Lecture 2 exam

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At a given point along a capillary, the net hydrostatic pressure (Net HP) is 20 mm Hg and the net osmotic pressure (Net OP) is 25 mm Hg. What is the Net Filtration Pressure (NFP) at that point?

-5mm Hg

T OR F: Arterial pressure in the pulmonary circulation is much higher than in the systemic circulation because of its proximity to the heart.


T OR F: Both T cells and B cells must accomplish double recognition: They must simultaneously recognize self and nonself to be activated.


T OR F: Fever is one of the cardinal signs of inflammation.


T OR F: Fever is seldom beneficial because it speeds up the cellular metabolic rate and will not allow antigen-antibody reactions to occur.


T OR F: Lymph always flows away from the heart.


T OR F: Lymph arrives to the lymph nodes via efferent lymphatic vessels.


T OR F: Monoclonal antibodies can be specific for several antigenic determinants.


T OR F: Osmotic pressure is created by the presence in a fluid of small diffusible molecules that easily move through the capillary membrane.


T OR F: Peyer's patches are clusters of lymphoid tissue found primarily in the large intestine.


T OR F: The cisterna chyli collects lymph from the lumbar trunks draining the upper limbs and from the intestinal trunk draining the digestive organs.


T OR F: The first major branch of the femoral artery is the dorsalis pedis artery.


T OR F: The most important role of the spleen is to provide a site for lymphocyte proliferation and immune surveillance and response.


T OR F: The outermost layer of a blood vessel is the tunica intima.


T OR F: The pancreas is an example of an organ with arteries that do not anastomose.


T OR F: The simplest lymphoid organs are the lymph nodes.


T OR F: The thick-walled arteries close to the heart are called muscular arteries.


T OR F: Vasodilation is a widening of the lumen due to smooth muscle contraction.


T OR F: Veins only carry oxygen deficient blood.


T OR F: When albumin levels in the blood are below normal, fluid absorption from the tissues into the bloodstream increase.


Choose the statement that is true concerning hemoglobin.

It is composed of four protein chains and four heme groups.

Which of the following does NOT describe the adaptive immune response?


Predict what would happen to the end systolic volume (ESV) if contraction force were to increase.

It would decrease.

Monoclonal antibodies are used for the diagnosis of all of the following except ________.

JUVENILE DIABETES; pregnancy; rabies; hepatitis

All of the following can be expected with polycythemia except ________.

LOW BLOOD VISCOSITY high hematocrit increased blood volume high blood pressure

Although all of the organs below can raise an immune response, only this one filters the lymph.

LYMPH NODES; spleen; tonsils

Near the arteriole end of a capillary, what is the relationship between net hydrostatic pressure and net osmotic pressure?

Net hydrostatic pressure is greater than net osmotic pressure.

How do net hydrostatic pressure and net osmotic pressure each change along the length of a capillary (from arteriole to venule)?

Net osmotic pressure stays about the same and net hydrostatic pressure decreases.

T OR F: Whereas diffusion is more important for solute exchange between plasma and interstitial fluid, bulk flow is more important for regulation of the relative volumes of blood and interstitial fluid.


Which of the following is not an autoimmune disease?

TYPE II DIABETES; systemic lupus erythematosus; multiple sclerosis; glomerulonephritis

Which statement is true about T cells?

Their proliferation is enhanced by interleukins 1 and 2.

What causes the flow of lymph to slow within lymph nodes?

There are more afferent vessels than efferent vessels.

Fred's blood was determined to be AB positive. What does this mean?

There are no antibodies to A, to B, or to Rh antigens in the plasma.

What characteristic do all inflammatory chemicals share?

They are all vasodilators.

An elderly patient tells the nurse that she has been very tired lately and has difficulty walking to her mailbox without getting very short of breath. The nurse notes that her mucous membranes are pale. The patient states that since her husband died three months ago, she has not been eating well. How could you explain the patient's clinical manifestations?

They are attributed to the reduction in the amount of oxygen available to tissues.

What is not true about antibodies?

They are found in plasma and other body secretions; THEY ARE CELLS; They bind to a single, specific antigen; They are produced by plasma cells

What is true about heart valves?

They enforce a one-way blood flow through the heart, operate passively (no active contraction required), and separate atria from ventricles, and ventricles from the large arteries that leave them.

Which of the following is a role of lymph nodes?

They filter lymph.

Which of the following is true of immediate hypersensitivities?

They involve IgE antibodies and the release of histamine from mast cells and basophils.

What is true of the mitral and tricuspid heart valves?

They lie between the atria and the ventricular chambers on each side of the heart.

