last psych test

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Sam is speaking to his mother on the phone, and his speech is rushed and excessive. He tells her he hasn't needed sleep in the last few days because he has been gambling at night. He also shares that he has been contemplating suicide but isn't committed to it. What might Sam be experiencing?

A manic episode

Jerry bought a front-row ticket to a professional basketball game. As he sat down in his seat, he awkwardly turned around facing the crowd instead of the court. He then proceeded to spend the entire game staring at the crowd instead of watching the game. He still seemed to enjoy himself, even if he made some of the crowd feel awkward. Which of the four D's of psychological disorder is highlighted in this story?


What does DSM stand for?

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Eleanor, fell on the sidewalk of a busy street in New York City. She sustained a compound fracture and started going into physical shock. Despite her presence on the sidewalk and her clear distress, hundreds of participants walked past her and even over her without pause. What best explains why no one helped her for nearly an hour?

Diffusion of responsibility

Which of the following psychological disorders is correctly matched with a key feature?

Dissociative disorders - separation of the different aspects of identity

In order for behavior to be classified as abnormal, it must often rise to a level at which it is upsetting to the individual and can cause pain or sorrow. Which of Comer's four D's would this type of behavior fall under?


Which of the following are the 4 D's of abnormal behavior?

Dysfunction, deviance, distress, danger

When arguing with your boss over a new workplace policy, you tell your boss, "Everyone thinks the new policy is unfair!" Later, several coworkers tell you that they did not agree with what you said and that what you stated did not represent their beliefs. This is an example of ______________.

False consensus effect

Jane constantly expresses to her roommate that she feels a low-level sense that something bad is going to happen every morning when she wakes up. She says that this feeling follows her throughout the day and interrupts her functioning at times. Jane most likely could be diagnosed with which of the following disorders?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

In the story of the Emperor's New Clothes, everyone in the kingdom realizes the King is naked, but they do not address the issue. Because of social pressures to not criticize the King and not raise diverging opinions, everyone kept their mouth shut. The social psychological term that can explain this phenomenon is:


According to Kelly's covariation model (1967), what pattern of consistency, distinctiveness, and consensus do you expect when an internal attribution is made?

High consistency, low distinctiveness, and low consensus

Most of Mary's friends are other students that she spent time with on her freshman hall They spent a lot of time together and remained great friends. What best explains this?

Mere exposure effect

Why is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder labeled as one disorder and not two?

The anxiety of the obsessive thought is decreased once compulsions are completed.

Trevor was in an elevator as a child when it stopped between floors and he was stuck and scared for an hour. Since then, he never takes the elevator, even though he knows there is no inherent danger in taking one. Trevor's relationship to elevators can be described as what?

A phobia

In Milgram's classic experiment an authority figure asked participants (in the role of teacher) to administer increasingly higher level of shocks whenever the "learner" made a mistake. How many participants administered the highest level of shock (450 volts) regardless of the pleas of the learner to stop?

About 2/3 r d rd of participants continued to shock the learner until the end.

What is the most common eating disorder?

Binge eating disorder

The experience of Kitty Genovese in the mid-1960's began over a half-century of research in what area?

Bystander effect

What does a psychologist mean when she talks about deviance?

A departure from the established norm

According to the self-serving bias, if you get an "A" on your next exam, what attribution are you most likely to make?

"I am really smart!"

Match the following personality disorders to their appropriate cluster.

1 Schizotypal personality disorder Cluster A 2 Narcissistic personality disorder Cluster B 3 Avoidant personality disorder Cluster C

Which of the following disorders is correctly matched with an example?

A Mania: Tamika feels elated, invincible, and feels like she has endless energy. B Bipolar disorder: Mia cycles between periods of intense happiness and deep depression. C Major depression: Jordan cannot stay focused; he has lost interest in spending time with friends and family. D All of these are correctly matched.

Which APA is responsible for publishing the DSM-5?

American Psychiatric Association

A specific phobia is an example of ______________.

An anxiety disorder

Marco cannot stop thinking about a movie he watched last night. The movie was violent and his thoughts are distressing, unwanted and persistent. He may be suffering from what?

An obsession

A manipulative, callous individual with no apparent conscience might be classified with which disorder?

Antisocial personality disorder

What is the most common category of psychological disorders in the United States?

