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7) In APEX use Application Builder to assemble an ---------- interface. A) HTML B) CSS C) SLT D) GML


10) Write a query and change the status of a disabled trigger.

ALTER trigger triger_name enable;

33) The ---------------- is a low code, high productivity integrated development environment where you can develop applications on top of your data.

App Builder

18) ---------------is the tool you use to build the pages that comprise an application.

Application Builder

5) ------------------ includes a number of wizards you can use to create forms automatically.

Application Builder

35) APEX:

Application Express

8) ---------------------- shows how to change a logo in page.

Application Icon

1) APEX formerly called ............ A) XML DB B) HTML DB C) XSLT DB D) SGML DB


1) Which object is an optional structure in database? A) Table B) Index C) Column D) Primary key


3) APEX is ............... framework. A) Agile B) RAD C) Spiral D) Waterfall


3) Which of the following is not a trigger event? A) UPDATE B) SELECT C) DROP D) SERVERERROR


4) Triggers are stored programs, which are automatically executed or fired when some events like ---------- and ------- occur. A) DCL, DDL B) DML,DDL C) DCL,TCL D) TCL,DDL


10) All of the following are part of the coding structure for triggers EXCEPT: A) Event B) Condition C) Selection D) Action


11) A procedure is: A) Stored outside the database. B) Given a reserved SQL name. C) Called by name. D) Unable to be modified.


8) What are the three benefits of triggers?

Enforcing referential integrity, keep the values of foreign keys in line with those in primary keys. Event logging and storing information on table access. Auditing. Synchronous replication of tables. Imposing security authorizations. Preventing invalid transactions.

9) ---------------------------- control or modify how an application logs errors.

Error Handling

14) Composite indexes cannot speed retrieval of data for SELECT statements in which the WHERE clause references all or the leading portion of the columns in the composite index.


16) We cannot create templates through APEX.


TRUE/FALSE 14) Triggers can be used to ensure referential integrity, enforce business rules, create audit trails and replicate tables, but cannot call other triggers.


20) Redo reverts the previous update you made within Page Designer.

False Undo

24) Workspace administrators manage an entire hosted instance using the APEX Services application.

False cross out workspace for Oracle Application Express

21) End users create and edit applications.

False crossout create and edit applications for have no development privileges/Cannot create or edit.

14) APEX needs dedicated database connection.

False does not need

20) A single schema can be associated with only one workspace

False one or more workspaces.

23) IDE stands for --------------------.

Integrated Development Environment

3) What is an Interactive Grid in Oracle APEX application?

It presents users a set of data in a searchable, customizable report.

30) In APEX, ---------------tracks events associated with the development process.


9) What are the NEW and OLD Pseudorecords?

OLD and NEW are pseudorecords that the PL/SQL runtime engine creates and populates whenever a row-level trigger fires. OLD and NEW store the original and new values, respectively, of the record being processed by the trigger. They are called pseudorecords because they do not have all properties of PL/SQL records.

20) Developers view and manage application in---------------.

Page Designer

28) The -------------------------displays at the top of the page and contains both buttons and menu options.

Page Designer toolbar

12) ------------------fetches the styles for your application and loads them in the editor.

Theme Roller

11) APEX is a Database-centric Web Application development tool.


52) Oracle left outer JOINS return all rows from multiple tables where the join condition is met.


54) The FULL OUTER JOIN can be written in the old syntax without using a UNION query.


55) Oracle JOINS are used to retrieve data from just one table.


57) Oracle left outer JOINS return all rows from multiple tables where the join condition is met.


59) The FULL OUTER JOIN can be written in the old syntax without using a UNION query.


True/False 11) CREATE INDEX emp_id_indx ON emp_id(employee) ;This command will create index emp_id_indx.

False employee(emp_id);

13) In Apex the area where you develop applications is called a schema.

False workspace

26) In APEX after the database processes the PL/SQL, the results are relayed back to your browser as ----------------------.


6) Single page master detail creates a form that displays a master row and multiple detail rows within a single --------- form.


22) HTML stands for-------------------.

Hypertext Markup Language

24) Developers view and manage application in ----------------------.

Page Designer

31) In APEX, install and run a ------------------------- from the Packaged Apps gallery.

Productivity application

Fill in the blanks 25) Oracle APEX is ------------------------------ framework for the Oracle database.


34) RAD:

Rapid Application Development

36) REST:

Representational State Transfer

13) The Theme Roller window is displayed in the -------------------.

Runtime Toolbar

Based on the following tables: 3) Write a query to return the total number of employees in each department where there is a matching depno value in both tables. The query should return the department numbers and names. Also pick a name for the column which holds the total.

