Kinesiology 2 Final Exam Study Guide FULL

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A patient presents with a medical diagnosis of an impinged suprascapular nerve leading to weakness. Which of the following motions do you suspect will MOST likely be weak during strength testing of the shoulder? A. Glenohumeral abduction B. Glenuhumeral internal rotation C. Scapulothoracic upward rotation D. Scapulothoracic protraction


A patient presents with limited forearm supination. After testing joint mobility you decide that the superior radioulnar joint glide that accompanies supination is restricted and needs to be mobilized. Based on the convex/concave rule, in which direction would you push the radial head to encourage appropriate arthrokinematic glide? A. Anterior B. Posterior C. Lateral D. Medial


Abnormal winging of the medial border of the scapula is MOST likely to occur under which of the following conditions? A. Decreased thoracic kyphosis and weak upper trapezius B. Decreased thoracic kyphosis and weak upper trapezius C. Injured AC joint and tight Latissimus Dorsi D. SC joint stiffness and tight Rhomboid muscles


Assuming anatomical position, which of the following BEST describes the arthrokinematics that occur with open chain pronation at the proximal radioulnar joint? A. Spin about a longitudinal axis of the radial head on the ulna, only B. Anterior roll, posterior glide of the radial head on the ulna C. Anterior roll, anterior glide of the radial Head on the Ulna D. Spin about a longitudinal axis of the radial head on the ulna, and radial head on capitulum


If you were to provide radial head distraction at the radiohumeral joint to treat a positive ulnar variance, what would happen to the tautness of the middle portion of the interosseous membrane of the forearm? A. Become slack B. Become taut C. No change


The "plane of the scapula" is BEST defined by which of the following statements? A. A plane of motion oriented approximately 35 degrees anterior to the frontal plane B. The relative flat "planar" shape of the blade of the scapula C. The description of the arthrokinematics of the scapulothoracic articulation D. The broad attachment of the subscapularis on the medial border of the scapula


What is the close pack position of the humeroulnar joint? A. Full elbow extension with supination B. Elbow extension with pronation C. 90 degrees elbow flexion with supination D. 90 degrees elbow flexion with pronation


Which of the following BEST describes correct arthrokinematics of the sternoclavicular joint (remember this is a saddle joint)? A. The concave surface of the clavicle (sternal end) rolls and glides anterior during protraction. B. The convex surface of the clavicle (sternal end) rolls anterior and glides posterior during protraction. C. The concave surface of the sternal end of the clavicle creates a roll and slide in the same direction of the sternum for protraction when in "closed chain." D. The concave surface of the clavicle (sternal end) rolls and glides superior during elevation. E. The convex surface of the clavicle (sternal end) rolls inferior and glides superior during elevation.


Which of the following BEST describes the arthrokinematics at the Glenohumeral Joint during the following upper extremity motions? A. Abduction of the shoulder: Superior roll and inferior glide of the humeral head on the glenoid fossa. B. External rotation of shoulder with arm at side: Spin of the humeral head on the glenoid fossa. C. Adduction of arm from elevated position: Inferior roll and Inferior glide of the humeral head on the glenoid fossa. D. Internal Rotation of arm at 90 degrees of abduction: Anterior roll and posterior glide of the Humeral head on the glenoid fossa.


Which of the following BEST describes the normal Osteokinematics that occurs at the Sternoclavicular (SC) Joint? A. Elevation: 0 to 45 Degrees B. Protraction: 0 to 45 degrees C. Retraction: 0 to 5 Degrees D. Downward rotation: 0 to 40 degrees


Which of the following has the greatest capacity for generating torque for ulnar deviation at the wrist? A. Extensor carpi ulnaris B. Flexor carpi radialis C. Palmaris Longus D. Flexor carpi ulnaris


Which of the following muscles produces both very minor elbow flexion and FULL ROM major forearm supination, and has its innervation from the radial nerve? A. Supinator B. Biceps Brachii C. Brachioradialis D. Pronator Teres


