Leadership Exam 2
show that direct reports, peers, and superiors can provide different perceptions of a leader's behavior
360 degree/ multirater feedback tools
used to evaluate the performance and potential of followers, and this is usually done once per year
9-box matrices
occurs when someone suggest that the group engage in a particular activity or course of action, and no one in the group really wants to do the activity, and this feeling is expressed only after the activity is completed
Abilene paradox
occurs when leaders are so busy traveling, attending meetings, or being otherwise preoccupied that they have little time for their followers and teams
Absenteeism leadership
Atkinson's proposal that a person's tendency to exert effort toward task accomplishment depends partly on the strength of his or her motivation to achieve success
Achievement orientation
avoiding interpersonal conflict entirely either by giving up and giving in or by expressing one's needs in an apologetic, self-effacing way
attaining objectives by attacking or hurting others
composed of behavioral, knowledge or judgment, and evaluative components
Assertive behavior
concerned primarily with making choices
developing and maintaining relationships that enable people to work together in a community
Building social capital
competencies concerned with analyzing issues, making decisions, financial savvy, and strategic thinking
Business skills
process of building a team of volunteers to accomplish an important community outcome
Community leadership
describe the behaviors and skills managers need to exhibit if an organization is to be successful
Competency models
rewards and punishments are administered as consequences of a particular behavior
when leaders cannot let go of actions or decisions that should be delegated to their staffs
Cookie licking
ability to engender trust in others
occurs when effectiveness measures are affected by factors unrelated to follower performance
Criterion contamination
concerns followers' perceptions of whether the level of reward or punishment is commensurate with an individual's performance or infraction
Distributive justice
people systematically overestimate their own performance in areas where they lack competence and readily dismiss any information to the contrary
Dunning-kruger effect
when the "best and brightest" in an organization become dissatisfied and leave
Dysfunctional turnover
involves the ability to transmit and receive information with a high probability that the intended message is passed from sender to receiver
Effective communication
involves making judgments about the adequacy of behavior with respect to certain criteria
extent to which people are absorbed with, committed to, and enthusiastic about their assigned work tasks
Employee engagement
where it is believed that higher employee engagement drives higher customer satisfaction, which in turn results in higher customer loyalty, sales profitability, and share price
Engagement-shareholder value chain
entails providing some type of summary feedback on job performance to the followers
when leaders engage in idle conversations that followers misinterpret as work mandates
Executive magnification
concerned with a person's ability to radiate confidence, poise, and authority
Executive presence
technical competence, organizational knowledge, and industry knowledge
a process where behaviors that are not rewarded may eventually be eliminated
assess the degree to which employees are satisfied with different aspects of work, such as pay, benefits, promotion policies, working hours and conditions, and the like
Facet satisfaction
someone who makes the rest of the team better
Force multiplier
helping a group or community recognize and define its opportunities and issues in ways that result in effective action
followers retire, did not fit into the organization, or were substandard performers
Functional turnover
assesses the overall degree to which employees are satisfied with their organization and their job
Global satisfaction
concerned with motivating subordinates to accomplish the task at hand
Goal emphasis behaviors
involves setting clear performance targets and helping followers create systematic plans to achieve them
Goal setting
occurs when leaders have little faith in their followers' ability to accomplish a goal
Golem effect
people with longer tenure or in higher positions tend to have higher global and facet satisfaction ratings than those newer to or lower in the organization
Hierarchy effect
focuses on the behaviors leaders need to exhibit when dealing with followers on a one-on-one basis
Hub-and-spoke model of leadership
factors that led to dissatisfaction at work
Hygiene factors
includes those behaviors where leaders act to smooth over and minimize conflicts among followers
Interaction facilitation
reflects the degree to which people are given information about different reward procedures and are treated with dignity and respect
Interactional justice
hose that involve direct interaction, such as communicating and building relationships with others
Interpersonal skills
leadership competencies and behaviors having to do with adapting to stress, goal orientation, and adhering to rules
Intrapersonal skills
how much one likes a specific kind of job or work activity
Job satisfaction
goal emphasis and work facilitation
Job-centered dimensions
a questionnaire that identifies consideration and initiating structure as independent dimensions of behaviors
Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ)
includes behaviors where the leader shows concern for subordinates
Leader support
concerns a specific action/ a function of intelligence, personality traits, emotional intelligence, values, attitudes, interests, knowledge, and experience
Leadership behavior
explains where leaders should spend their time, what they should be focusing on and what they should be letting go, and the types of behaviors they need to exhibit as they move from first-line supervisor to functional managers to CEO
Leadership pipeline model
skills and behaviors concerned with building teams and getting results through others, and these are more easily developed than the skills and behaviors associated with the other two categories
Leadership skills
superiors, peers, and direct reports proceed ratings on the extent to which target individuals demonstrate too much, just the right amount, or too little strategic, operations, enabling, or forcing leadership behavior for a particular position
Leadership versatility approach
concerns one's attitudes about life in general
Life satisfaction
Need to survive Physiologically Need for security Need for affiliation Need for self-esteem Need for self-actualization
Maslow's hierarchy of needs:
helping followers develop those skills that will enable them to perform at higher levels
workers wanting to work on things that make a difference
those who get the best results are given the best rewards
engaging a critical mass to take action and achieve a specific outcome or a set of outcomes
includes tracking follower performance, sharing feedback on goal progress, providing needed resources and coaching, and the like.
anything that provides direction, intensity, and persistence to behavior
the factors that led to satisfaction at work
5 motivational approaches:
Motives or needs Achievement orientation Goal setting Operant approach Empowerment
internal states of tension or arousal, or uncomfortable states of deficiency that people are motivated to change
group members write down ideas on individual slips of paper, which are later transferred to a whiteboard or flipchart for the entire group to work with
Nominal group technique
rewards and punishments are not associated with particular behaviors
skills that are specific to one job and cannot be transferred to another
Nonportable skills
behaviors not directly related to one's job but helpful to others at work
Organizational citizenship behaviors
based on the premise that people who are treated unfairly are less productive, less satisfied, and less committed to their organizations
Organizational justice
behaviors directed toward a firm's mission or goals or the products and services resulting from those behaviors
document a follower's overall performance over a defined time period, usually one year, but they can be done more frequently
Performance appraisals
involves developing a thorough understanding of the team's or organization's goals, the role followers need to play in goal accomplishment, the context in which followers operate, what they need to get done, and the behaviors they need to exhibit for the team to be successful
can easily be transferred from one job to the next
Portable skills
the notion of being at work while one's brain is not fully engaged
involve the process by which rewards or punishments are administered
Procedural justice
administration of an aversive stimulus or the withdrawal of something desirable to decrease the likelihood of repeating a particular behavior
occurs when leaders express high expectations for followers
Pygmalion effect
an evaluation of a follower's immediate promotability
consequence that increases the likelihood that a particular behavior will be repeated
occurs when leaders and followers are given incompatible goals to accomplish
Role conflict
process by which one perceives and responds to situations that challenge or threaten him or her
specific characteristics in individuals, tasks, organizations, or the environment that pose some degree of threat or challenge to people
the process organizations use to make leadership potential and readiness decisions about followers
Succession planning
individuals who inhibit rather than enhance overall team effectiveness
Team killer
individuals who unintentionally assign work or set rules that are detrimental to a team's overall performance
Time-wasting leaders
clarifying and communicating one's values and building relationships with others
the behaviors and accomplishments of the group as a collective
Unit/team effectiveness
superiors, peers, and direct reports are asked to share a target individual's strengths and areas of improvement as a leader in phone or face-to-face interviews
Verbal 360-degree technique
concerned with clarifying roles, acquiring and allocating resources, and reconciling organizational conflicts
Work facilitation behaviors
In the context of the developmental stages of groups, which of the following is a characteristic of the norming stage a) clear emergence of a leader b) heightened emotional levels c) polite conversation d) status differentiation
a) clear emergence of a leader
The leadership competency of helping a group or community recognize and define its opportunities and issues in ways that result in effective action is known as a) framing b) building social capital c) mobilizing followers d) facilitating interaction
a) framing
