Keyboarding Mid-Term
The "K" finger is responsible for the following keys: 8=
8 * I , <
Name all the keys that the L finger is responsible for.
9 ( O . >
When this key is on you will key in all capital letters
To correct a mistake while keyboarding you tap the
Back Space key
These keys are located on both sides of the keyboard
Control (Ctrl), Alt, and Shift
Which finger is responsible for the 4 key?
These keys have a little "bump" on them and are called your anchor keys
F and J
Hold the right Shift key down when making a capital letter with your right hand.
Space twice after a period (.) following an abbreviation.
The "A" finger is responsible for the most keys on the keyboard.
The "F" finger taps the 5 and the 6 keys.
The "K" finger reaches up to key a comma.
The "K" finger taps the 9 key
The # key stands for pounds or inches.
The Y, O, and U keys are located on the bottom row of keys.
There is an Enter key on both sides of the keyboard.
To double space to the next line you should tap the Space Bar twice.
When making a capital letter with the left hand, hold down the "Left Shift" key and tap a key with your right hand.
When tapping the "Enter" key, you should tap with the "A" finger and then return the finger to the home key.
You space once before a semi-colon (;) and none after.
To indent a paragraph, space five times using the space bar.
False, use the Tab key
Feet should move freely on the floor.
Improper keyboarding position
If you are right handed your keyboarding material should be on the left side.
Improper keyboarding position
Which finger taps the "N" and "M" key?
When you key a question mark which shift key do you use?
What do these keys, ! ? . have in common?
No space before each and two spaces after each.
Elbows should rest by your side.
Proper keyboarding position
Keyboard should be pulled to the edge of the table.
Proper keyboarding position
Palms of the hands should not rest on the desk or keyboard.
Proper keyboarding position.
If you are right handed you should tap the space bar with your
Right thumb
2 @ W and X, which home row finger is responsible for these.
To indent a paragraph you should tap the
Tab key
After tapping the Enter key your finger should quickly return to the home-row position.
Always correct your mistakes as you make them.
Do not space after a period (.) within abbreviations.
It is always wise to save any work before your start and save this work from time to time while working on it.
Keeping your eyes on the material you are keying will help you to key faster with fewer mistakes.
Space once after a period (.) following initials.
Space twice after a period (.) at the end of a sentence.
The "J" finger is responsible for the "H" key.
The = and the + are located on the same key.
The asterisk * key is used for multiplication.
To log into your computer, you begin by hold down the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete key
Using "word wrap" means to continue keying when the sentence in the book ends and let the computer decide when to go to the next line.
When tapping the Enter key, you should use your semi-colon finger (;).
Is there anything wrong with this sentence? We asked for prices on these models:50, 55, 500.
Yes, No spaces after the colon.
Is there anything wrong with this sentence? On May 5, I got 5 boxes each of O and OO steel wool for her.
Yes, Os were used instead of zeros.
What are the home row keys for the left hand
a s d f
What are the home row keys for the right hand
j k l ;
This home row finger does the most work on the keyboard.
semi-colon (;), it keys the most letters, symbols, etc.