Which of the following pairings of words would best complete the following statement about the normal alignment of the elbow? "The _________ lip of the trochlea of the Humerus extends farther (more distal) than the lateral lip, and contributes to something known as __________." A. Medial/Carrying angle B. Posterior/Cubitus Recurvatum C. Lateral/Cubitus Valgus D. Anterior/Elbow Hyperextension


Which of the following wrist ligaments is MOST likely to become taut with flexion of the wrist? A. Dorsal Radiocarpal B. Palmar Ulnocarpal C. Transverse carpal D. Ulnar Collateral


Which row of carpals is the most stable? A. Distal row B. Proximal row C. Radial row D. Ulnar row


With regard to open chain elbow flexion arthrokinematics, starting in the anatomical position, which of the following BEST describes the direction of roll relative to glide/slide of the ulna on the humerus? A Anterior roll, anterior slide B. Anterior roll, posterior slide C. Posterior roll, posterior slide D. Posterior roll, anterior slide


Which of the following synovial joints of the shoulder complex potentially have fibrocartilage discs (choose all that apply)? Acromioclavicular Glenohumeral Sternoclavicular Scapulothoracic

A, C

According to Neumann in the 3rd edition of the text book "Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System," which of the following articulations are parts of the shoulder complex? (select all that apply) A. Acromioclavicular B. Costoclavicular C. Glenohumeral D. Humeroscapular E. Manubriosternal F. Scapulothoracic G. Sternoclavicular

A, C, F, G

All of the following are stabilizers of the glenohumeral joint. Which of the following structures are the primary dynamic stabilizers for the glenohumeral joint? A. Rotator cuff muscles B. Glenohumeral joint capsule C. Glenohumeral ligaments D. Negative joint pressure in the joint capsule


Which of the following is NOT an articulation that contributes directly to shoulder motion? A. Humerothoracic B. Glenohumeral C. Acromioclavicular D. Sternoclavicular


Which of the following is the most accurate regarding scapular orientation in anatomical position? A. The scapula is oriented 35 degrees anterior to the frontal plane from medial (spine) to lateral (glenoid fossa) B. The scapula is directed 50 degrees posterior in the transverse plane C. The glenoid fossa is oriented 20 degrees posterior compared to the body( blade) of the scapula D. The glenoid fossa is oriented inferiorly 20 degrees compared to the horizontal


Which of the following is the predominant arthrokinematic motion at the glenohumeral joint during shoulder flexion in the sagittal plane? A. Spin B. Anterior Roll C. Posterior glide D. Inferior roll


A patient presents with limited forearm supination. After testing joint mobility you decide that the inferior radioulnar joint glide that accompanies supination is restricted and needs to be mobilized. Based on the convex/concave rule, in which direction would you push the radius to encourage appropriate arthrokinematic glide (remember to visualize this in the anatomic position)? A. Lateral B. Posterior C. Anterior D. Medial


A patient wants to push a door open. Which of the following muscles would synergize with the triceps to assist a patient to maintain elbow extension strength because of length-tension (force velocity) factors? A. Posterior deltoid B. Anterior deltoid C. Anconeus D. Coracobrachialis


All of the following are potential likely results of an injured spinal accessory nerve EXCEPT: A. Superiorly subluxed or dislocated clavicle at the sternoclavicular joint B. Excessive upward rotation of the scapula at the acromioclavicular joint C. Inferior subluxation of the humerus at the glenohumeral Joint D. Decreased elevation of the scapula on the thorax


Based solely on physiological cross sectional area, which of the following muscles (also called the workhorse of elbow flexion) can produce the most force for elbow flexion? A. Biceps Brachii B. Brachialis C. Brachioradialis D. Pronator Teres


