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how the first phase of the French Revolution Increased popular participation

Anti-clericalism outbursts were more brutal than those in modern European history. The Church was suppressed, the Catholic monarchy was abolished, Church property was nationalized, 30,000 priests were exiled, and hundreds more were murdered by the new revolutionary authorities.

Explain France's role in the American Revolution.

France was the principal ally of the American colonies. At the start of the war, France aided the Continental Army by supplying supplies such as gunpowder, cannons, clothes, and shoes. The Treaty of Alliance made France an official ally of the United States in 1778.

Explain the short-term fiscal and economic crises (plural) that led to the French Revolution.

Frances involvment in the seven year war along with the american revolution lead france into debt

Explain enlightened reforms in Prussia under Frederick the Great.

Frederick modernized the Prussian bureaucracy and civil service, and implemented religious policies ranging from equality to apartheid throughout his empire. He embraced the arts, thinkers he admired, and total freedom of the press and literature, as is popular among enlightened despots.

How did Richelieu and Louis XIV build up and use the military?

He weakened the influence of local nobles, who ruled much of France at the time. He built up the French military and used it to smash private armies of nobles.

Explain the intendant system.

Intendant, a French administrative official who acted as the king's representative in each of the regions, or generalités, during the ancien régime.

Explain the achievements of Habsburg Austria during the reign of Maria Theresa.

Maria Theresa expanded the army by doubling the number of troops from her father's rule, reorganized the tax system to ensure a predictable annual income to cover the government and army's expenses, and centralized a tax collection office.

Why was the Polish monarchy unable to consolidate its authority?

Much of its representatives wanted to make sure the central government didn't interfere with their local interests. also at every Sejm meeting it could be called to a halt by a single member who disagreed.

Explain enlightened reforms in Austria under Joseph II.

Serfdom was abolished, press censorship was abolished, and the Catholic Church's influence was limited as a result of Joseph's reforms.

Glorious Revolution of 1688.

The Catholic king James II was deposed, and his Protestant daughter Mary was installed in his place.

how the first phase of the French Revolution Established a constitutional monarchy

The Declaration of the Rights of Man was issued by the National Assembly, and the Constitution of 1791 was drafted.

Explain the Dutch system of governance.

The Dutch government is made up of the King and cabinet ministers according to the Dutch constitution. The King's position is limited to government creation, and he does not actively participate in daily decision-making.

Explain the Edict of Fontainebleau.

The Edict of Fontainebleau., also known as the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, was an edict issued by French King Louis XIV. The Edict of Nantes (1598) guaranteed Huguenots the right to practice their religion without fear of persecution from the state.

Explain how Enlightenment ideas led to the French Revolution.

The French Revolution, which started in 1789 and stressed the rights of common men over the exclusive rights of the aristocracy, was largely inspired by Enlightenment ideas.

Explain how the Peace of Westphalia limited the Holy Roman Emperor's power.

The Holy Roman Emperor's control was weakened, and German states were once again free to decide on the religion of their territories.

Explain the impact of the Battle of Vienna on both Austria and the Ottoman Empire.

The Ottomans launched an attack on the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I, which resulted in their defeat. The failure to capture Vienna signaled the end of Turkish expansion into Europe, and the Ottoman initiative was redirected toward Asia and the Mediterranean.

the causes and effects of the Seven Years' War

The Seven Years' War transformed the financial, political, and social ties between Britain and its colonies, in addition to greatly expanding Britain's land in North America. It sunk the United Kingdom into debt, almost doubling the country's debt.

Explain the causes and effects of the War of the Spanish Succession.

The War of the Spanish Succession led to the division of the Spanish Monarchy, which helped to maintain the balance of power and control ties between major European powers for the next century.

Explain the reasons for and the impact of the English Bill of Rights.

The bill of right was formed by mary II and William III and this gave the parliment more power over the monarchy

Why did Prussia, Russia, and Austria partition Poland?

The growth of russia scared some of europe so to keep the balance of power they split it up

Explain the nobility's social position and legal privileges in France.

The noble were a very privlaged, and got away with a lot, including paying very little taxes

explain long-term social causes that led to the French Revolution.

The presence of the Enlightenment, the American War of Independence, and the structure of French society all contributed to the country's poor leadership. To begin with, Louis XVI has a reputation for being a poor leader.

Explain the growth of Prussia during the 17th and 18th centuries under Frederick William I and Frederick the Great.

The rise of Prussia was influenced by a number of political, military, and social factors. German lands were weakened by wars including the Thirty Years War and King Louis XIV's. Furthermore, German provinces were disjointed and weak.

Explain the nobility's social position and legal privileges in Prussia.

These familys were very rich, they had acess to very good education and often got away with breaking the law

Explain the nobility's social position and legal privileges in Russia.

They had power at the local level although the tars had rule over them and they had about 200 serfs each

Explain ways in which Peter the Great westernize Russia politically, religiously, and culturally.

To westernize the Russian establishment, he introduced hardline social and cultural reforms. The Russian aristocracy, for example, was required to shave their long beards and dress in European-style clothing.

how the first phase in the french rev Abolished hereditary privileges

because of the french rev people lost the right to inhearet certian privlages (i honestly dont know this is one cant find info on it)

Explain TWO ways in which Jean-Baptiste Colbert used mercantilist policies to strengthen the French economy.

encouraging and retaining bullion in the nation in order for it to flood into the state's coffers; exporting bullion is prohibited To defend French factories and enrich the royal family, he imposed high tariffs on imported products.

Explain ways in which Catherine the Great westernized Russia politically, religiously, and culturally. Why were Catherine's reforms limited?

founded the Free Economic Society (1765) to promote agricultural and industrial modernization. Second, she promoted foreign investment in underdeveloped economies. Third, Catherine loosened the censorship laws and promoted noble and middle-class education.

Explain how Cardinal Richelieu strengthened the French state in the early 1600s.

he was the reason france became an absolute monarch, he was able to take power away from the noble

Explain why enlightened reforms were limited.

the ideas of enlightenment was new, new things take awhile t fully catch on. There was also still a lot of control from the church.

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