Juvenile Justice Final

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Explain why the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program was stopped in public schools?

A quasi-experimental design compared the effectiveness of the D.A.R.E. program with a similar drug education program in Kentucky over 5 years. Participants in both groups showed an increase in drug and cigarette use and a decline in negative attitudes toward alcohol, marijuana, and cigarette use.

Which program used a multidisciplinary intervention team and outreach workers from federal and local agencies to provide services focusing on child welfare, education, employment, health, and interactions with the criminal justice system?

Gang Reduction Program (G.R.P.)

Which program is an in-home program that works with youths ranging from newborn to age 17 and is involved in the child welfare, mental health, and juvenile justice systems?


CASASTART is a community-based program meant to decrease substance abuse and delinquent behaviors and promote school attendance and performance in children ages 11 to ______.


The juvenile justice system started in Cook County Illinois in ______.


The U.S. Census Bureau began the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) in ______ as a way to supplement official arrest data such as the Uniform Crime Report


The majority of youths who join a gang do not stay in it for an extended amount of time, on average remaining active for 1 to ______ years.


The Guiding Responsibility and Expectations for Adolescents for Today and Tomorrow program was created to promote nonviolence among juveniles and participate in ______ weekly sessions involving a social cognitive, problem-solving curriculum.


The school-based drug use prevention arm of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E) program ended in ______.


A randomized study of eight Big Brothers Big Sisters sites revealed that mentored juveniles were 46% less likely to use drugs and ______ less likely to use alcohol compared with nonparticipants.


Which program tries to prevent risky behaviors, such as premature sexual activity, violence, and substance abuse, among juveniles ages 11-15?

All Stars

In 2002, in the case of ______, the court held executions of individuals with intellectual disabilities is a violation of the Eighth Amendment's ban against cruel and unusual punishment.

Atkins v. virginia

Which program was created in 1996 by the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence at the University of Colorado Boulder using several small grants?


______ recognize many young people live in impoverished areas, which degrades their ability to access educational, social, and employment opportunities, as a result they provide a safe and positive place for youths to go after school and in the summer--the points when youths are most likely to participate in illegal and unsafe activities.

Boys and Girls Clubs

Which program was originally named Children at Risk?


The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), part of the ______, sponsors research, programs, and training initiatives through grant funding to states and localities.

Department of Justice

Which program is a school-based intervention that targets middle school students who are at-risk of joining a gang?

Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.)

Who was the father of probation?

John Augustus

Hallucinogens, including PCP and ______, became popular for their effects on the nervous system, creating relaxed feelings and hallucinations.


______ juvenile offenders in the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative group were significantly less likely than nonparticipants to achieve housing independence at the 15-month interview.


The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) created the ______ in five cities in the early 1990s.

Moving to Opportunity Housing Mobility Experiment

Which program was originally evaluated in the 1960s and then more recently in 1993, which examines children with low IQs and high risk for school failure?

Perry Preschool Project

Which school-based program is aimed at preventing substance abuse among middle-school girls, with the aim of reducing drug-using behaviors through group therapy and community and peer mentorship?

Solution, Action, Mentorship (S.A.M.)

Explain the goals of the Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) program.

The Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) has three primary goals: (1) avoidance of gang membership, (2) prevention of violence and criminal behavior, and (3) development of positive relationships with law enforcement.

Define a status offense and describe several status offenses.

a status offense is an act that is in violation of the law only when a person under a certain age is doing it. some examples are: running away, skipping school or being truant, buying cigarettes and many more.

Which of the following is not a risk factor of juvenile violence?

academic achievement

Under Big Brothers Big Sisters, mentored youths were more interested in ______, earning better grades, and skipping fewer classes and they had more confidence with schoolwork.


What is the concept called that says as a child grows into the teenage years, he or she is more likely to take risks, be impulsive, and behave in ways that may seem irrational to a grown adult?

age-crime curve

Which of the following is not a status offense?

aggravated assault

The General ______ Model asserted that violent media exposure desensitizes youths.


The Supreme Court then ruled in ______ juveniles, much like adult offenders, still have constitutional protection against double jeopardy, which states that an individual cannot be tried again on the same charges and the same facts.

breed v. jones

. ______ were founded in London in the mid-16th century, which housed poor and delinquent youths and worked to train them in specific skills.


School ______ is commonly defined as the victimization of a student with targeted aggression by one or more other students


Probation officers are also responsible for ______ management, which involves maintaining a file on every juvenile they are responsible for.


Who asserted that if individuals could appreciate a clear set of statutes that indicated definite punishment, they would be more likely to refrain from committing a crime?

cesare Beccaria

What is the terminology used for the term "sentence" in juvenile courts?


