Leadership Quiz 2

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When was the veteran generation born? A) 1925 to 1942 B) 1943 to early 1960s C) Early 1960s to 1980 D) Late 1970s to 1986


What term is used to identify previously acquired skills that are necessary for further learning? A) Experiential factors B) Transfer of learning C) Reinforcement D) Chunking


An increasingly common staffing and scheduling alternative is the use of supplemental nursing staff such as agency nurses or travel nurses. Which statement is correct about agency nurses or travel nurses? A) Work for premium pay B) Employed directly by the health-care agency C) Result in increased continuity of nursing care D) They receive the standard facility benefits


Distributing flyers that charge arbitrary action on the part of an employer in an effort to garner interest in employee unionization would be a part of what phase of planned change? A) Unfreezing B) Movement C) Refreezing D) Resistance


In planning strategies to prevent stagnation and promote renewal, which action would most likely result in the desired outcome? A) Developing a program for recruitment of young talent B) Rewarding employees by promoting from within C) Having set pay increases mandated annually D) Using longevity to determine committee selection


It is 2 PM. You are calculating the nursing care hours for the 3 to 11 PM shift and must decide whether you need to call in additional help. You have three RNs, three nursing assistants, and one ward clerk scheduled. You have 22 patients with the following acuity and nursing care hours allotted for the evening shift: Category I, 4 patients @ 2.0 hours Category II, 2 patients @ 2.3 hoursCategory III, 10 patients @ 2.8 hours Category IV, 6 patients @ 3.4 hours What are the needed hours of nursing care? A) 61 hours B) 52.6 hours C) 68.4 hours D) 48.4 hours


Refusing to work with a staff member who dresses unprofessionally most closely represents which change strategy? A) Power coercive B) Normative reeducative C) Rational empirical D) Resistance withdrawal


The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 established regulations for the education and certification of which health-care worker? A) Nurse aide (NA) B) NAP C) Licensed practical nurse (LPN) D) RN


What are necessary components of leadership and management? I . Power 2. Authority 3. Empowerment 4. Authority power gap A) 1, 2 B) 1, 3 C) 2, 4 D) 3, 4


What are the reasons for losing this power? 1. Being politically naive 2. Failure to use appropriate political strategies 3. The lack of a dynamic and powerful persona 4. Association with others who desire similar power A) 1, 2 B) 1, 3 C) 2,4 D) 3, 4


What did Victor Vroom emphasize the importance of? A) Managers knowing each employee's expectation of reward B) Managers being honest with their employees C) Making sure that the employees' lower-level needs are met D) Understanding that individuals react in a stimulus response mode


What does proactive political strategy include? A) Assuming authority to do something if it is not expressly prohibited B) Using competitive approaches to the decision-making process C) Attempting 10 appear as a victim so future gains can be made D) Verbalizing discontent with the politics of an organization


What does readiness to learn imply for individuals? A) Have acquired the skills necessary for what is to be learned B) Have the necessary motivation to learn C) Are in an atmosphere that encourages learning D) Are mature students with much experience


What is a leadership role associated with staffing and scheduling? A) Role models the use of evidence in making appropriate staffing and scheduling decisions B) Uses organizational goals and patient classification tools to minimize understaffing C) Periodically examines the unit standard of productivity to determine if changes are needed D) Evaluates scheduling and staffing procedures and policies on a regular basis


What is one of the most politically serious errors one can make? A) Dispensing fictitious information B) Promoting the advancement of subordinates C) Withholding or refusing to divulge information D) Delaying decision making until there is additional information


What is the advantage of decentralized scheduling? A) Unit manager understands the needs of the unit and staff intimately B) Employees will be treated equally and consistently C) Manager role is limited to making minor adjustments and providing input D) It allows the most efficient use of resources


What is the basic argument for the use of rational empirical change strategies? A) Information supports change B) Peer influence brings about change C) Reward-based incentives influence change D) Punishment supports the acceptance of change


What is the foundation of reference power? A) Association with others B) Ability to grant favors C) Personality D) Fear


What is the primary influence that shapes a person's response to authority? A) Power figures in the family unit B) Work experiences in each job held C) Administrative figures in the workplace D) Experiences in the spiritual dimension of life


