Language in Use: Discourse analysis and Media communication

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What are the 4 variables of 'media communication'? Co Co F S

-Co-present/distance -Co-temporality -Fixation/relative performance -Spontaneity/rehearsed and scripted

Name at least 4 of McQuail's features of mass communication

-Directed at public -Diverse audience -Audience is at a distance and dispersed -No relationship between producer and audience -Common interest to audience

Stories in media are selected by the the ones that tick the most news values. Name at least 5 'news values'

-Frequency (daily stories) -Threshold (Intensity of the event) -Unambiguity (can the story be easily explained) -Meaningfulness (cultural relevance) -Consonance (events people expect) -Continuity (follow-up stories) -Composition (balance of stories) -Personification (directly affecting people) -Reference to elite people -Reference to elite nations -Negativity

Name the 4 stages of Goffman's 'production format' of analysing the roles involved in producing media? Give an example of each.

-Principle e.g the newspaper owner -Author e.g the journalist -Animator e.g the presenter -Editer e.g the section editor

Name all 5 rules for superstructures

1. Headline + lead = summary 2. Episode: main events 3. Background 4. Consequences 5. Verbal Reactions

Define 'Genre'

A group of texts sharing similar structure

What is discourse analysis?

A study which shows the way sentences and utterances are put together to fit with the social world

What does discourse refer to?

Acts of communication

What is 'text as a communicative event'? Why is this a useful way of viewing this

An event which plays both a significant and necessary role. Get us to think of some of the aspects of audience and purpose in text production

What is 'Field'?

Field is what is going on within the text varies the register of a text

What is Haliday's 3 situation types effecting 'register'?

Field, Tenor and Mode

What is the use of discourse?

It shows the constraints and and choices of the producer

What are the different 3 approaches of discourse? and what are they?

Language above the clause-Looking at percific items that link a sentence together Language in Use-How people use language to 'get things done' Language as a social practice-Language is used to exert power

Name some ways which can reflect ideological reading

Puns Hyperbole (over exaggerated metaphors) Choice of verb

What is thinking of 'genre as a communicative purpose'?

Purpose is the principle feature of discovering a genre of a text

What does discourse reflect?

The purposes, intentions, ideas and relationships

Define 'Text'

The semantics which relate together to form a purpose

What is 'register'?

The way a producer addresses something

Name a way of constructing in-groups and out-groups

Using pronouns

What is 'spontaneity'?

What degree the media discourse happens or if its planned

What is 'Mode'?

What role is language playing in the situation varied the register of a text

What is meant by 'co-temporality'

Whether communication is received in time or later on

What is 'fixation'?

Whether the media discourse exists in the moment or if it has been recorded

What is 'Tenor'?

Who takes part in the situation varies the register of a text

What does naming articles reflect? How are these names chosen

ideological perspectives and stereotypes. These are chosen to target the main readership of the text

What was Van Dijk's structure for news texts called?


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