J1100 Final Review (tests 1+2 answers)

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"According to Kovach and Rosenstiel, neutrality is a core journalistic value." Is this statement true or false?


Which news value refers to the potential effect a story may have on the public?


Which of the following statements is true?

Which of the following statements is true?

Craft and Davis argue that "journalism" describes the process through which "news" gets made. All of the following are consequential implications of this statement except:

"Journalism" should not be seen as a conduit of "information" when creating "news"

How can engagement be measured?

"Likes" and comments Social media sharing Time spent on the site

Which term describes "a specific topic area of news"?

A beat

According to Michael Schudson, objectivity is all of the following except:

A commitment to equal balance in all cases

Reporting on a sports team whose coach is your cousin would be an example of which of the following?

A conflict of interest

Ethics has been referred to as:

A method A process of reasoning A set of standards of behavior

"The development of formal qualifications based upon education, apprenticeship, and examinations, the emergence of regulatory bodies with powers to admit and discipline members, and some degree of monopoly rights" characterizes what concept?

A profession

What does a "social contract" refer to?

A set of unwritten rules spelling out what one party ought to do for the other

Which of the following would be the best example of a "hard news" story?

A story about the latest developments in the Presidential impeachment process

"Structural biases" in journalism we should be concerned about include all of the following except:

Accuracy bias

What do public officials need to prove in order to win a defamation suit?

Actual malice

Which of these is an example of a journalistic "externality"?

Additional funds being allocated to local infrastructure as a result of a news story on poor road conditions

In news economics, for journalism to be "publicly funded" it would receive revenue through any/all of the following means, except for:

An individual subscription

Which of these best illustrates the marketplace metaphor of journalism?

An opinion section providing a range of political perspectives for readers

Earmarks of journalistic quality include all of the following except:

Appeasing all concerned stakeholders

The practical application of ethical principles to guide practice in specific domains such as journalism, business, or medicine is known as:

Applied ethics

Which of the following are manifestations of journalism's commitment to truth-telling?

Avoiding undercover methods (unless open methods are impossible) Promoting openness of government Labeling advocacy and commentary

Why has objectivity been referred to as a "mega-concept"?

Because it can only be defined with references to other concepts like impartiality or balance

Why is "the media" a meaningless term?

Because it is overly broad, capturing journalistic and non-journalistic actors

Why does thinking about journalism in normative terms give the field coherence?

Because journalism fulfills many social and democratic needs, giving the field a sense of purpose

Why would a letters section of a newspaper be described as an "orchestrated public forum"?

Because, ultimately, the letters are selected for publication by journalists

The stronger the political partisan you are, the more likely you are to:

Believe the media is biased against your "side"

Which form of media is regulated and must apply to the government to receive a license to serve the public interest?


Which famous journalist says that journalists should aspire to reach "the best obtainable version of the truth," which was highlighted in class as a particularly strong definition?

Carl Bernstein

Kovach and Rosenstiel describe journalism as an act of:


To which theory of the First Amendment does the watchdog function of the press most apply?

Checking value

What concept/movement is associated with the dissolution of the boundary between journalists and audience members?

Citizen journalism

In the "public sphere model," audiences are addressed as:


Which of the following statements is true?

Conditions of press freedom vary even among democracies

The ability to tell stories using multiple media on multiple platforms is called:

Convergence journalism

The existence of a news organization under a larger corporate umbrella is an example of:

Corporate conglomeration

"The combination of trustworthiness and expertise that makes us more or less likely to believe or rely on what a source of information tells us." What term is this a definition of?


If journalism is not helping members of the public discuss issues of shared concern, which democratic need are they not fulfilling?

Deliberation and conflict resolution

Which of the following statements is true?

Democracy provides a framework that journalists can operate within

Which of these is an appropriate way for a journalist to handle a conflict of interest?

Divest yourself from the story and allow another reporter to do it

What is a difference between an editorial and an opinion column?

Editorials represent the view of the publication, opinion columns represent the view of the individual columnist

The measurement of the depth of involvement that audiences have with the media product is called:


Which term describes "original stories that rely on sources cultivated by journalists"?

Enterprise stories

A major national study of how "good work" is defined across occupations, including journalism, found that good work is found at the intersection of which of these?

Excellence, ethics, and engagement

All of the following are components of Westerstahl's model of objectivity except:


Which type of "structural bias" refers to a bias toward what can be easily obtained?

