pope 4. Be completely detached from sin (if missing these, indulgence is partial) (Have about 20 days before or after the act of indulgence to complete these objectives)

Three Outcomes of Particular Judgment

1. Immediately sent to Heaven 2. Immediately sent to Hell 3. Soul enters the condition of Purgatory

Papal Infalliability

1. Infallibility is not impeccability 2. Only concerns formal teachings in matters of faith and morals 3. Two forms of infallibility; ex-cathedra and ordinary 4. Significance for us; same faith

What can Private Revelation do?

1. Introduce new forms of piety 2. Help us to better embrace an aspect of our faith that has been forgotten or was never understood 3. Give new emphasis to aspects of our faith 4. Helps us to better live out the Gospel

Death because of Original sin

1. Spiritual- drive out life of soul through serious sin 2. Physical

4 Steps to Studying Scripture

1. Start w/ prayer to the Holy Spirit to ask for Wisdom 2. Ask Who?/What?/When?/Where?/Why?/How? 3. Use tools to interpret; Tradition, Magisterium, Canonically 4. Application to daily life; cannot leave at the level of the intellect, but must bring to the will

General Conditions for All Indulgences

1. State of Grace 2. General Intention to Earn Indulgence 3. Actually do the Indulgence

Three Stages of the Incarnation

1. The Annunciation commemorated on March 25th - context: Holy Family - significance: God came to save this family 2. The Nativity- December 25th - context: Son of God is born - significance: shepherds symbolize all Jews being saved 3. The Epiphany- January 6th - context: wisemen come - significance: Gentiles saved

Analogies of the Trinity

1. Three-leaf Shamrock: three leaves, one flower 2. Equilateral triangle: one figure w/ 3 equal sides 3. Mother, father, and child: one family, three persons

4 Reasons for the Incarnation

1. To save us from sin and reconcile us to God 2. To show us God's love 3. In Jesus we have a model of holiness of life 4. Divinization- that we might partake in the divine nature

Importance of Final Judgment

1. We get our bodies back/become complete 2. Public triumph of Christ over sin and death


1/3 of angels chose against God at one time; never any new demons; demons stronger than humans unless we have sanctifying grace; Satan is opposite in power to St. Michael, not God

The Rosary

20 mysteries about the life of Christ -Assumption and Coronation were because of Jesus Private revelation to St. Dominic JPII added Luminous "Holy Mary..." added during deaths of Bubonic Plague

First Council of Constantinople

381 AD; 2nd ecumenical council; refuted Apollinarinism

Council of Ephesus

3rd council; 431 AD; Nestorianism; Theotokos


40 days after Easter; when Jesus went to Heaven in glorified human body; marks the entrance of humanity into Heaven

Council of Chalcedon

451 AD; 4th Council; Monophysitism


50 days after Easter; birthday of Church in the sense that formal ministry began; thousands Baptized

3rd Council of Constantinople

680-81 AD; Monothelitism

The Principle of Double Effect Qualifications

A. The act cannot be intrinsically evil B. The evil that is foreseen must not be intended C. The good intended must be at least proportionate to the evil that is foreseen D. There is no other reasonable course of action possible

St. Thomas Aquinas on the Incarnation

A. Was it necessary for God to become man in order to save us? Nope, God can do what He wants, but He most shows His love by becoming man B. Would God have become man if we had not sinned? No because the principle reason was to save us from sin, so would have been no need C. Could God have become man if we had not sinned? Yes, God can do what He wants and we don't restrain Him, but we don't know what He would've done D. Why did God not become man immediately after the first sin? Why wait? Two problems: 1) Come early and people not know enough to know they need help or 2) Come late and not save very many people; He came at the Fullness of Time

Gospels Overview

All of the Bible is inspired, but the Gospels are the most important because they are the most closely related to the life of Christ; The Gospels are privileged witnesses to the life and teachings of Jesus

Plenary Indulgences

All of the temporal punishment due to sin is removed; can earn a maximum of one per day


Apollinarius; Jesus did not have a human soul; can't be human without human soul; Jesus not became man if no soul; First Council of Constantinople; Jesus could not have saved us if not have a human soul


Arius, priest of Alexandria; denied the true divinity of Jesus; Council of Nicaea; Two words at heart of controversy: 1) Homoousios-"same substance", Son and Father 2) Homoinusios- Arius and friends of similar substance; time when the Son was not; Jesus was "God-like"; Creed-consubstantial

God the Son

Before the Incarnation: Son as logos only Jesus only after the Incarnation when became man One person, two natures Role of Redeemer

Partial Biblical Inerrancy

Belief taught by many Catholic Scholars that matters of faith and morals in the Bible are inerrant but matters of history are not necessarily true

Canonical Methodology

Bible as a unity; whenever you read the Bible, you must be mindful of what comes before and what comes after