What occurs when a manager has the false assumption that delegation may be interpreted as a lack of ability on the subordinate's part to do the job correctly or completely? A) Underdelegating B) Overdelegating C) Improper delegating D) Inappropriate delegating


Which action demonstrates the leadership role to the socialization and education of new nursing staff during their orientation? A) Discusses the value the unit places upon patient satisfaction B) Addresses all questions regarding the responsibilities of the RN C) Schedules orientation sessions at times when patient acuity is at its lowest D) Plans for budget constraints so that educational needs are minimally impacted


Which action is reflective of the leadership role necessary for a successful planned change to occur? A) Demonstrates flexibility in goal setting B) Recognizing the need for a planned change C) Identifying the resources that are available to support a change D) Support the staff during the implementation of a planned change


Which action on the part of a manager demonstrates the mark of a great leader? A) Acknowledging the accomplishment of staff members at the unit's staff meeting B) Providing onsite in-services on new equipment for the staff C) Including funds in the unit's budget of staff development D) Stressing the importance of patient safety to all new employees


Which assessment must the RN do initially when assigning tasks to non-licensed personnel (NAP)? A) Evaluating the NAP's skills and knowledge level B) Assessing which tasks the NAP is interested in assuming C) Evaluating how patients rate the NAP's performance D) Assessing how team members like working with the NAP


Which behavior/attitude makes it likely that a planned change will be unsuccessful? A) The suggested change is brought forward after the plan has been formalized B) Individuals affected by the change are involved in planning for the change C) The change agent is aware of the organization's internal and external environment D) An assessment of resources to carry out the plan is completed before unfreezing


Which change is easier to make? A) Personal behavior B) Group behavior C) Group knowledge D) Personal attitudes


Which factors are associated with the empowerment of staff? I . Allow 2. Develop 3. Enable 4. Lead A) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 2, 3, 4


Which is a common feature of a learning organization? A) A tolerance of mistakes B) Hiring RNs with baccalaureate degrees C) Encouraging a variety of visions D) Stressing individual learning


Which is the positive outcome for a manager perceived to possess manager power? A) Staff have trust in the manager B) Unit staffing tends to remain stable C) The manager will be a leader as well D) Administration supports the manager's decisions


Which statement accurately identifies a concern associated with decentralized staffing? A) It carries risks that employees may be treated unequally or inconsistently B) It uses one individual or a computer to do the staffing C) The manager's role is that of making minor adjustments or providing input D) It provides good control for the organization


Which statement accurately reflects self-scheduling? A) Self-scheduling requires greater worker accountability B) The manager has little responsibility in self-scheduling C) Self-scheduling has few or no shortcomings D) Self-scheduling works in most organizations


Which statement made by the Director of Nursing demonstrates the value of internal promotion of nursing staff? A) This facility values the efforts made by its nursing staff to perform at their highest levels of knowledge and practice B) A facility thrives on the injection of fresh, new ideas from those in manager positions C) Our budget allows for monetary incentives directed towards the recruitment of management personnel D) We are willing to extend the recruitment search upon we have the best positive person for this management position


Which statement most accurately defines intrinsic motivation? A) Motivation that is directly related to a person's internal level of aspiration B) Motivation that is enhanced by the job's environmental conditions C) Motivation that is not shaped by personal values D) Motivation that is not related to achievement


Which strategy is most effective in empowering staff? A) Serving as a role model of an empowered nurse B) Following a rigid but consistent rule enforcement policy C) Providing all employees with an annual cost-of-living raise D) Encouraging staff to establish a strong unit culture with turf boundaries


Which would be a normal and expected behavioral response during the unfreezing phase of change? A) Anger B) Withdrawal and acceptance C) Open acceptance D) Active collaboration


What contributes to a nurse's difficult resocialization? Select all that apply. A) Role ambiguity B) Role overload C) Inability to meet job demands D) Past work experience


Which external and internal forces must a manager adjust for when implementing the PCSs associated with unit staffing? Select all that apply. A) Presence of nursing students on the unit B) The hiring of two graduates as staff C) The increase of scheduled medical students D) Language barriers presented by nursing staff


Which force is driving change in today's health-care environment? Select all that apply. A) Increased cost of health-care services B) Decrease in health-care professionals and providers C) Decreased third-party reimburse of health-care services D) Increased need to update health-careñrelated technologies


