Leadership in Context Chapter 7: Leadership Behavior
7 levels of Leadership Pipeline
1. Individual contributor 2. First-line supervisor 3. Midlevel manager 4. Functional leader 5. Business unit leader 6. Group manager 7. CEO/enterprise leader
approaches to leadership research (3)
1. ask leaders what they do 2. follow the leaders around 3. administer questionnaires
competency models help (2)
1. clarify expectations of performance for people in different leadership positions, describe skills for promotion 2. HR design selection, development, performance management, and succession planning programs
differences between leading volunteers and companies (3)
1. community leaders have no position power 2. have fewer resources and rewards 3. no formal selection/promotion process
competencies of community leadership
1. framing 2. building social capital 3. mobilization
2 hardest transitions in Leadership Pipeline
1. individual contributor to first-line supervisor 2. functional to business unit leader
4 major categories of competency models
1. intrapersonal skills 2. interpersonal skills 3. leadership skills 4. business skills
University of Michigan's 4 categories related to leader behaviors for effective groups
1. leader support 2. interaction facilitation 3. goal emphasis 4. work facilitation
360-degree feedback research tells (8)
1. likely you will receive a 360-degree feedback in your career 2. 360-degree feedback should be built around competency model 3. organization may have different competency models to reflect different leadership behaviors at each level 4. 360-degree feedback may be one of best sources of "how" feedback 5. effective leaders have a broad set of leadership skills 6. leaders need to create specific goals and development plans to improve leadership skills 7. leadership behavior can change over time 8. some cultural, racial, and gender issues are associated with 360-degree feedback
Building relationships, administrative/organizational skills, and time management skills have grown considerably more important over the last _____ _____.
20-25 years
Michigan vs. Ohio State view of leadership
Michigan job-centered and employee-centered on a continuum vs. independent continuums
Overweight executives tend to get lower leadership behavior ratings from others.
Survey of Organizations
University of Michigan's questionnaire to assess the degree to which leaders exhibit goal emphasis, work facilitation, leader support, interaction facilitation
Societal or organizational culture plays a key role in the ____ and ____ of the 360-degree feedback process.
accuracy; utility
Leadership Opinion Questionnaire (LOQ)
asks leaders to indicate the extent to which they believed different consideration and initiating behaviors were important to leadership success
assesses 10 other categories of leadership behaviors in addition to consideration and initiating structure
interaction facilitation
behaviors where leaders act to smooth over/minimize conflicts among followers
leader support
behaviors where the leader shows concern for subordinates
work facilitation behaviors
clarifying roles, acquiring and allocation resources, and reconciling organizational conflicts
business skills
concerned with analyzing issues, making decisions, financial savvy, strategic thinking (most easily learned)
leadership skills
concerned with building teams and getting results through others (more easily developed than intrapersonal and interpersonal skills)
leadership behavior
concerns a specific action, such as "setting specific performance goals for team members"
leadership skill
consists of 3 components: (1) well defined body of knowledge, (2) set of related behaviors, (3) clear criteria of competent performance
intrapersonal skills
deal with stress, goal orientation, adhering to rules
competency models
describe the behaviors and skills managers need to exhibit if an organization is to be successful
Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ)
developed by Ohio State, describes leaders in terms of consideration and initiating structure
building social capital
developing and maintaining relationships that allow people to work together in the community across their differences
engaging a critical mass to take action to achieve a specific outcome or set of outcomes
360-degree/multirater feedback
give leaders feedback regarding the frequency and skill with which they perform various types of leadership behaviors
job-centered dimensions
goal emphasis and work facilitation
leader behavior
has a direct relationship with a leader's ability to build teams and get results through others
helping a group/community recognize and define its opportunities/issues in ways that result in effective action
Leaders who received 360-degree feedback had _____ _____ _____ than leaders who did not.
higher-performing work units
People who skip organizational levels tend to be _____ ______.
ineffective leaders
interpersonal skills
involve direct interaction, such as communicating and building relationships with others
employee-centered dimensions
leader support and interaction facilitation
Insight on self-observer gaps does not matter for _____ _____, as long as leaders have high observer ratings.
leadership effectiveness
Most 360-degree feedback systems are not designed to ____ _____ _____ _____.
make comparisons between people
Supervisory Descriptive Behavior Questionnaire (SBDQ)
measures extent to which leaders in industrial settings exhibited consideration and initiating structure behaviors
Leadership Pipeline
model for explaining where leaders need to spend their time, what to focus on, and the types of behaviors to exhibit for promotion
goal emphasis behaviors
motivation subordinates to accomplish the task at hand
According to Pipeline model, most effective leaders are those who can diagnose _____ _____ of their job and exhibit behaviors that commensurate with this level.
organizational level
Leaders must create a set of development goals and commit to a development plan to see improvement in _____ ____ _____ _____.
others' ratings over time
360-degree feedback tools used in ____ ____ are often poorly constructed and result in ____ ____.
performance appraisals; inflated ratings
social capital
power of relationships shared between individuals and groups
community leadership
process of building a team of volunteers to accomplish some important community outcome, represents an alternative conceptualization of leadership behavior
Leadership Grid
profiles leaders behavior on two dimensions: concern for people and concern for production
refers to how friendly and supportive a leader is toward subordinates
initiating structure
refers to how much a leader empathizes meeting work goals and accomplishing tasks
Ill-designed 360-degree feedback questionnaires can lead to _____ feedback results.
Leaders don't possess all skills in competency models, but effective leaders know their _____ and have learned to staff around the areas in which they are ___ ____.
strengths; less skilled
Leadership Grid leader orientations
two score combinations (1-9) representing concern for people and concern for production
Organizational level impacts the _____ ____ ______ leaders lead and the results the need to obtain.
types of teams
No ____ ___ of leader behaviors is always associated with leadership success.
universal set
Black leaders are likely to advance at a slower pace because white bosses gibe higher ratings to _____ _____.
white reports