"La gran aventura de alejandro" English translation chapters 8-15

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14 El cid

Alejandro and his family pass by the museum look at the figures of the various kings of Spain, and other historical figures. In a room, Alejandro is interested in the great figure of a man riding a horse. He is the national hero of Spain, El Cid, on his famous horse Babieca. Ms. Toledo likes history and wants to explain to her children the importance of Cid. Ms. Toledo:-El Cid lives in the 11th century. In the 11th century, the moors occupied parts of Spain. The Cid fights against the Moors in the Reconquista, the war to reconquer Spain of the Moors. The Cid fights bravely and wins many battles. Winning battles is important for the Cid. But his wife, Doña Jimena, and her two daughters-Doña Elvira and Doña Sol-, are even more important. The Cid is victorious in the battles; therefore the king wants to give him a prize. As a prize, the king enters into a marriage of prestige for the daughters of El Cid and gives them of spouses to two counts, which are called Don Fernando and don Diego and are brothers. Are counts, but are men cowardly and cruel. What a prize! Alexander listens to his mother fascinated while looking at the figure of the great man. His ring shines, and another adventure begins for Alexander. This time he is in Valencia, where El Cid and his family live. Alexander is now in a fortress that is used to defend the city against the Moors. It's night and everybody's asleep. But suddenly Alexander hears cries. A lion escapes from his cage and walks through the fortress. Don Fernando and Don Diego see the lion and scream in fear. Diego jumps into his brother's arms. Then the two hide under the bed. The lion approaches the bed and looks at them curiously. Alejandro is on the other side of the room, where the Cid sleeps. The Cid wakes up because of the cries of Don Fernando and Don Diego. The Cid sees the lion, but he is not afraid. He approaches the animal and talks to him. El Cid:-Oscar, what are you doing here? You have to go back to your cage. The lion, Oscar, look at the great man. He lowers his head and puts his tail between his legs, Oscar goes back to his cage. Don Fernando and Don Diego come out from under the bed. They're pale and dirty. The soldiers, who are there because of the cries, laugh at the two counts. The counts feel humiliated and leave. At this moment the Cid sees Alexander. El Cid:-and who are you, son? Where do you come from? Alejandro:-My name is Alejandro and I come from far away. El Cid:-Ah.. A stranger! You seem like a person of good feeling. I need to talk to someone. I am sad. I need to tell someone the sorrows of my heart. Sometimes it's easier to talk to a foreigner. Can I tell you my troubles?

13 Dona Juana la loca

Alejandro and his family wake up from the nap. They're full of energy. They decide to rent bicycles to go to the museum. Alejandro likes To ride bicycles. They're on Gran Via. To the left in the Paseo de Recoletos R to the Museum of Wax figures Ara in the museum there are nguras of wax representing all the kings and other characters from Spain. Alejandro is interested in sitting down. But there is a figure who cares more is a young queen named Juana-Juana la Loca! Juana's figure is close to her parents '. Juana is the daughter of King Ferdinand ll of Queen Isabel I, the Catholic kings of the One (1476-1516). Queen Isabel is the one who gives the ships and the money to Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of the New world. Juana Seems to look at Alexander with a very sad look. Aleian Dro:-Dad,why is she called the crazy one»? Mr Toledo:-Her husband, Philip, is with many other women. Juana is jealous and she goes crazy. Alexander:-Poor thing! Alejandro looks at the figure that is next to Juana. He is the unfaithful husband, King Philip the Beautiful. It's called that because he's very handsome. But Alexander doesn't seem handsome, he seems cruel. Alexander looks again at the sad eyes of Luana la Loca, and again his ring begins to shine. He's not in the museum with his parents anymore. It is located in a countryside, in the north of Escampaign. It's the year 1508. A woman is near Alexander. It's Juana la Loca. Jeanne is in Ro-Dillas near a coffin, weeping and praying. Next to Juana is her maid, Teresa Alexander looks quietly. After some Ana raises her head and sees Alexander. Who are you, son? What are you doing here, not the very sweet voice. On his face Jandro at night, in this empty field? Luana tie sees tenderness, kindness and sadness. Alejandro -My name is Alejandro, ma'am. From another place and another time. Why are you Crying? Juana-Inside this coffin is my that-bear, Philip. Philip is not always a faithful, but I want him with all my Heart. He died two years ago. Alejandro: Died two years ago?! Why isn't he buried?! Juana:-because he is not dead forever. A religious man says that if I cry enough, my husband will come back to life. The man says if I say the right words in the right place, my Philip is going to wake up. It's been two years since I traveled through the field n my dear Felipe. I'm looking for the right place Teresa:-yes. She's been traveling for two years almost with this coffin. Teresa: Or god, no, Ms! Alexander looks in horror while poor Juana opens the coffin. Teresa looks at Alexander and speaks to him quietly. Teresa:-It doesn't smell like perfume. This woman is right-thinks Alexander. What a smell Alejandro:-I have to go now, ma'am. I think my mom's calling me. The ring shines: it seems to know Alexander's desires. Alejandro is again in the Museum of Wax figures. Mrs. Toledo:-Alejandro, Why are you blocking your nose?