Which power-building strategy would be appropriate for a new employee? Select all that apply A) Maintaining a sense of humor B) Gaining additional nursing certifications C) Learning the institution's organizational culture. D) Attending a training seminar on a new piece of unit equipment


Which statement regarding the view of power held by some women is true'? Select all that apply. A) Power is inherently possessed by men B) Power is associated with personal attributes C) Power is viewed as dominance versus submission D) Power is associated with personal qualities not accomplishment


Which statement supports the manager's commitment to staff empowerment? (Select All that Apply) A) Unit goals include hiring an additional 2 nursing assistants B) A staff committee will be formed to address that unit issue C) We can arrange for you to spend 2 months working on another unit. D) I've got funding to support staff who are interested in earning certifications.


Which statement is true regarding planned change? Select all that apply. A) Resistance to change should be expected as a natural part of the change process B) Change should be viewed as a chance to do something innovative C) Technical changes are more resisted by staff than social changes are D) Change affects the homeostasis of a group


Which statement is true concerning the refreezing phase of the change process? Select all that apply. A) The focus of this phase is to integrate the change into the status quo B) Stabilization of change requires a 6- to 9-month period of time C) If refreezing is incomplete, prechange behavior will be resumed D) The change agent must remain involved until the refreeze stage is complete


Which statement is true regarding the float pool nurse? Select all that apply. A) They are classified as per-diem staff B) The nurse trades increased personal flexibility for less pay C) Float pool nurses do not receive usual staff benefits D) They are crossed trained on multiple units


It is appropriate to make a change for which reason? Select all that apply. A) To solve an existing problem B) To increase staff efficiency C) To reduce unnecessary workload D) To improve staff productivity


What is an advantage of centralized staffing? Select all that apply A) It is flexible B) It is staff focused C) It is cost-effective D) It is consistent and impartial


According to Skinner, how should rewards used as a way to reinforce behavior be given? A) At established intervals B) Specific to a particular performance C) Sometime after the event for maximum reinforcement D) Very sparingly to make them more valuable


Historically, many of the changes that have occurred in nursing or have affected the profession are the result of what type of change? A) Planned B) Change by drift C) Rationalñempirical D) Normativeñreeducative


Since 2008 what is the legal minimum staffing radios for a medical surgical nursing unit? A) 1:4 B) 1:5 C) 1:6 D) 1:7


There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of scheduling. What is true about extending the workday with 10- or 12-hour shifts? 1. Requires overtime pay 2. Increases nurse satisfaction 3. Decreases cost 4. Increases judgment errors A) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 2, 3, 4


What characteristic is associated with organizational groups assigned to manage the change process? A) Both formulate and implement the change B) Have representation from all key stakeholders C) Are made up of quality circles D) Are teams of resistance breakers


What does empowerment encourage? A) Delegation of responsibility B) Sharing authority with others C) Relinquishing informal power D) Successful authoritarian leadership


What does social learning theory suggest? A) Mentors are not effective in social learning B) Most behavior is learned by direct experience and observation C) Individuals who make mistakes learn better than those who do not D) Individuals learn best when left on their own


What is coercive power based on? A) The ability to grant rewards to others B) The power of fear and of punishment C) The power inherent in one's position D) The gaining of knowledge and skills


What is the first step the manager takes when a subordinate is having difficulty carrying out a delegated task? A) Take over the task so the employee will not become demoralized B) Be available to the employee as a role model and resource for the task C) Assign another more experienced employee to help with the task D) Re-assign the employee a different, less complex task


What is the first step to developing an educational program for an organization? A) Identifying the resources available to meet the needs B) Identifying the desired skills or knowledge the staff should have C) Explaining to the team that human resources should be doing this work D) Assessing the staff's willing to learn new skills


What is the implication in a hierarchy of needs? A) All needs have equal power in motivation B) Unsatisfied needs trigger behavior C) Lower level needs are less valued D) Some individuals have hereditary needs


What is the most important consideration for the manager when identifying the appropriate person to whom to delegate a specific task? A) Whose turn it is to delegate a task B) The qualifications of the person regarding the task C) The fiscal cost of delegating the task D) Whether the person has experience with similar tasks


