ITEC Study Guide
steps involved in computer programming
- Categorizing which parts of a task a digital device can perform. - Describing the task in a precise manner. - Translating the task into the language the computer's CPU can use.
The steps of the program development life cycle (PDLC)
- Defining the problem - Creating the plan - Writing the code - Testing the code - Debugging the code - Documenting the program
An Internet search engine can perform which three of the following basic tasks?
- Display the location of the information stored in the indexes - Create an index of keywords that are found - Search the Internet for information based on the search criteria entered by the user
Which two of the following are commonly used database programs?
- Microsoft Access - OpenOffice Base
3 common software licenses
- Site - Network - Single-User
three statements that are true regarding the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
- The SDLC attempts to ensure that the software that is developed meets organizational goals. - The SDLC has six steps and you cannot proceed to the next step until the current step is completed. - The SDLC attempts to ensure that the software that is developed can work as intended on multiple operating systems.
Two advantages of studying computer programming include:
- a basic understanding of computer programming can make you more knowledgeable when selecting software to meet your computing needs. - an understanding of programming allows you to join teams that create new applications or purchase new software.
the steps of the system development life cycle (SDLC)
- system investigation - system analysis - system design - system development - system implementation - system maintenance
Even though computer programming is is an extremely challenging field requiring a great deal of study and a particular mindset, two reasons to study programming is that coders ___ .
- tend to be well compensated - can often make time-saving small programs called macros that increase their efficiency
Even though computer programming is is an extremely challenging field requiring a great deal of study and a particular mindset, two reasons to study programming is that coders ____.
- tend to be well compensated - can often make time-saving small programs called macros that increase their efficiency
the major steps of the software development process
1. Planning 2. Programming 3. Debugging 4. Beta Review
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
A cloud service in which consumers can install and run their own specialized applications on the cloud computing network.
Slide show
A collection of pages arranged in sequence that contain text and images
A collection of related worksheets
A column in a relational database table
End User License Agreement (EULA)
A legal contract between the software manufacturer and the user of an application
A mathematical operation used to perform calculations
A procedure in a flowchart
top-down programming
A programming design that breaks down a problem into a series of tasks
A row in a relational database table
A scripting language that uses scripts of HTML code to develop interactive websites and uses the syntax and operators used in Java
A set of criteria used to extract data from a database.
Mouse button or trackpad
A shortcut to create a new folder is to hold down the control key and then click the __ .
A single page in a presentation program
single-user license
A software license that restricts the use of a program to one user at a time
Boolean Operators
AND, OR, and NOT used in search strings to refine the scope of the search
productivity software
Applications designed to help individual computer users complete tasks more efficiently. Examples are word processors, spreadsheet programs, and database applications.
Assembly language. An assembler converts 2GL into machine language.
Beginning or end of a process in a flowchart
Built-in formulas included in a spreadsheet program
Speaker notes
Can be added to a presentation to assist with what you are going to say while you are presenting
Click here to search for anything on the MacBook
Status menu
Click here to turn on Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or mute the speakers
Apple Menu
Click this to access System preferences, Sleep, Shut Down, etc.
Information Technology (IT)
Computer hardware and software that an organization uses to increase its performance
System implementation
Converting the old system into the new system
Data extracted from a database and structured for printing and data interpretation.
Decision point in a flowchart
System investigation
Defining the problem, examining alternatives, reporting findings
System analysis
Determining system requirements, preparing system specifications
Extremely advanced. Uses statements (scripts) rather than algorithms.
Finding and fixing problems in your algorithm or program.
High-level programming language. Uses a compiler to convert into machine language
Cell Reference
Identifies the location of a cell in a worksheet
Decision point in a flowchart
Input/output points in a flowchart
JavaScript and VBScript are high-level programming languages that use small programs called ___ to create larger programs.
Time Machine
Mac OS X full backup tool that enables you to recover some or all files in the event of a crash; it also enables you to restore deleted files and recover previous versions of files.
Machine language. Represented by a series of 1s and 0s.
System maintenance
Performing system audits and continually monitoring the new system
System development
Procuring required system hardware and software, installing, and testing the system
Programmers try to reduce all problems to a binary question
Search Engine Optimization. The process of improving a page's organic page rankings (rank in search results).
Windows button + S
Control + C and Control + V
Shortcut to copy and paste
Single page in a workbook
Specifically designed for creating database management programs.
Slide Master
Stores information about the theme and slide layouts of a presentation matches
The Windows 10 personal assistant that helps search the Web and your PC, and can also assist with reminders, tasks, and other activities.
object-oriented analysis
The ability to reuse the objects that are created to produce a new computer code
The default view of a relational database. Organized in records and fields.
Primary Key
The field that uniquely identifies each record in a database
The first phase of the SDLC in which an organization's total information system needs are identified, analyzed, prioritized, and arranged.
Microsoft Edge
The latest Internet browser from Microsoft. It comes with Windows 10.
Program Language Generation
The level of complexity of the programming language, or the degree from which it is separated from machine language itself
The method of shothand writing used by programmers
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
The process that ensures that software that is being developed meets organizational goals
Live Titles
When you open the Windows 10 Start Menu, colorful boxes containing constantly updated (when you are online) information appears
Show Desktop
Desktop & Screensaver
You found a cute image and want to make it your Wallpaper. After opening the System Preferences menu (above), click ___.
a decision point that asks a question
Command key
a key for combination of keys that activate a command in a computer program
Database Management System (DBMS)
a program used to create, process, and administer a database
a set of specific consecutive statements that describe exactly what steps the computer must go through to execute a task
Data Base Management System (DBMS)
creates, reads, updates, and deletes data in a database while controlling access and security
it makes the algorithm easier to convert to a computer programming language such as java or Python
Jump List
lists of recently opened items, such as files, folders, or websites.
operating system is found on Apple smartphones and tablets
Utility Program
program that helps to perform maintenance or correct problems with a computer system
In the PDLC, once the plan or algorithm has been created, it is then translated into
programming code
To organize the process of creating or updating an information technology (IT) system for an organization, IT professionals often use the system development life cycle (SDLC). The six steps of the SDLC include system investigation, system analysis, system design, and which three of the following?
system development system maintenance system implementation
A common method of copying a file is to open the File menu and select ___.
System design
Developing several system proposals, recommending or selecting a specific proposal
Direction of workflow in a flowchart
When you drag the USB drive's icon to the Trash, the Trash icon changes to a ___ icon.
Virtual keyboard
If you convert your 2-in-1 laptop into a tablet and wish to type, you should enable your on-screen __.
The second phase of the software design process, the writing of software instructions in a specific computer language
Beta Review
The second version of the software that is sent out to beta testers who are asked to use the software and report any issues.
Word Processing Program
The type of software applications that are used to create an assortment of documents