Islam Test!!!

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Adaptations of people who live in the Arabian Peninsula: Coastal Plains

- Coastal plains are very ideal for farming and agricultural work. For hundreds of thousands of years, farming communities in south Arabia are able to be successful and make a sustainable living from agriculture - For farmers to fulfill the idea of living off coastal plains, they usually dams and wells under the earth's surface to irrigate the land

Geographical features of the Arabian Peninsula: Coastal Plains

- Coastal plains can be located between landforms - The climate of coastal plains will indefinitely change all year long as hot summers appear, cold winters with a few freezing temperatures, and a lot of precipitation - Additionally, coastal plains "take charge" of many harbors

Geographical features of the Arabian Peninsula: Oases

- Oases can take shape/form when water is "confined" underground - Since water is accessible, plant life and their growth starts to naturally and remarkably increase, mostly shrubs and grass - Oasis can differ in all different types of sizes, ranging from small acres to large land spaces/areas

Adaptations of people who live in the Arabian Peninsula: Oases

- Since the water was so accessible and easy to acquire, nomads were able to grow crops for vegetation for themselves, and their herds - To receive water for their agricultural farms, nomads would mostly dig deep under the earth's surface to create wells

Geographical features of the Arabian Peninsula: Desert

- The deserts have incredibly smooth and plain surfaces. Additionally, the environment is very dry. - Animals that live in the deserts don't have easy access to an adequate amount of supply/storage. - Amounts of rainfall and snowing in the desert is notably rare as rainfall can only limit itself to roughly four inches. This will indefinitely cause droughts for all living organisms - Deserts are often faced with windstorms

Adaptations of people who live in the Arabian Peninsula: Desert

- Their tents are built to allow air to circulate within them, keeping them cool -Arab nomads would migrate/travel through the desert with camels and raising sheep and goats - Locals that live in the desert use animals to their advantage as they supply blankets, wool, and hair for clothing, and even materials for a tent

How much of their wealth do Muslims give away?

2.5% of their wealth only if they can

How long does Ramadan last for?

29 days expected to fast during daylight hours

When does the Hajj occur?

8th, 9th, and 10th days during the final month of the Islamic calendar

What was the Night Journey?

A winged horse took Muhammad to Jerusalem in a single night. From Jerusalem he ascended into heaven, where he met the earlier prophets, and eventually God

What was the dominant geographical feature of the Arabian Peninsula?

Arabian Desert

What language do Muslims pray in? (HINT: What language is the Qur'an written in?)


Lifestyle of the Bedouins

Bedouins roamed around numerous places wherever there were natural resources such as water and grass for their animals(primarily of goats, camels, and sheep). Since they were living on such hot and dry environments, the bedouins got up to 10 inches of rain, PER YEAR Desert area forced people to be nomadic Oases areas forced people to be sedentary

Why were camels important to the Bedouins?

Camels are extremely valuable and important to the bedouins because camels were the main transportation system in the desert. Additionally, camels could survive 8 days without water and carry loads of materials and goods on their body.

Geographical features of the Arabian Peninsula

Desert, Oases, Costal Plains

What occurred in a cave in which led to Muhammad becoming a prophet?

During his usual prayer, he was welcomed angel Gabriel to be the call of the prophet. According to his witness of the incident, he endured a visit with Angel Gabriel. As the conversation between Gabriel and Muhammad ensued, Gabriel told Muhammad what to recite to get. Although Muhammad wasn't able to neither read nor write, he stated the statement from Angel Gabriel was encored into his brain.

What are one reasons why Muslims follow this pillar?

Ensures they're in good faith of Allah Care for the less fortunate

What did Muhammad destroy after fighting the Meccans? Why?

He destroyed numerous idols and the Ka'ba. He did this act because the idols(sculptures of gods) depicted multiple gods and polytheism. Muhammad, however, only believed in one god(monothestic)

How did being an orphan impact his life?

He developed a passionate sense of helping people the are secluded. Additionally, Muhammad was taught all of the basic values and traits of life such as showing kindness to a fellow stranger, or consulting and supporting widows, and assisting orphans to a better lifestyle.

What did Muhammad mean by "People of the Book?"

Jews Christians Muslims

Where was Muhammad born?

Makkah (Mecca), Saudi Arabia

Why are Muslims expected to pray in the direction of Mecca? (HINT: Think about what you know about Mecca and Muhammad!)

Mecca is the spiritual capital of Islam and Mecca is the holy city of Islam

How does the following Bedouin Proverb explain the belief in bloodline first: Bedouin Proverb "I against my brother, I and my brothers against my cousins, I and my brothers and my cousins against the world."

Most loyal to your family, then to your clan, and then to your tribe

Why did Muhammad travel to Yathrib?

Muhammad travelled to Yathrib to bring peace between the feuding tribes. The people of Yathrib needed a peacemaker. In return, the people would provide a safe refuge and protection for Muhammad and his followers

What are the origins of hajj? (Where did Muhammad go to/ from where? What happened once he arrived there?)

Muhammad's journey from Medina to mecca in 630 is the first hajj once he arrive in mecca he destroyed their idols in Kaaba

How many times a day are Muslims supposed to pray? Where? When? Why?