Dispositional alternatives to institutionalization which allow juveniles to serve sentences in the community are known as ______.

community corrections

Delinquent rates are considerably lower in police reports and ______ data than in self-report studies


Which drug is a less expensive, yet more potent, version of cocaine that gained popularity in inner-city, low-income neighborhoods in the 1980s and 1990s.


What is the willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and electronic devices called?


______ is the "destruction, theft, or unauthorized or illegal use, modification or copy of information, programs, services, equipment or communication networks.


The ______ is crime not reported to authorities, and thus is not included in official data.

dark figure

Leaving a gang, often termed ______ by gang scholars, is generally a gradual process.


______ are frequently referred to as juvenile halls and are temporary housing centers for juveniles.

detention centers

Juveniles who are sent to confinement are usually moved first to reception and ______ centers.


What is the act of illegally copying music, movies, software, and other digital materials without permission from or payment to the copyright holder?

digital piracy

At the time of ______, a juvenile court judge can decide placement for the youth.


Which of the following are categories of William Sheldon's distinct criminal physiques?

ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph

Which programs effectiveness have been demonstrated through empirical research?


CASASTART is a community-based program meant to decrease substance abuse and delinquent behaviors and promote school attendance and performance in children ages 10-21.


College Professors teach the Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) program.


Female juvenile offenders in the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative group were significantly less likely than nonparticipants to achieve housing independence at the 15-month interview.


HOMEBUILDERS is a program originally evaluated in the 1960s and then more recently in 1993, which examines children with low IQs and high risk for school failure.


While most sexting is a protected form of free speech under the ______ Amendment, the age of the people sending and receiving the material can lead to serious federal and state criminal offenses.


. ______ type of cyberbullying involves hostile and insulting interaction in a chat room or on a discussion board, often involving the use of profanity?


Which landmark case ruling permitted accused juveniles many of the same due process rights as adults in delinquency proceedings?

in re Gault

In the case of ______ in 1970, the Supreme Court ruled that juveniles are entitled to adjudication of a crime based on the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard of proof.

in re winship

______ sentencing, a traditional form of sentencing, is focused on rehabilitation and sets an indefinite term of incarceration that can be shortened based on good behavior.


What is the least appropriate short-term care option for juveniles?


The highest number of arrests for juveniles was for ______ in 2017.


The Monitoring the Future Survey revealed in 2017 there was a significant increase in ______ use for 8th, 10th, and 12th graders.


The original juvenile court was based on the ______ concept.

parens patria

Which 1870 ruling by the Illinois Supreme Court upheld a parents' right to care for their children without government intervention?

people v. turner

Police agencies nationwide support ______ mentoring and diversionary programs meant to gain the trust of at-risk youths and give them opportunities to succeed.


Programs found to be effective are classified as ______ meaning they meet the minimum standard.


Probation is meant to have a ______ function, making it possible for the youth to maintain his or her liberties, including school and community activities, with the aim of reintegrating back into society.


What requires a juvenile to reimburse the victim of the crime, either through money or community service?


Alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use decreased for the intervention group, as did violent behaviors, risky sexual behaviors, and ______.

risky driving

In 2005, in the case of ______ the court found executing individuals under the age of 18 years old was considered unconstitutional and a violation of the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishment

roper v. Simmons

The ______ theory focuses more on explaining what increases a person's likelihood of victimization, rather than on offending behavior.

routine activities

Which gangs are quite disorganized, lack goals, and consistent leadership?


Substances in Schedules ______ through V have some form of accepted medical use and may be legally prescribed or administered

schedules ||

Which option was created in the 1970s to provide housing for juveniles who were status offenders, neglected, or dependent minors?

shelter care

In Mempa v. Rhay, the court held the ______ Amendment right to counsel should extend to the sentencing hearings, as well as other steps in prosecution, including probation revocation hearings.


Which program promotes avoidance of alcohol for at-risk middle school students until they reach adulthood?


In 1903, Illinois legislation allowed the juvenile justice system to intervene with ______ offenses such as curfew violations and incorrigibility, in addition to their existing mandate to deal with youths engaged in criminal acts or subject to dependency and neglect findings.

status offense

Which of the following programs are not designed to prevent or decrease juvenile delinquency?

terrorism prevention

Describe the child saver movement.

the child saver movement emerged during the nineteenth century and influenced the juvenile justice system. child savers, which have stressed the value of redemption and prevention of deviance to form education and training for children.

Which process begins when a prosecutor files a motion with the juvenile court judge to send the juvenile to adult court?


Which case involved the revocation of probation without a hearing, after he was arrested for burglary while on probation for armed robbery?

gagnon v. scarpelli

The case of ______ permitted juveniles the right to counsel and protection against self-incrimination, which had previously been interpreted as a constitutional right that applied only to adults

in re gault

Intensive supervision programs (ISPs), formerly known as intensive probation supervision, are similar to probation but involve ______ contacts with the court and stricter supervisory requirements.