Which plasma constituent is the main contributor to osmotic pressure?


Which of the following types of cells display protein fragments produced by the cancer within them?

all nucleated cells

Which of the following would be classified as a delayed hypersensitivity reaction?

allergic contact dermatitis

Peyer's patches are located:

along the small intestine

An elevated neutrophil cound would be indicative of _____.

an acute bacterial infection

If you cut yourself and blood spurts rhythmically from the injury, you have probably cut ________.

an artery

What would be the body's response if the hypothalamus detected pyrogens?

an increase in body temperature set point

A patient with low iron levels would experience which of the following symptoms?

an increase in fatigue

A decrease in blood pressure at the arterial baroreceptors would result in which of the following?

an increase in heart contractility

Stimulation of the adrenal medulla would result in which of the following?

an increase in heart rate and contractility

What is a bubo?

an infected lymph node

The plateau portion of the action potential in contractile cardiac muscle cells is due to:

an influx of calcium ions.

Arterial ________ provide alternate pathways for blood to get to an organ.


Which of the following would decrease peripheral resistance to blood flow?


The term for pain associated with deficient blood delivery to the heart that may be caused by the transient spasm of coronary arteries is ________.

angina pectoris

Which of the veins listed here drains directly into the right atrium?

anterior cardiac vein

In clonal selection of B cells, which substance is responsible for determining which cells will eventually become cloned?


Class II MHC proteins are found on which of the following cell types?

antigen-presenting cells

What mobilizes the adaptive defenses and provokes an immune response?


These vessels carry oxygenated blood.

aorta and pulmonary veins

The ________ and ________ valves of the heart have no chordae tendineae attached.

aortic and pulmonary

Destruction of the hematopoietic components of red marrow leads to a condition called ________.

aplastic anemia

Which of the following is NOT a part of the MALT?

appendix; tonsils; Peyer's patches; LYMPH NODES

Fenestrated capillaries ________.

are not found in the brain.

Antibodies ________.

are proteins composed of heavy chains and light chains

Cytotoxic T cells ________.

are the only T cells that can directly attack and kill other cells

Platelets ________.

are the smallest formed elements of blood

Which vessels carry blood away from the heart?


The arteries that directly feed into the capillary beds are called ________.


Secondary hypertension can be caused by ________.


The highest density of lymph nodes can be found _____.

at the locations where lymphatic collecting vessels converge

Atrial pressure is greater than ventricular pressure during which phase of the cardiac cycle?

atrial contraction

What is the source of ATP for cardiac muscle contraction?

cellular respiration

The baroreceptors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch are sensitive to which of the following?

changes in arterial pressure

The process whereby neutrophils and other white blood cells are attracted to an inflammatory site is called ________.


Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in phagocytosis?

chemotaxis, adherence, ingestion, digestion, killing

The thymus is most active during ________.


What fibrous structure functions to anchor the atrioventricular valves in a closed position?

chordae tendineae

________ is/are found in the ventricles, and attach the flaps of the AV valves to papillary muscle.

chordae tendineae

Which class of MHC proteins presents exogenous antigens?

class II MHC proteins

The first heart sound heard during the cardiac cycle is associated with ________.

closure of the AV valves

The first heart sound (the 'lub' of 'lub-dup') is caused by:

closure of the atrioventricular valves

Normal heart sounds are caused by which of the following events?

closure of the heart valves

A hematopoietic stem cell will give rise to _____.

erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets

The presence of intercalated discs between adjacent cardiac muscle cells causes the heart to behave as a _____.

functional syncytium

Which of the choices below does not involve tissue perfusion?

gas exchange in the lungs; absorption of nutrients from the digestive tract; delivery of oxygen and nutrients to, and removal of wastes from, tissue cells; BLOOD CLOTTING

What causes the aortic semilunar valve to close?

greater pressure in the aorta than in the left ventricle

Normally, the amount of plasma in whole blood is ________ than the amount of formed elements; plasma makes up approximately ________ percent of whole blood.


Small molecules that bind with self-proteins to produce antigenic substances are called ________.


The primary immune response ________.

has a lag period while B cells proliferate and differentiate into plasma cells

Compared to skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle ________.

has gap junctions that allow it to act as a functional syncytium

During moderate exercise, ________.

heart rate and blood pressure increase

How does holding the breath affect heart rate?

heart rate decreases

Cardiac output is determined by _____.

heart rate; stroke volume

What causes heart sounds?

heart valve closure

THe superior vena cava receives systemic blood draining from all areas superior to the diaphragm except the ______.

heart wall

Which of the following cells is the most critical cell in immunity?

helper T cell

A person who has symptoms of paleness and chronic fatigue is suspected of having anemia. To investigate this suspicion further, it would be most helpful to measure ________.