SELECT count(*) totalnumber, dept.depno, dept.depname FROM emp JOIN dept ON dept.depno=emp.depno group by dept.depno, dept.depname;

4) Change the following non-ANSI format to ANSI join syntax: SELECT dept.depno, depname, min(empbonus) FROM dept, bonus WHERE dept.depno=bonus.depno group by dept.depno,depname;

SELECT dept.depno, depname, min(empbonus) FROM dept join bonus on dept.depno=bonus.depno group by dept.depno,depname;

6) By using Oracle join, write a query to list every employee number with their corresponding department information as well as department's city and state sorted by the department number.

SELECT emp.empno, dept.depno, dept.depname,, city_state.state FROM emp JOIN dept ON dept.depno=emp.depno JOIN city_state ON order by dept.depno;

7) Create a program that outputs this message "Now I am a PL/SQL expert."

set serveroutput on; begin dbms_output.put_line (' Now I am a PL/SQL expert.'); end; / OR DECLARE a1 varchar2(40):='Now I am a PL/SQL expert '; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line(a1); END; /

11) Substitution defines ------------------ substitution strings for your application.


17) In Oracle APEX, we can create --------- to fire and assign a new number.


26) Clear unlocked padlock — Indicates the page is----------------.


27) In APEX, the area where we develop applications is called a ----------------------.


6) What is an Oracle trigger?

Triggers are stored programs, which are automatically executed or fired when some events occur.

12) APEX is a browser based for development, deployment and runtime.


12) We can create an index on one or more columns of a table.


13) A composite index is an index on multiple columns in a table.


15) A procedure is run by calling it by its name.


15) Apex is consuming minimal CPU resources.


15) We can generate sequential numbers by using sequences.


16) A trigger is a named set of SQL statements that are considered when a data modification occurs.


16) Application Builder is the tool you use to build the pages that comprise an application.


18) Use 'ALTER PROCEDURE grading COMPILE;' to recompile the 'grading' procedure.


18) Use Application Builder to assemble an HTML interface (or application) on top of database objects such as tables and procedures.


18) Use SQL Workshop to browse your database objects and run SQL queries.


19) A schema is a logical container for database objects like tables, views, and stored procedures.


19) Red locked padlock — Indicates the page is locked by another user.


20) A PL/SQL function is same as a procedure except that it returns a value.


22) 23) Developers can have their own workspace or share a workspace.


23) Triggers are written to be executed in response to oracle DML statements.


25) Triggers can be written for preventing invalid transactions


29) A procedure is run by calling it by its name.


30) A trigger is a named set of SQL statements that are considered when a data modification occurs.


32) Use 'ALTER PROCEDURE grading COMPILE; ' to recompile the 'grading' procedure.


34) A PL/SQL function is same as a procedure except that it returns a value.


37) Triggers are written to be executed in response to oracle DML statements.


39) Triggers can be written for preventing invalid transactions


41) Indexes can be created on one or more than one columns of a table.


43) Indexes are optional structure, but adding them into tables increases the speed of accessing data.


44) Index 'ord_indx2' on columns 'ord_id, ord_desc' is a concatenated index.


46) The order of the columns used in the WHERE clause of a query is important while using a composite index.


47) An application is a collection of database-driven Web pages linked together using tabs, buttons, or hypertext links.


50) The Oracle INNER JOIN would return the records where table1 and table2 intersect.


51) A relational operation that causes two or more tables with a common domain to be combined into a single table or view.


53) FULL OUTER JOIN returns all rows from the LEFT-hand table and RIGHT-hand table.


56) The Oracle INNER JOIN would return the records where table1 and table2 intersect.


58) FULL OUTER JOIN returns all rows from the LEFT-hand table and RIGHT-hand table.


4) When do we use the Theme Roller?

We use the Theme Roller feature in Oracle Application Express to customize the style of our application during runtime.

32) RESTful Services helps you to create a RESTful --------------- declaratively.


48) User interface (UI) defaults enable you to assign default user interface properties to a table, column, or view within a specified schema.

\Tru\e 49) Oracle JOINS are used to retrieve data from just one table. //False

3) What is the command to run if you see the status of greeting procedure is INVALID?

alter procedure greetings compile;

10) Global Notification communicates system status to ------------------------.

application users

29) Use the Property Editor to update -------------- for the selected component.


Write a query to: Remove the 'get_min_emp_num' FUNCTION from database.

drop FUNCTION get_min_emp_num;

5) Write a command and remove the greetings procedure from the database.

drop procedure greetings;

27) Page Unlocked indicates the current page is unlocked and ---------------.


