JMS 200: Final

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When a show, rather than being exclusive to a single network and a particular time, is sold to individual stations for them to do with as they wish. the sale or licensing of material for publication or broadcasting by a number of television stations. Affiliates buy shows to fill air time. 100 episodes used to be the minimum needed for syndication. Syndicated shows typically air immediately before & after the primetime block.

Spectrum Auction

• Beginning of spectrum allocation - Radio Act of 1912 • 1927 Federal Radio Act • Federal Radio Commission established • Airwaves must be used in the "public interest, convenience and necessity" • Preferential treatment for NBC and CBS networks • 1934 Communications Act, continues policy • FRC becomes FCC


Video on Demand. lets consumers watch movies, users, news, or other programs that are digitally delivered at any time over fiber optic lines. Time warner cable was the first.

zoned coverage

when a newspaper targets new coverage or advertisements to a specific region of a city or market.

rules on tobacco advertising

1970- congress bans tobacco advertising on radio and tv Nixon signed into law the public health cigarette smoking act banning the advertisement of cigarettes on television and radio

carriage fee

MSO pays cable networks a fixed rate per subscriber/viewership is irrelevant. certain fee that can range from cents to dollars. does not matter is no one watches a certain channel, they will still get that fee from the cable company.

Diff between PR and related fields (CH 12)

PR focuses on consumer needs and wants, and is the element of exchange. PR is the management function that establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the publics on whom its success or failure depends. MARKETING / HOW DO WE DIFFER FROM ...? Marketing is about identify the needs and wants of the consumer and seeling them something more of a transaction Pr is not selling consumers something, not necessarily saying buy something ADVERTISING / HOW DO WE DIFFER FROM ...? Advertising is what you pay for to get your message out Pr is when you share your message through a PR person etc

strategies vs tactics

Strategy is a larger overall plan that can compromise several tactics, which are smaller, focused, less impactful action items that are part of the overall plan.

Heffernan vs City of Patterson

When an employer demotes an employee out of a desire to prevent the employee from engaging in protected political activity, the employee is entitled to challenge that unlawful action under the First Amendment and Section 1983 even if the employer's actions are based on a factual mistake about the employee's behavior.

theory of agenda setting

a theory of media effects that says that the media tell the public not what to think but rather what to think about. In pr the media decides which issues will be on the agenda, and then brings them to attention of the public through recurring news coverage.

people meter

an electronic device used to record the record the television viewing habits of a household so that the info obtained can be used to compile ratings. viewers push buttons on a machine to record who is watching programs at specific times.

CPM (CH 11)

cost of advertisement divided by number of views/viewers or impressions (expressed as 1,000's) CPM means cost per thousand. Advertisers try to pick a mix of media that will deliver the highest percentage of the target audience at the lowest CPM.

The Slants (why the legal dispute?)

free speech or racial slur

origins of PR as a field

go back to the american revolution with pamphlets like Tpaine's common sense. 1830/1840s the penny press produced widespread newspaper circulation. press agentry involved sending material from the press agent to the media with little opportunity for interaction and feedback (one way communication). Image management--first major users of pr were railroads that had numerous reasons for working on their images. Ivy Lee brought a strong understanding of both economics and psychology. Edwards L bernays was the first person to apply social scientific research techniques to the field.

retransmission fee

includes cash or other compensation that cable satelllite and telco tv providers pay to broadcast TV stations and indirectly to the networks for the right to carry broadcast tv station programming in their local markets. MSO pays to local affiliate (not directly to broadcast network) similiar to carriage fees, but goes to the broadcaster. increasing rapidly.

internal vs external publics

internal is made up of people within the organization that share a set of common interests. external is made up of people outside the organization that share a set of common interests.

Net neutrality (NAB Wrap up)

rules that would requite internet providers to provide equal access to content from all providers. telecommunicatio providers could not favor their own products over those of others. without regulations a company that provided its own online video service could slow down access to video provider youtube.


the percent of television sets in use that are tuned to a particular show. measures how popular a particular show is compared to everything else that is broadcasted at the time.

Rating (CH 9)

the percentage of the total potential television audience actually watching the show. aka not DVR etc. percent of television households exposed to a program.


the process of trying to make a particular product or service appeal to a narrowly defined group. groups are often targeted using demographics, geographic, and psychographics.

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