Joshua, Judges, and Ruth

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Why was Israel told to destroy everything of the people they conquered?

1. God instructed it and He gave them the victory 2. The wickedness of the conquered people was an offense to God 3. The conquered people had yet to repent

What are the reasons that Joshua is a qualified leader of Israel?

1. Proven military leader 2. He was at Mt. Sinai when Moses received the law. 3. Was near the tent of meeting when Moses met with God 4. Was trained / mentored by Moses 5. Was one of the 2 spies who returned a good report

The historical books cover a time span of ________________ years.


What is a levirate marriage?

A brother helps the deceased brother's line to continue

What event at the end of Judges has a significant impact upon one of the 12 tribes?

A civil war

What is a three word title for the Book of Ruth?

A love story

What does the book of Judges suggest about their nature of ruling? Was is consecutive or concurrent?


What is the two part division of the book of Joshua?

Conquest and division

What book gives the basis for the doctrine of retribution? (Chapter 28 of curses and blessings)


What does Rahab's life show the reader?

God's grace reaches the humble and those who trust in Him

What was the sin of Achan?

He buried the spoils of Jericho in his tent

What is the two part division to the book of Ruth?

Her devotion and her reward

Joshua is a ____________________________ book


What is significant about the statement "Everyone did was right in their own eyes"?

Israel had no king or leadership leading to rebellion

The Old Testament is largely a narrative of God's relationship with one nation, but

It also has a plan of for establishing relationship with all of humankind

Why place Ruth after Judges?

It shows the righteous after a book about unrighteous people

Jephthah, Samson, Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Shamgar, Tola, Elon, and Abdon are all ____________________________ of Israel.


What happens at the end of Deuteronomy?

Moses dies and Joshua is ready to lead the people to the land of Canaan

Who is significant offspring of the union between Ruth and Boaz?


In the Jewish Canon, Ruth is placed after Proverbs, perhaps because Ruth personifies the characteristics of what Proverb?

Proverbs 31

What does the book of Judges tell us about responsibility to the next generation?

Responsibility to pass on their faith and beliefs

How is possible for the book of the Ruth to just as easily be called the book of Naomi?

She is a central character, Ruth's mom

Why is it significant that Ruth is from Moab?

She is righteous, but Moabites were unrighteous

Why in Joshua would the Israelites use stones from the riverbed to create the memorial?

So future generations would see and remember the power of God

What were the effects of Achan's sin?

The army is defeated at Ai and Achan and his family are killed.

Give an outline of the book of Judges.

The judges of Israel and The dangers of rebellion

What is clear about the political structure of Israel at the time of the Judges?

There were regional leaders rather than centralized rule

How does the book of Joshua fit into the big picture of Abrahamic promises?

They are possessing the land promised, blessed with victory

What is the problem with living side by side to the Canaanites?

They influenced God's people.

sin, servitude, supplication, salvation, silence

This is Israel's repeated cycle of the book of Judges

What is the stated purpose of the book of Judges?

To discuss the period prior to the kings

True or False: Obed is the grandfather of David.


True or False: Ruth shows her devotion by leaving her people and remains with Naomi.


What does the term goel mean?

kinsman redeemer and avenger of blood

Naomi's character transformation is shown in the book of Ruth by

moving from sadness at the loss of her husband to joy of a grandson

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