Bishop Nestorius; thought there were two persons in Jesus; Mary was the Christotokos-Christ bearer; Christ human person with divine person within Him; Council of Ephesus; Mary is "Theotokos" and gave Jesus a human nature

The Human Person

Body and Soul composite; body dissolves at death; re-become fully human at the end of the world; Created in the image and likeness of God

Three Essential Criteria for Biblical Interpretation

Canonical Methodology, Attentiveness to Sacred Tradition, and the Analogy of Faith

Mary's Divine Maternity

Centrality of this dogma-most important; Theotokos

General/Final/Last Judgment (differences from Particular)

Concerns the entire human race (public and universal), body and soul rejoined together before God, Purgatory will cease to exist,

Plenary Biblical Inerrancy

Correct belief that all of the Bible is without error when properly understood

The Work of Creation

Creation ex nihilo; everything that exists is good; only God can create

Artistic Representations of the Trinity

Don't take at face value because all three persons are equal in wisdom and strength and are co-eternal

The Persons of the Trinity

Equal in every respect except in relation; all three persons are equally cooperative in all matter; Father=Work of Creation; Son=Work of Redemption; Holy Spirit=Work of Sanctification


Eutyches; "one nature"; only divine nature; tried to correct Nestorius but then said only divine; Council of Chalcedon

The problem of evil

Evil is not a creation, because all creation is good; privation of good; evil is never willed by God but is allowed because He respects our free will and allows good out of evil

Attentiveness to Sacred Tradition

Find Divine Revelation in Tradition; have to believe Divine Revelation for salvation; Sacred Tradition is the memory of the Church; same teaching for all generations; Tradition by: Fathers, Doctors, Saints, Liturgy

Biblical Implications of Immaculate Conception

Genesis 3:15- "enmity between you and the woman"; free from sin in order to be in complete opposition-Mary is that woman Luke 1:28- "Rejoice, Full of Grace"; substituted for name; full in context of past, present, and future; full means no room for anything else


Greek for "messenger"; God's helpers in His governance; all created at one time; Angels free will at one time


Greek word for Messiah


Hebrew word and title that refers to someone who has received an anointing; ex: Kings, priests, prophets Jesus was Priest, Prophet, and King

Image of God

Intellect, Will, Interpersonal Communion, Anticipation of the Incarnation (image of the Son); dignity because in God's image; nothing can eradicate our being in the image of God

Redemptive Suffering

JPII; Jesus gave suffering a meaning, which can get us through something; embrace our suffering to purify us of our sins and offer it up for others; God chose suffering to redeem us; offer suffering in union with Christ's

Theological Death of Christ

Jesus actively offered up Himself on the Cross; we are all responsible because He died for our sins; we are more culpable than Romans and Jews

12 Apostles

Jesus called men to begin public ministry; first bishops and priests of the Church; perfect the 12 tribes of Israel

Historical Persons responsible for Jesus's death

Jews: Pharisees, High Priest, Sanhedrin, Chief Priests Romans: Pontius Pilate and Roman soldiers

Institution of the Papacy

Matthew 16; Peter's name change and change in role; Peter chosen because he was the apostle who most needed God's mercy, and he will have compassion on us

Biblical Foundations for the Trinity

Matthew 28:19-The Great Commission; Word not used, but concept present

The Gospels

Matthew-first to be proclaimed and written; most used; Apostle Mark- not an Apostle, but disciple of Peter; written account of Peter's catechesis Luke- only Gentile author of the NT; not an Apostle; Blessed Virgin Mary main source John- most profound; Apostle of Charity; Beloved


Most important miracle; proved Himself to be true; broke bond of sin and death; verified the truth of everything He did

How to Enter into Heaven

Must be in a state of sanctifying grace, perfect as Christ calls us to be, free from venial sins, and atoned for injustice of all sins

God the Spirit

Name denotes qualities of the other two persons; bond of love between Father & Son; Role of Sanctifier

Vincible Ignorance

Not knowing something that you should've

Who can indulgences be gained for?

Oneself or a soul in Purgatory

Why is a proper understanding of biblical inerrancy important?

Partial allows Christians to selectively choose what is true and what is not so that they don't have to believe what is hard, but God gave us the Bible as a tool to salvation, so it must be completely inerrant in order for it to be a normative guide


Paul of Samosata; God chose a man to save the world; Son of God by adoption; denies divinity of Jesus-only good and holy, not God

Temporal Punishment

Punishment incurred from a forgiven mortal or venial sin

Eternal Punishment

Punishment incurred from an un-forgiven mortal sin (Hell)

3 Channels of Divine Revelation

Scripture, Tradition, and Magisterium

Partial Indulgences

Some of the temporal punishment due to sin is removed

The Assumption of Mary

Taken to heaven body and soul; glorified body; unsure if died or not

The Analogy of Faith

The Magisterium exists to guard us from falsehood; no teaching of the Magisterium can contradict a teaching of Scripture; Church is both mater and magistra; What the Church says is true we must believe

