Large Animal Final (Camelids, Sheep/Goat, Poultry, Antibiotic, Animal Welfare)

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What are some ways we can diagnose a pregnancy in llamas/alpacas?

-Progesterone blood testing -Ultrasound -Hembra spits off stud -Transrectal palpation

What is crutching (in terms of sheep)?

-Shearing from top of dock to udder to mid hind leg on each side to allow for clean site for lambing (see that udders look normal, lambs are nursing, clean area for lamb to be born)

When getting venous blood in camelids, where is the most common place to obtain this? Arterial? Why?

-Venous= low jugular, between 5th and 6th vertebrae, can also use high jugular -Arterial= low jugular -Easier to control animal movement

What does it mean to say llamas/alpacas are induced ovulators?

the act of breeding stimulates hormonal events that result in ovulation

What is the behavior of a sheep like?

-Nervous and timid -Fight or FLIGHT (Self injury) -Not stupid, just (flock) focused → "flock bound" -Generally unaggressive

What does it mean to say all vaccines for camelids are off-label? Why is this?

-Not developed specifically for camelids -Not a lot of money in developing vaccines specific for camelids

What is the objective of Commercial Breeder Systems for sheep?

-Objective: produce high quality wool and/or fast growing, quality meat at a profit -Often crossbreeds -Goal: rapid weight gain

Where would we give subq injections in camelids?

-caudal to elbow (hairless!) -cranial to shoulder

What are 2 different ways we would administer oral medications in camelids?

-via syringe -orogastric intubation w/ speculum

What time of day do llamas/alpacas usually criate? Why is this?

7am-1pm, due to historical survival (being born near equator, middle of the day is warmer)

True or False: Llamas/alpacas have the highest fertility rate of any domesticated animal

False- they have the lowest

What is flushing season for ewes?

Feeding the ewe so she is gaining weight about 2 weeks before breeding is called flushing. Flushing may increase lambing percentage by increasing the number of eggs that the ewe ovulates.

Annual dental floatations are important for llamas/alpacas- True or False


What kind of alpacas do we have at PCC?


Is timeline of pregnancy in llamas/alpacas a good indication of premature birth? Why or why not?

No, because there is flexibility in their gestation period. Should look at characteristics of newborn cria (crias without teeth, rubbery/floppy ears, excess embryonic membrane on feet, silky hair coat)

Is it apparent when a sheep is ill?

No, they are usually very stoic

When and how do we preg check ewes?

Pregnancy check ewes at 60 days with ultrasound

What does the saying "sick sheep seldom survive" mean?

Sheep are not very tolerant of pain or illness Will to survive is variable by breed & individual

What is stiff lamb disease? What are clinical signs? How is it prevented?

Tetanus Clinical Signs: -Localized stiffness progressing to generalized stiffness -Lockjaw, sawhorse stance, retraction of lips, 3rd eyelid prolapse -Death from respiratory paralysis Vaccination is key in prevention!

Can you halter a sheep?

Yes! Smaller version of cattle halter Doubt it is very easy though.....

What is the term for a newborn sheep?


What is a hembra?

female llama/alpaca

What are some things we need to provide to a prematurely born cria?

temp regulation, colostrum, fluids

What is unique about the RBCs of llamas/alpacas?

they are elliptical shaped

What landmarks do you use in blood sampling for camelids (since it is a blind stick)?

transverse processes, trachea

What muscles are used in IM injection for camelids?

triceps, semimembranous, semitendinosus, caudal cervical epaxial

What are fighting teeth? How and when are they removed? Why are they removed?

These are modified canine and incisor teeth. There are two fighting teeth on the upper arcade and one on the lower. Usually removed at 2-5 years w/ sedation and gigli wire Removed for safety

What is the objective of a Purebred Breeder System for sheep?

-Objective: make genetic improvements in various traits -Animals can be sold as "seed stock" for commercial breeders -Competition/show industry

What is the name for a newborn llama/alpaca?


Why is spring lamb production the most common?

It coincides with their natural breeding season

When should we start vaccinating lambs? What vaccines?

*CDT* +/- others 6-8wks Booster 1 month later

What are the genus and species for llamas? Alpacas?

-Llama glama - Llama pacos (alpacas)

How long is stage 3 of parturition for llamas/alpacas? What occurs during this time?

- less than 6 hours -delivery of placenta, should take place within 2-6 hrs after cria delivery

How long is stage 1 of parturition for llamas/alpacas? What occurs during this time?

-1 to 6 hrs -hembra up and down, back and forth to dung pile, uncomfortable, maybe mucous discharge, vulvar relaxation

How long is stage 2 of parturition for llamas/alpacas? What occurs during this time?