11 El milagro

Alexander looks pitifully at the poor young man. He puts his hand on the young man's shoulder. Alejandro:-Why are you crying? Franz:-because they're going to kill me. Alexander:-Oh, my God! What a horror! Franz: I'm innocent! I'm innocent! I want to see my parents! Where are they? Who are you? Alejandro:-My name is Alejandro. I come from another century. I want to help you if I can. Franz:-My name is Franz. I'm German. I'm in Spain with my parents. We go on a pilgrimage trip to Santiago de Compostela *. We will pray to the tomb of James the Apostle, but last night we spent the night in this cell. Petra, the landlord's daughter, is in love with Me, but I don't want her. Petra gets mad about it, and puts a silver cup in my purse and says I want to steal it. Alejandro:-and that's why they're going to hang you?! Franz:-yes. And I'm innocent. What am I going to do? Who can help me? At this moment two men enter. They take Franz off the arm and take him out to the gallows where they're going to hang him. Alexander tries to liberate the poor young man, but the men push Alexander. Alejandro:-Leave him! One of the men raises Alexander by the shirt and throws it to the ground. Alexander's shirt is torn. Being the men put the rope on Franz's neck. Alejandro shouts. He has terror in his face, they hang the poor young man But what is this? Franz is alive! It's a miracle! A real miracle! Santo Do-Mingo de la Calzada-Saint who helps pilgrims who go to Santiago de Compas-Tela-is hidden under the gallows and puts his hands under Franz's feet. That's how he saves Franz's life. Franz's parents are full of joy because they see that their son is alive. They're going to see the judge to demand the freedom of their son. They walk in with them in the House of the judge. At this moment the judge eats his lunch-a roast hen. Franz's father says:-You have to free our son. He was hanged, but to still be alive. It's a miracle! The judge:-Bah! What nonsense! Your son is no more alive than this hen! At that moment something happens that Alexander cannot believe. The hen rises and leaps from the judge's Plate! Then he runs out of the house and drops a feather on the floor, near alejandro. Alejandro puts the feather in his pocket with the Margarita flowers. Now the judge believes in the miracle and gives Franz freedom. Franz and his parents leave Franz:-Farewell, my friend. Alejandro:-Goodbye and good luck. Again the ring shines. Alexander is in the flea market , face to face with the sexist vendor.

