Laboratory Safety Quiz

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Which of the following clothing items are PROHIBITED from being worn in the lab? a. Sandals or flip-flops b. Shorts c. Neckties and dangling jewelry d. Jeans e. None of the above items are prohibited, but a few are strongly discouraged.

A, B, C

Which of the following statements is/are true about the rules for compressed gas cylinders at RPI? a. Cylinders are prohibited inside fume hoods where flammables are handled b. Cylinders may only be transported between labs by EH&S personnel c. Cylinders must be kept free of restraints (e.g. ropes, belts, chains) at all times d. Empty cylinders should be returned to the supplier with valve caps in place e. Cylinders should be transported only on approved cylinder carts

D, E

A student is working with a dangerous chemical that is known to cause an allergic reaction in some people that can be lethal (anaphylaxis). On the MSDS, the chemical will be described as... (choose only one) a. a teratogen b. a mutagen c. pyrophoric d. a lachrymator e. a sensitizer


Assuming we are going to put samples into a refrigerator, which of the following chemicals requires an explosion-proof refrigerator? (Choose only one answer) a. Sodium chloride b. Hydrochloric acid (6.0 N, aqueous) c. Ethanol d. Calcium chloride (desiccant) e. None of the above


A student is working with a dangerous chemical that is known to cause harm to unborn babies (the fetus). On the MSDS, the chemical will be described as... a. a teratogen b. a mutagen c. pyrophoric d. a lachrymator e. a sensitizer


Wearing the following PPE is mandatory (the bare minimum allowed) during all laboratory experiments a. Disposable nitrile rubber gloves b. Full face shield c. Laboratory coats d. Respirators e. Chemical splash goggles with side shields

A, C, E

Which of the following are false about our "local" CHME 4150 policies for spills and broken glass? a. Any broken glass should be cleaned up by a TA, not the students b. Chemical spills of any size must be cleaned up by EH&S, not by a TA or a student c. Either a TA or a student may clean up broken glass using tongs and a dust pan d. Either a TA or a student may clean up a chemical spill if they are comfortable doing so e. Any chemical spill (besides water) should be cleaned up by the students who caused it

B, C, D, E

Which of the following are true about Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)? a. They are kept in the lab only for each chemical and biological agent that rates "3" or higher in the Health category. b. Reading the MSDS is necessary, but not sufficient, preparation for using the chemical c. The laboratory manager is responsible for keeping a hard copy of the MSDS on hand for all chemicals used in the lab (besides water) d. Besides safety information, the MSDS also provides chemical and physical properties of the substance in question e. Besides safety information, the MSDS also provides fire & spill response information for the substance in question

B, C, D, E

In the unlikely event of getting white vinegar (dilute acetic acid) splashed in your eyes, you should... (circle only one) a. Immediately go to the eyewash station and flush both eyes for 15 minutes, flooding the lab floor if necessary b. Immediately go to the eyewash station and flush both eyes until irritation ceases, and turn off the water to avoid flooding the lab c. Use the laboratory sink to flush out your eyes in order to prevent water & chemicals from spilling onto the floor d. Exit the lab immediately and head to the rest room to wash out your eyes e. Close your eyes and use paper towels to dry your eyelids, followed by water flushing

*A*, B

Which of the following are true about Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)? a. MSDS are kept in the lab for every chemical and biological agent besides water b. The MSDS for a substance will detail its health and safety hazards, but does not supply information about first aid procedures c. The MSDS will generally not provide physical properties like density and formula weight; it is a tabulation of safety information only d. Students are responsible for printing MSDS for call chemicals in use and bringing them to lab, not the instructors or TAs e. Students must review MSDS sheets and other reference materials before initiating work with all unfamiliar chemicals

A, E

Which of the following is/are true about fume hoods? a. The fume hood in Ricketts 101 is automatic; students do not need to turn on the blower before use b. Flammable organics can be stored under any fume hood on campus c. The level of the sash in not important; fume hoods are designed to work at all levels d. Leaving an uncapped waste bottle overnight (with the blower running) is acceptable because the hood will vent chemical vapors safely to the atmosphere e. Removing an open container of a volatile liquid (like styrene) from the hood for a short time to weigh it out on a balance is acceptable

All wrong

Which of the following is/are true about syringes and needles? a. Disposable syringes can be placed in the broken glass bin with other sharps hazards b. Disposable syringes and used razor blades can both be placed in the sharps container c. For an expensive syringe with a permanent (non-removable) needle, assuming the syringe will be kept for future use, recapping the needle is recommended so that the next user does not get stuck d. Re-capping the needle on a syringe is never allowed at RPI; expensive syringes should be cleaned and put back into an appropriate storage box with the box lid closed e. Placing an uncapped needle in a laboratory drawer without a secondary container (box) is a safety violation

B, D, E

On the first day of lab, you should... a. Familiarize yourself with emergency escape routes before beginning work b. Locate the safety shower and eyewash stations c. Ask how to use the shower and eyewash stations if you don't know d. Locate the first aid kit e. Put on your PPE and begin work without doing any of the above; the TAs are responsible for locating safety gear, not the students.