What is the best way to tackle the leadership talent shortfall in an organization a) identifying and developing followers who have the most potential to be effective leaders b) reducing employee engagement to increase working hours c) hiring people from the outside to fill leadership positions d) terminating leaders who are poor judges of talent and do not make good hiring decisions
a) identifying and developing followers who have the most potential to be effective leaders
In the context of employee turnover, identify a true statement about functional turnover a) it occurs when followers retire or leave because they do not fit into an organization b) it occurs when the best followers leave an organization c) it increases when the economy of the area is good and there are plenty of jobs available d) it is not healthy for an organization to have functional turnover
a) it occurs when followers retire or leave because they do not fit into an organization
In the context of job satisfaction, which of the following occurs when leaders or followers are unclear about what they need to do an how they should do it a) role ambiguity b) rater bias c) role conflict d) the contagion effect
a) role ambiguity
In the context of the seven theories of job satisfaction, which of the following is the underlying principle of the theory of organizational justice? a) treating people fairly b) giving people meaningful work c) securing needed resources d) giving people decision-making authority
a) treating people fairly
A manager trying to motivate his subordinates by focusing on the pride they will feel for completing a task successfully is unlikely to be successful if his subordinates are hungry or cold at the time a) true b) false
a) true
Companies that spend a considerable amount of time and effort attracting, developing, and retaining the best people often report superior financial results a) true b) false
a) true
Groups are characterized by mutual interaction and reciprocal influence a) true b) false
a) true
In the context of credibility, a leader should build trust by clarifying and communicating his or her values to the followers a) true b) false `
a) true
Leadership behaviors are a function of intelligence, personality traits, emotional intelligence, values, attitudes, interests, knowledge, and experience. a) true b) false
a) true
Leadership credos are personal and are closely linked with a leader's value - a credo should describe what the leader believes in and will or will not stand for a) true b) false
a) true
Research shows that workers who are satisfied with their jobs tend to stay longer in their organization a) true b) false
a) true
With role ambiguity, the problem is lack of clarity about just what the expectations are a) true b) false
a) true
______________ is an effort to attain objectives by attacking or hurting others a) acquiescence b) aggression c) autonomy d) assertiveness
b) aggression
In the context of factors affecting motivation at work, which of the following statements in true of empowerment? a) an empowered worker will have fewer choices in how and when to accomplish high work demands and will suffer from more stress than will an unempowered workers b) delegating leadership and decision making down to the lowest level possible is a component of empowerment c) leaders should select only followers who both possess the right skills and have a higher level of personality trait called achievement orientation d) empowered employees lack the latitude to make decisions and are uncomfortable making these decisions
b) delegating leadership and decision making down to the lowest level possible is a component of empowerment
According to Daniel Pink, rewards and punishment are unhelpful in motivating employees during routine, assembly line work but work well when it comes to performing complex tasks or creating new products a) true b) false
b) false
According to the Leadership Pipeline, people who skip organizational levels often turn out to be effective leaders. a) true b) false
b) false
Employees engagement is the extent to which people enjoy coming to work or are happy with their pay and benefits, and job satisfaction is the extent to which people are absorbed with, committed to, and enthusiastic about their assigned work tasks a) true b) false
b) false
Greater team cohesion will always lead to higher team performance a) true b) false
b) false
In the context of group size, leader with a small span of control tend to be more directive, spend less time with individual subordinates, and use more impersonal approaches when influencing followers than do leaders with a large span of controls a) true b) false
b) false
Which of the following reflects the degree to which people are given information about different reward procedures and are treated with dignity and respect? a) decentralized b) interactional justice c) empowerment d) distributive justice
b) interactional justice
A manager makes the following statements to a subordinate: "I need this report back in five minutes, and it better be perfect." Which term best describes this type of role conflict a) interrole conflict b) intrasender role conflict c) person-role conflict d) intersender role conflict
b) intrasender role conflict
In the context of group cohesion which of the following occurs when illegal actions are taken by overly zealous and loyal subordinates who believe that what they are doing will please their leaders a) social loafing b) ollieism c) role conflict d) overbounding