What is the priority goal for a manager with regard to staffing and scheduling? A) Schedule staff so there is no overtime B) Ensure that there is adequate staff to meet the needs of each patient C) Develop trust in staff by seeing that staffing is carried out in a fair manner D) Ensure that staff members usually have days off and special requests granted


What managerial characteristic is essential in assuring that employees will find joy at work?A) Attending to the organizational climate B) Forming respectful relationships C) Effectively supervising employee work D) Partitioning for salary increases


What term identifies a system that allows employees to select among variations in work start-time schedules to meet their personal needs? A) Self-scheduling B) Flextime C) Decentralized staffing D) Cyclical staffing


What type of power does a professional nursing certification provide? A) Legitimate B) Expert C) Charismatic D) Organizational


Which action by the nursing manager will have the greatest impact on staff satisfaction regarding the filling of an assistant management position? A) Making the decision to fill the position with an internal recruitment search B) Assuring the staff that established recruitment polices will be followed consistently C) Publishing the promotion criteria where it can be viewed by all interested employees D) Encouraging staff that has the needed skills and knowledge to apply for the position


Which characteristic is most important when the nurse-manager is considering staff for a delegated role? A) Years of experience B) Willingness to grow professionally C) Aversion to risk taking D) Pervious experience with similar tasks


Which course of action would be most apt to help a demotivated RN with personal and professional renewal? A) Begin job hunting in a new field B) Start practicing self-care C) Take a management class D) Start leaving work early


Which factor is the greatest contributor to the resistance encountered with organizational change? A) Poor organizational leadership B) Presence of employee mistrust C) Ineffective organizational management D) Insufficient staff involvement in the process


Which intervention by the unit supervisor best assist the RN who has just been promoted to charge nurse to adjust to the new role? A) Take the RN out to lunch to congratulate the nurse on the promotion B) Encourage the RN to meet with staff peers in the organization C) Explain to the RN on the need for underling respect D) Inform the RN of the past performance of new employees


Which is a motivating factor identified in Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory? A) Money B) A chance for promotion C) A well-lighted parking lot D) Free meals in the cafeteria


Which is the most accurate statement regarding staffing and scheduling policies? A) It is more important to communicate policies verbally than in writing B) It is necessary that policies are written in a manner that allows some flexibility C) Policies should focus on the process D) Managers should have autocratic control over scheduling and staffing policies


Which statement best describes mentorship? A) The intensity and duration of relationships are similar in mentorship and preceptorship B) Staff cannot be assigned to become mentors. It is a role voluntarily chosen by the mentor C) Mentees must be willing to put aside their personal goals and beliefs in an effort to identify more closely with their mentor D) Most nurses will have the opportunity for many mentor relationships during their careers


Which statement concerning women's views of power is true? A) Women view power as a male right B) Women view power differently than men do C) Gender views regarding power differ only slightly D) Gender views regarding power are rapidly changing


Which statement demonstrates understanding of the concept of the knowledge of results? A) These are the goals for today's lecture. B) Today each of you demonstrated an understanding of patient focused care. C) As RNs on this unit, you will need to be proficient in assessing for depression. D) There will be a short quiz on today's material to assure you understand the material.


Which statement reflects an important factor to consider when implementing a planned change? A) Change should be implemented suddenly B) Change should be implemented gradually C) Change should be implemented arbitrarily D) Change should be implemented sporadically


You overhear an experienced nurses say to a new nurse, Sorry you won't be able to join us for our weekly get-together at the local yogurt shop. I see you are going to be here charting for a while yet. What is this an example of? A) Behavior that supports positive sanctions B) An application of a sanction regarding group norms C) Constructive feedback about expected group norms D) Role modeling desired behavior


Which characteristics are associated with change by drift changes? Select all that apply. A) They are planned B) They are accidental C) They are unplanned D) They are a result of a threat


A nursing administrator believes that the organization supports an inadequate distribution of power. What is the administrator's initial action to combat this situation? A) To form a coalition to extend administrative networking B) To pose a plan for organizational restructuring. C) To gain entry in to an informal power group D) To improve one's personal power base


A staff member asks the manger for a particular day off on the next schedule. Which response demonstrates the concept of under promising and help the manager retain the staff's trust? A) I will do my best to give you the time off. B) Be sure to get the written request in early C) If staffing stays the same, I will arrange for your request. D) If you don't take any sick time before then, I'll give it to you