A, B, C, D

Which of the following clothing items are allowed in the lab? a. Sandals or flip-flops b. Cowboy boots with closed toes & no holes c. Neckties and dangling jewelry d. Rubber "duck" boots e. Long-sleeved jacket (under your lab coat)

B, D, E

Which of the following is/are acceptable practice(s) during lab hours? a. Determining whether a white powder is NaCl by tasting a small bit b. Taking a 5-minute break to get a drink of water, with permission of your teammates and the TA on duty c. Bringing your backpack into the lab and leaving it by the door, and there is a bottle of water inside the backpack d. Chewing gum in the lab, as long as it was already in your mouth when you entered e. Drinking bottled water in the hall outside the lab door without any lab gloves or coat

B, E

When a small fire starts in the lab, our "local" CHME 4150 policy is that.... (choose only one) a. Students must evacuate the lab immediately, and no student shall attempt to extinguish a fire b. If the student has received formal fire extinguisher training at RPI within the last year, they may extinguish the fire c. If the individual evaluates that he/she is in no personal danger in attempting to extinguish a fire, they may extinguish the fire d. If the individual decides the fire that is to be extinguished is visible and is no larger than small "wastepaper basket size" , they may extinguish the fire e. If the individual has volunteer firefighter training, they may extinguish the fire

*A*, B, C, D, E

If there is a gas leak in the lab and you wish to contact RPI Public Safety, you should... a. Evacuate immediately b. Dial 518-276-6611 a campus land line phone after evacuating to a safe area c. Dial 911 from a campus land line phone after evacuating to a safe area d. Dial 911 from your cell phone after evacuating to a safe area e. Dial 518-276-6611 from your cell phone after evacuating to a safe area

*A*, B, C, E

In the unlikely event of getting baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) splashed into your eyes, you are required to... a. Flush your eyes with a very dilute solution of vinegar (acetic acid) followed by using the eyewash station b. Use the eyewash station for 15 minutes, regardless of flooding the lab floor, and have someone in the lab report the incident to RPI Public Safety immediately c. Use the laboratory sink to flush out your eyes in order to prevent water & chemicals from spilling onto the floor d. Exit the lab immediately and head to the rest room to wash out your eyes e. Use the eyewash station for 3 minutes and report the accident to the instructor promptly

*B*, (E is 1/2 correct)

Rensselaer's Hazard Assessment Program (HASP)... a. a set of policies and procedures for determining the response to a spill or leak b. a set of policies and procedures for labeling chemical containers, including samples prepared by researchers c. a software application designed to help Principal Investigators/Laboratory Supervisors identify the hazards present in their laboratory d. a software application designed to generate barcodes for newly received chemicals e. a set of protocols for analyzing unlabeled waste containers so that their contents can be identified and hazards assessed

*C*, A

Which of the following materials must be refrigerated AND the refrigerator must be explosion-proof? (choose only one) a. Calcium chloride (dry) b. Hydrofluoric acid (in water) c. Toluene (liquid) d. Cumyl peroxide (solid) e. Potassium hydroxide (in water)

*D*, C

After using a disposable hypodermic syringe (with non-removable needle) to transfer a small volume of a chemical into a sealed flask, one should... a. Re-cap the needle to prevent someone else from getting stuck, and place it in laboratory trash can b. Re-cap the needle to prevent someone else from getting stuck, and place it in laboratory trash can without cleaning it c. Do NOT re-cap the needle, and place it in a sealed solid waste container d. Do NOT re-cap the needle, and place it in a sharps bin e. Do NOT re-cap the needle, and place it in the broken glass bin

*D*, C, E

An incidental release of a hazardous material is defined as a release that does not pose a significant safety or health hazard to the people in the immediate vicinity or to the person cleaning it up, nor does it have the potential to become an emergency within a short period of time. At RPI, the person who generated the spill is to perform the clean up if which of the following conditions are met? a. The spill is clearly incidental, based on the definition above b. The individual is trained in the hazards and clean-up methods of the spilled materials c. Adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Spill Response Supplies are available and used d. Cleaning up the spill reduces the chances that another individual will be exposed e.he individual is certain that there is no level of personal danger to themselves or anyone else on campus