The ______ process serves to classify and manage youths before adjudicatory proceedings.


______ may access their victims' e-mail and social networking accounts without permission


According to the National Juvenile Court Data Archives, ______ cases accounted for over half (55%) of the status offense petitioned cases in juvenile court in 2015.


A quasi-experimental study analyzing outcome measures of aggression and nonviolent behaviors in eighth graders at 37 schools was used to evaluate the usefulness of GREAT program.


Aftercare programs, also known as parole in some jurisdictions, provide resources, treatment, and supervision necessary to successfully reenter society.


Almost 90% of the ninth graders who attend the Clubs reported that they avoided alcohol use, compared with 77% of ninth graders not in the program.


______ believed that criminality did not result from individual choice but from factors beyond an individual's control.


Intake officers have several alternatives to sending a youth to a juvenile court. Youths can be placed on informal ______, which is release back into the community with certain supervisory conditions, such as curfew, employment, and community service.


Behaviors that decrease the likelihood that a youth will participate in violent behaviors are called?

protective factors

Some agencies will accept only programs that have been evaluated with a ______, where participants are randomly assigned to several interventions, including control groups that undergo the standard practice or no intervention at all.

randomized controlled trial

Which theory was introduced in the late 20th century and assumes offenders make a choice to commit crime based on the opportunities that are available to them in their surroundings?

rational choice

In the case of In re Winship, the court extended the ______ standard to juvenile proceedings

reasonable doubt

Most juvenile court judges adhere to the ______ standard, which holds that a judge can revoke probation if the court has made a reasonable effort to provide all the necessary resources to help the juvenile.

reasonable efforts

What are some conclusions that can be drawn from self-reporting surveys?

self- report surveys and studies show that juvenile crime is more evenly distributed along socio-economic lines, delinquency is higher than assumed, 82% of males cause crimes and 35% of that are juveniles, and females are three times more self-reported surveys than thought.

A(n) ______ is a large and powerful gang in a neighborhood, often absorbing smaller gangs in the area.


The legal system also governs how juveniles are treated in a police ______, where witnesses or victims are asked to pick out the suspect from a small group of individuals, including the suspect.


Describe the concept of Parens Patriae and using a case example discuss how the doctrine impacted of the American juvenile justice system.

the parens patriae concept was made so if the parents can not take care of or control their children, social services (government) can come in and take care of the children until the parents prove they can be parents. This influenced the juvenile justice system because children will see what happens when the parents break a law, and what not to do in the future. this impacts the children for not being in a bad environment, and instead being held by the government.

Describe the difference between Part I and Part II offenses.

part one offenses are the higher crimes such as; aggravated assault, arson, motor vehicle theft, burglary, larceny, murder, rape, and robbery. part two offenses are buying and receiving stolen property, carrying and possessing weapons, counterfeiting, forgery, fraud, prostitution, and simple assault.

The In re Gault decision was fundamental for juvenile rights. Which of the following rights was not granted to juveniles as a result of the court ruling?

to enter a plea bargain

Evidence-based programs effectiveness have been demonstrated through empirical research.


In the case of In re Winship in 1970, the Supreme Court ruled that juveniles are entitled to adjudication under the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard of proof.


The Guiding Responsibility and Expectations for Adolescents for Today and Tomorrow program was created to promote nonviolence among juveniles and participate in 20 weekly sessions involving a social cognitive, problem-solving curriculum.


The Moving to Opportunity Housing Mobility Experiment is under the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).


The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), part of the Department of Justice, sponsors research, programs, and training initiatives through grant funding to states and localities.


The program All Stars tries to prevent risky behaviors, such as premature sexual activity, violence, and substance abuse, among juveniles ages 11-15?


What is a geographic area which is perceived to be "owned" by the gang refer to?


Explain Jeffrey Fagan's different types of gang typologies.

type one is use of marijuana and alcohol, and do other few activities. type two are involved in vandalism, drug sales, and generally support their individual habits. type three is involved in serious and non- serious crimes but have less use of drugs and sales. type four is involved in serious and non- serious crimes and also uses a lot more drugs and do more drug sales.

The Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) has all of the following primary goals except ______.

understanding of the juvenile justice system

In 1967, judges in the New Jersey court case of State v. Loweryapplied the ban against ______ to juveniles.

unreasonable search and seizure

Direct service involves working directly with the ______, which is not used frequently by juvenile services.


Racial minorities are over represented both as offenders and ______ compared with their share of the general population.


______ hats are ethical hackers who try to improve security systems by successfully hacking them, while being careful not to harm anyone.