According to McGregor, what do Theory X assumptions hold? A) Putting forth effort is natural B) Workers are diligent, responsible, and helpful C) Workers are lazy, uncreative, and indifferent toward work D) Increased rewards will motivate workers


McClelland's studies state that all people are motivated by three basic needs. What are these needs? A) Physiological, security, esteem B) Safety, social, self-actualization C) Achievement, affiliation, power D) Responsibility, supervision, job security


Periodically during the day the RN checked with the team members to determine whether they are having difficulty completing their assigned tasks. This describes which manager role? A) Skills evaluation B) Patient safety C) Effective delegation D) Micromanagement


The nurse-manager stresses the importance of learning a new skill to achieving the unit's goal of patient satisfaction. This demonstrates understanding of which concept of learning? A) Readiness B) Motivation C) Task learning D) Transfer of learning


Two of the organizational goals are to increase physician satisfaction and reduce costs. A unit goal is to increase professional RN staffing. Which statement best supports all the stated goals? A) Increasing the RN staff will cut down on nursing errors, prevent burn out, and decrease the cost associated with staff turnover B) Increasing the RN staff will result in increased patient safety and quality care, and thus improve physician satisfaction C) Increasing the RN staff will free more nurses to be available to answer doctors' concerns during their rounds and will reduce our costly use of overtime D) Increasing the RN staff will lead to improved patient education and a reduction in costly patient stays


What determines the size of the authority gap between a manager and an employee? A) The organizational philosophy B) The degree of rigidity in the corporate chart C) How credible the manager is perceived to be D) How much informal power the manager possesses


What generational work group values the more flexible part-time and 12-hour shift options? A) Veteran generation B) Baby boomer C) Generation X D) Generation Y


What is a common cause of a manager to underdelegation? A) A high degree of trust in subordinates B) A democratic leadership style C) A need for perfectionism D) Sufficient time to accomplish unit goals alone


What is an inappropriate reason for delegation? A) To empower subordinates by stretching them in their work assignment B) To free the manager to address more complex, higher-level unit needs C) When the task is not a challenge for the manager D) Because someone else is better qualified to do the task that needs to be done


What is employee behavior best reinforced by? A) Praise from a supervisor B) An increase in their pay C) A personally valued reward D) Threat of punishment


What is intrinsic motivation directly related to? A) Work environment B) External rewards C) Personal aspiration D) Completion of work


What is one of the most powerful yet frequently overlooked or underused motivators that the manager can use to create a motivating climate? A) Intrinsic motivation B) External motivation C) Positive reinforcement D) Self-care


What is the emphasis for the manager in the coaching role? A) Solving problems for the employee B) Showing employees how to work within the system C) Helping employees reach an optimum level of performance D) Redirecting employees to meet organizational goals


What is the most fiscally responsible method for determining staffing needs for a hospital unit? A) Maximum patient load capacity of the unit B) Numbers of patients present for an upcoming shift C) An agreed-upon staffing formula currently in use D) Total beds on the unit


What is the purpose for a manager to engage in networkingî? A) To bolster self-esteem B) To unwind from work C) To further professional goals D) To meet altruistic needs


What must managers delegate to another RN in order to assure completion of a task? A) Time and space B) Leadership and creativity C) Authority and responsibility D) Personnel and knowledge


What negative outcome can result from the decentralization of the responsibilities of staff development? A) Poor staff retention B) Deficient nursing care C) Increased role ambiguity D) Decreased nursing autonomy


What outcome is associated with a good PCS? A) It eliminates most staffing problems B) It decreases the amount of overtime C) It provides an understanding of staffing problems D) It eliminates the need for adjustment or review


Which task would the director of a home health agency not delegate another staff RN? A) Assigning home health aides to specific patient care B) Serving on a diabetic study committee of community resources C) Meeting with the agency's administration regarding budget cuts D) Reviewing staff time cards for completion and accuracy


What statement concerning the delegating of tasks by the nurse to unlicensed assistive personnel (NAP) is true? A) One can safely assume that the NAP has at least a high school diploma as a minimum hiring criterion B) All unlicensed assistive personnel have achieved at least minimum standardized training pursuant to the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 C) No federal or community standards have been established for training the broad classification of NAP D) The nurse is protected from liability when allowing the NAP to perform only those tasks the employee includes in the job description