Expediency bias

Successive court cases have made it such that prior restraint should be:

Extremely rare

"A basic premise of the First Amendment is that the power of the press should be harnessed in service of the government." Is this statement true or false?


"A bias toward what attracts viewers or readers is known as a temporal bias." Is this statement true or false?


The First Amendment, like the rest of the Bill of Rights, constrains:


"According to Neil Postman, the advantages and disadvantages of new technologies are always distributed evenly." Is this statement true or false?


"As long as I do not identify somebody by name, I can never be found guilty of defamation." Is this statement true or false?


"Being in a one-party consent state means you can record a conversation between two people not involving you. The consent in this case is given by you, the person making the recording." Is this statement true or false?


"Codes of ethics are legal guidelines documenting how journalists should operate." Is this statement true or false?


"Communications law makes no distinction between broadcasting and cable." Is this statement true or false?


"Despite popular belief, the word press does not actually appear in the text of the First Amendment." Is this statement true or false?


"Digital startups like Gawker, Deadpan, The Root, Jezebel, and Refinery29 are notable for their strong commitment to objectivity." Is this statement true or false?


"Every state in the U.S. requires all parties to a phone conversation to consent to being recorded." Is this statement true or false?


"From 2004 to 2018, the total number of U.S. newspapers increased." Is this statement true or false?


"If a journalist behaves unethically, their news organization should never share the blame." Is this statement true or false?


"If somebody's reputation has been damaged through defamation, monetary damages are not considered to be an acceptable form of reparation." Is this statement true or false?


"If you are fired from your job at a privately-owned restaurant for something you said in public, your employer is guilty of violating your First Amendment rights." Is this statement true or false?


"It is extremely easy to win a defamation suit against a news organization in the United States." Is this statement true or false?


"Journalism in the United States is, and always has been, a formal profession." Is this statement true or false?


"Journalism's obligation to the truth doesn't include the necessity to make their stories engaging." Is this statement true or false?


"Legal debates often center on 'freedom to.' Ethical debates often center on 'freedom from.'" Is this statement true or false?


"Military bases are public property as they are funded out of taxation, therefore all members of the public, including journalists, have automatic access to them." Is this statement true or false?


"Online-only newsrooms are typically more hierarchical than print newsrooms." Is this statement true or false?


"Opinion journalism doesn't need to be concerned with facts - that's why it's called opinion journalism." Is this statement true or false?


"Political polarization is decreasing in the United States." Is this statement true or false?


"Prior restraint is, in all instances, unconstitutional. The government may never prevent the press from publishing." Is this statement true or false?


"The 19th century saw many high-profile First Amendment cases decided by the Supreme Court that have had deep implications for how we view speech and press freedoms today." Is this statement true or false?


"The gradual weakening of media ownership laws has meant that media competition has given way to media consolidation." Is this statement true or false?


"The ideal of journalism serving democracy was a product of the American Revolution." Is this statement true or false?


"The op-ed section is traditionally the section of the newspaper where reporters are invited to share their opinions about the stories they are reporting on." Is this statement true or false?


"The theory of agenda-setting refers to the ability of journalists to tell their audiences what to think." Is this statement true or false?


"There have been relatively few changes to how journalism is practiced and consumed over the last 25 years." Is this statement true or false?


"There is no difference between 'the public interest' and 'what the public are interested in.'" Is this statement true or false?


"Unlike many other democracies, there has never been any kind of subsidy directed to news organizations by the U.S. government." Is this statement true or false?


"When thinking about the number of stakeholders or issues involved in a given story, it is important to keep them as a few and as simple as possible." Is this statement true or false?


Kovach and Rosenstiel say that "the primary purpose of journalism is to provide citizens with the information they need to be __________ and __________." What are the missing words?

Free; self-governing

Aside from Craft and Davis' three metaphors, which of these is also a common metaphor for journalism?

Gatekeeper Steward Trustee

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of good opinion journalism?

Good opinion journalism can be a substitute for reporting because it is even more comprehensive

In terms of how the First Amendment is written, "no law" does not really mean that Congress shall make no law as courts have identified several exceptions. Which one of the following is NOT an exception?

Hate speech

Facebook buying Instagram is an example of:

Horizontal integration

The ownership of companies on the same level of the supply chain is an example of:

Horizontal integration

Voice of San Diego, Honolulu Civil Beat, and Greater Greater Washington were cited as examples of which emerging type of journalism?