-10 to 40 minutes -delivery of cria is usually within 30 min to and hour, anything over requires help

What is an accelerated lamb production? Pros and Cons?

-Any scenario where ewes lamb more frequently than once per year -Production Systems Twice a year, opportunistic, "three in two" "STAR" system ("five in three") Pros: -Reduction in some costs, more uniform lamb supply throughout year, increased profitability Cons: -Similar to fall/winter breeding -Very intense management

What are some signs of parturition in llamas/alpacas?

-Behavior changes (separate from herd, increased urination, decreased appetite) -vulvar elongation -udder development (not very much, not reliable)

What vaccine do camelids get? What are some they might get? What determines if they get those vaccines?

-CDT! +/- Rabies (if in area with high rabies incident) +/- WNV (if in area with high WNV incident) +/- 7 way clostridial (if farm is having an issue with this)

What position should a cria be in during delivery? Should the hembra be lying down or standing?

-Cria in anterior dorsosacral presentation, aka superman position -Hembra is often standing for this

What are some physical characteristics of llamas that differ from alpacas?

-Llamas have a dual fiber coat, alpacas do not -Llamas are slightly taller than alpacas -Banana ears!

What are some advantages of fiber vs wool?

-Fiber is lanolin free -7x more insulating -less scratchy

What are some things llamas/alpacas are produced for?

-Fiber production -Breeding -Pets -Packing -Meat in south america -guard llamas!

What is fleece? Grease? Grease wool? Wool break?

-Fleece: refers to the entire coat of wool shorn at one time in one piece -Grease: any impurities in wool: yellow oil (lanolin, "wool fat") debris (dirt, bedding) suint (dried sweat) -Grease wool or "Wool in the grease": Refers to wool in its natural state, not yet cleaned -Wool break: Weak area in fleece due to period of fever, illness, stress, poor nutrition Non necessarily broken but can be easily broken

Are dewormers given prophylactically to sheep? Why or why not?

-Ideally based on fecal floatation -anthelmintic resistance (big problem, need to see a certain level of parasites to justify deworming)

How would you breed a ewe in July/Aug/Sep (for winter production)?

-Manipulate breeding cycles -Breeds like Dorset -Hormone/light therapy

How would you breed a ewe in May/June (for fall production)?

-Manipulate breeding cycles -Breeds like Dorset -Hormone/light therapy

Where do we implant microchips in llamas/alpacas? How common is it?

-Medial aspect, base of left ear -Common, good owner compliance

What is the arm and hand method for restraining sheep?

-One hand under jaw (+/- in diastema) -One hand on/under dock or top of head Thumb in diastema, other 4 fingers under jaw

What are some things that need to occur after a cria is born?

-Physical exam!! -Dip umbilicus -Maternal bonding -Stand within 1-2 hrs -Nurse within 1-4 hrs -Meconium -Injections

What is cushing and why do llamas/alpacas do it?

-To lie down on sternum -A posture of submission, passive resistance, or rest

What is rickets? What are some clinical signs of it in llamas/alpacas?

-Vitamin D deficiency -Clinical signs: poor growth, lethargy/reluctance to move, lameness/joint pain, angular limb deformities, +/- pathologic fractures

What vitamin is an important nutritional supplement for llamas/alpacas? Why?

-Vitamin D! -They evolved at equator so now being in our environment (sea level, cloudy, short days) can cause a deficiency

What are some things you should *avoid* grabbing when trying to catch a sheep?

-wool as it can damage wool and fibers, devalues fleece and can cause SQ bruising which devalues the meat -horns cause ouch

How many teats do llamas/alpacas have?


How long is the gestation period for llamas/alpacas?

11-12 months

How long after breeding do llamas/alpacas ovulate?

24-36 hrs after breeding

How old is a lamb at puberty?

Age at puberty: 6-9 mo.

Average birth weight for lambs? Mature weights for ewes and rams?

Average birth weight: 8-12 pounds Mature weight Ewe: 125-250 pounds Ram: 150-450 pounds Weight varies by breed!

What is the average lifespan of a sheep?

Average lifespan: 10-15 yrs

When should we shear ewes?

By June- before hot weather! But no real timeframe

What are the 3 compartments of the llama/alpaca digestive system and what do they do?

C1- bacterial fermentation of cellular components C2- continued breakdown, absorption C3- true stomach, acidic, digestive enzymes

What is the term for a mature female sheep?


When are ewes bred in winter production? When do they lamb?