15 La pena del cid

Alexander:-Of course, sir. I want to hear your story. It is a great honor hear The troubles of a great man. El Cid:-Well, I have two daughters, Doña Elvira and Doña Sol. I love them very much. They're the most important people in my life. The king arranged the marriage of my daughters with two counts. I am faithful to the king and I obey him, but I don't trust the Counts. I don't think they're good men. They go out on a trip tomorrow with my daughters. I'm worried. I don't know what to do. Alejandro:-Can you forbid the journey of your daughters? El Cid: No. My daughters have to go with their husbands. That's what the law says. The woman belongs to her husband. Alejandro: How Atrocious ! Where I live women can decide their own lives just like men. El Cid:-Amazing! Alejandro wants to talk to the Cid more. But He has no control over his ring. Shines when he wants to shine. Alejandro meets his family again in front of the Cid's wax figure. Alejandro:-Mom, how you know so much about the history of Cid? Mrs. Toledo:-Because at the university study the singing of mine Cid. It's an epic 12th-century poem. It tells the life of the Cid. Alejandro:-You know what happens to the daughters of Cid? Mrs.Todelo:-Yes, my son. But there are parts of the story that are very sad and cruel. Alejandro:-I want to hear it, mom Mrs. Toledo:-Doña Elvira and Doña Sol make a trip with their husbands, the Counts Don Diego and Don Fernando. But Cid does not trust the counts and sends Félez Muñoz, s nephew, on the trip. Félez Muñoz is going to take care of the Cid's daughters and watch the counts. Alejandro:-Why the cruel? Counts are Mrs. Toledo: Yes. And the count feels humiliated. Alejandro:-Because of the lion incident? Mrs. Toledo: Yes. The Earls know that the Cid is braver than they are. They want to go away from him. But, as they are cowards, they decide to avenge the Cid's daughters. Alejandro :-What do they do? Mrs. Toledo:-they Take Doña Elvira V to Doña Sol to a place in the mountains, where there is no one. There the counts beat the two women and leave them to die but Doña Elvira and Doña Sol do not die. They are as strong as the Cid and with their mother. Félez Muñoz finds them Viy takes them back to their parents ' house. Alejandro: What does Cid do then? I can imagine how furious he is. Mrs. Toledo:-yes. But the Cid is a righteous man and fights with his enemies in a fair way. The Cid gains the fight with courage and with honor. Alejandro: and Doña Elvira and Doña Sol what's wrong with them? Mrs. Toledo:-The king concertains another marriage for them. This time with two good men. Alejandro:-How barbaric! Once again, they're forced to marry men they don't want. Car Sra. Toledo:-Yes, my son. This is the society of the 11th century. Good thing we live in Iqu go the twentieth century! Alejandro and Isabel:-Yes, jiqué good!

9: La casa done nunca comen ni beben

Guide and Alejandro are thrown aside to let the group through. There are six men in the center of the group. The men are carrying an open casket. Inside the coffin is a dead man. Beside the coffin, there is a woman crying and screaming:-Ay, my husband! Where are you taking him? They take him to a house where they never eat or drink. When a guide hears this, he's very frightened. Guide:-Oh, my God! They take that dead man to my Lord's house. Alejandro:-No, guide. I think "the house where they never eat or drink" is the cemetery. Guide:-No, Alejandro. Don't you hear? The house where they never eat or drink. In the House there is no food of my lord. They take him to my Lord's house! Guide begins to run. Alexander runs too. They run to the House of the Lord and Guide and enter. Guide:-Oh, my good Lord! They bring a dead man to this House. Guide:-The widow of the dead says they take him to a house where they never eat or drink. Bring him here! The Lord:-No, guide. Do not worry. The Lord laughs a lot of the error of Guide. Guide and Alejandro laugh too. The Lord:-Guide, who is your friend? Guide:-Oh! I forget. I want you to meet my friend Alejandro. The Lord:-Gladly, Alexander. Welcome. Alejandro:-Delighted. Guide:-I bring food for us the Lord:-You can eat. I've already eaten Guide (he says to Alexander in the ear):-My Lord has a lot of self-esteem. He doesn't want to admit three. I've eaten. Lord always says he's already eaten. It's just he has a lot of self-esteem. He doesn't want to admit he's hungry and has no food. Guide (to the Lord):-but, please, Señor Can't you eat with us, just to come along? The Lord-well.. . Yes, to accompany you. The three of them start to eat with pleasure. They eat a few pieces of bread and meat that Guide brings. All three like food. But they're missing something. They're missing dessert. Alejandro puts his hand in his pocket. In outside three pieces of chocolate. He gives a piece to the guide and a piece to the Lord. Guide: How delicious! The Lord: Delicious! I like it a lot! At that moment the ring begins to shine. Alejandro:-Farewell, my friends. Guide:-Where are you going, Alexander? But before they finish the question, Alexander is no longer there. Alejandro finds himself again at the book stand with his parents. It has the novel "The Guide of Tormes" in his hands. Alejandro:-Can I buy this book, Mom? Mrs. Toledo:-Yes, my love. Alejandro will read "The Guide of Tormes". He never wants to forget his guide friend-a friend who has a heart full of kindness