From the first Lawrence, article that you read with pins to measure SC, AC, and scapulothoracic motion, which of the following statements best summarizes what they found? A. During downward rotation of the scapula, the SC joint of the shoulder pain participants was the same as the control (who didn't have pain) B. During shoulder abduction, the painful shoulder patients had more scapular upward rotation and clavicular posterior rotation at 30 & 60 degrees, but not at 120 degrees, than the non-painful subjects C. During downward rotation of the scapula, the SC joint of the shoulder pain participants was more than the controls


If the supinators of the forearm are contracting heavily to tighten a screw manually, what muscle would need to synergize with the supinators, and why? A. Anterior deltoid; to move the shoulder toward flexion B. Triceps; to stabilize against the elbow flexion of the biceps C. Pronator teres; to stabilize against supination D. Posterior deltoid; to stabilize against shoulder flexion


In the picture, the head of the radus is stabilized BEST by which of the following structures? A. Lateral collateral ligament B. Annular ligament C. Joint capsule D. Anterior portion of the medial collateral ligament


The shoulder complex has how many bony attachments to the body at the axial skeleton? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


What is one of the main purposes of the interosseous membrane of the forearm? A. To bind the radius and ulna together to prevent too much pronation/supination B. To disperse weight bearing compressive forces to the ulna C. To shift weight bearing compressive forces to the radius D. To prevent ulnar variance


What is the optimal stimulus for regeneration of bone? A. Aerobic exercise B. Compression or tension along lines of stress C. Tension along lines of stress D. Load then unload, along with gliding


Which of the following BEST describes a force that the medial collateral ligament of the elbow resists? A. Flexion of the Radius on the Humerus B. Valgus (abduction) of the Ulna on the Humerus C. Rotation of the Radius on the Humerus D. Varus (adduction) of the Ulna on the Humerus


Which of the following BEST describes the movement of anterior tilting of the scapula? A. The lateral border moves medial B. The Inferior angle moves posterior C. The medial border moves lateral D. The superior angle moves lateral


Which of the following are signs of scapular upward rotation weakness (choose only one answer, and all choices in an answer must be correct for the answer to be correct)? A. External rotation, depression, downward rotation B. Internal rotation, anterior tilt, downward rotation C. Internal rotation, posterior tilt, downward rotation D. Internal rotation, depression, upward rotation


Which of the following is MOST likely to cause increased tension in the interosseous membrane in the forearm (cause it to tighten up)? A. Lifting a heavy suitcase B. Using crutches for ambulation C. Pulling a door handle D. Shaking someone's hand


Which of the following is NOT one of the three main bones making up the shoulder joint complex? A. clavicle B. First rib C. Humerus D. Scapula


Which of the following is correct in describing the tilts of the distal radius? A. 25 degree radial tilt; 10 degree dorsal tilt B. 25 degree ulnar tilt; 10 degree palmar tilt C. 15 degree ulnar tilt; 20 degree volar tilt D. 25 degree ulnar tilt; neutral A/P tilt


Which of the following muscles BEST produces both elbow flexion and forearm supination, and has its innervation from the radial nerve? A. Supinator B. Brachioradialis C. Biceps Brachii D. Pronator Teres


Which of the following nerves provides the primary innervation for the rhomboid muscles? A. Axillary B. Dorsal scapular C. Thoracodorsal D. Long thoracic


Which of the following terms BEST describes the condition of the wrist based on the orientation of the carpal bones in the picture (Zigzag deformity)? The anterior side is on the left side of the diagram. A. Palmar carpal segmental disruption B. Dorsal intercalated segment instability C. Carpal Ulnar translocation D. Kienbock's disease


Which of the following terms best describes the following picture? (hand close by side) A. Cubital valgus B. Cubital varus C. Cubital recurvatum D. Cubital excurvatum


Your patient was hiking in the mountains and tripped over a rock, landing on a closed fist because he was holding a compass, and causing an ulnar external compression. In the ED, X-rays were negative, but he has ulnar side pain and swelling at the wrist. Which of the following would be the most likely injured? A. Lunate bone B. TFCC C. Scaphoid bone D. Ulnar collateral ligament