A, B, C, D, E

Which of the following mechanisms could result in silica nanoparticles getting into your body while performing a laboratory procedure with improper lab technique? a. Inhalation of airborne particles b. Direct ingestion of silica nanoparticles by eating food in the lab c. Absorption of silica nanoparticles through a cut or skin abrasion d. Injection of silica nanoparticles by a careless teammate with a syringe e. Ingestion of silica nanoparticles outside the lab via transfer to a phone or laptop

A, B, C, D, E

Which of the following precautions must be followed when storing a peroxide forming solvent in the laboratory? a. The date of receipt of the bottle and date of opening must be written on the label b. Certain peroxides may explode if subjected to thermal or mechanical shock c. The chemical must be labeled as a peroxide former d. The chemical must be tested for peroxides periodically e. The chemical must be stored in a tightly capped container, out of direct sunlight

A, B, C, D, E

Which of the following statements is/are true about use of respirators in laboratories at RPI? a. Respirators are generally not recommended for laboratory workers b. Engineering controls, such as dilution ventilation, fume hoods and other devices which capture and remove vapors, fumes, and gases from the breathing zone of the user are preferred over the use of respirators in most laboratory environments c. Prior to wearing a respirator at Rensselaer, individuals must receive training on proper respirator usage d. Laboratory users should not purchase respiratory protection without first consulting with the Office of Environmental Health and Safety e. Prior to wearing a respirator at Rensselaer, individuals must complete a medical exam and be Fit-tested on a specific respirator to insure adequate fit

A, B, C, D, E

Which of the following statements accurately describe(s) our "local" CHME 4150 policy for carrying solvent bottles? a. Use of a secondary container is mandatory for transporting hazardous substances like strong acids and bases, or pyrophoric chemicals, around the Ricketts building b. Use of a secondary container is mandatory for transporting any liquid or hazardous chemical between Ricketts 101 and Ricketts 008A c. Only the TAs are allowed to carry a bottle of solvent across the lab d. When carrying liquids across the lab, the recommended practice is to use a secondary container ("rubber bucket") in case the liquid is dropped e. The recommended practice when retrieving a 4 liter bottle of solvent from the flammables cabinet is to have a lab partner assist you in opening and closing the cabinet doors

A, B, D, E

Which of the following statements is/are true about our "local" CHME 4150 policy for labeling samples and newly received chemicals? a. Chemicals should be labeled with name, date received, date opened, owner's initials b. Acids, bases, organic solvents, and oxidizers must be stored separately from one another (segregated by hazard class) c. Flammables such as ethyl alcohol may be left on the bench top in a properly labeled plastic "squirt" bottle overnight as long as the quantity of liquid does not exceed 1 pint d. Organic and inorganic oxidizers cannot be stored together in the same cabinet e. Peroxide-forming chemicals (e.g. diethyl ether, THF) must be labeled as such and periodically tested

A, B, E

Which of the following are true about our "local" CHME 4150 policies for spills and broken glass? a. Any broken glass should be cleaned up by a TA, not the students b. Either a TA or a student may clean up broken glass using tongs and a dust pan c. Any chemical spill (besides water) should be cleaned up by a TA, not the students d. Either a TA or a student may clean up a chemical spill if they are comfortable doing so e. Chemical spills of any size must be cleaned up by EH&S, not by a TA or a student

A, C

Which of the following is/are unacceptable during lab hours? a. Eating a candy bar near the lab exit b. Taking a 5-min break to eat candy bar in Coonley with permission c. Bringing backpack into lab and leaving it by the door, with a pack of chewing gum inside d. Leaving backpack outside the lab in a designated clean area, with a pack of chewing gum inside

A, C

If there is a fire in the lab and you wish to contact RPI Public Safety, you should... a. Evacuate immediately b. Dial 911 from your cell phone after evacuating to a safe area c. Dial 911 from a campus land line phone after evacuating to a safe area d. Dial 518-276-6611 from your cell phone after evacuating to a safe area e. Dial 518-276-6611 a campus land line phone after evacuating to a safe area

A, C, D, E

Which of the following statements is true about corrosive chemicals? a. OSHA defines corrosive material by a chemical's ability to cause destruction of, or irreversible alterations in, living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact b. OSHA defines corrosive material by its ability to cause deterioration of, or irreversible oxidation of, iron, copper, and nickel standards c. At RPI, required personal protective equipment for handling corrosive materials includes gloves and splash goggles, in addition to other items. d. At RPI, required personal protective equipment for handling corrosive materials includes a face shield, in addition to other items. e. At RPI, required personal protective equipment for handling corrosive materials includes a respirator, in addition to other items.

