Kinesiology Midterm

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the walls of the blood vessels known as ___ are lined with smooth muscles fibers


which of the following veins drains directly into the subclavian vein


The most distal group of vertebrae contains 4 vertebrae fused together into a structure called the ___________.


This type of muscle contraction occurs when the muscle belly shortens.


Which of the following is not a major artery of the upper extremity?

Deep palmer arch

The veins that return blood back to the heart are divided into 2 types. what are they?

Deeps Veins, Superficial veins.

The shaft of the bone is also called the ______________.


the relationship between the ulnar (medial) styloid process and the radial (lateral) styloid process is such that the radial (lateral) styloid process is more


what is another name for the ability of a muscle to stretch?


Movements of the shoulder girdle includes elevation, depression, abduction, and circumduction. T or F


Anatomical position defines a subject who is standing in an upright posture, facing straight ahead, feet parallel and close, and palms facing the body. T or F


Blood travels in both directions in the veins. ( towards and away from the heart) T or F


Blood vessels bring waste to the muscle tissues and carry away nutrients.


Nerves are divided into two categories either motor or sensory. T or F


The glenohumeral ligament is divided into three parts: Superior, Lateral, and Posterior. T or F


The ligaments of the wrist include: capsular ligament, volar and dorsal radiocarpal ligaments, annular ligament, and the radial and ulnar collateral ligaments. T or F


The scapula is a long, slender, S-shaped bone that attaches to the sternum. T or F


The transverse plane divides the body into equal left and right halves. T or F


The articulation formed by the clavicle and the scapula is often referred to as the

AC joint

What type of bone can be found in the head, chest and shoulder and is fairly flat?

Flat bones

The carpal tunnel is created by the __________________ and the ___________________.

Flexor Retinaculum, Extensor retinaculum

Adds stability to the shoulder joint

Glenoid labrum

Which of the follwoing instruments measure joint range of motion?


The veins carry blood to the ______________ . They are able to do this by the use of pressure and _______________.

Heart and Valves

Shoulder joints Prime Mover, Antagonist, Fixator, Synergist?

Prime Mover: Middle Deltoid Antagonist: Pectoralis Major Fixator: Supraspinatus Synergist: Anterior and posterior delotid

Elbow Joint Flexion 4 parts

Prime Mover: biceps brachii Antagonist: triceps brachii Fixator: Brachioradialis Synergist: brachialis

What type of bone does not fit into any of the other 3 bone catagories? (example... vertebra)


Wrist Joints 4 Parts

Prime Mover: extensor digitorum Antagonist: palmaris longus Fixator: extensor digiti minimi Synergist: Extensor carpi ulnaris

Finger Joints (MP PIP DIP) 4 parts

Prime Mover: flexor digitorum superficialis Antagonist: Extensor digitorum Fixator: palmaris longus Synergist: flexor digitorum profundus

Shoulder girdle Prime Mover, Antagonist, fixator, synergist?

Prime Mover: levator scapulae Antagonist: upper and lower trapezius Fixator: middle trapezius Synergist: rhomboids

Forearm Pronation 4 parts

Prime Mover: pronator teres Antagonist: supinator Fixator: Biceps brachii Synergist: pronator quadratus

In the anatomical position, depression of the shoulder girdle is defined as


creates a passage of the suprascapular nerve and blood vessels

Inferior transverse scapular ligament

the 3 most common conditions resulting from excesive spinal curvature are ________, ________, and ________.

Kyphosis, Lordosis, Scoliosis

Tendons that are shorter and are attached to the distal end of the bone are called tendons of ____________________.


The only portion of the triceps brachii muscle that crosses the shoulder joint is the

Long-head tendon

which of the following shoulder girdle actions is performed by the pectoralis major

NONE(!!upward rotation/adduction/elevation)


O: Seventh cervical through 5th thoracic vertebrae I: Vertebral border of scapula A: Shoulder elevation and adduction


O: Subscapular Fossa I: Lesser humeral tuberosity A: Shoulder Flexion and IR

Biceps Brachii

O: Supraglenoid Tubercle and Coracoid Process I: Radial Tuberosity A: Elobw Flexion & Forearm Supination

Biceps Brachii

O: Supraglenoid tubercle and Coracoid process I: Radial tuberosity A: Shoulder flexion, abduction, adduction, and IR


O: Supraspinatus Fossa I: Greater humeral tuberosity A: Shoulder abduction


O: Ulna I: Radius A: Supination

When describing a long bone, what part surrounds the bone and is where new bone cells are made?