Dr. Lau fell asleep in his office in an awkward position, causing a radial nerve palsy (weakness) of his R upper extremity. Which of the following is he MOST likely to have difficulty with (mark all that apply)? A. Turning a door handle counterclockwise B. Performing a push-up C. Drinking a soda can (lifting it to your mouth) D. Carrying a small box of books E. Squeezing a hand strength dynamometer


A patient performs a push up in which the forearm stays vertical (consider the forearm fixed and the humerus moving). Which of the following best describes the arthrokinematics at the elbow as the person moves up (away from the floor). Select all that apply. A. Humerus rolls in the same direction as glide on the Ulna B. Humerus rolls in the opposite direction as glide on the radius C. Humerus rolls in the same direction as glide on the radius D. Humerus rolls in the opposite direction as glide on the ulna.

B, D

A patient performs shoulder external rotation with the arm abducted to 90 degrees. About which axis does the motion take place in this position? A. Superior/Inferior B. Medial/Lateral C. Anterior/Posterior


A patient presents with significant damage of the right spinal accessory nerve with resultant atrophy of muscle(s) it innervates. Which of the following functions is likely to be MOST impaired if attempted with the affected side? A. Pulling a wallet from out of the back pocket B. Reaching up to change a light bulb in the ceiling C. scratching their opposite knee D. drinking a glass of water


The costoclavicular ligament provides stabilization for (or resistance to--becomes taut) all EXCEPT which of the following clavicular motions? A. Elevation B. Depression C. Protraction D. Retraction


Which of the following BEST represents a normal ROM for the shoulder complex? A. Flexion 0 deg to 140 deg B. Abduction 0 deg to 180 deg C. External Rotation 0 deg t0 45 deg D. Internal Rotation 0 deg to 30 deg


Which of the following is MOST LIKELY to lead to problems with subacromial impingement? Please consider arm elevation as shoulder abduction. A. arm elevation with shoulder external rotation B. arm elevation without scapular upward rotation C. arm elevation with humeral inferior glide D. arm elevation with sternoclavicular joint inferior glide


Which of the following is a scapular attachment of a muscle that flexes the shoulder as well as flexes and supinates the elbow joint? A. Infraglenoid tubercle B. Supraglenoid Tubercle C. Infraspinous fossa D. Radial tuberosity


With regard to the following options, upward rotation of the scapula BEST assists with glenohumeral abduction in which of the following ways? A. Decrease length of the supraspinatus B. Maintain the length-tension of the deltoid C. increased cross-sectional area of the trapezius D. decreases torque of the infraspinatus


You are treating a patient that needs to have the SC joint mobilized to improve protraction. In which direction will you mobilize (glide) the clavicle to encourage appropriate arthrokinematics and restore clavicular protraction? A. Inferior B. Anterior C. Posterior D. Superior


A family member comes to you indicating that their child has stopped using her left arm and is holding their elbow, complaining of pain on the lateral side. The parent cannot think of anything they may have done except help the child jump over a stream by pulling on the arm at the wrist/hand. You suspect the that there is MOST likely an instability causing the problem due to which of the following? A. Ulnar (medial) collateral ligament sprain B. Biceps muscle strain C. Inferior subluxation of radial head D. Distal radius fracture


A patient presents with wrist AROM measurements as follows: Flexion: 10 degrees to 70 degrees Extension: Short of neutral by 10 degrees (cannot get into extension)--so this means 0-10-70 in sagittal plane. Radial Deviation: 0 degrees to 20 degrees Ulnar Deviation: 0 degrees to 25 degrees. Given this information, which of the following is the MOST accurate conclusion supported by this specific data? A. The patient has tight wrist extensors B. The patient has normal wrist ROM C. The patient cannot achieve an open pack position D. The patient has a capsular pattern of restriction


A therapist wishes to exercise the elbow flexors using isometric exercises. Which of the following positions would be CLOSEST to optimal to produce the largest amount of torque (in what ROM are the elbow flexors strongest)? A. 20 Degrees flexion B. 60 Degrees flexion C. 80 Degrees flexion D. 120 Degrees flexion