Muslims are supposed to pray 5 times a day could pray anywhere; public or private times when they pray are before dawn, at noon, in mid afternoon, sunset, around midnight because they want to show their commitment to Allah

What is the Qu'ran?

Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the holy book of Islam.

Who were the Bedouins?

Nomadic people from Arabia

What does the term Muslim mean?

People who are Monotheistic and those who surrender to god

Why was poetry/story-telling important to the Bedouins?

Poetry and storytelling was important for the Bedouins because it was able to preserve the histories, traditions, and significant culture of each clan.

Aspects of Bedouin Culture

Political: Fiercely democratic Economic: Had to move constantly to get enough food, water. Social: Family was first priority, used relationships to their advantage

How are the Bedouin related to one another?

Sometimes clans would join together to form tribes to fight for a common need

Why did the Bedouin people fear the message that Muhammad shared?

The Bedouin people feared that as this message grew stronger, he would seize political power and the Quraysh will start to lose wealth/richness which results in everyone becoming equal, economically and financially speaking

Explain the "democratic" nature of the Bedouin

The bedouins were fiercely democratic as they were ruled by the people. While the shaykh may have had the most valuable opinions, citizens take votes on decisions. Additionally, if the shaykh proposed a rule or decision, the other tribal leaders had the right to reject the request. They feared one person gaining too much POWER

What is the Shari'ah?

The collection of Islamic Law

What is the Hadith?

The hadith are written accounts of Muhammad's Sunnah

What is the kaaba? Where is it located? Why is this location important in Islam?

The kaaba is a cubed-shape shrine that is located in Mecca. It is important in Islam because this structure housed numerous statues of gods and the kaaba was used to worship the idols. Its location is important because the birth place of Muhammad

How did "FAITH" bound his followers together? How did prayer contribute to this?

The passionate belief in their faith bonded them because the Muslims fought with confidence that god was on their side

Why did Muhammad go to live with the Bedouins when he was younger?

The people in the town of Mecca felt the Bedouin had a deeper cultural value and the desert life was known to be safer for infants.

What was the FIRST MAJOR message that Muhammad spoke of?

There is only one God

Why are there no real images of the prophet Muhammad?

They will not have a visual representation of god but rather in a holy book known as the Qur'an

What does Sawm translate to? What does this mean?

Translates to fasting to fast means to go without food or water for a specified amount of time

Why did rivalries sometimes exist between Bedouin tribes?

Tribes would steal and raid from other clans, forming a rivalry.

When are Muslims expected to follow this pillar?

are expected to fast during the holy month of Ramadan, which is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar

Why do Muslims believe that Ramadan is the "key to heaven"?

because it involves the sacrifice of a person's bodily desires and is performed for the sake of God alone by denying liquids, believer ensures that sacrifice will be felt by the body pain felt acts as a proof of commitment to Allah

What is the Sunnah?

book that is made for example of followers of Muhammad.

Where do Muslims donate their money?

either mosques or a place of choice

What is it expected that Muslims will live their lives according to?

expected that Muslims will live their lives according to the Quran

Why do Muslims make this pilgrimage (What is one thing that all who make this pilgrimage have in common)?

it makes them closer to Allah

Where is it most common/ preferable for Muslims to pray?

it's most common for them to pray in Mosques

Why is this pillar the most sacred of the five? WHY?

it's the only one of the five pillars that can make someone a Muslim

Who is expected to participate?

mandatory for all adult Muslims if you are physically and financially able to do so

What does Hajj translate to?

pilgrimage (religious journey)

What does Salat translate to?


What are the exceptions made for fasting?

pregnant women, young children, elderly, those who are sick

What specific dietary rules are in place during Ramadan?

should refrain from eating or drinking during daylight hours are permitted to eat normally before sunrise and after sunset

What does Islam, like other world religions, teach Muslims to do?

teaches them to give to the less fortunate

What does Zakat translate to?

that which purifies purification (charity pillar)

Where does this religious journey go?

the journey goes to Mecca located in Saudi Arabia which is the holiest place in Islam

What does shahadah translate to?

the testimony

What statement are Muslims required to recite? WHY?

there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah they're required to say this because it shows their commitment to the faith

How do Muslims conclude hajj?

they go back to Mecca and circle the Kaaba seven times celebrate with a feast involving the sacrifice of an animal in honor of Abraham and Muhammad

While completing hajj, what locations do they go? What do they do at them?

they move from site to site they fast and experience the time of the desert and see what Muhammad went through great Mosque where Kaaba is located and circle it 7 times plain of arafat camp in deserts at night throw stones at statues that represent Satan at Medina circle around Kaaba again

What are the two guidelines that Muslims should follow when praying?

they must be facing the direction of Mecca considered spiritual capital of Islam they must be in a state of purity when praying washing hands and feet prior to praying

Once Muslims who make the pilgrimage reach Mecca, what do they wear? Application: Why do you think this is?

they wear simple white clothing and perform a series of rituals moving from one site to another represents unity between all social classes

How many times must the shahadah be recited?

three times in front of two Muslim witnesses

What two declarations must Muslims make to follow this pillar successfully?

to believe in one God- Allah belief in the prophet Muhammad

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