Khan Academy Period 2 Unit Test

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"[Hawkins] passed to Sierra Leone, upon the coast of Guinea . . . where he stayed some good time, and got into his possession, partly by the sword and partly by other means, to the number of 300 negroes at the least, besides other merchandises, which that Country yielded. With this prey he sailed over the Ocean sea unto the Island of Hispaniola, and arrived first at the port of Isabella: and there he had reasonable [sale] of his English commodities, as also of some part of his Negroes . . . for which he received . . . such quantity of merchandise, that he did not only lade his own three ships with hides, ginger, sugars, and some quantity of pearls, but he [also filled two more] with hides and other like commodities, which he sent to Spain." -Source: Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, and Discoveries of the English Nation, 1589 A historian would most likely use this passage to illustrate which of the following? A: the decline in transatlantic piracy following the construction of the Spanish armada B: the emergence of slave trading posts on the West Coast of Africa in the late 1600's C: the cruelty practiced by the Spanish colonial government, known as the Black Legend D: the development of an Atlantic economy exchanging goods and enslaved people

D: the development of an Atlantic economy exchanging goods and enslaved people

Read the excerpt and answer the question below. "Various are the reports and conjectures of the causes of the present Indian war. Some impute it to an imprudent zeal in the magistrates of Boston to christianize those heathen. . . . [T]he people, on the other side, for lucre and gain, entice and provoke the Indians to the breach thereof, especially to drunkenness. . . . But the government of Massachusetts . . . [has] contributed much to their misfortunes." -Source: Edward Randolph, report on Metacom's War (King Philip's War), 1685 The above passage provides evidence to support which of the following theses? A: Forced religious conversions caused Metacom's War B: Drunkenness among British settlers caused Metacom's War C: Massachusetts Bay Colony leaders attempted to prevent Metacom's War D: Metacom's War caused fewer deaths than smallpox.

Forced religious conversions caused Metacom's War

Read the passage below and answer the question. The founders of Virginia, having discovered in tobacco a substitute for the sugar of the West Indies and the silver of Peru, still felt the lack of native labor force with which to exploit the new crop. At first they turned to their own overpopulated country for labor, but English indentured servants . . . when their terms of servitude expired . . . struck out for themselves and joined the ranks of those demanding rather than supplying labor. But there was a way out. The Spanish and Portuguese had already demonstrated what could be done in the New World when a local labor force became inadequate: they brought in natives of Africa. From Edmund S. Morgan, historian, The Labor Problem at Jamestown, 1607-18, 1971. Morgan describes how, over time, planters came to use enslaved Africans instead of indentured servants as laborers. Why did Virginia planters originally prefer indentured servants to slaves? A: Indentured servants practiced Christianity while enslaved Africans did not B: Indentured servants were less expensive than slaves, and planters got land for each servant they brought from England C: The terms of indenture contracts required white servants to perform more labor than enslaved people D: Racist ideas led planters to value white workers more than black workers

Indentured servants were less expensive than slaves, and planters got land for each servant they brought from England

"Of all the American Plantations his Majesty has, none are so apt for the building of Shipping as New-England, nor none more comparably so qualified for the breeding of [sailors], not only by reason of the natural industry of that people, but principally by reason of their Cod and Mackeral Fisheries: and in my poor opinion, there is nothing more prejudicial, and in project more dangerous to any Mother-Kingdom, than the increase of Shipping in her Colonies, Plantations, or Provinces." Josiah Child, governor of the East India Company, 1668 A historian would most likely use this passage as evidence for which of the following claims? A: British politicians recommended against founding new colonies because they were too dangerous B: New Englanders relied on fishing and shipping more than plantation agriculture because of environmental resources C: The East India Company wanted to outlaw British trade with the colonies because they were too industrious D: New Englanders overfished cod and mackerel because of heavy international demand

New Englanders relied on fishing and shipping more than plantation agriculture because of environmental resources

"The humble, meek, merciful, just, pious and devout souls everywhere are of one religion and when death has taken off the mask, they will know one another, though the diverse liveries they wore here make them strangers." William Penn, 1693 The views expressed in the excerpt are best seen as evidence of which of the following in Pennsylvania society? A: Religious tolerance B: Racial equality C: Democratic government D: Social stratification

Religious tolerance

Read the passage and answer the question below. ". . . (W)e must consider, what state all men are naturally in, and that is, a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons, as they think fit, within the bounds of the law of nature. . . . There [is] nothing more evident, than that creatures of the same species and rank. . . should also be equal one amongst another without subordination or subjection. . . ." -John Locke, Second Treatise on Civil Government, 1690 According to the passage, Locke advocated an approach to government that was reflected most clearly in which of the following movements? A: The great migration B: The consumer revolution C: The first great awakening D: The enlightenment

The Enlightenment

Read the passage below and answer the question. Although the Country people be very barbarous, yet have they amongst them such government, as that their Magistrates for good commanding, and their people for due subjection, and obeying, excel many places that would be counted very civil. The form of their Common-wealth is a Monarchical government, one as Emperor ruleth over many Kings or Governours. Their chief ruler is called Powhatan, and taketh his name of his principal place of dwelling called Powhatan. From John Smith, The General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles (London, 1624). The excerpt would be most useful to historians as a source of information about which of the following?