Dr. Bartholomew needs to have the radial head mobilized posteriorly to improve elbow extension following a bicycle crash while on the LOTOJA, and you wish to place his elbow as close to open pack position as possible. Which of the following BEST describes this position? A. 70 degrees flexion, 10 degrees supination B. 90 degrees flexion, 5 degrees supination C. 0 degrees extension, 85 degrees supination D. 35 degrees supination, 70 degrees flexion


During a direct blow to the lateral shoulder, an athlete's AC joint is "separated" (ligaments are torn and the joint is no longer stable). Considering that the coracoclavicular ligament would be ruptured, if viewed in the frontal plane (looking at the anterior of the body), in which position is the Acromion Process MOST likely to be, relative to the clavicle when compared with a normal joint? A. More superolateral B. More posterior C. More inferomedial D. More superior


Glenohumeral impingement would cause which of the following scapulothoracic movement changes? A. Less downward rotation; less anterior tilt; less IR of scapula B. More upward rotation; less posterior tilt; less IR of scapula C. Less upward rotation; less posterior tilt; less ER of scapula D. Does not change the scapulothoracic movements


How many bony articulations are within the elbow joint capsule? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


In the picture below, 1) which structure does #3 identify , and 2) which of the lips projects more inferiorly, and 3) for what purpose? A. 1)Capitulum, 2) medial lip, 3) causes pronation/supination B. 1) Coronoid process, 2) lateral lip, 3) causes stability of the humeroulnar joint C. 1) Trochlea, 2) Medial lip, 3) causes the carrying angle D. 1) Trochlea, 2) lateral lip, 3) caused the carrying angle


Scapulohumeral rhythm is a term best defined by which of the following? A. A 2:1 ratio of upward rotation of the Scapula compared to humeral elevation during shoulder abduction B. A 2:1 ratio of protraction of the Scapula compared to Humeral rotation during Shoulder flexion C. A 1:2 ratio of Scapular upward rotation compared to Humeral abduction during arm elevation D. A 1:2 ratio of scapular tilt compared to Humeral external rotation during the cocking phase of a baseball pitch


The Law of Parsimony for elbow flexion suggests which of the following flexor muscles will contract first? A. Brachioradialis B. Biceps brachii C. Pronator teres D. Brachialis


To regain pronation of the distal radiocarpal joint, I would need to glide the joint in which direction? A. Medial B. Lateral C. Anterior D. Posterior


What is the PREDOMINANT arthrokinematic motion that occurs at the radio-humeral joint caused by the supinator muscle? A. Anterior Roll B. Supination C. Spin D. Posterior glide


What is the least amount of pronation and supination a person needs to stay functional at the forearm? A. 30 deg./130 deg respectively B. 25 deg./35 deg respectively C. 50 deg./50 deg. respectively D. 75 deg./75 deg. respectively


Which compartment of the midcarpal joint is the most mobile and why (what is its purpose)? A. Lateral, to stabilize the medial hand B. Medial, to stabilize the lateral hand C. Medial, to assist in cupping the hand D. Lateral, to assist in cupping the hand


Which of the following BEST describes the close pack position of the radiohumeral joint? A. Full extension and full supination B. Full flexion and full pronation C. 90 degrees flexion and slight supination D. 90 degrees flexion and full pronation


Which of the following BEST describes the combined function of the infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis muscles at the glenohumeral joint? A. Drive the superior roll and slide of the humeral head B. Create a semirigid spacer above the humeral head C. Exert a depression force (inferior glide) on the humeral head D. Externally rotate the humerus


Which of the following BEST describes the concentric action of muscles to create the scapular and/or humeral motion with a pull up? A. Rhomboids pull superior-medially on the scapula to create scapular upward rotation B. Posterior Deltoid pulls superiorly to create elevation of the humerus C. Teres Major pulls posterior-inferiorly to create adduction of the humerus D. Latissimus Dorsi pulls posteriorly to create upward rotation of the Scapula