Hyperlocal journalism

Which of the following would be a positive externality of journalism?

Increased voter turnout

Journalism's educational role is best illustrated by which of Schudson's functions of news?


Which of the following is a positive externality of journalism?

Investigative journalism that increases awareness and reduces public harm

Which of these examples best illustrates the watchdog metaphor of journalism?

Investigative reporting

Which of the following is NOT cited by Craft and Davis as a potential consequence of trends of media ownership?

Investment in high-quality investigative journalism

What question should journalists ask about information they receive?

Is the information incomplete, contradictory, or manipulative? Which missing pieces of information are needed to get a complete picture of the story? Are the claims made verifiable?

What happens to the "space of opinion" in journalism over time?

It contracts and expands

All of the following are reasons why journalism matters except:

It is the official fourth branch of government in the United States

What do we mean when we say that what journalism does for democracy "affirms its legitimacy"?

It links journalism to the vitality of public life

Which of the following does NOT describe the "market model" approach to journalism?

It treats its audience members as citizens rather than consumers

All of the following are elements of journalism, according to Kovach and Rosenstiel, except:

Its practitioners must not be allowed to exercise their personal conscience

If you read the community study guide, well done! Here's your reward for your time. What is my middle name?


"You can eat an apple (a private good), making it unavailable for others, but reading a news story about apple production does not prevent others from consuming that story." This analogy illustrates what concept?

Journalism as a public good

What does the term "yellow journalism" refer to?

Journalism based on sensationalism and exaggeration for the purpose of increasing sales

All of the following are core functions of journalism in a democracy except:

Journalism serves the needs of its owners

Which of the following statements is true?

Journalism shapes the public agenda Journalism shapes public debate and discussion Journalism can lead to policy and social change

The principle of journalism serving as an independent monitor of power is best associated with which of the following:

Journalists acting as watchdogs on powerful social institutions

Schudson said that journalists literally make news. What does this mean?

Journalists apply analytical thinking when determining newsworthiness, gathering information, and reporting a story

Which of the following statements is true?

Journalists are expected to stand up for democratic values

Which metaphor is used to describe how journalists comprehensively cover an area or a group?

Journalists as cartographers

Which of the following statements is true?

Journalists in some states have special legal protections not afforded other citizens

Which of the following statements is true?

Journalists must remain fiercely independent Journalists must be committed to telling the truth Journalists should verify everything before reporting

The BBC refers to its main method of funding as a:

License fee

What do Kovach and Rosenstiel describe as "the most important asset of any publisher that claims to produce journalism"?

Loyalty to the public

The claim that "censorship roots out bad ideas" is most antithetical to which First Amendment theory?

Marketplace of ideas

What journalistic function is most strongly associated with partisan news magazines like National Review, American Conservative, Jacobin, and The Nation?


All of the following are defenses to accusations of defamation except:


In the context of information vs. news, all of the following are true of news except?

News and information are synonymous; there is no distinction between the two

The individual in a broadcast newsroom responsible for assigning news stories is the:

News director

Laws regarding intrusion primarily affect which stage of journalism production?


Which of the following statements is true?

Newsroom climate is an important consideration in ethical decision-making

At what age does the First Amendment officially begin to protect a person's free speech rights?

None of these options

Which concept has been referred to by Kovach and Rosenstiel as one of "the great confusions" of American journalism" and "thoroughly misunderstood"?


Which of the following is NOT a common principle found across journalistic codes of ethics?


Which of the following statements is NOT true about the relationship between "public needs" and "private needs"?

Only hard news provides meaningful content to aid readers in their daily decision-making

What does the term "op-ed" mean?

Opposite editorial

"The greatest good for the greatest number of people" is an illustration of what approach to ethics?


If a journalist considers the potential positive and negative consequences of a story they are working on, which approach to ethics are they applying?


Early U.S. journalism can be best described as which of the following?


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an organization with a "positive climate"?

People have as little autonomy over their work as possible

Which concept refers to when the government seeks to stop the press from publishing?

Prior restraint

Which of the following is NOT on Schudson's list of functions news serves for democracy? Investigation


Which of the following statements is true about how journalists should pursue balance?

Rather than pursuing balance for its own sake, journalists should strive to achieve the correct balance or weighting of perspectives

If a politician claims that a tax cut has had a particular effect, which of these options best describes how journalists should respond?