The special type of hemoglobin present in fetal red blood cells is ________.

hemoglobin F

From the choices listed here, the most accurate way to assess the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is probably to measure the ________.

hemoglobin content

Which test measures hemoglobin concentration in the blood?

hemoglobinometer determination

Substances absorbed in the intestines would be routed to the liver via the__________.

hepatic portal system

Which of the following are functions of lymphoid tissue?

house and provide a proliferation site for lymphocytes; furnish an ideal surveillance vantage point for lymphocytes and macrophages

A(n) ________ is a cell hybrid formed from the fusion of tumor cells and B lymphocytes.


Which of the choices below reflects the balance (or imbalance) between the direction and amount of fluid that flows across the capillary walls?

hydrostatic and osmotic pressure

The primary mechanism driving filtration in capillary beds is _____.

hydrostatic pressure within the capillaries

The most common form of shock is ________.


Which of the following might trigger erythropoiesis?

hypoxia of EPO-producing cells

The first heart sounds are best heard ________.

in the 5th intercostal spaces, at various distances from the sternal margins

Delayed hypersensitivities ________.

include allergic contact dermatitis

Thromboembolic disorders ________.

include embolus formation, a clot moving within the circulatory system

What is the role of the mini-valves in lymph capillaries?

increase permeability

You observe a large cell with a "U" shaped nucleus. This cell is most likely a(n):


Macrophages are derived from _____.


No visible cytoplasmic granules are present in ________.


The lymphatic capillaries are ________.

more permeable than blood capillaries

The time of day most hazardous for heart attacks is ________.


Which of the following is NOT a capillary transport mechanism?

movement through intracellular clefts or fenestrations; BULK FLOW; diffusion through the membrane; transport via vesicles or caveolae

Which of the following is not a mechanical barrier to pathogen invasion?

mucus; lysozyme in tears; saliva; INTERFERON

The arteries that are also called distributing arteries are the ________.

muscular arteries

A(n) ________ is a committed granular leukocyte stem cell that produces neutrophils.


Of the following layers of the heart wall, which consumes the most energy?


Cancer cells and virus-infected body cells can be killed before activation of adaptive immunity by

natural killer cells

Mechanisms that do not help regulate blood pressure include ________.

nervous control that operates via reflex arcs involving baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, and higher brain centers; chemical controls such as atrial natriuretic peptide; THE DURAL SINUS REFLEX; renal regulation via the renin-angiotensin system of vasoconstriction

Which leukocyte functions in phagocytizing bacteria?


The most abundant leukocytes are:


These are the most abundant leukocytes, constituting 40-70% of all white blood cells.


Which of the following is an example of autoregulation of blood flow?

nitric oxide

A person with type AB blood receives a transfusion of type O blood. Will there be a transfusion reaction? Why or why not?

no: the recipient has no antibodies to antigens A and B, and therefore can receive blood from a type O donor

Capillary colloid osmotic pressure created by ____ tends to ______.

nondiffusable plasma proteins; draw fluids into the capillary

________ is the stage of development in the life of an erythrocyte during which the nucleus is ejected.


If blood pressure is almost normal in a person who has lost blood, does that mean the tissues are receiving adequate blood flow?

not necessarily

When viewing a dissected heart, it is easy to visually discern the right and left ventricles by ________.

noticing the thickness of the ventricle walls

Heart murmurs ________.

often indicate problems with heart valves, can be used to diagnose failure of the heart valves to close tightly, and can be used to diagnose constricted heart valves

Which of the following represents a difference between extrinsic and intrinsic blood clotting cascades?

one is faster than the other

Complement proteins and antibodies coat a microorganism and provide binding sites, enabling macrophages and neutrophils to phagocytize the organism. This phenomenon is termed ________.


The process of attaching complement proteins to the bacterial cell wall to enhance phagocytosis is called ______.


Which of the following is an effect of complement activation?


The ________ is (are) the most likely to become infected.

palatine tonsils

Which of the following signs of hypovolemic shock is a relatively late sign?

rapidly falling blood pressure

Net (positive) osmotic pressure tends to move fluid into capillaries. The resulting bulk fluid movement is known as __________.


An individual who is blood type AB negative can ________.

receive any blood type in moderate amounts except that with the Rh antigen

The external iliac vein ________.

receives venous blood from the lower extremity

The most numerous blood cells are ________.

red blood cells

In adults, red blood cell production occurs in__________.

red bone marrow

Isovolumetric contraction ________.

refers to the short period during ventricular systole when the ventricles are completely closed chambers

During contraction of heart muscle cells ________.

some calcium enters the cell from the extracellular space and triggers the release of larger amounts of calcium from intracellular stores

The _____ is the largest lymphoid organ.