The political differences between American Indians and English colonizers

"The metropolitan efforts to complete this British imperial hierarchy at the centre and to export it abroad, so as to forge 'an entire interactive system', were never a complete success [and] the American colonists eventually rejected the whole thing outright . . . [The British imperial] hierarchical world-view that was extended across the British empire was conservative in its ideology, and stressed the importance of tradition and unchangingness . . . the elaborate, layered social ordering of the American colonies was, at the mid eighteenth century, a relatively recent development" -David Cannadine, historian, Ornamentalism: How the British Saw Their Empire, 2002 According to the passage, which of the following best explains the most important effect that British imperial stance had on colonists' ideological resistance? A: Their resistance mirrored British imperial experiences of self-government. B: Their resistance reflected previous notions of social ordering developed in Britain's other imperial colonies. C: Their resistance centered on a perceived corruption in local experiences of self-government. D: Their resistance drew on Enlightenment ideas of diversity in class and social organization.

Their resistance drew on Enlightenment ideas of diversity in class and social organization.

Read the passage and answer the question below. "I reckon it was hot, 'cause in less than two days, 21 white men, women, and children, and 44 Negroes, was slain. My granddaddy say that in the woods and at Stono, where the war start, there was more than 100 Negroes in line. When the militia come in sight of them at Combahee swamp, the drinking, dancing Negroes scatter in the brush and only 44 stand their ground. Commander Cato speak for the crowd. He say: 'We don't like slavery. We start to join the Spanish in Florida. We surrender but we not whipped yet and we is not converted.' The other 43 say: 'Amen.' They was taken, unarmed, and hanged by the militia." -Source: George Cato, account of the Stono Rebellion in 1739 Which of the following describes a way in which enslaved Africans would resist the conditions of slavery? A: working at a faster pace B: contracting smallpox C: breaking tools D: converting to Judaism

breaking tools

Read the excerpt and answer the question below. "As the contagion caused a great many Hurons to die, these people, not recognizing therein the justice of God, who takes vengeance for their crimes, imagined that the French were the cause of their death. . . . Upon the strength of these reports . . . these barbarians have made attempts upon the lives of our Fathers, even going so far as to talk in open council of slaying them, but . . . on hearing this talk [a Native American leader named Taratouan] drew out a long string of porcelain, and threw it down in the midst of the assembly, saying, "There is something to close your mouths and stop your talking." -Source: Father Paul le Jeune, Relation of What Occurred in New France in the Year 1636 The event described in the excerpt is an example of which of the following developments in colonial North America? A: how European trade goods led to violent conflict between indigenous communities B: how French priests facilitated the creation of a vast trading network in North America C: how indigenous communities adopted the rhetoric of republican government to protest European invasion D: how trade with Europeans led to the spread of disease in indigenous communities

how trade with Europeans led to the spread of diseases in indigenous communites

Read the excerpt and answer the question below. The said Indian, Popé, came down in person with all the war captains and many other Indians, proclaiming through the pueblos that the devil was very strong and much better than God, and that they should burn all the images and temples, rosaries and crosses, and that all the people should discard the names given them in holy baptism and call themselves whatever they liked. . . . They were ordered likewise not to teach the Castilian language in any pueblo and to burn the seeds which the Spaniards sowed and to plant only maize and beans, which were the crops of their ancestors. -Source: "Declaration of the Indian Juan," explaining the Pueblo Revolt to Spanish priests, 1681 Which of the following most directly contributed to the conflict referred to in the excerpt? A: decreasing indigenous support of their local religions B: decreasing resistance to disease among indigenous peoples C: increasing Spanish accommodation to Puebloan religion D: increasing Spanish demands on Puebloan peoples

increasing Spanish demands on Puebloan peoples

Analyze the graph and answer the question below. Which of the following groups would have advocated for the increase in enslaved Africans as depicted in the graph? A: German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania B: plantation owners in the West Indies C: Southern indentured servants D: New England Puritans

plantation owners in the West Indies

Read the passage and answer the question below. "Whereas some doubts have arisen whether children produced by any Englishman and a negro woman should be slave or free, be it therefore enacted and declared by this present grand assembly, that all children borne in this country shall be held bond, or free only according to the condition of the mother. And if any Christian shall commit fornication with a negro man or woman, he or she so offending shall pay double the fines imposed by the former act." -Source: Virginia slave law passed by the House of Burgesses in December 1662 The excerpt would be most useful to historians as evidence for which of the following? A: the economic differences between the different regions of colonies in the seventeenth century B: the role that representative governments had in enforcing the Navigation Acts in the seventeenth century C: the rise in the number of rebellions led by enslaved people in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries D: the relationships between British colonists and enslaved Africans in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

the relationships between British colonists and enslaved Africans in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Read the excerpt and answer the question below. These Indians were the Remains of a Tribe of the Six Nations, settled at Conestoga, and thence called Conestoga Indians . . . there they have lived many Years in Friendship with their White Neighbours, who loved them for their peaceable inoffensive Behaviour. On Wednesday, the 14th of December, 1763, Fifty-seven Men, from some of our Frontier Townships . . . came, all well-mounted, and armed with Firelocks, Hangers and Hatchets, having traveled through the Country in the Night, to Conestoga Manor. There they surrounded the small Village of Indian Huts, and just at Break of Day broke into them all at once. Only three Men, two Women, and a young Boy, were found at home . . . These poor defenseless Creatures were immediately fired upon, stabbed and hatcheted to Death! . . . Guilt will lie on the whole Land, till Justice is done on the Murderers. THE BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT WILL CRY TO HEAVEN FOR VENGEANCE. -Source: Benjamin Franklin, A Narrative of the Late Massacres, in Lancaster County, of a Number of Indians, Friends of this Province, by Persons Unknown, 1764 The ideas expressed in the excerpt most directly challenged the prevailing ideology among colonial-era Europeans that: A: religion should be incorporated into government. B: militias were preferable to standing armies. C: violence against indigenous people was justified. D: land rightfully belonged to indigenous nations.

violence against indigenous people was justified.

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