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How did Muhammad raise the status of women?

He treated his wives with live and devotion, insisted that dowries (the payment prospective husbands made to secure brides) be paid to the future wife rather than to her father, and he forbade female infanticide (the killing of newborn girls). Also, Muhammad's first wife was educated and owned her own business, which set a pattern for the recognition of women's abilities.

Where did scholars travel to study?

Scholars traveled from far away Baghdad to study at a renown center of learning known as House of Wisdom

Who were the Seljuk Turks?

Seljuk Turks were from Central Asia and were also Muslims.

What marked the limit of rapid Islamic expansion into Western Europe?

The Islamic armies lost the Battle of Tours against Frankish forces marked the limit of rapid expansion into Western Europe


The Islamic holy law, drawn up by theologians from the Quran and accounts of Muhammad's life.

What were some major continuities and changes in dar al-Islam?

The Islamic societies expanded and became distinct ethnically overtime.

What became the center of learning?

The Islamic state in Spain, known as al-Andalus became a center of learning.

What do Mamluks, Seljuks, and Delhi Sultanate have in common?

The Mamluks in the North Africa, the Seljuks in the Middle East, and the Delhi Sultanate in South Asia were all at least partially Turkic

Where did the Mamluks seize control?

The Mamluks seized control of the government in Egypt, establishing the Mamluk Sultanate (1250-1517)

Lands the Mongols conquered-

The Mongols conquered the remaining Abbasid Empire in 1258 and ended the Seljuk rule. They continued to push westward but were stopped in Egypt by the Mamluks.

What are the beliefs, traditions, and customs of Islam?

They believed that the Five Pillars were the foundation of Islam and one of the Five Pillars is to go on a pilgrimage to the Ka'ba in Mecca. Some Muslims also believed in Jihad which means "struggle". They also had Islamic laws called Sharia.

How did the Mamluk Sultanate prosper?

They prospered by facilitating trade in cotton and sugar between the Islamic world and Europe

How did Sufi missionaries help spread Islam?

They tended to adapt to local cultures and traditions, sometimes interweaving local religious elements into Islam, and in this way they won many converts.


emphasized introspection to grasp truth that they believed could not be understood through learning.

Muslims couldn't enslave other Muslims (true or false)

true, because they saw each other as brothers and sisters under Allah

Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406)

well known for his historical accounts and is widely acknowledged as a founder of the fields of histography (the study of the methods of historians) and sociology.

Where did the Islamic religion originate? Where did it spread?

After the death of Muhammad in 632, Islam spread rapidly from Arabia. Muslim rule expanded to many parts of Afro-Eurasia due to military expansion, through the activities of merchants and missionaries. Islam's reach extended from India to Spain.

What made Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's observatory great?

An observatory built under his direction was the most advanced in the world and produced the most accurate astronomical charts


Arab sailing vessels; equipped with lateen sails; used by Arab merchants. Less useful for conduction warfare.

In what ways did the early history of Islam reflect its Arabian origins?

Arabia was located between the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire, which had Jewish/Christian and Zoroastrian beliefs respectively. This created a monotheistic religion that shaped the way Arabs saw Allah. Allah would turn to be a chief monotheistic god like Yahweh. Also, cosmopolitan cities emerged in Arabia.

Who were the Mamluks?

Arabs often purchased enslaved people, or Mamluks, who were frequently ethnic Turks from Central Asia

What happened to Baghdad when trade slowly shifted to routes farther north?

As Baghdad lost its traditional place at the center of trade, it lost wealth and population. It could not afford to keep its canals repaired. Farmers could not provide enough food for the urban population. Slowly, the infrastructure that had made Baghdad a great city fell into decay.

Capital of Abbasid Dynasty



Epic poem of Omar Khayyam; seeks to find meaning in life and a path to union with the divine

What caused the Europeans to organize groups of soldiers called the Crusaders?

European Christians organized groups of soldiers, called Crusaders, to reopen access to the holy sited in and around Jerusalem.

Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (1201-1274)

He contributed to astronomy, law, logic, ethics, mathematics, philosophy, and medicine. Was the reason trigonometry is a separate subject as he studied the sides of a triangle and the angles.

Who did people pay tribute to?

People paid tribute to Islamic caliphs

What did the scholars learn?

- They translated Greek literary classics into Arabic, saving the works of Aristotle and other Greek thinkers from oblivion. - They studied mathematics texts from India and transferred the knowledge to Europeans - They adopted techniques for paper-making from China. Through them , Europeans learned to make paper

Status of Women -

- allowed to inherit property and run a business - remarry if widowed - could receive cash for divorce - could initiate divorce

What were some major historical turning points that marked the spread and influence of Islamic civilization?

-Death of Ali lead to Sunni-Shi'a division -Muslim conquests of Jerusalem and Damascus -Islamic capital moved to Baghdad -Muslim defeat at the Battle of Tours -Fall of Baghdad to the Mongols

What time period did Islam start spreading outside of Arabia?

632 CE after Muhammad's death


A tradition relating the words or deeds of the Prophet Muhammad; next to the Quran, the most important basis for Islamic law.

How did the Mamluks, Seljuks, and Delhi Sultanate affect the cultures of the Islamic states?

By the 16th century, three large Islamic states had their roots in Turkic cultures: the Ottoman Empire in Turkey, the Safavid Empire in Persia, and the Mughal Empire in India.

Where did the Mongols come from?

Central Asia

What religions did Islam show tolerance to?

Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians; people who believed in single god and did good works

Who were the people of the book?

Christians, Jews, and Muslims

Where was the largest library (at that time) in the world located?