Report but also verify the claim

Which of the following would be an example of a conflict of interest?

Reporting about a company you own shares in "Checkbook journalism" Receiving a gift from a source

Which of the following would best fit the definition of a conflict of interest?

Reporting on a sex abuse case by a priest at the church you attend

Free speech as an intrinsic good aligns most closely with which First Amendment theory?


Which First Amendment theory is distinct in that it treats the First Amendment as a listener's right, rather than a speaker's right?


Which of the following is NOT one of the "big six" that owns the vast majority of broadcasting, cable, and book publishing companies?


"If your mother says she loves you, check it out." This journalistic slogan highlights journalists' need to be:


A feature story about a homeless veteran that illuminates the wider problems veterans face in the United States best illustrates which of Schudson's functions of news?

Social empathy

The sociologist C. Wright Mills talks about the connection between "private troubles" and "public issues." Which of Schudson's functions of news does this best illustrate?

Social empathy

Which of the following does NOT describe the "public sphere model" approach to journalism?

Success is measured by profit

A "digital startup" refers to a news company:

That was founded in the Internet era

It is generally recognized that it is only since ______________ that the Supreme Court has taken the broad view of the First Amendment we recognize today.

The 1920s

Which Acts created by Congress in 1798 made it a crime to criticize both the president and the federal government?

The Alien and Sedition Acts

Which news organization instituted the very first paywall in 1997?

The Wall Street Journal

All of the following are factors in whether journalism can meet the demands of democracy except:

The climatic environment

Which theory of truth asks if the reported facts illuminate a larger truth?

The coherence theory of truth

Why might journalists be skeptical - or at least cautious - about a government bill that defines who is and is not a journalist?

The government could use it to prohibit news reported by journalists that it deems critical

What illustrates a technological explanation for the emergence of objectivity in journalism?

The invention of the telegraph

The New York Times famously has the slogan "All the news that's fit to print." What is implied by this slogan?

The journalists at the Times have a gatekeeping responsibility in determining what the public need to know

Which of the following is demonstrated by academic research on local news?

The loss of a local newspaper leads to drop in civic engagement Reading a newspaper promotes political participation Loss of local news increases political polarization

What is the "supreme test" of journalism, according to the Missouri School of Journalism's Founding Dean, Walter Williams?

The measure of its public service

According to the "inverted pyramid" model of reporting, what information is supposed to go at the top of a news story?

The most important information about an event

What is the core idea expressed in the term "democracy"?

The people are sovereign

According to Craft and Davis, the distinction between information, journalism, and news pertains to:

The process and the principles

"The god term of journalism - the be-all and end-all, the term without which the entire enterprise fails to make sense." What term is journalism historian James Carey referring to?

The public

When we focus on journalism and democracy, we are focusing on what journalism does for whom?

The public

What point does economist Robert McChesney make about the relationship between supply and demand?

The relationship between supply and demand is complex

What did the journalistic reformers of the early twentieth century seek to model journalism on?

The scientific method

In newsroom parlance, what is meant by "the wall" and "the separation of church and state"?

The separation of news and business/advertising departments

According to Kovach and Rosenstiel, journalism's "first obligation" is to what?

The truth

Which of the following statements is true?

The watchdog metaphor of journalism refers to the idea that a watchdog barks when something is wrong The watchdog metaphor of journalism refers to the idea that a watchdog prevents wrongdoing in the first place The watchdog metaphor of journalism is closely associated with investigative journalism

In the context of journalism, what are externalities?

The wider effects, whether positive or negative, of a story on those who are uninvolved in it

Why should we be concerned about the trends of consolidation, conglomeration, and integration in media?

There is growing loss of local news coverage It is unhealthy for a small number of voices to dominate the marketplace of ideas In a free market society, you need competition to have a functioning market

There has been a significant increase in the number of news organizations operating as non-profits. What is a characteristic of a non-profit?

They are organized for charitable, scientific, religious, or public safety purposes

What is the significance of newspaper titles like Herald, Chronicle, or Defender?

They communicate a newspaper's values and relationship with its audience

Which of these is a principal objective of a newspaper's "op-ed" section?

