Jesus Review Chapter 3 (Pg. 67, 73, and 77 review)

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What is the 'crowning truth of our faith in Christ'?

The Resurrection of Jesus

What was the main criterion the Evangelists used in including certain details of Christ's life in the writing of their Gospels?

They used certain details of Christ's life to help people believe in him.

What is the meaning of the name Jesus?

"God saves"

Discuss how 3 Old Testament prophecies are fulfilled in Matthew's infancy narrative

Virgin bearing a Son called Emmanuel- Isaiah Bethlehem - Micah Hosea - Messiah being called out of Egypt

When happens when Christians receive the sacrament of Baptism?

When Christians receive the Sacrament of Baptism, we are enables us to participate in our Lord's work of healing and reconciliation. The Sacrament of Baptism also joins us to the Catholic Church by plunging us into the waters with Christ so that we may rise with him, be reborn in the Holy Spirit, and be adopted into God's family.

Identify Theophilus

a name meaning "beloved of God." This person might have been a prominent Christian convert or Luke's patron. Some suggest that the name might even be a symbol for any Christian who will read or hear Luke's Gospel.

Similarities in the infancy narratives

Both Matthew and Luke use the infancy stories to highlight Jesus' identity. An angel foretold Jesus' birth in both accounts. Jesus is conceived by the action of the Holy Spirit. Thus, he is the Son of God. He is Emmanuel, "God is with us." He was born of the Virgin Mary, as was prophesied. Joseph, Jesus' foster father, was his legal father. Joseph was of the House of David; therefore, Jesus was truly a Son of David as was promised. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, as prophesied in Micah 5:1.

What is significant about John the Baptist baptizing in the Jordan River?

Jesus being baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist is significant because the baptism of Jesus was based on repentance. During Jesus' Baptism, John the Baptist warned sinners of God's coming judgement, calling on them to repent and be baptized as a sign of their turning away from sin. John baptizing in the Jordan River is also a sign of Jewish freedom and the point of entry into the Promised Land after 40 years of wandering and suffering in the Sinai desert after the Exodus.

Wedding at Cana Details

Jesus changed water into wine Miracle that reveals who Jesus is Three sacraments are referenced Matrimony Baptism Eucharist

Identify Simeon and Anna

They were prophets. Simeon proclaimed that Jesus would be the Savior for Jews and Gentiles alike. Both of the prophets recognize Jesus to be the long-expected Messiah, the first-born Son who belongs to the Lord. They were there when Jesus was being presented in the Temple.

What is the meaning of the miracle at Cana?

This was Jesus' first miracle and he changes water into wine. At a wedding that Jesus attended with his mother, Mary, all of the wine was gone so Jesus performed a miracle of changing water into wine. This miracles reveals that Jesus is the true Messiah who comes to unite and bring great joy to all people, and it also references the 3 sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Matrimony.

How do Jesus' temptations reveal him as the New Israel & New Adam?

because Jesus was able to reject Satan each time he tried to tempt him. Jesus stayed faithful to God which is why he is the New Israel. Also, Jesus ignored the devil unlike Adam and Eve which is why he is the New Adam.

Why is Jesus the New Moses?

because of the fact that he is the new Lawgiver. Jesus Christ is the true liberator, the Savior who gives the New Law to his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount. Moses freed the Israelites from the Pharaoh, and Jesus freed the word from sin. Moses was on Mt. Sinai and Jesus did the Sermon on the Mount.

How is St. Joseph like the Old Testament patriarch of the same name?

because similar to Joseph in the Old Testament interpreting dreams, St. Joseph receives the revelation about the origins of Jesus in a dream.

What is the significance of Jesus' experience at the Temple at age 12?

when Jesus was in the Temple, he was teaching. This was really the beginning of Jesus spreading the Good News to the world. It was also in the Temple that the prophet Simeon proclaimed that Jesus would be the Savior for Jews and Gentiles alike. The experience was beginning to recognize his mission.

Define Kingdom of God

The reign of God proclaimed by Jesus and begun in his life, Death and Resurrection.

Why is everything in the life of Christ significant?

Because Jesus is God's Revelation and God was chosen to save us from our sins and to be our savior.

List elements that the infancy narratives in Matthew and Luke have in common

Both Matthew and Luke use the infancy stories to highlight Jesus' identity. An angel foretold Jesus' birth in both accounts. Jesus is conceived by the action of the Holy Spirit. Thus, he is the Son of God. He is Emmanuel, "God is with us." He was born of the Virgin Mary, as was prophesied. Joseph, Jesus' foster father, was his legal father. Joseph was of the House of David; therefore, Jesus was truly a Son of David as was promised. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, as prophesied in Micah 5:1.