The Sternoclavicular joint is very stable due to its bony arrangement but allows

a gliding, rotational type in all diretion

the 2 bones of the forearm are the ________ and the ___________.

Radius, Ulna

What type of muscle is responsible for moving the skeleton?


Muscle tissue is divided into what 3 types

Skeletal, cardiac, smooth

The type of skeletal muscle fiber that is smaller, darker (more red) , and are slower to fatigue are called ____________ twitch fibers


This ligament creates a foramen for the suprascapular nerve to pass through.

Superior Transverse Scapular Ligament

Which of the following muscles does not have a role in the rotator cuff, which provides both motion and stability at the glenohumeral joint

Teres major

Which two bones make up the Shoulder Girdle?

The Clavicle and Scapula

Muscle Extensibility

The ability to stretch

How many cords of nerves make up the brachial plexus


The __________ brachii is often most associated with elbow joint extension.


In regards to muscle indentification, the term "Pollicis" is used to refer to the thumb. T or F


Scapulohumeral Rhythm decribes the relationship between the scapula and the glenohumeral joint in regards to shoulder abduction. T or F


Skeletal muscle is encased by a form of connective tissue called the epimysium T or F


The 5 lumbar vertebrae are the largest vertebrae. T or F


The first cervical vertebrae is also called the Atlas. T or F


The phalanges, also known as digits, are labeled distal, middle, and proximal in regards to their respective anatomical position. T or F


The proximal end of a joint is less mobile and closer to the mid point of the body than the distal end of the joint. T or F


The shoulder is also known as a triaxial joint which means it can perform movements in all cardinal planes. T or F


The elbow can perform flexion and extension in the sagittal plane. This means that the elbow is a

Uniaxial Joint

the muscle that runs btween the coracoid process and the scapula and the medial surfrace of the humerus opposite of the deltoid tubersoity is known as the ___ muscle


two ligaments known as the conoid and the trapezoid ligaments, which join the scapula and the clavicle together are commonly called the ____ ligaments


the short head of the biceps brachii originates on the

coracoid process

joints between the bones of the face and the skull are known as the ___ joints


which of the following muscles does not originate on the common extensor tendon?

extensor carpi radialis longus

which of the following muscles is considered an extrinsic muscle of the little finger?

extensor digiti minimi

a very prominent source of attachment for both the trapezius muscle and the ligamentum of muchae is the

external occipital protuberance

the superior and inferior obliquus muscles are considered ____ muscles of the eye-ball


Axons conduct nerve impulses ____ a cell body

away from

When the anle formed at a joint diminshes and the movement takes place in the sagittal plane, the movement is known as


the olecranon fossa is found on the ___


the ___ bone, found in the head, has not attachments to any other skull bones and thus is not considered a bone of the skull


The pelvis is made up of what 3 bones

ilium, ischium, pubic bone

the extensor indicis extends the MP, PIP and DIP joints of the ___ finger


which of the following cranial muscles is not considered a muscle of the external ear?

inferior auricularis

the ligament running between the shafts of the ulna and radius is known as the

interosseous ligament (membrane)

the supinator-extensor group of forearm muscles originates on the

lateral humeral epicondyle

a broad superficial muscle of the lower back, lateral and iner

latissimus dorsi

which of the following muscles is not considered a posterior muscle of the shoulder girdle?

latissimus dorsi

the hypothenar eminence is formed by the muscles that move the

little finger

Bones are classified by their shapes into what 4 major categories?

long short flat irregular

which of the following bones connects o the tympanic membrane?


which of the following muscles is a muscle of mastication


the ___ sinus is located in the cheekones of the face


the pronator-flexor group of forearm muscles originates on the

medial humeral epicondyle

the muscles of the forearm that flex and extend only the wrist insert on either the carpal bones or the


the lumbricales located deep within the hand, both extend the interphalangeal joints and flex the

metacarpophalangeal joints

which of the following joints is considered biaxial?


extension of the wrist occurs primarily at the ____ joints


the malleus, incus, and stapes are located in the __ ear


Which part of the deltoid muscle is involved only in shoulder joint abduction

middle fibers

The origin of a muscle is most likely defined as being located at the

most stable bony attachment

A motor unit is a motor neuron and all the ____ it supplies

muscle fibers

A series of sacromeres linked together is known as a


The third class levers places the resistance

on the opposite side of the axis as the force

the movement of the thumb that allows grasping of objects is known as ___


the only flexor muscle of the wrist whose tendon of insertion does not pass under the flexor (volar) retinaculum is the ____

palmaris longus

which of the following muscles is not considered an anterior muscle of the shoulder joint

pectoralis minor

a bundle of fibers within a muscle is wrapped in a fibrous sheath known as the


The term ___ refers to the contraction of cardiac muscle


what muscle known as the latissiumus dorsi's little helper extends, adducts and internally rotates the shoulder joint?