Con lazarillo

Ms. Toledo:-Alejandro! Where have you been? Alejandro:-Inside the picture, mom. With the Infanta (Princess) Margarita. Miguel:-What a fool you are! You live dreaming. Mrs. Toledo:-No, Miguel! Is that your her-s hand has a great imagination. Miguel:-Fool! Alejandro:-You're the fool! Mr. Toledo:-Stop it, children! It's time for lunch. Come on! No one sees the flowers that Alexander has in his hand. Alejandro puts them in his pocket. These flowers are a secret between Margaret and I- thinks Alexander. The Toledo family leaves the Prado Museum and passes through the Paseo del Prado. They're looking for a res-taurante where to have lunch. On the street they see a book stand. Mr Toledo wants to spend a few minutes in this position. Look for a novel by Camilo José Cela, Nobel Prize winner of Lite-Ratua of 1990. Alexander likes old books, those who smell old. Find a book Chi Quito and old. It is called "The Guide of Tormes" and is of the year 1554. As they move away-Dro has it in his hand, his ring begins to shine. Alejandro is located in a narrow, os-cura Street. Next to Alexander there is a boy. The boy is thirteen years old, more or less like Alexander. The guy is skinny and wears dirty old clothes, but his face is very sympathetic. He says to Alejandro:-I am a guide to Tormes. Who are you? Alejandro:-My name is Alejandro Toledo. Nice to meet you. Guide:-Delighted. What are you doing here? Alejandro:-I'm Mexican, but I'm in Spain with my parents. Guide: you have parents! What are luck! I'm an orphan. Alejandro:-yes. I don't usually think er how lucky I am. You are right. But if you don't have parents, where do you live?, with whom?, how do you live? Guide: You ask a lot of questions! Sometimes I live in the streets. I am a rogue. Alejandro: What is a rogue? Guide:-He is a boy who lives in the streets and sometimes steals. That's my life. I often ask people to eat in the streets. Alejandro:-Oh! A rogue is like Anita la Huerfanita and Oliver Twist. Guide: Who? Alejandro:-Anita la Huerfanita and Oliver Twist are rogues of fictional tales. But in the twentieth century, where I live, there are many rogues in the streets of the big cities. Guide:-I don't always live on the streets. For a few weeks I worked for a blind man, as a guide. The blind is a very cruel man. He treats Me very badly. He doesn't give me food or drink. I'm always hungry and thirsty. And the Blind man hits me a lot. One day I'm thirsty and I want to drink from the blind jug. I make a small hole at the bottom of the jug. The blind man doesn't know I drink too. But when suddenly There's nothing in the jug, the blind man knows what's going on. He hits me in the face with the jug and breaks my jug on my head. I'm so sorry. Alejandro:-Ay! Poor baby. Guide:-but I pay the cruelty to the blind. Alejandro: How? Guide:-One day the blind man wants to cross a stream. He asks Me to show you the narrowest point of the creek. Wants to jump Brook in Strait of Brook. He wants to jump the creek at that point. I put the blind man in front of a stone pole. I'm telling you, it's the perfect point to jump. The blind man runs and collides with the pole. He falls unconscious. I'll leave it there and go. Alejandro:-and now who do you live with? Guide:-Now I work for a very poor hidalgo. He can't even pay me or give me food. There's nothing to eat at home. But he's very nice. That's why I ask for food on the streets and bring the food to my lord. Alejandro:-How good you are, guide! Guide:-I bring you food now, because there is no food at home. Want to come with me? You can meet my lord. Are you hungry? You can eat with us. Alejandro:-Yes. Gladly! At this time Alejandro and guide see a group of people coming down the street. They're all wearing black clothes. They all scream and cry