Explain 3 ways the prophecy of Isaiah quoted in Luke 4:18-19 applies to Jesus Christ.

Holy Spirit, anointing, service to the poor, anointing, curing of the blind, and freedom from Sin.

Discuss at least 3 reasons for God becoming man in Jesus Christ.

God became man to reconcile us with God so that we could know God's love, model holiness, and so it could make us partakers in the Divine Nature.

What did Jesus proclaim in the synagogue in Nazareth and why did people reject him?

He proclaimed that he was the Messiah that Isaiah was talking about and they should follow him. They rejected him because they didn't expect the carpenter's son to be the Messiah. They found it hard to believe. They felt they were being disrespected and that they were being lied to.

What does Jesus tell Nathanael that he'll witness? What does he mean?

Jesus tells Nathanael that he will see the Heavens opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man. This refers to the coming of the Kingdom of God.

What are two things that are revealed about Jesus' genealogy in Matthew's Gospel?

Jesus' ancestry linked to Abraham and King David Jesus himself associated with sinners in his adult life.

What is the meaning of Jesus' circumcision and Presentation in the Temple?

Jesus' circumcision signified his incorporation into the Jewish people. It prefigures Jesus' lifelong submission to the Law and his willingness to worship in the faith of his ancestors. It also prefigures Baptism. The meaning of Jesus' presentation in the temple is that at his presentation in the Temple, the prophets Simeon and Anna recognize Jesus to be the long-expected Messiah, the first-born Son who belongs to the Lord.

What sources did Luke use in the writing of his Gospel?

Luke uses the source of the infancy narratives, stories that tell about the early life of Jesus. One of Luke's likely sources was the Gospel of Mark. Luke and Matthew also drew on a common source of sayings called "Q", which comes from the German word Quelle, meaning source. In addition to this, Luke also had a source which was unique to him which was often called "L".

Approx. dates for writing of the 4 Gospels

Matthew - around AD 80-85 Mark - around 70 AD Luke - around AD 85 John - between AD 90 & AD 100

Summarize John the Baptist's testimony about Jesus

The Father loves the Son and placed everything in his hand, whoever believes in the Son has Eternal Life, whoever rejects will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him. John the Baptist calls Jesus the Lamb of God, referring to the Paschal Lamb whose blood was shed to save the people.

Contrast the beginnings of Mark's and John's Gospels.

The Gospel of Mark doesn't mention the birth of Jesus or any facts about his childhood or family life. Therefore, his Gospel begins with an adult Jesus. Mark's Gospel begins by referring to a prophecy from Isaiah about a messenger coming to prepare the way of the Messiah. On the other hand, the Gospel of John begins before the creation of the world. This goes in contrast to Mark's Gospel.

What is the evidence that Jesus was born in humility & poverty?

The clothing Jesus had on when he was born really makes it evident that he was born into a family of poverty and humility. Jesus was born in a stable and shepherds were the first to see him, which is another evident sign of Jesus' family being humble and not having much wealth. Another sign of Jesus' family's poverty is that his parents offered a sacrifice of two turtledoves or young pigeons as the Law specified; these were the gift of poor people who couldn't afford the gift of a year-old lamb.

What's the primary source of our knowledge about Jesus?

The four Gospels are our primary source of knowledge about the birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The theological truths revealed at Jesus' Baptism

showing Jesus' perfect submission from his Father's will Foreshadowing Jesus' passion and death for the remission of our sins Serving as a model for our own baptism

When was Jesus likely born?

sometime around 4-6 B.C.

What can we learn from Mary's response to Gabriel's announcement that she was to be the Mother of God?

that Mary had great humility and faith because she the believed in angel Gabriel that she truly was the handmaid of the Lord. Mary was the instrument that God used to bring Jesus into the world to save us from our sins. We learn that we must trust in God even when it may seem abnormal.

What is the event that is recalled in the Holy Family's return to Nazareth from Egypt.

the Exodus

According to the prologue of John's Gospel, what role did the Word of God play in creation?

the Word of God played the role of God in creation and that "all things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be (Jn 1:3).

What were the 3 events that took place at Jesus' Baptism?

the sky opens, a dove descends from the sky, and a voice proclaims "You are my beloved Son". -The opening of the sky represents that God has come to his people. -The dove shows that the Holy Spirit is with Jesus. -The voice of the that proclaims "You are my beloved Son" shows that Jesus is divine.

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