Which of the following combinations of 1) wrist muscle group and 2) joint position describes the GREATEST potential for torque generation at the wrist joint for that particular group of muscles? A. Flexors; 70 degrees extension B. Extensors; 25 degrees radial deviation C. Flexors; 10 degrees ulnar deviation; 30 degrees extension D. Extensors; 10 degrees ulnar deviation; 30 degrees extension


Which of the following muscles provides the most immediate dynamic control and stability of the glenohumeral joint? A. Pectoralis Major B. Deltoid C. Supraspinatus D. Teres Major


Which of the following structures provides the most resistance to a valgus force at the elbow? A. Elbow joint capsule B. Medial collateral ligament--transverse part C. Medial collateral ligament--posterior part D. Annular ligament


Winging of the scapula is a finding commonly noted when the long thoracic nerve is injured, resulting in weakness of one of the muscles attaching to a scapular structure denoted by which the part of the scapula? A. Superior border B. Inferior border C. Medial border D. Lateral border


You just diagnosed your new patient with grade 2 osteoarthritis (djd) of the left knee (grade 2 is showing signs of breakdown, but none of the cartilage is gone). Which of the following treatments would be of the most benefit for your patient? A. Resistance exercise with high loads, 3 sets x 10 reps 2-3 times per week for knee extension and flexion B. PROM through non-painful ROM for 10 reps 2-3 times per week C. Upright bicycle for 30-60 min. at moderate to vigorous intensity, and a peddling frequency of 70-80 cycles per minute D. Walking for 30 min per day at 2 mph on an incline


Your patient has tightness at the radiocarpal joint after immobilization from a fracture. You are wanting to regain extension. Which direction of force would be the most appropropriate to glide the joint to regain wrist extension? A. Ulnar B. Radial C. Volar D. Dorsal


During which of the following shoulder motions does the posterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament become MOST taut? A. Abduction and external rotation B. Flexion and retraction C. Abduction and internal rotation D. Extension and External rotation


Following a direct blow to the lateral shoulder from a fall, an athlete's AC joint is "separated" (ligaments are torn and the joint is no longer stable--Grade III). What position will the clavicle assume compared to the acromion process? A. More inferior B. More posterior C. More superior D. More medial


Impingement of the suprascapular nerve would MOST likely adversely affect which of the following actions at the shoulder? A. Scapular elevation B. Scapular retraction C. Glenohumeral stabilization D. Glenohumeral IR


The coracoclavicular ligament is capable of producing which type of motion when it is passively stretched? A. Scapular retraction B. scapular downward rotation C. clavicular posterior rotation D. clavicular elevation


Which of the following BEST describes arthrokinematics at the glenohumeral joint during shoulder internal rotation in the anatomical position? A. Humeral head: posterior roll, posterior glide B. Humeral head: posterior roll, anterior glide C. humeral head: anterior roll, posterior glide D. humeral head: anterior roll, anterior glide


Which of the following bones is NOT part of the shoulder joint complex? A. Clavicle B. Scapula C. First Rib D. Humerus


A patient has difficulty raising themselves out of a chair using the arm rests. Weakness of which of the following muscles do you expect is the MOST likely cause? A. Anconeus B. Biceps C. Pectorialis Major D. Latissimus Dorsi E. A persistent supratentorial condition affecting levels of cognition that started well before any injury F. Teres Major


A patient has lost SC elevation. Which direction would you apply a manual gliding force to help restore clavicular elevation? A. Anterior glide B. Posterior glide C. Superior glide D. Inferior glide


A patient is found to have limited passive shoulder internal rotation. You assess the joint mobility with the shoulder in neutral position, and find the primary accessory motion associated with glenohumeral internal rotation is limited, and you decide mobilization is the most appropriate treatment. Based on convex-concave rules, which mobilization direction of the humerus on the scapula in loose pack position will MOST likely yield the best results and restore the limited accessory motion you found on assessment? A. Inferior Glide B. External rotation C.Anterior glide D. Posterior glide