teres major

the infraspinatus muscle and which of the following muscles are usually considered the primary external rotators of the shoulder joint?

teres minor

muscle Elasticity

the ability to return to the muscles original position

Muscle contractility

the ability to shorten

limits the superior movement of the humeral head

Coracoacromial ligament

Triceps Brachii

O: Infraglenoid Tubercle I: Olecranon Process A: Elbow Extension


O: Infraspinatus Fossa I: Greater humeral tuberosity A: Shoulder extension and ER


O: Lateral Epicondyle of Humerus I: Olecranon Process A: Elbow Extension


. O: Anterior Shaft of Humerus I: Coronoid Process A: Elbow Flexion

Beginning with arteries, place the following blood vessels in the correct order. arteries veins capillaries venules arterioles

1- Arteries 2- Arterioles 3- Capillaries 4- veins 5- Venules

List the sections of the vertebrae in order from top to bottom.

1- Cervical 2- Thoracic 3- Lumbar 4- Sacral 5- Coccyx

The human body contains ________ bones. (give a number)


All total, there are how many vertebrae?


The vertebrae are divided into how many sections?


What percentage of individuals over 60 have osteoporosis?

50 %

In regards to movements of the wrist and hand which of the following joints can perform extension?

A and C are correct

the structure known as the anatomical snuffbox is formed by the tendons of the extensor pollicis brevis and the

Abductor pollicis longus

The wrist is defined as a biaxial joint with a gliding movement among all the numerous joints. This gliding movement results in which of the following fundamental movements:

All the above

The anatomical _____________ can be used to locate navicular and is created by the extensor ___________ ____________ and the extensor _____________ ____________.

Anatomical snuffbox, extensor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis.

The arterioles and the _____________s supply blood to the tissues.


The middle wall of these blood vessels ________________ contain a lot of smooth muscle winch contracts with the heartand helps pump blood throughout the body.


Match each ligament group with their primary function. - A. B. C. D. Atlantooccipital - A. B. C. D. Atlantoaxial - A. B. C. D. Costovertebral - A. B. C. D. Occipitoaxial

Atlantooccipital Correct C. Attach occipital bone to C1 [None Given] Atlantoaxial Correct D. Attach occipital bone to C2 [None Given] Costovertebral Correct B. Articulate the ribs with the thoracic vertebrae [None Given]

Connective tissue can be found in cartilage, soft tisssue, and ___________.


What concept below is known as Wolff's Law?

Bone adaption to stress

The ulnar and radial ateries are branches of which of the following arteries?


the release of which of the folowing substances causes the cross bridges to move, which in turn causes a sacromere to shorten?


The ____________ provide blood directly to the cells.


What type of muscle tissue is involved in the beating of the heart?


What am I ? I can be found at the end of each epiphysis. Moreover, I provide for smooth movement and I help protect the end of the bone from wear and tear.


The Coracoclavicular ligament of the AC joint is actually made up of which two ligaments:

Conidod and Trapezoid

Tendons are extensible and elastic.... but they are not _____________.


Which of the following ligaments is not present at the AC joint of the shoulder girdle?



O: Lateral Epicondyle of Humerus I: Radial Styloid Process A: Elbow Flexion

wich one of the following carpal bones is in the distal row of carpals


Slow twitch fibers are more red because they have a greater supply of ___________. This is the part of the blood that is responsible for carrying oxygen.


The elbow and forearm are composed of what 3 bones?

Humerus, Radius, Ulna

The ulnar nerve is one of the 5 major nerves of the brachial plexus that arise from the ___________ __________.

Medial Cord

Which of the following is not a motor nerve?

Medial cutaneous nerve

when someone either donates blood or has blood drawn for testing purposes the blood is likely to be drawn from the ___ Vein

Median cubital

Teres Minor

O: Lateral Scapular border I: Greater humeral tuberosity A: Shoulder extension and ER

Pronantor Quadratus

O: Radius I: Ulna A: Pronation

In regards to the carpal bones, which one is known for its poor blood supply and therefore its poor response to injury?


The human body is made up of 4 kinds of tissue. Name the types.

Nerve, Muscl, Epithelial, Connective

Nerve tissue is divided into what 5 types?

Neurons, Spinal Chord, Spinal Nerves, Cranial Nerves

Pronator Teres

O: Coronoid Process I: Radius A: Pronation

which of the following terms does not approriately fit with the other three. Notch, Process, tubercle, tuberosity?