Power of the Keys

The Pope has the power to regulate indlugences

Purgatory Overview

The mercy of God that allows us the opportunity to rid ourselves of the venial sins and sin residue on our souls; must be in a state of sanctifying grace


The remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sin for a sin that has already been forgiven

Teachings of Jesus in Mark

Use of parables; Parable of the Sower (Mk 4:1-9), Mustard Seed (Mk 4:30-32), Wicked Tenants (Mk 12:1-12)


When authors refer to science in scripture they are not giving a literal natural scientific way

Two Great Commandments

You shall love God with every fiber of your being Love your neighbor as yourself


a thought, word, deed, or a desire contrary to God's law

Immaculate Conception

a. Mary did not incur original sin b. Mary was not subject to the effects of original sin c. Mary was redeemed by her son through the application of the merits of Calvary in advance d. A singular privilege e. Mary remained without sin her entire life

The Relationship between the Old and New Testaments

a. NT recognizes the authority of the OT b. NT is in conformity with the OT c. NT fulfills and brings to completion the OT


bottom "county" of Judea; Jerusalem located here, Jesus' Passion, Death, and Resurrection


bustling town where Jesus set up "base camp" for ministry

Legend of St. Augustine

child on the beach; sand; too much info about the Trinity


claim that Jesus only appeared to be human; believe matter is evil so God would not become matter; Gregory Nanziansus "What has not been assumed has not been healed" Our bodies are important to our being


common name at the time; means "God saves us/God is Salvation"

The Last Four Things

death, judgment, Heaven, Hell

Final Judgment and Particular Judgment

does not undo Particular Judgment (stay in hell/heaven)


draw out meaning of Bible; requires wisdom


drawn out correlation of something to Christ

Council of Nicaea

first ecumenical council called by Constantine in 325 AD; defeated Arianism

Adam and Eve

first two human persons to ever exist; all biologically descended from them; heresy of polygenism-"many beginnings", few different evolved apes

John the Baptist

greatest prophet for Christ; the precursor to Christ; prepared the way for Christ; Two Main Jobs: 1) Prepare people spiritually for the coming of the Messiah; call to repentance and necessity of Christ 2) Point out Messiah to those awaiting Him; many false Messiahs, so needed authoritative voice to point Him out Baptized Jesus in the Jordan as example for us to follow

Cardinal Virtues

hinge 1. Prudence 2. Justice 3. Fortitude 4. Temperance All four must be practiced to live authentically

Allegorical sense

how a passage is interpreted in light of the mystery of Christ and the Church

Anagogical Sense

how the passage is fulfilled in heavenly realities

Moral sense

how we are to live


many more people go to Hell, so we need to judge our own actions in order to work towards the path to Heaven


no way to express the joys and wonders of heaven; it is absolute and complete perfection of joy and love

Invincible Ignorance

not knowing something about the moral life but its not your fault


objective; Christ bought us all (past, present, future) back no matter how a person thinks; refers to Christ's crucifixion

Particular/Individual Judgment

occurs at the moment of our death when our soul separates from our body and stands before God; three possible outcomes

Garden of Gethsemane

part of Mount of Olives, beginning of Passion; Greatest intensity of Christ's pain; Psychological pain-tears for Hell

Origin of Sin

pride is the root of all sin; choose own thoughts/desires over what God wants for us


region (like modern day county) where many cities of Christ's ministry were located; including Nazareth and Capernum; top portion of the Holy Land; many miracles here

Dei Verbum

relationship between Scripture and Tradition


restores sanctifying grace; clears condition of original sin but not effects

God the Father

role of creator; attributes of fathers and mothers but called Father because active role in life-giving


small town where Jesus grew up; home town; spent 25+ years here


subjective; depends on our cooperation; asks if we are in heaven; life-long process

The Magisterium

teaching authority of the Church; servant of Scripture and Tradition; inferior to Scripture and Tradition according to what it is, but equal in what it does

Sacred Tradition

the living memory of the Church; passes down to every generation what they Church is and what she believes; source from God, so unchangeable; required to believe in

the spiritual senses

the meaning intended by God but unknown by the human author; Allegorical, Moral, and Anagogical

the literal sense

the meaning of the words on the page as intended by the human author, and thus intended by God; authors wrote in different genres

The Trinity

the most central and foundational teaching of Christianity; about God in Himself instead of what He did; theologia; Three persons in one God; Mystery of Faith; 1 Divine Nature

Divine Revelation

the self-disclosure of God and His plan for our salvation; Public Revelation; Perfected in Christ; Teachings come from Christ and apostles and end with John's death


the study of the last four things (death, judgment, Heaven, Hell)

Deposit of Faith

the sum total of everything that the Church believes; Scripture and Tradition

Likeness of God

to be holy; sanctifying grace is the life of God within us

Private Revelation

when an individual receives messages/instructions from God or the saints; like sunlight and water that help the tree of Divine Revelation grow; not required to believe in, but they help

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