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Control Unit

It is able to maintain order and direct the operation of the entire system by selecting interpreting and seeing to the execution of program instruction. It controls the flow of information in the computer.


It is also called as screen. It is a soft copy output device. It is similar to television


It is also called processor. an electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations.

Storage Devices

It is an important unit of computer. It is further divided into primary and secondary memory


It is an input device. Data can be entered into a computer through the ___________ Usually it has 101 keys arranged in 5 groups


It is equals a thousand (Kilo) bytes, but in Binary form it is represented as 1024 (210).


It is processed or manipulated data. For e.g. Which product sells more in a week.


It is raw facts like numbers, characters etc. For e.g. Number of items sold today as it is just a number.


It is the actual processing in the CPU that takes place on the data, as per the given instructions.


It is the basic unit of information. It means Binary digit. It represents either a zero (0) or One (1)

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

It is used to translate the image into text that we can edit. It uses specialized OCR software.

numeric keypad

It is usually located on the right side of the keyboard looks like an adding machine with ten digits and mathematical operators (+,-,/ and *).

RAM (Random Access Memory)

It provides random selection and usage of memory location to store and retrieve data. It is also called read/write memory because information can be read and can also be written into it. It is a volatile memory; it gets erased as and when the computer is switched off. Whenever a new data is stored, the previous data is erased and new data takes place. It is present in 512/1024 MB.


It refers to the speed of computation. A computer is a high-speed device. It can perform a task in seconds for which, manual manpower may require a year or even more.

Ink jet Printer

It uses nozzles which spray jets of ink onto the paper. The operating cost of this is low and expensive maintenance is rare. The only part that needs replacement is the ink cartridge, which typically costs less. Its speed is to print 2-4 pages per minute.

Liquid Crystal Diode

LCD stands for

Light Emitting Diode

LED stands for


Physical components of the computer system are known as ___________ e.g. Monitor, keyboard, mouse, chips, wires, buses etc. They are tangible hence, can be touched or seen by humans.

Output Unit

Processed data is given to the user by this unit. It consists of printer, monitor etc.

Super Video Graphic Array

SVGA stands for

System Software

Software which control the operation of a computer system. They directly interface with the hardware of the computer system. They provide a platform over which application software runs. It controls the execution of application programs. For example Operating System like MS-DOS, MS-WINDOWS XP/ 2003, LINUX

Central Processing Unit

The Control Unit and Arithmetic Logical Unit of system are jointly known as CPU. It is the brain of the system.

Command Interpretation

The OS establishes a standard means of communication between users and their computer systems. It does this by providing a user interface (Graphical based as in Windows or Character based as in DOS) and a standard set of commands that control the hardware.

BIOS (Basic Input & Output System)

The ROM usually contains the _________ which checks the hardware for proper functioning and in case of problem it stops booting of computer and audio beeps are given.

Track & Sectors

The disk surface comprises several tracks arranged in concentric circles called tracks which are further subdivided into sectors. The greater the number of tracks, the more is the storage capacity of the disk. When all the sectors, of a track are full, drive starts using the next track.

user interface

The interface between the computer and the human operator is known as the _____________

pixel (Picture Element)

The intersection of row and column is called a ________


The most powerful PC's, which are used by engineers, scientists and graphic artist, are known as workstations.

American standard code for information technology (ASCII)

The most widely used coding system is the _____________ which can represent 256 different symbols by using 8 bits.


The number of rows and columns that can be displayed is known as the _________

Flash Memory

The practical application of this type of volatile computer memory can be seen in USB flash drives, memory cards and portable hard discs. These allow the data to be written to them and can be detached from the system. They can be attached to another computer system to read and transfer the data to it.


The process of entering the data and instruction into computer System. It involves three steps - accepting the list of instruction from user in their format. Then converting these instructions in computer acceptable form. Supplying the instructions to computer system for processing.


The process of output of the data from the computer system. It accepts the results produced by computer, which are in coded form. It converts the coded form to human acceptable form. It supplies the converted results to user.

microseconds and nanoseconds.

The units of speed are measured in ______________

Mini Computer

These computers are comparatively smaller than mainframe. These computers are used as servers with many computers (usually less than 100) connected to them. The computers are used by Banks, and Data Processing Centers. E.g. PDP-11, IBM As/400.

Optical Mark Reader (OMR)

These scanners are capable of recognizing a pre-specified type of mark made by pencil or pen. They are used in evaluation of answer sheets of objective test.