Levator Scapulae

O: 1st four cervical vertebrae I: Verterbral border of the scapula A: Shoulder elevation and adduction

Pectoralis Major

O: 2-6th ribs, sternum, clavicle I: Surgical neck of humerus A: Shoulder flexion, adduction, IR


O: Base of skull and all cervical and thoracic vertebrae I: Spine of scapula and clavicle A: Shoulder elevatio nand adduction


O: Coracoid process I: Mid medial humerus A: Shoulder flexion

The loss of calcium and other minerals, due to the natural aging process, causes bones to become porous and brittle. This condition is called ____________.


The ____________ is responsible for pronation of the forearm.

Pronator teres

List the five major functions of the Skeletal System.

Protection, support, movement, storage and blood cell formation (hemopoiesis)

The functional unit of a skeletal muscle is known as a


This is a large wing-like bone that is triangular in shape.


The shoulder joint is the articulation between the...

Scapula and Humerus

Which catagory of bones does the patella fall into?


Which type of bone is embedded within the tendon of a muscle unit to provide a mechanical advantage?


The three major types of muscles include cardiac, skeletal, and _____________ muscle.


What type of muscle tissue lines the arteries and other organs in the human body?


What three ligaments make up the SC joint?

Sternoclavicular, costoclavicular, interclavicular

The Suprascapular Nerve innervates which two muscles of the rotator cuff?

Suprasinatus infraspinatus

Relative to the elbow and forearm, the ulnar collateral ligament has 3 distinct parts. The anterior band, the posterior band, and the ______________ band.


Crosses the origin of the biceps brachii

Transverse humeral ligament

The serratus anterior originates on the uper nine ribs and inserts on the ____________ . Its primary action is shoulder abduction.

Vertebral border of the scapula

Intervertebral discs are made of primarily __________________ and _____________. Their primary function is to serve as ________________ and __________ _____________.

Water, Protein, spacers, shock absorbers.

when the humerus abducted to the point that the arm is held upright over one's head the scapula is


The movement of the shoulder joint to occur in the frontal plane, which of the following joint actions must take place?


for movement of the shoulder joint to occur in the frontal plane, which of the following joint actions must take place?


the primary function of the biceps brachii at the shoulder joint is flexion, but the long head tendon of the bicep brachii also assists with what other movement of the shoulder joint?


the serratus anterior muscle is primarily involved in what shoulder girdle action?


when all three portion of the deltoid muscle contract together, the shoulder joint moves into


What ligament suffers a complete tear with a grade 2 shoulder separation (AC Joint Injury)?

acromioclavicular ligament

at the lateral end of the spine of the scapula, there is a wide, bony projection of the spine known as the ____

acromion process

the primary movement of the shoulder girdle produced by the contraction of the rhomboids is


the rhomboid muscles help elevate the scapula as well as rotate it downward to produce what other scapular movement?


ulnar deviation of the wrist in the frontal plane otherwise also known as ___ of the wrist


which of the following movements is defined as movement in the frontal plane toward the midline of the body


The rotator cuff is made up of which of the following muscles:

all the above?

A function of two or more bones forming a joint is also known as

an articulation

which of the follows muscles assists the triceps brachii in extension of the elbow joint


the ligament that holds the radial head to the ulna is known as the _____ ligament


the largest fontanel in an infants skull is the

anterior fontanel

of the following muscles involved in pronation--supination of the forearm, which crosses the elbow joint

biceps brachii

one of the tendons of which of the following muscles lies in the anatomical structure known as the intertubercular groove?

biceps brachii

which of the following anterior muscles is involved in supination of the forearm

biceps brachii

Saclike structures that protect soft tissues as they pass over bony projections are known as _____


the radial head rotates on what aspect of the humerus


the joints between the bones of the wrist and the bones of the hand are known as the ____ joints


which of the following movements is not considered a fundamental movement of the wrist?


the pectoralis major muscle has two distinct parts: a lower portion known as the sternal part and a superior portion known as the ____ part


the wrist joint is stabilized on the medial and lateral sides by ____ ligaments from the radius and ulna


which of the following joints is not capable of circumduction?

distal interphalangeal

The primary function of the interosseus membrane, as discussed in the text, is:

distribute pressure evenly between the ulna and radius when force is applied

the levator scapulae and rhomboid muscles are innervated by the ____ nerve

dorsal scapular

in addition to elevation of the scapula, the levator scapulae muscle performs what other shoulder girdle action?

downward rotation

the function of the brachialis muscle is

elbow flexion

Another name of the "growth plate" is the __________ plate.