What would be the most helpful intervention to take to help a new RN adjust to the professional nursing role? A) Advise the new RN to avoid confrontations with doctors whenever possible B) Advise the new RN that this is the real world not the textbook one C) Be alert to signs and symptoms of the shock phase of role transition D) Be alert to signs that the new RN has not shed nursing school values


When a manager appropriately recognizes the successful completion of a delegated team task, what is the primary reward for the manager? A) Less involvement in uncomplicated tasks B) A staff that is familiar with team-related delegated tasks C) Professional recognition as a leader D) Staff that is growing as professional caregivers


When attempting to create a work environment that includes appropriate and effective monetary incentives, the nurse-manager will initially address which issue? A) Whether the incentives are allowed by the policies of the institution B) Whether the budget will allow for monetary rewards large enough to create incentive C) Whether the staff views monetary incentives as having the greatest value D) Whether other nurse-managers feel that monetary incentives are appropriate


Which action is considered a leadership role associated with delegation? A) Creating job descriptions for all personnel B) Providing formal recognition or reward for completion of delegated tasks C) Demonstrating sensitivity to how cultural phenomena affect transcultural delegation D) Reprimanding employees who demonstrate overt resistance to the tasks they are delegated


Which factor has the greatest impact on the need for nurses to possess excellent delegation skills? A) Increase in patient acuity levels B) Decrease in patient hospitalization time C) Increase in the use of NAP D) Decrease in nurse-to-patient ratios


Which is an example of a hygiene factor according to Herzberg? A) Achievement B) Recognition C) Salary D) Work


Which is an outcome of decentralized staffing? A) Increased fairness to employees through consistent, objective, and impartial application B) Cost-effectiveness through better use of resources C) Greater manager autonomy to control the staffing on the units, resulting in an increase in self-esteem and teamwork D) Increased availability of data for monitoring the effect of staffing size and composition, quality of care, and costs


Which restraining force occurs when a subordinate tests the water to determine what the consequences are of not completing a delegated task? A) Failure of delegator to see subordinate perspective B) Subordinate incapable of completing the task C) Subordinate inherent resistance to authority D) Overdelegation of specificity of the task


Which situation is associated with and aging organization? A) Retired staff is replaced with new graduate nurses B) State-of-the-art cardiac monitoring equipment is placed in the ICU C) The unit functions with strict adheres to institutional rules and policies D) A suggestion committee composed of staff and management meets monthly


Which situation presents an example of inappropriate delegation? A) Temporary authority is given to support completion of a delegated task B) The person to whom a task is delegated considers it a challenge C) The employee is given exact instructions on completing the task D) Regular updates on the task are exchanged with the manager and the employee


Which statement about education is the accurate? A) Education generally has an immediate use B) Managers have a responsibility to see that their staff is well educated C) Recognizing and encouraging educational pursuits are a leadership role D) Education always results in increased productivity


Which statement best describes andragogy? A) Andragogy techniques are usually ineffective for mature learners B) Andragogy relies on structure and direction C) Andragogy works well with people who have had life experiences D) Andragogy works best with teacher-led activities


Which statement by the nurse-manager demonstrates an understanding of the need to provide effective guidance to those a project has been delegated? A) Don't be afraid to let me know if you feel the project is overwhelming you. B) What do you suggest we do to address the problems that exist with the project? C) I can give you a few solutions for the issues you have been having with the project. D) Do you want more time to complete the project?


Which statement concerning the queen bee syndrome is true? A} It occurs more often with women than with men B) It encourages the empowerment of subordinates C) It prevents the sharing of power D) It is an informal leadership role


Which statement is true regarding legislated minimum staffing ratios? A) They are mandated by federal law B) They are required by 28 states C) They are proposed to improve patient care D) They are necessary to reduce costs


Which statement is true regarding the general delegation liability of the registered nurse (RN)? A) It is minimal because subordinates alone are held accountable for practicing within the accepted scope of practice for their job classification B) It is great because the RN is automatically held liable for the tasks delegated to all recognized subordinates C) It is reduced when the RN appropriately assesses what and to whom delegation is appropriate and supervises the completion of the tasks D) It is avoided entirely by delegating tasks to only other licensed personnel