Home Computer

They are PC's used in homes for entertainment and computational purposes.

Processor Registers

They are located in the CPU to load instructions for execution by the CPU. They function with speed of CPU and hence are the fastest memory. It is present in few KB.

Personal Digital Assistant

They are the smallest of portable computers. They are used for small operations like displaying telephone numbers.

Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)

They are used in banking industry to process cheques. Cheques have bank identification code and cheque numbers in a special ink that is read by this

Notebook computer

This computer can fit easily inside a briefcase or bag. Laptops can operate on plug - in current or with in-built batteries. Laptops with small screen (10") are called netbook and are also low in price.

Super computer

This computer has multiple processors (100 or more) fitted inside. It is used mainly in spaceship control, defense and meteorological departments. Scientists build their complex processes and simulate them on this computer. PARAM is an example of such computer, which is made in India by C-DAC.

Personal Computer

This computer is the most popular computers in today's world. It is used for various purposes like office management, education designing etc. They are smaller in size and can be placed on table They are available with microprocessor chips, manufactured by Intel or AMD

Mainframe Computer

This computer is used where large number of computers (100+) needs frequent access to the information.. They are big in size and require big room for installation. HP 9000, IBM es/9000 are examples of same.

Print screen

This key copies an image of the screen's contents to the clipboard.


True or False. Data themselves are meaninglessI. nformation is meaningful

Device Drivers

a program that controls a particular type of device that is attached to computer. It essentially converts the more general input/output instructions of the operating system to messages that the device type can understand

Alphanumeric keys

in QWERTY layout (the first six letters on the top row of the letters are Q,W,E,R,T,Y) with A-Z ,0-9 plus some more characters.


is used to back up one level in a multilevel environment, it can be used to close multiple opened programs in reverse order.

Floppy Disk Drive

made of flexible plastic material which is coated magnetic substance. It is packaged in a protective paper or plastic envelope from which it is never removed. They are mainly used, for the purpose of backup and transportability of data, for small data volumes. They also have 1.2 MB and 1.44 MB capacity.

Operating System

manages the data in the computer system, various jobs or task assigned to it and is responsible for the security and proper functioning of the compute. perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers. LINUX, Windows XP/2003, MS-DOS are common examples of it.

Laser Printer

more expensive than inkjet printers. Their print quality is higher and is faster. They use direct scanning of laser beam on the roller which fuses ink to the paper.

ROM (Read Only Memory)

one in which information is permanently stored. The information from the memory can only be read and it is not possible to write into it. It is non-volatile, i.e. when the power supply is switched off, the contents on this do not get erased, and they are permanent and are written only by the manufacturer. The programs, which are always required for running the machine, are stored in here.

Arithmetic Logic Unit

performs all arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) and logic operations. The data required to perform the arithmetic and logical functions are inputs from the designated CPU registers and operands. It relies on basic items to perform its operations.

Central Processing Unit (C.P.U)

responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer's hardware and software. It is often called the "brains" of the computer. It is also known as processor, microprocessor, and central processor.

Magnetic Tape

similar in appearance to an audiocassette. This storage device uses plastic strip coated with the magnetic material as a storage medium. The strip is present in plastic casing. The strip is a plastic ribbon approximately ½ inch in width. The strip is housed in the cartridge. It is slower in accessing the data, but there input and output speeds are high. They are available up to 5120 GB capacity.

Control Unit

the circuitry that controls the flow of information through the processor, and coordinates the activities of the other units within it. It generates signal as per which the processing is done and is given in MHz/GHz (mega Hertz/ Giga Hertz). It is the "brain within the brain", as it controls what happens inside the processor, which in turn controls the rest of the PC.

Super computer

the most powerful computer in world, which is used for solving complex problems. They use parallel processing.

Modifier keys

they are used in conjunction with other keys. E.g. Shift, Ctrl (control key), Alt (alternate key).

Resource management

this function of an OS allocates computer resources such as CPU time, main memory, secondary storage, and input and output devices for use.

Data management

this function of an OS governs the input and output of the data and their location, storage, and retrieval.

Task management

this function of an OS prepares, schedules, controls, and monitors jobs submitted for execution to ensure the most efficient processing. A job is a collection of one or more related programs and their data.