b) ollieism
In the context of the developmental stage of groups, which of the following stages is characterized by intragroup conflict, heightened emotional levels, and status differentiation a) norming b) storming c) forming d) performing
b) storming
Which listener is demonstrating active listening skills? a) the individual who is checking his phone while the speaker is talking b) the individual who has established eye contact with the speaker c) the individual who is doodling lightly while the speaker is talking d) the individual who is watching the speaker and at the same time checking his notes
b) the individual who has established eye contact with the speaker
Performance is best described as a) the likelihood that behaviors will be repeated without reward b) judgements about the adequacy or inadequacy of behavior c) behaviors directed toward an organizations mission d) how much an individual enjoys a work activity
c) behaviors directed toward an organizations mission
Which of the following components of the performance management cycle involves gaining an in-depth understanding of a team or an organization's goals, the role of the followers in the goal accomplishment, and the context in which the followers operate a) planning b) monitoring c) evaluating d) differentiating
c) evaluating
Community leaders are most likely to a) have significant position power b) go through formal selection processes c) have fewer resources than most other leaders d) use coercive power to discipline followers
c) have fewer resources than most other leaders
In the context of evaluating followers' performance, most organizations consider themselves ________, where those who get the best results are given the best rewards a) democracies b) oligarchies c) meritocracies d) corpocracies
c) meritocracies
In the context of job satisfaction, the notion of being at work while ones brain is not fully engaged is referred to as a) on-boarding b) facet satisfaction c) presenteeism d) dysfunctional turnover
c) presenteeism
how friendly and supportive a leader is toward subordinates
Which of the following is the major theme of characteristics of the operant approach a) setting goals to change behavior b) satisfying needs to change behavior c) giving people autonomy and latitude to increase their motivation d) changing rewards and punishments to change behavior
d) changing rewards and punishments to change behavior
In the context of organizational justice, which of the following is concerned with followers' perception of whether the level of reward or punishment is commensurate with an individual's performance or infraction a) interactional justice b) role ambiguity c) role conflict d) disruptive justice
d) disruptive justice
which of the following in NOT a benefit of having a credible leader a) employees are willing to work longer hours b) employees have a greater sense of ownership in the company c) employees are more personally involved in their work d) employees are more likely to leave the company over the next two years
d) employees are more likely to leave the company over the next two years
Mobilization is best described as a) allowing individuals to make personal choices about what they would want to achieve b) maintaining relationships that allow people to work together despite their differences c) helping a group define its opportunities and issues in ways that result in effective action d) engaging in critical mass to take action to achieve a specific outcomes or set of outcomes
d) engaging in critical mass to take action to achieve a specific outcomes or set of outcomes
In the context of understanding follower satisfaction, the tendency for people with longer tenure or in higher positions to have higher global and facet satisfaction ratings than those newer to or lower in the organization is known as the a) pygmalion effect b) contagion effect c) glass ceiling effect d) hierarchy effect
d) hierarchy effect
Which of the following is true of abenteeism leadership a) these leaders tend to set rules and assign tasks that are detrimental to the team b) it occurs when leaders engage in idle conversations with their followers, but the followers consider it as a task being assigned to them. c) these leaders expect their followers to spend long hours in the office d) it occurs when leaders are unable to spend enough time with their followers as they are busy with other tasks
d) it occurs when leaders are unable to spend enough time with their followers as they are busy with other tasks
A store manager asks his employee to keep the outdated stocks of a product at the front of the shelf so that they can be sold. However, the employee is unwilling to mislead customers as this deception is inconsistent with the employee's values and beliefs. In this scenario, the employee is most likely to experience a) role overload b) intrasender role conflict c) role ambuguity d) person-role conflict
d) person-role conflict
____________ is defined as the process by which we perceive and respond to situations that challenge or threaten us a) performance b) depression c) emotion d) stress
d) stress
leader support and interaction facilitation
employee-centered dimensions leader support and interaction facilitation
how much a leader emphasizes meeting work goals and accomplishing tasks
initiating structure
3 components of leadership skill:
well-defined body of knowledge, a set of related behaviors, and clear criteria of competent