ISM Chapter 8 Active Review

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Q8-5 Discuss why aligning the development of SMIS with the organization's strategy is important.

SMIS should be used in facilitation of a companies goals and objective

Q8-2 Summarize how social media contributes to sales to sales and market, customer support, inbound logistics, outbound logistics, manufacturing and operations, and Human Resources.

Sales and Marketing - Focus outward to prospects; social CRM & Peer-to-peer sales Customer Service - Focus outward to customer; peer-to-peer support Inbound Logistics - Focus on upstream supply chain providers, problem solving Outbound Logistics - Focus on downstream supply chain shippers, problem solving Manufacturing and operations - focus on outward for user design; inward to operations and manufacturing, user-guided design, industry relationships, operational efficiencies Human Resources - employment candidates; employee communications, employee prospecting, recruiting, and evaluation, Sharepoint fo employee-to-employee communication

Q8-2 Name SM risks for each activity.

Sales and marketing - loss of credibility and bad pr Customer Service - Loss of control Inbound logistics - privacy Outbound logistics - privacy Manufacturing and operations - efficiency/effectiveness Human Resources - error and loss of credibility

Q8-2 Define Social CRM and Crowdsourcing

Social CRM - a dynamic, SM-based CRM process Crowdsourcing - the dynamic social media process of employing users to participate in product design or product redesign

Q8-1 Define Social Media, Communities of Practice, Social Media Information Systems, Social Media Provider, and Social Networks

Social Media (SM) - the use of information technology to support the sharing of content among networks of users Communities of Practice - groups of people related by a common interest Social Media Information System (SMIS) - an information system that support the sharing of content among networks of users Social Media Providers - provide platforms that enable the creation of social networks. Social Networks - social relationships among people with common interests.

Q8-7 Describe the purpose of an SM policy.

Social Media Policy - a statement that delineates employees' rights and responsibilities

Q8-1 Name and describe three SMIS organizational roles.

Social Media Providers - Provide platforms that enable the creation of social networks Users - Include both individuals and organizations that use SM sites to build social relationships Communities - SM communities are formed based on mutual interests and transcend familial, geographic, and organizational boundaries

Q8-5 List four common social media goals and describe why they are important.

1. Brand Awareness - extent that users recognize a brand 2. Conversion rates - measures the frequency that someone takes a desired action 3. Web site traffic - quantity, frequency, duration, and depth of visits to a web site 4. User engagement - extant to which users interact with a site, application, or other media "Without clearly defined goals, you won't know whether you SM effort was successful

Q8-5 Describe the process of developing an effective SMIS.

1. Define Your Goals 2. Identify Success Metrics 3. Identify Target Audience 4. Define Your Value 5. Make Personal Connections 6. Gather and Analyze Data

Q8-7 Name and describe two sources of SM risks.

1. Employee Communication 2. Inappropriate Content

Q8-7 Name four sources of problems of UGC; name three possible responses and give the advantages and disadvantages of each.

1. Junk and crackpot 2. Inappropriate Content 3. Unfavorable Reviews 4. Mutinous Movements 1. Leave it 2. Respond to it 3. Delete it

Q8-3 Name three factors that determine social capital and explain how "they are more multiplicative that additive"

1. Number of Relationships, 2. Relationship Strength, 3. Entity Resources Social Capital = Number of Relationships X Relationship Strength X Entity Resources

Q8-6 Explain each element of the SLATES model.

1. Search - people have more success searching than they do in finding from structured content 2. Links - Links to enterprise resources 3. Authoring - Create enterprise content via blogs, wikis, discussion groups, presentation, etc 4. Tags - Flexible tagging results in folksonomies of enterprise content 5. Extensions - Using usage patterns to offer enterprise content via tags processing 6. Signals - Pushing enterprise content to users based on subscriptions and alerts

Q8-7 Explain how internal use of social media can create risks to information security, organizational liability, and employee productivity.

1. The use of social media can directly affect the ability of an organization OT secure its information resources 2. Employees may inadvertently increase corporate liability when they use social media 3. Increased use of social media can be a threat to employee productivity

Q8-4 Define ad blocking

Ad-blocking Software - software that filters out advertising content

Q8-6 Define best practices and Figure 8-13

Best Practice - Methods that have been shown to produce successful results in prior implementations

Q8-3 Define capital, human capital, and social capital

Capital - the investment of resources for future profit Human Capital - the investment in human knowledge and skills for future profit Social Capital - the investment in social relations with the expectation of returns in the marketplace

Q8-6 Explain how changes in communication channels have changed the way organizations communicate with employees.

ESN allow employees to bypass the corporate chain on command in order to post ideas directly to upper management

Q8-6 Define enterprise social network (ESN) and describe the primary goal of an ESM.

Enterprise Social Network - a software platform that uses social media to facilitate cooperative work of people within an organization The primary goal of ESN is to improve communication, collaboration, knowledge sharing, problem solving, and decision making

Q8-1 In your own words, explain the nature of the five components of SMIS for each of the three SMIS organizational roles.

Hardware - In most case, social media providers host the SM presence using elastic servers in the cloud Software - Social media providers develop and operate their own custom, proprietary, social networking application software Data - Content data is data and responses to data that are contributed by users - Connection data is data about relationships. Both Web sites and social networking sites present users and responder content, but only social networking applications store and process connection data Procedures - For social networking users, procedures are informal, evolving, and socially oriented People - Users of social media do what they want to do depending on their goals and their personalities

Q8-3 Define influencer

Influencer - An individual in a social network whose opinion can force a change in others' behavior and beliefs

Q8-3 Explain four ways that social capital adds value

Information - Relationships in social networks can provide information about opportunities, alternatives, problems, and other actors important to business professionals Influence - Relationships provide an opportunity to influence decision makers at your employer or in other organizations who are critical to your success Social Credentials - Being linked to a network of highly regarded contacts is a form of social credential Personal Reinforcement - Being linked into social networks reinforces a professional's identity, image, and position in an organization or industry

Q8-5 Define metrics, success metrics, and vanity metrics and give examples of metrics that could be measured for the four goals mentioned above.

Metrics - measurements used to track performance Success Metrics - measurements that indicate when you've achieved you goals Vanity Metrics - metrics that don't improve your decision making Examples of Metrics - Figures 8-11

Q8-4 Define monetize and describe why it is difficult for social media companies to generate revenue.

Monetize - make money from

Q8-4 Define pay-per-click, conversion rate, and freemium.

Pay-per-Click - advertisers display ads to potential customers for free and pay only when the customer clicks Conversion Rate - measures the frequency that someone who clicks on an ad makes a purchase, "likes" a site, or takes some other action desired by the advertiser Freemium - a revenue model that offers users a basic service for free and then charges a premium for upgrades or advance features

Q8-6 Define Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0

Web 2.0 - dynamic user-generated content systems Enterprise 2.0 - use of emergent social software platforms within companies

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