Know your vocaloids!

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Tako Luka

...This is Lukas a octopus. lol all the way. main color is light pink.

Luki Megurine

A boy version of Luka. Main colors is same as Luka's. Look him up.


A boy version of Meiko. Main colors are the same as Meiko's. Look him up.

Miku Zatsune

A evil version of Hatsune miku. Her main colors are Black and red.

Big Al

Big Al is a strong and sweet. He is really strong looking too. Main color is red...and white and black. Again could not find a pic. Look him up.

Dell Honne

He if freacking AWESOME!!! XD He is my favorite boy out of all of the! He looks like my favorite girl I will bring up later. He is cool and has swag man! XD main color is gray( or silver) black and purple. SUPER Sorry cant find a pic. Look him up on google ok. HE IS AWESOME!! XD

Kaito Shion

He is the most loved boy by the girls. He is known to be going out with Miku but no one really knows. Also very well known. Main color is dark blue. Sorry cant find a good picture.


He is the one in the center. He is a red version of Kaito. Main color red.

Gakupo Kamui

He loves being purple! lol No he is light purple. But any way he is always wearing a kemono. He has the longest hair out of all the boys. Main color is light purple.

Neru Akita green

Last but not lest, The green vocaloid. She has the same outfit as Miku and Neru and one ponytail like Neru but shorter hair and all green. Main color green and black. Look her up. THE END!!! XD X3 HOPE YOU LIKED IT!!! ;D

Rin and Len kagamine

Popular also. This is the twins. I think there are another pare of twins but this is the most known pare.Main color is yellow.

Neru Akita

She has one ponytail and wears about the same outfit as Miku but yellow. Main color is yellow and black.

Momo Momone

She is a cute main girl that loves Big Al. She is shy and nice. Main colors are light pink and dark green. Look her up.

Gakuko Kamui

She is a girl version of Gakupo. Main colors are same as Gakupo's.


She is a girl version of Kaito. Main color is the same as Kaito's. Look her up.

Colon Manaka

She is a smart and brown and wears glasses. Main color brown. Look her up. christmas

Kiki Okashine

She is a super cute christmas vocaloid. main colors ar red and light green. She bring a good X-mas to all ; ) Look her up.


She is a yellow/orange vocaloid. She is a cat and she has a tattoo that says SU. Main color is orange.

Luka Megurine

She is also a common vocaloid and is also very popular. Her colors can very. Her hair is pink but she wears black and gold. But I say her color is light pink.


She is always late to school and she has short hair and a hat. Her main color is dark purple. Look her up.

SF-A2 miki

She is cool and kind of outgoing. Main colors are dark red,blue, white and pink.

Aoki Lapis

She is cute and looks really shy. Her main colors are blue and purple. On her hair she has a diamond. Look her up on google.

Teto Kasane

She is dark pink with cute pig tales! She is sweet and outgoing. Main color is dark neon pink. Sorry, could only find a cosplay of her.

Ruko Yokune

She is kind of an spy and she has one eye blue and the other red. Kind of like 3D glasses. Main color blue,red and black. Look her up.

Acme Iku

She is less common but really cute! She is like a little maid! X3 Main color green, but with a maid outfit. REALLY sorry could not find a picture for her. Go on google and look up vocaloid Acme Iku.

Gumi Megpoid

She is one of my favorite vocaloids! Same goes for my friend India! She is super easy to remember! She is green, her name is said like gummy, and she would look great with gummy bear ears! lol Main color is green...and outfit is mainly orange.

Lily nendoroid

She is really nice and is friends with Luka. She has long blond hair and a super cool outfit in black. Main color is yellow...and black.

Haku Yowane

She is the sister of Dell and is kind of weird but I like her! Main colors are black,purple,and gray.

Meiko Sakine

She is very nice,but in a show I am watching on youtube called welcome to vocaloid,she is evil,mean, and is bullying Miku! But that is not the real her. Main color is red.

Hatsune Miku

The main vocaloid. Most popular and easy to remember. Main color is Aqua.

Mikuo Hatsune

This is a boy version of Hatsune miku. Main color is same as Miku's. Only pic I could find.

Miku Hachune

This is a little troble maker hatsume miku. Kind of like a mini Miku. Main color is same as miku's.


a boy version of SeeU. He stil has cat ears too. Main color is the same as SeeU's. Look him up.

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