Hard Disk Drive

used for mass storage of data needed for direct access. It is non-volatile random access memory. The disk comes in different sizes such as 3.5, inch, 5.5 inch and 8 inch. It has disk platters mounted on a spindle, on which data is read/written by read/write head. It comes in 250-1024 GB capacity.


used for producing the hard copy output on paper.

Processor Cache

used for speeding up the data supply to CPU. It stores the most frequently used data from the main memory. When the CPU needs the particular data item, it can simply access the cache memory which is closely located, instead of accessing the much slower main memory. It is present in KB (256/512)

Optical Disk

uses optics or light for storage and retrieval of information. The disk is made up of polycarbonate. The disk is coated with a reflective material, whose reflecting property changes when high power laser beam is focused on it. The high power laser beam burns the surface of disk as per the data to be stored on the disk.

Function keys

(F1, F2....F12) are usually arranged in a row along the top of the keyboard. They allow us to give the computer commands.


A computer maintains high degree of _______ provided there is no human mistake i.e. faulty programming or inaccurate dates

Disk Drives

A drive is the name for several types of storage media. They are assigned a drive letter. During start up, drives are typically recognized by System Software (ROM BIOS + Operating System). At the end of this configuration, the appropriate drive letter is identified with each drive.

Primary Storage Devices

A primary or internal storage section is in all computers and consists of cache, processor register ROM & RAM.

Dot Matrix Printer

A printer that produces output by printing dots onto the page. They are often inexpensive. They are available in 80 and 132 columns with print speeds from 100 characters per second to 1200 characters per second.

Storage Unit

All the data to be processed and instructions required for processing are stored in it. It also stores the intermediate and final results of processing before the results are released to output device.

Cursor movement keys

Arrow keys which let us change the position of cursor on the screen.


Characteristic of a computer that means continuous. A computer can work for hours without lack of concentration or emotional feelings. It does not get tired and will do the jobs with same speed and accuracy even if is first job or its millionth job.


Characteristic of a computer that means dynamic or varied. A computer can perform various types of jobs like it can do scientific calculation, make drawings, etc. It can change over to various types of jobs within a very short span of time. With the help of multitasking, the processor can switch to various jobs associated with it can do typing as well as printing at the same time.


Characteristic of a computer that refers to the precision with which calculations can be done.

Wrong output

Characteristic of a computer that says computer cannot correct wrong instructions by itself so

Lack of IQ

Characteristic of a computer that says that a computer can only perform operations programmed or instructed by a person.

Remembrance power

Characteristic of a computer that says that a computer has permanent storage device where each and every piece of information can be retained for a long period. This power of the computer has two aspects. The information remains in the same format, as it was stored and when so ever it is retrieved Computer's memory can be increased or decreased as per needs

No feelings

Characteristic of a computer that says that a computer is a machine it is free from emotional and sentimental feelings.

Input Unit

Data and instructions from the user are given by this unit. It consists of keyboard, mouse etc.

Special purpose keys

Each of the special keys performs a specialised function.


In some programs, this key can be used to stop a command in progress.


Instructions or software substituted for hardware and stored in read-only memory. Software programs made available on hardware i.e. ROM used as BIOS.


Instructions, programs, written for the computer to run specific task are known as ________.

Image scanners

It converts any printed image into electronic image by shining light onto the image and sensing the intensity of the reflection at every point. Bar code reader is an example


It equals thousand Kilo Bytes


It equals thousand Mega Bytes


It is a collection of 4 bits


It is a collection of 8 bits

Arithmetic Logical Unit

It is a place where actual execution of instructions takes place during processing of data. Computations of arithmetic (addition, division etc.) and logical (less than, equals, etc.) takes place in it


It is a pointing device used to position the pointer.


It is a programmable machine designed to automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations

Operating System Software

It is a type of system software. It is a master program which runs in the computer and controls the hardware and running of the application software. It is the software, which is loaded into the memory first, when a computer is started.


an on-screen object usually an arrow, that is used to select a text, menus, move files or interact with programs, files or data that appear on screens. It also allows us to create graphic elements on the screens, such as lines, curves and freehand shapes


are output devices, which plots big size drawings on to the sheets. They are used in plotting of engineering drawings, architectural maps, design layouts, etc.

Control Unit

can be described as a sort of circuitry that supervises and controls the path of information that runs over the processor and organizes the various activities of those units that lie inside it

Scroll lock

causes the cursor to remain stationary on the screen and the document's contents move around it, as in MS-Excel.

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