A, C, E

On the first day of lab, you should... a. Familiarize yourself with emergency escape routes before beginning work b. Locate the laboratory sinks in case you need to wash out your eyes at some point c. Ask how to use the fire extinguishers if you don't know how d. Locate the first aid kit in the lab e. Get fitted for your respirator

A, D

Wearing the following PPE is not recommended in CHME 4150... a. Dust masks b. Disposable nitrile rubber gloves c. Laboratory coats d. Chemical splash goggles with side shields e. Respirators

A, E

Which of the following are true about chemical storage and segregation? a. Peroxide-forming chemicals like diethyl ether cannot be stored with other organic solvents. b. Organic wastes and acid waste should never be mixed in the same container c. Organic wastes and acid waste should never be stored near each other, even if they are in separate containers d. Storing a base like KOH in the same cabinet as an acid like H2SO4 is prohibited e. An "old" organic waste container full of diethyl ether that shows white crystals around the cap may contain peroxides, and it should even not be touched because it could explode on contact

B, C, D, E

Which of the following is/are true about disposable lab gloves? a. Wearing them while using your phone is OK, as long as they're clean. b. Some people are allergic to latex rubber and may develop skin problems due to the gloves themselves. c. Some common organic solvents can diffuse through nitrile rubber material in a matter of seconds. d. Gloves can actually worsen a chemical exposure if the chemical somehow gets through the glove material. e. The gloves should be peeled off and thrown in the trash when you go out to use the rest room. They cannot be saved for re-use when you come back into the lab. f. None of the above are true statements.

B, C, D, E

Which of the following statements is/are false about use of respirators in laboratories at RPI? a. Prior to wearing a respirator at Rensselaer, individuals must complete a medical exam and be fit-tested on a specific respirator to insure adequate fit b. Dust masks can be worn without a completing a medical exam, but any other type of respirator requires a medical exam and being fit-tested to insure adequate fit c. Prior to wearing a respirator at Rensselaer, individuals must receive training on proper respirator usage d. Respirators are generally recommended for laboratory workers handling solvents and airborne particles e. Laboratory users should not purchase respiratory protection without first consulting with the Office of Environmental Health and Safety

B, D

Which of the following statements is/are true about flammable substances? a. Flashpoint is defined as the temperature at which a material spontaneously bursts into flames without an ignition source b. Flammable liquids are those with a "flashpoint" below 140 F c. Only the TAs are allowed to carry a bottle of flammable solvent across the lab d. When carrying liquids across the lab, the recommended practice is to use a secondary container ("rubber bucket") in case the liquid is dropped e. Laboratories at RPI may store any amount of flammable materials, but approval is needed from EH&S to store more than 30 gallons

B, D

Which of the following statements is/are true about the rules for compressed gas cylinders at RPI? a. Cylinders must not contain gas at a pressure above 1500 psig b. Cylinders may only be transported between labs by EH&S personnel c. Cylinders must be kept chained and/or caged in an upright position at all times d. Empty cylinders should be returned to the supplier without valve caps in place e. Cylinders should be transported only on approved cylinder carts

C, E

Which of the following are true about chemical storage and segregation? a. Corrosive chemicals, including all acids and bases, should be stored together in a single, separate, designated area with secondary containment. b. Leaving a plastic "squirt" bottle full of acetone (flammable) on the lab bench overnight is acceptable because the volume of liquid is less than one pint c. Storing an organic solvent (like toluene) in the same cabinet as an organic oxidizer (like tertranitromethane) is prohibited. d. Strong acids such as 6 N HCl must be stored in a corrosion-resistant secondary container e. Peroxide-forming chemicals like diethyl ether cannot be stored with other organic solvents. f. None of the above are true statements.

C, D

Which of the following is/are true about disposable lab gloves? a. They should be kept on while using your phone b. Some people are allergic to nitrile rubber and may develop skin problems, which is why we will use latex gloves this semester c. Nitrile rubber materials are impervious to organic solvents like dichloromethane and tetrahydrofuran. d. Wearing gloves outside the lab is permitted when transporting chemicals between 101 and 008A using a rubber bucket. e. Disposable rubber gloves are the bare minimum for daily use in the lab; different gloves might be needed for handling materials like strong acids or toxic chemicals


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