epiphyseal plate

which of the following muscles does not originate on the common flexor tendon?

flexor digitorum profundus

which of the following muscles is not considered an intrinsic muscle of the thumb (thenar eminence) ?

flexor pollicis longus

the band of tissue at the wrist that keeps the wrist and hand flexor muscles from rising up under the tension is known as the ____

flexor retinaculum

the tendons passing through the structure known as the carpal tunnel are considered primarily ___ of the wrist and hand


the anatomical opening in the ccpital bone where the medulla oblongata and spinal nerves pass through is known as the ___

foramen magnum

Joint motion is typically described as taking place about an axis and within a ____


from the anatomical position, internal rotation of the forearm is called ___


a muscle found just proximal to the wrist that helps in the action of turning the forearm and the palm of the hand downward is the ____

pronator quadratus

list 2 functions of cartilage.

protections bone from wear and tear. Provides for smooth movement

when referring to a structure of an extremity being closer to the trunk than another structure, we say that it is ___ to the other structure


the structures known as the supracondylar ridges are located where in anatomical relation to the epicondyles?

proximal to the epicondyles

the olecranon process of the elbow joint is located on the posterior aspect of the

proximal ulna

the opening in the center of the iris is known as the


the lateral collateral ligament of the elbow joint is also known as the

radial collateral ligament

movement of the wrist into abduction is anatomicaly known as

radial deviation

flexion of the wrist primarily ocurs at the ___ joints


A motion occurring in the horizontal (transverse) plane about a vertical axis is known as


an axis of the body that passes through the body horizontally from front to back is known as ___ axis

sagittal horizontal

movement taking place in the frontal plane occurs about the

sagittal horizontal axis

The most lateral carpal bone of the proximal carpal row is the ____


the bone lying directly beneath the anatomical snuffbox is the carpal bone known as the


the radiocarpal joint is the articulation between the radius the lunate and the ___ bone


which of the following carpal bones is also known as the navicular bone?


the coracoid process is found on the ___


the glenoid fossa (shoulder joint socket) is located on the lateral aspect of the ____


the inferior angle, the medial border, the lateral border, and the spine are all bony landmarks associated with which of the following bones?


The Long Thoracic Nerve innervates which of the following muscles?

serratus anterior

the coracoid process of the scapula serves as the attachment for the conjoined tendon of the coracobrachialis muscle and what other muscle?

short head of the biceps

The primary action of the pectoralis minor is

shoulder adduction

a cavitywithin a bone, typically containing air and lined with mucous membrane, is known as a ____


the joints (sutures) between the bones of the skull are classified as ___ joints except for the joint between the mandible and the temporal bone


the costoclavicular ligament is found in which of the following joints of the shoulder?


when the elbow joint is held in full extension, the olecranon process and the epicondyles form a ____

straigh line

a muscle of the rotator cuff tat crosses the anterior portion of the shoulder joint and is a major internal rotator of the shoulder joint is the ____ muscle


the leser tuberosity of the humerus serves as the source of attachment for which of the following muscles?


the muscle known as the initator of shoulder joint abduction is the __ muscle


Joints with no observable movement are known as ____ joints


The most common type of lever found in the human body is the ___ lever

third class

Match the following vertebrae with their appropriate body areas.

thoracic Correct B. chest [None Given] lumbar Correct C. lower back [None Given] cervical Correct A. neck [None Given] All Answer Choices A. neck B. chest C. lower back

the thenar eminence is formed by the intrinsic muscles of the ____


Dendrites conduct nerve impulses ___ a cell body


the opponens policis muscle moves the thumb

toward the little finger

the muscles that originates from the base of the skull (external occipital protuberance) to the end of the thoracic vertebrae (approximately two-thirds of the way downthe back) is known as the ____


the glenohumeral joint is which type of joint


the muscle chiefly responsible for the extension of the elbow joint is the ___

triceps brachii

the spool-like structure at the distal end of the humerus is known as the ____


The frontal plane divides the body into equal front and back halves. T or F


the coronoid process of the elbow joint is located on the anterior aspect of the _____


the medial collateral ligament of the elbow joint is also known as the

ulnar collateral ligament

Movement of the scapula away from the midline of the body is defined as

upward rotation

the lowest part of the trapezius muscle assists with which of the following movements of he shoulder girdle (when performed from the anatomical position)

upward rotation

The waste material produced by the production of energy within muscle tissue is disposed of through the


___ resists molecular rearrangement when a muscle contracts


the fluid found in the eye lens and retina is known as the

vitreous humor

which of the following ligamentous structures is not involved with the temporomandibular joint?

zygomaticomandibular ligament

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