Which statement is typically true of job satisfaction levels? A) They are higher for subordinates than for management staff B) They decline as the level of participation in unit decision making increases C) They are related to the degree of work life control subordinates perceive they have D) They are fairly static given that unit cultures are traditionally very difficult to change


A member of the team reports that they have been given too much to do and are not going to be able to complete the work on time. What action will the RN take to effectively manage this situation? A) Assign the work to another team member B) Take on the responsibility of the tasks C) Have the team member perform only the necessary tasks D) Examine the workload and assist the individual in reprioritizing


According to McClelland, what does achievement motivation focus on? A) The extrinsic rewards to be acquired B) A need to nurture others C) A need to have legitimate power over others D) The intrinsic need to be successful


How can the RN best teach a patient how to self-administer insulin? A) Schedule a long, uninterrupted session B) Explain the most complicated part first C) Use a dynamic lecture technique D) Teach in short, frequent sessions


Training and education are important parts of staff development. Who is responsible for the education and training of staff? A) Preceptor B) Education department C) Manager and preceptor D) Manager and education department


What are often neglected areas of the indoctrination process? 1. Induction 2. Orientation 3. State or national laws 4. Union contracts A) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 2, 3, 4


What cultural phenomena must be considered for the biopsychosocial differences between racial and ethnic groups that have susceptibility to disease and physiologic differences? A) Space B) Social organization C) Environmental control D) Biologic variations


What did Gellerman state about most managers in organizations?A) They under manage subordinates B) They define responsibilities too broadly C) They stretch employees' comfort levels too much D) They fail to give employees sufficient decision-making power


What did motivational theorist Victor Vroom state? A) Personal motivators could be separated from job satisfiers B) People are motivated by three basic needs: achievement, affiliation, and power C) A manager's assumptions about workers directly affect the intrinsic motivation of the workers D) Employees' expectations about their work environment or a certain event will affect their behavior


What did the motivational theorist Saul Gellerman argue? A) Individuals should be stretchedî on a regular basis to increase their productivity and motivation levels B) Stretchingî should be used as a motivational strategy only for affiliation-oriented individuals C) Stretchingî should be used as a motivational strategy only when an individual is already demotivated D) Employees should be stretchedî intermittently to complete tasks more difficult than what they are used to doing


What is required to successfully implement the chaos theory of change? A) Most stakeholders accepting the need for change B) Finding solutions to resistance to change C) Changing attitudes more than increasing knowledge D) Finding underlying order in random data


What is the best method for determining the effectiveness of a staff development program for managing IV puncture sites? A) Having class participants evaluate the instructor and the class B) Giving participants an examination or test at the conclusion of the course C) Having a documented decrease in the unit's IV site infections D) Observing staff implement and document the changes recommended


What is the initial task when organizing a class to prepare nurses to function in the new neonatal ICU? A) Identifying possible learning resources B) Identifying any difference between current and needed skills C) Identifying current level of knowledge D) Identifying the knowledge or skill needed


What is the most important strategy for avoiding burnout and maintaining a high motivation level? A) Intrinsic motivation B) External motivation C) Positive reinforcement D) Self-care


What is the name of the gap that sometimes exists between a position of authority and subordinate response? A) Leadership subordinate B) Manager subordinate C) Administrator power D) Authority power


What is the relationship between an employee and a role model? A) Active B) Nonverbal C) Encouraged by the role model D) Passive


What managerial action is important when supporting the delegation of a task to a subordinate? A) Always requiring a maximizing quality outcome B) Frequently reassuring the employee that if they are incapable of completing a delegated task, it will be reassigned C) Drafting a preliminary plan of how the task will be redone if the outcome does not meet stated expectations D) Occasionally providing learning or stretching opportunities for employees


What must staff and scheduling policies not violate? 1. Local laws 2. Labor laws 3. State or national laws 4. Union contracts A) 1, 2, 3 B) 1, 2, 4 C) 1, 3, 4 D) 2, 3, 4


What occurs when RN hours decrease in a unit's calculation of nursing care hours per patient day (NCH)/(PPD)? A) Adverse patient outcomes generally increase B) Decreased errors C) Decreased patient falls D) Decreased patient satisfaction


What positive impact do new practice models have on the staffing mix? A) Automatically cancel the PCS B) Will result in fiscal savings C) Require no changes in scheduling policies D) Impact patient care assignment methods


Which action represents a management function in planned change? A) Inspiring group members to be involved in planned change B) Visionary forecasting C) Role modeling high-level interpersonal communication skills in providing support for individuals undergoing rapid or difficult change D) Recognizing the need for planned change and identifying the options and resources available to implement change


Which action would be the most likely to result in encouraging evidence-based practice? A) Stress the need to base practice on research findings during orientation of new graduates. B) Include a statement of the need for evidence-based practice in the philosophy. C) Reprimand nurses who do not use research during the annual evaluations. D) Provide a computer program to nurses for access to the latest nursing research.