To broaden the range and types of voices readers are exposed to, particularly those of non-journalists

All of the following are roles of journalism except:

To help us affirm our beliefs in the metaphorical "echo chamber"

"A perfect duty refers to a duty that should be practiced in all circumstances, while an imperfect duty refers to a duty that should be practiced whenever possible." Is this statement true or false?


"According to Kovach and Rosenstiel, journalists must make the significant interesting and relevant." Is this statement true or false?


"Flag burning, clothing, and political donations are considered forms of symbolic speech and thus fall under First Amendment protection." Is this statement true or false?


"If an online forum such as Facebook or Twitter deletes one of your comments or your posts, the company is not guilty of violating your First Amendments rights." Is this statement true or false?


"In a traditional print newsroom, the person responsible for proofreading, fact-checking, and writing headlines and captions is known as a copy editor." Is this statement true or false?


"In the context of intrusion, places like homes, hotel rooms, public restrooms, and gym locker rooms are considered to be places where members of the public have a reasonable expectation of privacy and therefore should not have that privacy intruded upon by journalists." Is this statement true or false?


"It is generally considered unhealthy for a handful of individual companies to wield so much control over the flow of ideas." Is this statement true or false?


"Journalism, according to Craft and Davis, is a set of transparent, independent procedures aimed at gathering, verifying, and reporting truthful information of consequence to citizens in a democracy." Is this statement true or false?


"Journalists have frequently been accused of partisan bias by political figures seeking to delegitimize critical journalism." Is this statement true or false?


"Many European countries have laws regulating or prohibiting hate speech." Is this statement true or false?


"News economics can be considered a press freedom issue because they directly affect the ability of journalists to do their jobs." Is this statement true or false?


"One of the problems with the economics of targeting demographics is that marginalized communities have often been ignored." Is this statement true or false?


"Open meetings laws operate according to the philosophy that the people's business should be conducted openly." Is this statement true or false?


"Opinion journalism is a good complement to news but not a substitute for it." Is this statement true or false?


"Professor Mark Horvit referred to investigative journalism as a state of mind rather than a specific genre of journalism." Is this statement true or false?


"Roy Peter Clark and Chip Scanlan say that effective newswriting is found at the intersection of civic clarity, the information citizens need to function, and literary grace." Is this statement true or false?


"Some of the reasons why journalism falls short of serving the public are haste, ignorance, laziness, and lack of skill." Is this statement true or false?


"The U.S. model of journalism operates mostly in private hands as a commercial enterprise." Is this statement true or false?


"The cognitive biases to which we are all prone as human beings suggest that the 'ideal citizen' model may be something to strive for, but difficult to fully realize." Is this statement true or false?


"The fractured media system and the rise of social media have been attributed as factors contributing to polarization." Is this statement true or false?


"The past decade has been characterized by a growing number of non-profit news organizations." Is this statement true or false?


"The role of opinion in journalism has evolved across time, place, and medium." Is this statement true or false?


"The safety valve theory of the First Amendment holds that limiting restrictions on free speech will make people less likely to resort to violence." Is this statement true or false?


"The term 'ethics' comes from the Greek word 'ethos' meaning character or habit." Is this statement true or false?


"There is limited social scientific evidence to support the claim that there is systematic liberal bias in mainstream journalism." Is this statement true or false?


"Though public (i.e., government) funding for journalism has been a stable and successful model in many other advanced democracies, U.S. journalists have historically been skeptical of this model." Is this statement true or false?


"When recording phone calls and conversations, one-party consent allows for the person doing the recording to qualify as the individual giving consent, so long as they are actually participating in the conversation, even if the other individual does not know he or she is being recorded." Is this statement true or false?


A discipline of which of the following is said by Kovach and Rosenstiel to be the "essence" of journalism?


The ownership of companies at multiple levels of the supply chain is an example of:

Vertical integration

Which approach to ethical decision-making can be understood through the analogy of muscle memory, believing that we become habituated to doing the right thing through practice?

Virtue ethics

Which of the following was NOT cited by Craft and Davis as a reason for the shift from a "Party Press" to the "Penny Press" in news operations?

Waning journalistic professionalism

A news report could contain 100% accurate facts but still miss a larger truth. All of the following explain why this is so except:

he facts are actually "alternative facts"

Complete the text of the First Amendment (answers must be in the correct order): "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of ________, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of __________, or of _________; or the right of the people peaceably to __________, and to __________ the Government for a redress of grievances."

religion...speech...the press...assemble...petition

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