Anxiety disorders

On an important job interview, you want to make the best impression possible. If you commit a social faux pas, where in the interview process would it cause the most damage in the eyes of those evaluating your likeability and fitness within the organization?

At the beginning

Juanes is 2 years old. His communication is severely impaired. He appears withdrawn and unresponsive to affection. He is most likely to be diagnosed with ______________.

Autism spectrum disorder

Obsession is to compulsion as ______________ is to ______________.

Cognition; behavior

In some cultures throughout the world, the focus is on the good of the groups/community over the benefits of any one member. The group succeeds because of the collaborative efforts. What type of culture does this behavior reflect?


You met Jim at a friend's house. You disliked Jim immediately and found him to be rude and self-centered. When some friends were going on a road trip a month later, you found out that Jim is going to be there. Everyone was meeting at 8:00am and Jim showed up 20 minutes late. All you could think about was how inconsiderate it was of him to arrive late, and it just supported what you already felt about him. This situation is best described as ______________.

Confirmation bias

According to the Fundamental Attribution Error, when making attributions about other people, we are more likely to make ______________ attributions, whereas when making attributions about ourselves, we are more likely to make ______________ attributions.

Internal; external

Which of the following situations would lead to feelings of cognitive dissonance?

Luis has always protested violence and war, but last week he signed up for join the Marine Corps.

After creating rivalry and dislike between two group of boys at a summer camp, Sherif used which tactic to decrease between-group conflict?

Making the groups work together for a common goal

Betty was born a year ago and has started showing deficits in her social functioning. What type of disorder might she be suffering from?

Neurodevelopmental Disorder

Which of the following would not fall into the neurodevelopmental disorders category in DSM-5?

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Chase was walking to class when suddenly he felt short of breath and dizzy. His heart started pounding quickly and he briefly had thoughts that he was going to die. Chase is most likely suffering from what?


Which of the following best describes the Stanford Prison experiment?

Participants quickly fell into their roles as prisoners and prison guards.

Suppose that you really dislike children and do not want to like people who have children. This attitude toward children and their parents is a form of:


When meeting new people, we tend to make snap-judgments as the basis for impression formation, which is best explained by ______________.

Primacy effects

Jacob has felt like he was bad at math ever since one of his teachers in middle school made him feel dumb when he did a problem wrong on the board for all to see. Jacob's insistence that math just "wasn't his thing" lasted throughout high school. Although he passed his courses with C's, his teachers felt that he simply wasn't trying. Once in college, Jacob found out that he was required to complete a college math course. He was hesitant, because he was worried about his inability to do well in math. On the first day, the professor did some ice-breaker activities. When asked to describe himself, Jacob stated that he was terrible at math and always had been. After class, the teacher asked to talk with Jacob about his low self-esteem regarding math. The teacher showed Jacob that he had been placed into a higher-level course based on his placement exams, which seemed to indicate that he was better at math than he believed. The teacher was most concerned that Jacob's negative outlook and predetermined belief that he would fail would likely come true unless he replaced those thoughts with more positive ones. It appears that the teacher is most concerned about which of the following?

Self-fulfilling prophecy

According to Phillip Zimbardo, what type of attributions would he use to explain the behavior of participants in the Stanford Prison Experiment?


The experiments Bandura did with children and the bobo doll support which of the following models/theories of aggression?

Social learning

You have never been to the university's basketball games, but your friends convince you to go by saying how much fun they are. You have never really gone to large sporting events and are not quite sure what you are supposed to do. At various points during the game, your friends and the other students from your school collectively yell different chants, cheer, and clap. You do not know exactly what to do, but don't want to look foolish for being the only one seated and saying nothing, so you rely on ______________ to demonstrate what to do.

Social norms

Bandura had children watch a video of an adult hitting and punching a blow-up bobo doll and created a condition where the adult was dressed like a cartoon cat. How did the subsequent reactions of the child differ?

Those in the cartoon had similar overall aggression but less imitation

Which of the following is a major contributor to the actor-observer / fundamental attribution error?

We are rarely aware of the prior experiences and situational factors others face.

Attribution theory provides a theoretical framework for understanding the reasons behind the behavior of ourselves and others. Which of the following best describes the type of attributions we make?

We tend to focus on dispositional causes of others behavior.

Which of the following is true of conformity?

While conformity can lead to negative consequences, it also ensures a degree of societal order.

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