Ewes are bred in July/Aug/Sep. Lamb November/January

When are ewes bred in a fall production? When do they lamb?

Ewes are bred in May/June Lamb September/November

When are ewes bred in spring production? When do they lamb?

Ewes are bred late Sep through November Lambing February through April

What is FECRT?

FECRT (fecal egg count reduction test, way to test level of resistance in our herd. Fecal, deworm, then another fecal. Look at numbers before and after to determine if animals are resistant to dewormer)

What is the term for a castrated male llama/alpaca?


What should the diet of a llama/alpaca consist of?

Grass/brush are they are grazers, less than 20% of concentrates, less protein required`

What is foot rot in sheep?

Hoof infection that rots away the foot of the animal, more specifically the area between the two toes of the affected animal Mainly bacterial, can be fungal

What is Berserk Male Syndrome?

If males imprint on humans when they are young, they can become extremely aggressive/dangerous when mature.

How many inches per year does llama and alpaca fiber grow?

Llama= 2-4 inches per year Alpaca 2-15 inches per year

Where is CSF obtained from in camelids?

Lumbosacral region

What is the name for an intact male llama/alpaca?

Macho or stud

Do llamas/alpacas have upper incisors?

Nope! Just a dental pad

What is lamb crop percentage? What does a producer hope for?

Number of lambs produced by ewe, goal is 200% aka 2 ewe per lamb

What is the genus and species for sheep?

Ovis aries

Pros and Cons of winter lamb production?

Pros: -Lambs are ready in spring (Easter) and prices are high Cons: -Requires abundant fall & winter forage, alfalfa stubble, etc. -May require flushing & creep feeding ($$) -Poor lamb crop %

Pros and Cons of spring lamb production?

Pros: -No cycle manipulation -Can use any breed -Abundant forage -Lamb crop percentage of 160-200% Cons: -Lamb prices are lower (supply & demand)

Pros and Cons of fall lamb production?

Pros: -Lambs are ready in spring (Easter) and prices are high Cons: -Requires abundant fall & winter forage, alfalfa stubble, etc. -May require flushing & creep feeding ($$) -Heat stress in summer gestation (pregnant during intense heat of summer) -Poor lamb crop %

What is the term for a mature male sheep?


What is shearing?

Refers to removal of wool from sheep

What does it mean to say that sheep are seasonally polyestrous? Are they short day breeders or long day breeders?

Seasonally polyestrous animals or seasonal breeders have more than one estrous cycle during a specific time of the year and can be divided into short-day and long-day breeders Sheep are short-day breeders, meaning they are sexually active in fall or winter.

What is the physiological reason that sheep naturally breed in the fall?

Shorter days → less sunlight → decreased melatonin release by pineal gland → increased sex hormone release

When should you start creep feeding lambs?

Start creep feeding around 2-3 weeks

What is tagging (in terms of sheep)?

Tags = balls of manure stuck around hindquarters Tagging: shearing to remove tags

Normal TPR for sheep?

Temperature: 102-104 °F Resting Pulse: 70-90/min Resting Respiration: 12-25/min

What is a normal TPR for llamas/alpacas?

Temperature: 99-101.5 °F Heart Rate: 60-90 beats/min Respiratory Rate: 10-30 breaths/min

Why does roughly 98% of pregnancies in llamas/alpacas occur in the left horn?

The left horn is the first horn that starts expressing the right protein for embryonic attachment

What is something important to remember when haltering a llama or alpaca?

They are semi-obligate nasal breathers so the position of the halter is important

Why is it important to gave 4-5 foot high fences in restraint systems for sheep?

They like to jump!

What is the setting up method/tipping method for restraining sheep?

Turn head away from you, drop knee out/press on back, as they fall swing head up and around so sheep is "set up" on dock with shoulders between legs and head facing away

How do we obtain urine sample from camelids? Fecal?

Urine- voided, catheterization is impossible in males and difficult in females Fecal- pick up sample if animal defecates AWAY from dung pile, or collect rectally

What is the term for a castrated male sheep?


In camelids is obtaining an abdominocentesis sterile? Where is it obtained?

YES STERILE Obtained ventral to midline, caudal to umbilicus, just behind last rib (paracostal)

What is shepherds crook? When is used?

common in showing Only used at/above hock

Where do we give IV injections in camelids?

low jugular

What does it mean to say ram power is 1:30-50

one ram can mate reasonably 30-50 ewes, between 3 and 5 per day

What are the most common injections given to a newborn cria?

selenium and vitamin D (also A, E)

What are lambing jugs?

square stalls to put ewe and newborn lambs in right after she give birth for bonding time and monitoring

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