Under the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center program, juveniles who received the behavior intervention were ______ less likely to be readmitted to correction.


Most revenge porn offenders were male and most victims were female, and almost half of victims were under the age of ______.


The Youth Handgun Safety Act, part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, changed the legal age of handgun possession to ______ years old


Approximately ______% of delinquency cases in 2016 were either handled informally or not adjudicated.


About ______ of low-income members of the Clubs between ages 12 and 17 earned mostly A's and B's, compared with 69% of a national sample of low-income


Almost 90% of the ninth graders who attend the Clubs reported that they avoided alcohol use, compared with ______ of ninth graders not in the program.


The Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) program had a moderately positive impact on gang membership, with the odds of joining a gang ______ lower compared with the control group.


Describe the importance of evidence-based program when dealing with juvenile delinquency.

Due to tight budgets in federal and state governments over the past 20 years, states andlocalities are encouraged to use evidence-based strategies that have been deemed effectivefor juveniles, rather than waste money on programs that do not work. It is now regular practicefor federal and state agencies to implement prevention programs that are evidence basedand to discontinue programs that are ineffective. Evidence-based programs receive rigorousevaluations, generally using randomized experiments or randomized controlled trials.

Describe the CASASTART program and who the program specifically targets.

Originally named Children at Risk, the current name is short for Striving Togetherto Achieve Rewarding Tomorrows. It is a community-based program meant todecrease substance abuse and delinquent behaviors and promote school attendanceand performance in children ages 11-13. Case managers provide services to high-riskyouths and their families by collaborating with schools, community organizations,and criminal justice agencies. Every program has eight core components:after-school and summer activities, community-oriented policing, criminal justiceintervention, education services, family services, incentives, and mentoring. A casemanager serves 13-18 children at one time.

Describe the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative program.

Thisfederal initiative is meant to improve the quality of life for juvenile and adult offenders returning to the community. It especially targets serious and violent offenders who have a higher risk of recidivism. The purpose is to decrease recidivism through goal-initiative programming. Services and resources focus on employment, education, housing, substance use, and physical and mental health.

Most states administer juvenile probation through their departments of state, which allows for the ______.

all of these

Operation ______ (aka the Boston Gun Project and the Boston Miracle) is a problem-oriented policing program that was initiated in Boston, MA.


What type of hearing is the equivalent of a sentencing hearing in the adult criminal justice system?


The Gang Reduction Program (GRP) was tested in Richmond, VA, with positive results.


The blueprint program has three phases: (1) consultation with health-care providers on avoiding alcohol use and other risk factors; (2) mailing of key-facts postcards to parents or guardians, with instructions on communicating with their children about alcohol avoidance; and (3) take-home lessons, with prevention activities to be completed on a weekly basis.


The school-based drug use prevention arm of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E) program ended in 2014.


Under the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center program, juveniles who received the behavior intervention were 2% less likely to be readmitted to correction.


Several research studies have indicated that ______ therapy programs are the most effective way to treat juvenile substance abuse


Describe the role females play in gang involvement.

females roles in gangs are asked, forced, or voluntarily committing a violent act in the gang. Females also do drug dealing that are in gangs.

Under the ______ doctrine, the courts left juvenile facilities alone to handle administrative issues.


Which type of abusers often suffer from heart and lung abnormalities, vein scarring, malnutrition, hepatitis, and skin infections?


What term displays how entrants must take a beating from other members and often are expected to fight back?


Who teaches the Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) program?

law enforcement officers

A horizontal/commission structure involves several ______ who share duties and equal powers over members.


Since the Supreme Court ruling of ______, many states have overturned mandatory life without parole sentences.

miller v. alabama

______ is the continuation of delinquent behavior as a youth ages, often with an escalation of seriousness in the criminal offending.


If the youth has problems following the required conditions, a ______ can be filed sending the youth back to court.


Some states use ______ exclusion, an automatic transfer to adult court for certain offenses


Which drugs ______ boost energy and attention by accelerating the body's physical processes, which raises blood pressure and increases the heart rate.


Which theories predicted criminal behavior based on the amount of pressure that individuals feel to obtain societal goals and successes?


Discuss the importance of discretion and provide an example of how the police would use discretion when dealing with juveniles.

the importance of discretion is having the power and ability to make decisions. when dealing with juveniles and discretion, an example would be the police making a decision to arrest a juvenile for being out past curfew or not.

According to case law, can a parent or guardian consent to search a juvenile's belongings over the objection of the juvenile?

yes, the parent or guardian can consent to search a juveniles belongings over the objection of the juvenile. but, if there is suspicion the police can go ahead and search.

Another source for evaluating programs that aim to protect youths from the risks of delinquency is ______.gov, a federal website providing up-to-date information on effective programs.


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