A patient presents with 0-115 degrees of passive elbow ROM with a hard end feel for flexion. Which of the following statements is MOST accurate? A. Motion is normal, end feel is normal B. Motion is normal, end feel is abnormal C. Motion is limited, end feel is normal D. Motion is limited, end feel is abnormal


A patient presents with excessive anterior tilt of the scapula, and forward/depressed shoulders, without other major positional problems. Which of the following muscles is MOST likely to be tight? A. Anterior Deltoid B. Levator Scapula C. Lower trapezius D. Pectoralis minor


Based on the law of parsimony, what muscle would be the first recruited with light elbow extension? A. Pronator teres B. Triceps medial head C. Triceps long head D. Anconeus


For the glenohumeral joint, what is 1) the correct number of osteokinematic degrees of freedom, and 2) the correct number of arthrokinematic degrees of freedom? A. 2, 1 B. 3, 2 C. 2, 3 D. 3, 3


If one elevates the scapula while keeping the arm at the side, which of the following pairings BEST describes the Osteokinematic motions that occur at the following joints? A. AC joint: Upward rotation; Glenohumeral Joint: Abduction B. SC joint: Anterior rotation; AC joint Posterior tilt C. Scapulothoracic joint: Superior Glide; SC joint: depression D. SC joint: elevation; AC joint: downward rotation


The axis of forearm supination and pronation runs through which of the following? A. The radius B. The ulna C. The radial head and the ulnar trochlea D. The radial head and the ulnar head


Which of the following BEST defines relative joint motions for normal scapulohumeral rhythm during shoulder complex abduction? A. 20 degrees scapulothroacic anterior tilt, 90 degrees glenohumeral abduction B. 70 degrees scapulothoracic internal rotation, 130 degrees glenohumeral abduction C. 80 degrees scapulothoracic protraction, 150 degrees glenohumeral abduction D. 60 degrees scapulothoracic upward rotation, 120 degrees glenohumeral abduction


Which of the following are signs of scapular elevation weakness (choose only one answer, and all choices in an answer must be correct for the answer to be correct)? A. Internal rotation, depression, upward rotation B. Internal rotation, posterior tilt, downward rotation C. External rotation, depression, downward rotation D. Internal rotation, depression, downward rotation


Which of the following glenohumeral ligaments become MOST taut/tight in a position of full glenohumeral adduction? A. Anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament B. Posterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament C. Middle glenohumeral ligament D. Superior glenohumeral ligament


Which of the following is LEAST likely to contribute to impingement of the subacromial space? A. Decreased scapular upward rotation B. Lack of glenohumeral inferior glide C. Thickening of the coracoacromial ligament D. Elevation of the clavicle


Which of the following muscles of the scapulothoracic joint would be both an elevator and downward rotator? A. Levator scapulae B. Pec minor C. Lower trap D. Rhomboids


Which of the following would be considered a "secondary" wrist flexor muscle? A. Flexor Carpi ulnaris B. Flexor Carpi Radialis C. Palmaris Longus D. Flexor Pollicis longus


What is loose pack position of the glenohumeral joint? A. anatomic position B. 90 deg. flexion, 60 deg. abduction C. Full abduction and ER in the scapular plane D. 45 deg. abduction, 30 deg. flexion in scapular plane


Which of the following ligaments stabilizes the AC joint? A. Coracoacromial Ligament B. Coracohumeral Ligament C. Anterior AC joint ligament D. Coracoclavicular Ligament


Which of the following pairings of osteokinematic motion is MOST accurate when maximally protracting the scapula on the thorax? A. SC joint: Protraction; AC joint: elevation B. SC Joint: Depression; AC joint: Upward Rotation C. SC Joint: Upward rotation; AC joint: retraction D. SC joint: Protraction; AC joint: internal rotation


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