Capital of Umayyad Dynasty


Ibn Rushd

From Spain, wrote influential works on law, secular philosophy, and the natural sciences

How did geography influence the rapid expansion of territory under Muslim rule?

Geography influenced the rapid expansion of territory under Muslim rule by the following: diffusion along the trade routes from Mecca to Medina, Islam's continuation to expand despite great distance, desert environments, and mountain barriers; and Islams spread into the Fertile Crescent.

How much did Islam spread?

Islam's reach extended from India to Spain

What led to the discrimination against non-Arabs?

Islamic caliphs led to discrimination against non-Arabs, though rarely to open persecution


Islamic institutions of higher education that originated in the tenth century.

How did Islamic civilization preserve and extend ancient Greek, Persian, and Indian learning?

Islamic libraries and scholars helped preserve and extend ancient Greek, Persian, and Indian learning

What advice was given by Muhammad to the scholars?

Islamic scholars followed the advice of the prophet Muhammad: "Go in quest of knowledge even unto China."

How did Islamic scholarship affect Europe?

Islamic scholarship and scientific innovations, along with the knowledge transferred from India and China and laid the groundwork for the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution in Europe

What did Islamic societies think of merchants?

Islamic society viewed merchants as more prestigious than did other societies in Europe and Asia at the time.

How did Islam affect the lives of women?

It forbade the killing of daughters, encouraged women's education, and allowed women to reject marriage offers.


Letters of credit that were common in the medieval Islamic banking world.

Why did Mamluks have more advantage than other enslaved people?

Mamluks had more opportunities for advancement than did most enslaved people because they were soldiers.

How were the Islamic states different?

Many Islamic states adopted Abbasid practices, but they were distinct ethnically.

Seal of the Prophets

Muhammad's name for himself, signifying that he was the final prophet of Allah.

What caused the expansion of the Islamic Arab empire?

Muslim rule expanded to many parts of Afro-Eurasia due to military expansion, through the activities of merchants and missionaries. Islam's reach extended from India to Spain.

What were some contributions of Islamic civilization?

Some contributions of the Islamic civilization include architecture, mosaics, the Arabic alphabet, universities the translation of ancient texts into Arabic, algebra, trigonometry, geometry, Arabic numerals, lateen sails, and medicine (also enormous expansion of geographic knowledge)

How far did the Seljuk Turks extend their power?

Starting in the 11th century, they began conquering parts of the Middle East, eventually extending their power almost as far as western China

A'ishah al-Ba'uniyyah (1460-1507)

Sufi poet and mystic. May be the most prolific female Muslim writer before the 20th century. Her best-known work is a long poem honoring Muhammad called, "Clear Inspiration, on Praise of the Trusted One," refers to many previous poets, reflecting her broad learning

How did Sufism begin?

Sufism may have begun as a mystical response to the perceived love of luxury by the early Umayyad Caliphate

Similarities and differences between Sunni and Shia -

Sunnis are the "traditionalists" the most popular branch of Islam. They believed in the legitimacy of the early caliphs, compared with the Shiite belief that only a descendant of Ali can lead. Shia were the Islamic minority in opposition to the Sunnis; their belief is that leadership should reside in the line descended from Ali

Who was the Abbasid Caliphate led by?

The Abbasid Caliphate was led by Arabs and Persians, but the later Islamic states were shaped by Turkic peoples who descended from people in Central Asia.

What did the Abbasids allow Christians to do, which later was limited by the Seljuk Turks?

The Abbasids allowed Christians to travel easily to and from their holy sites in and around Jerusalem, however the Seljuk Turks limited this travel.

Why ere the Abbasids important?

The Abbasids had been an important link connecting Asia, Europe, and North Africa. Goods and ideas flowed from one region to another on trade routes controlled by the Abbasids.

What was the Seljuk leader called?

The Seljuk leader called himself sultan

What helped create legal systems?

The common use of Shariah created similar legal systems.

Who are the most famous conquerors in history?

The fourth group to attack the Abbasid Empire, the Mongols are among the most famous conquerors in history.

How did political and cultural geography facilitate trade and cultural activity in the early Islamic lands?

The political and cultural geography facilitated trade and cultural activity in the early Islamic lands by the short-lived political unity of the first Muslim empire, the Arabic language spread with Islam and facilitated trade across Islamic lands, and slavery not being based on race.

Who had more independence the slave women or the wives of men?

The slave women could go to markets and run errands, while the legal wives had to sit and home and could only go outside under supervision of servants.

What did the Sultan do?

The sultan reduced the role of the highest-ranking Abbasid from caliph to chief Sunni religious authority

How was Arabia transformed by the rise of Islam?

There was great distaste for the elite in Mecca, and Momo (Muhammad from now on) had to move to Medina. Momo transformed Arabia by allowing Jews and Christians into Medina, but sometimes executed Jews if sided against him. Momo basically conquered the rest of Arabia, and finally changed the Kaaba in Mecca. Islamic empire emerged. Peace emerged in Arabia.

Due to what did the Mamluks decline in power?

When the Portuguese and other Europeans developed new sea routes for trade, the Mamluks declined in power (connection)

How were merchants rich?

With the revival of trade on Silk Roads, merchants could grow rich from their dealings across the Indian Ocean and Central Asia

What were the rules for women education?

Women could study and read, they were not to do so in the company of men not related to them

How did people dress in Islamic societies?

Women often covered their heads and faces, most wore a hijab, a term that can refer to either the practice of dressing modestly or to a specific type of covering. Men often wore head coverings, from turbans to skull caps.

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