Which activity associated with the unfreezing state of change will have the greatest impact on the success of the movement stage of the change process? A) Accurate identification of the problem requiring change B) Effective information gathering concerning the problem C) Key personnel voicing their opinions regarding the need for change D) The need for change is perceived by all those affected by the problem


Which activity does a change agent make a commitment to in order to best assure a successful implementation of a change? A) Helping followers arrive at total consensus regarding the change B) Encouraging subgroup opposition to change so many viewpoints can be heard C) Using change by drift if the resistance to change is too strong D) Being available to support those affected by a change until the change is complete


Which description best describes the theory behind nonlinear change? A) It occurs in organized steps B) It must have a logical sequence C) It results in equilibrium D) It has unpredictable outcomes


Which is the basic factor involving staff motivation and its relationship with the achievement of unit-oriented goals? A) The autonomy the staff has to achieve the stated goals B) The input the staff has in establishing the unit goals C) The value the staff places on the stated unit goals D) The relationship staff has with their management


Which organization is actively engaged in clarifying the delegation parameters for RNs? A) American Hospital Association (AMA) B) The federal government C) National League for Nursing (NLN) D) State Boards of Nursing Licensure


Which reward is an example of intrinsic motivation? A) The prized locker is awarded to the staff member voted most helpfulî by their peers B) An extra vacation day is awarded for every 6 months a staff member is call offî free. C) The entire staff is treated to a pizza party each time the unit earns a patient satisfactionî award D) A staff member is awarded a trip to a nursing conference based on the written request that was submitted


Which statement about PCSs is accurate? A) Classification systems are able to solve staffing problems B) Nursing care hours assigned to a classification system should remain constant C) A good classification system is without fault D) Internal and external forces may affect classification systems


Which statement about power is correct? A) It is a finite quality and, once gained, is very difficult to lose B) It is destructively manipulative but is necessary for effective management C) Women generally view power more positively than do men D) Having power generally results in the gain of additional power


Which statement best describes the manager's role in socialization? A) Providing the employee with organizational rules and regulations B) Providing the new employee with a good preceptor C) Ensuring that there are sufficient numbers of good role models D) Sharing organizational values, expected attitudes, and history


Which statement describes both self-power and feminist power? A) The militant expression of power by assertive women B) The power gained from knowing other powerful people C) The narrowing of the authority gap between nurses and physicians D) Personal awareness that is demonstrated by having power over one's life


Which statement is correct concerning prenegotiated budget management? A) It is incompatible with ethical accountability B) It is only the responsibility of the centralized staffing office C) It is inappropriate with new practice models D) It is a critical responsibility of managers


Which statement is true regarding the philosophy of nonlinear change theories? A) Change occurs in sequential steps B) Change is predictable C) Change success relies on policies and hierarchies D) Change is necessary because organizational stability is brief


Which statement represents a powerful image of a team leader? A) I'm in charge here, and so all requests need to come to me. B) I'm too tired to deal with Dr. Jones today. When he gets here, tell him I've gone to lunch C) Is it okay with the rest of you if I do all the charting and you do the direct patient care? D) We have a great deal to accomplish today, but I am confident that, by working together, we can do it and do it well.


Who bears the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the nursing care provided by team members meets or exceeds minimum safety standards? A) The patient's primary healthcare provider B) The facility's Director of Nursing C) The unit's nursing manager D) The team's RN


Which activity is associated with the movement stage of the development of a plan? A) Gather data B) Accurately diagnose the problem C) Decide if change is needed D) Develop a plan

D Feedback:A responsibility of the movement stage is to develop a plan. Responsibilities of the change agent in the unfreezing stage are as follows: Gather data, accurately diagnose the problem, and decide if change is needed.

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