12 La hamburgesa

Seller:-How cool! Are you going to buy these handcuffs or not? Alejandro:! You win! To you, I'm not buying anything sexist When Alexander finds his family, everyone expects him, Ms. Toledo:-Alejandro! What did you do? Or what's torn your shirt? Alejandro:-I don't know, mom. Miguel:-How typical of Alexander! He never knows what's going on. He's always dreaming. Alejandro puts his hand in his pocket. There he finds the feather of hen Alexander:-yes... dreaming. Mr. Toledo: Children, let's have lunch. Isabel:-Where are we going, Dad? Mr. Toledo:--I don't tell you. It is a surprise everyone is hungry-all but Alejandro. Alejandro still thinks about the food that he shared with the guide and his master. But walking a lot of blocks gives him an appetite. He wants to eat something. Now the family is back on the Gran via. The three young children want to know which restaurant they're going. But their dad doesn't tell them anything. They're finally in front of a fast-service restaurant The three young people know very well the fast service celebrated restaurant that sell burgers. But Mr. Toledo never eats in these restaurants. He likes to eat in a slower way. But it's different today. Today decides to respect the likes of the young Mr. Toledo:-Come in. Miguel:-Let's eat burgers? Mr. Toledo:-Of course. Alejandro: Thank you, Dad! They enter the restaurant and go to a counter the young man asks:-How can I serve you? Everyone asks for burgers with ketchup behind and of drinking ask for orange soda. Half an hour later they finish lunch Mr. Toledo:-How fast! The family goes back to the hotel to sleep the nap. Alexander cannot sleep. Think of your adventures and your new friends. Think of Don Quixote, Sancho, Margarita, Franz and guide. He also thinks about the next adventure. The family will visit the famous Museum of Wax figures.

10 El Rastro

Sunday, The Toledo family is early to go to church near the hotel. Alexander tries to think of the mass. Try to sit quietly in the church. But he can't. Just think about the adventure you're going to have after mass. The family's going to visit the trail. The trail is an open-air market where they sell second-hand objects. It is the world's largest flea market or ' Pulguero '. Alexander is happy because he thinks about things, the junk, he's going to buy. The mass seems to be very long. It's finally over. The Toledos leave the church. They're on Main street. They pass the door of the sun and the Plaza Mayor. At last they reach the trail there are thousands of people. The market is coming from the people. Everybody's looking for a bargain. (a bargain something you can buy for little money) There's everything on the trail. Different things are sold in each position. There are toys when Alexander's grandfather was a child. There are old books, machines, furniture, junk clothes of all kinds. Isabel:-Aleiandro, the market is like your bedroom. Everybody laughs. Alejandro laughs too. Every member of the family goes to a different position. Miguel finds some memories of the World Cup of Football of Madrid of 1982. Isabel finds a box of colored pencils. Alejandro buys some comics from "Mickey Mouse" and "Donald duck". In another position, Alejandro sees several metal things, very old. It raises in the hand one thing. The seller asks Alexander: Do you know what they are? Alejandro:-These are old handcuffs, right? The seller:-Yes, you're right. They're the eleven-century Manis. They are also called "Esposas"! (Wives) The seller laughs. At this moment Isabel passes near the Vendor: How sexist! Calling the Handcuffs wives! Isabel is getting g, very angry. The seller laughs and hears what the seller says. "Wives"! Once again. Alexander is also very angry. He wants to tell the seller something. He wants to defend his sister from the seller's insult. Alejandro: She's right, Stupid! At this moment, Alexander, who still has the handcuffs in his hand, looks at the seller's face. Suddenly the ring shines. Alexander finds himself in the face of a handsome young man. The young man cries. The wives are no longer in Alexander's hand and are now around the young man's wrists. Alejandro is no longer on at the market. He's with the young man in a dirty little room.

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