30) Use the small triangle labeled Collapse in the center of each splitter in page designer to -----------or -------------------- each pane.

expand, collapse

16) A ----------- is a window on the screen that provides areas for entering or modifying data in a database.


1) Write a query and give permission to user Test to be able to create procedure.

grant create procedure to Test;

19) A ---------- is the basic building block of an application.


25) Enabling caching is an effective way to improve the------------------.


15) In APEX, a ----------- retrieves and displays data.


28) A --------------- is a logical container for database objects.


2) What is the command which set to show the result in SQL command prompt?

set serveroutput on

35) Functions cannot be called in the ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses of SQL statements.


36) A standalone function is deleted with the DROP PROCEDURE statement.


38) Triggers can be written for event logging but not storing information on table access.


1) Create a function to return the minimum employee number from employee table. Name the funtion to "get_min_emp_num" 2) In 2 ways call "get_min_emp_num" function to return the result like the following statement: Minimum employee number is: 101 3) Then remove this function from database.

(1) CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION get_min_emp_num RETURN number IS min_num NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT min(empno) INTO min_num FROM emp; RETURN min_num; END; / (2) set serveroutput on; select 'Minimum employee number is : ' || get_min_emp_num from dual; OR DECLARE num number(20):= get_min_emp_num; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line(chr(10)); dbms_output.put_line('Minimum employee number is: ' || num); END; / (3) drop FUNCTION get_min_emp_num;

21) APEX stands for --------------------.

(Oracle) Application Express

7) The wizard for creating report with form on a table does not support tables having more than ----- columns.


1) Which of the following is not a PL/SQL program? A) Library B) Trigger C) Function D) Procedure


10) Which lock option indicates the page is locked by you. A) Green locked padlock B) Red locked padlock C) Clear locked padlock D) None of the above


14) Which operator manipulates character strings? E) Concatenation Operator F) Comparison Operator G) Greater than Operator H) Less than Operator


6) Which is not true about APEX? A) Only one user can access APEX workspace using a Web browser. B) It enables a single database to become a shared workgroup database service. C) It is consuming minimal CPU resources. D) It does not use a dedicated database connection.


6) Which operator manipulates character strings? A) Concatenation Operator B) Comparison Operator C) Greater than Operator D) Less than Operator


9) Which of the following is not a PL/SQL program? E) Library F) Trigger G) Function H) Procedure


9) Which option in APEX enables you to view object properties and create new objects? A) Object Browser B) App Builder C) Utilities D) None of the above


7) Name the events which can be executed by using triggers?

A database manipulation (DML) statement (DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE). A database definition (DDL) statement (CREATE, ALTER, or DROP). A database operation (SERVERERROR, LOGON, LOGOFF, STARTUP, or SHUTDOWN).

1) What is a form in Oracle APEX application?

A form is a window on the screen that provides areas for entering or modifying data in a database.

2) What is a report in Oracle APEX application?

A report retrieves and displays data.

4) What is a sequence in Oracle database?

A sequence is an object in Oracle that is used to generate a number sequence.

40) An index is a mandatory structure which is associated with a table.


Write a query to: B) Recompile a procedure 'greetings'.


1) Write a query to: Enable trigger 'trigg_no'.


29) In APEX, --------------------------- - creates dynamic database driven web applications.

App Builder

10) Which part of APEX is Gathering real-time comments, enhancement requests, and bugs from your application users? A) Features B) Feedback C) Milestones D) Browser


11) Which of the following is not a trigger event? E) UPDATE F) SELECT G) DROP H) SERVERERROR


16) A ....................... is a database object that generates unique numbers, mostly used for primary key values. A) Function B) Sequence C) Index D) Table


5) Create dynamic database driven web applications by using APEX ............... A) Application service B) Application builder C) Automation D) SQL builder


8) A ....................... is a database object that generates unique numbers, mostly used for primary key values. A) Function B) Sequence C) Index D) Table


8) Which one is not an option in left pane in page designer? A) Dynamic Actions B) Help C) Processing D) Shared Components


8) Which part of APEX contains installable Productivity Applications? A) SQL Workshop B) APP Gallery C) Object Browser D) Application Store


15) Triggers can be written for: E) Enforcing referential integrity F) Event logging G) Auditing H) All of the above


42) Index is associated with foreign key in a table.


45) Index 'cust_indx1' on column 'cust_name' is a composite index.


Based on the existing "dept" table, write a PL/SQL block and use "For Loop" to print the following statement for all departments when the id is greater than 40: "If department id is depno then department name is depname".

BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT depno,depname FROM dept WHERE depno > 40 ) LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('If department id is ' || i.depno || ' then department name is ' || i.depname || '. '); END LOOP; OR || chr(46) END; / Note: This is the result from my department table, you may have different depno, and depname. Department id in the following statement is greater than 40 in all statements. ||'. ' OR || chr(46) will create the period at the end of the statement. In order to create the period at the end of the sentence, you can use chr(46). If department id is 50 then department name is Manufacturing. If department id is 60 then department name is Billing. If department id is 70 then department name is Sales. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

12) Which type of PL/SQL program can be called in the select list or a SQL statement? E) Trigger F) Procedure G) Function H) None of the above


13) By default, SQL*PLUS doesn't display output from PL/SQL. What is the command to run to see the output of PL/SQL commands? E) Start serveroutput; F) Set serveroutput off; G) Set serveroutput on; H) Set server out put on;


2) Composite index, also called ---------------. A) Complex index B) Filtered index C) Concatenated index D) Clustered index


2) Which one is not an advantage of APEX? A) easy B) Secure C) High level programming experience D) Rapid and empowering


4) Which type of PL/SQL program can be called in the select list of a SQL statement? A) Trigger B) Procedure C) Function D) None of the above


5) APEX is a ------------- framework. A) XP B) Agile C) RAD D) Spiral


5) By default, SQL*PLUS doesn't display output from PL/SQL. What is the command to run to see the output of PL/SQL commands? A) Start serveroutput; B) Set serveroutput off; C) Set serveroutput on; D) Set server out put on;


9) A named set of SQL statements that are considered when a data modification occurs are called: A) Stored procedures B) Treatments C) Triggers D) Transactions


5) Create a sequence and a trigger to fire before insert into department table to make the depno to autonumber field.

CREATE SEQUENCE depno_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1; create or replace trigger trig_dep_no BEFORE INSERT ON dept FOR EACH ROW begin select depno_seq.nextval into :new.depno from dual; end; /

Create a sequence and a trigger to fire before insert into department table to make the depno to autonumber field.

CREATE SEQUENCE depno_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1; create or replace trigger trig_dep_no BEFORE INSERT ON dept FOR EACH ROW begin select depno_seq.nextval into :new.depno from dual; end; /

14) ------------ are based on Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET) Data Visualizations.


10) Why would you execute a CREATE OR REPLCAE PROCEDURE statement instead od a DROP PROCEDURE and CREATE PROCEDURE? E) It is less typing. F) There is no difference between the two. G) CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE does not invalidate dependent objects H) DROP PROCEDURE and CREATE PROCEDURE require regranting of privileges.


12) Combining two character items using two vertical bars ( || ) is known as ...... A) Combining B) Character modification C) Casting D) Concatenation


13) Which of the following commands will display the errors while using PL/SQL? A) display error B) show error C) show errors D) both B and C


2) Why would you execute a CREATE OR REPLCAE PROCEDURE statement instead of a DROP PROCEDURE and CREATE PROCEDURE? A) It is less typing. B) There is no difference between the two. C) CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE does not invalidate dependent objects D) DROP PROCEDURE and CREATE PROCEDURE require regranting of privileges.


26) Combining two character items using two vertical bars (||) is known as ...... E) Combing F) Character modification G) Casting H) Concatenation


27) Which of the following commands will display the errors while using PL/SQL? E) display error F) show error G) show errors H) both B and C


3) We can create an autonumber field by using ---------------. A) Primary key B) Index C) Function D) Sequences


4) Which one is an APEX feature? A) Reports B) Charts C) Templates D) All of the above


6) A ------------ is the basic building block of an application. A) Column B) Table C) List D) Page


7) Triggers can be written for: A) Enforcing referential integrity B) Event logging C) Auditing D) All of the above


7) Which one is a user in APEX environment? A) Workspace administrators B) Developers C) End users D) All of the above


9) Which one is an option in central pane in page designer? A) Layout B) Help C) None of the D) Both A and B


Write a query to: Delete trigger 'trigg_no'.

DROP TRIGGER trigg_no;

17) APEX is able to build professional applications which are fast but not secure.


17) By setting 'set server out put on;' command display output from PL/SQL.


17) Web and email services are not part of APEX.


19) DUAL is in the schema of the user SYS and accessible by SYS user.


21) Functions cannot be called in the ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses of SQL statements.


22) A standalone function is deleted with the DROP PROCEDURE statement.


24) Triggers can be written for event logging but NOT storing information on table access.


28) Triggers can be used to ensure referential integrity, enforce business rules, create audit trails and replicate tables, but cannot call other triggers.


31) By setting 'set server out put on; ' command display output from PL/SQL.


33) DUAL is in the schema of the user SYS and accessible by SYS user.


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