Which of the following lymphoid tissues removes defective red blood cells from the blood?


The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic vessels, lymphatic tissue, lymph nodes, ________.

spleen, and thymus

Platelets ________.

stick to the damaged area of a blood vessel and help seal the break

Hemostasis leads to:

stoppage of bleeding

Baroreceptors detect changes in _____.

stretch in arterial walls

Blood is returned to the heart via the ___.

superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, and coronary sinus.

The role of the coronary arteries is to:

supply blood to the heart tissue

Blood is a ________.


What is the name of the circuit that supplies blood to the brain, heart, and gastrointestinal tract?

systemic circulation

The first of the two numbers measured when taking the blood pressure represents ________.

systolic pressure

The pulse pressure is ________.

systolic pressure minus diastolic pressure

If the length of the absolute refractory period in cardiac muscle cells was the same as it is for skeletal muscle cells ________.

tetanic contractions might occur, which would stop the heart's pumping action

The property of immunological memory is ________.

the ability to recognize and mount an attack on an antigen that was previously encountered

The "lub-dub" heart sounds are produced by:

the closing of the atrioventricular valves ("lub") and the the closing of the semilunar valves ("dup").

A sentinel node is ________.

the first node to receive lymph from an area suspected to be cancerous

If the vagal nerves to the heart were cut, the result would be that ________.

the heart rate would increase by about 25 beats per minute

Bilirubin is cleared from the body by:

the liver

WHy has pulse pressure disappeared by the time blood reaches capillary beds? Because_____.

the muscular arterioles do not exhibit elastic rebound

The Frank-Starling law of the heart can be demonstrated when an individual takes a deep breath. This is because:

the negative intrathoracic pressure induces a larger than normal venous return to the right atrium, thereby stretching the wall of the right ventricle.

Blood pressure is ________.

the pressure of the blood against the blood vessel walls

In order for some phagocytes to destroy certain pathogens they have ingested (like tuberculosis), _____ must be deployed.

the respiratory burst

The right lymphatic duct drains ________.

the right side of the head and thorax, and the right upper extremity

Blood has just been discharged into the pulmonary trunk: from which chamber did it exit?

the right ventricle

The hematocrit measures ________.

the volume of RBC in a blood sample

T OR F: Granulocytes called neutrophils are phagocytic and are the most numerous of all white blood cell types.


T OR F: Hemorrhagic anemias result from blood loss.


T OR F: Leukemia refers to cancerous conditions of white blood cells.


T OR F: Leukopenia is an abnormally low number of leukocytes.


T OR F: Positive chemotaxis is a feedback system that signals leukocyte migration into damaged areas.


T OR F: Proxysmal atrial tachycardia is characterized by bursts of atrial contractions with little pause between them.


T OR F: The first branch off the arch of the aorta is the brachiocephalic artery in both the sheep and the human.


T OR F: The left side of the heart is considered the systemic circuit pump.


T OR F: The left side of the heart pumps the same volume of blood as the right.


T OR F: The myocardium receives its blood supply from the coronary arteries.


T OR F: The pulmonary circuit is not active in the developing fetus.


T OR F: Tissues damaged by myocardial infarction are replaced by connective tissue.


T OR F: Trabeculae carneae are found in the ventricles and never the atria.


T OR F: White blood cells are produced through the action of colony-stimulating factors.


Lymphatic ________ are formed from the union of the largest collecting vessels.


Histologically, the ________ is squamous epithelium supported by a sparse connective tissue layer.

tunica intima

Which tunic of an artery contains endothelium?

tunica intima

Which tunic of an artery is most responsible for maintaining blood pressure and continuous blood circulation?

tunica media

Heart sounds are associated with ________.

turbulent blood flow, closure of the AV valves, and closure of the semilunar valves

The heart is actually (one, two, or three) pumps?

two pumps

Arteries that supply the intestines arise from the aorta. Veins that drain the intestines ________.

ultimately drain into the hepatic portal vein

In the fetus, which blood vessel(s) carries carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes from the fetus to the placenta?

umbilical arteries

Graft rejection may be caused by ________.

using a xenograft

The first step in hemostasis is:

vascular spasm

Which of the following is not a phase of hemostasis?

vascular spasm platelet plug formation FIBRINOLYSIS coagulation

Which of the following is a type of circulatory shock?

vascular, due to extreme vasodilation as a result of loss of vasomotor tone

A decrease in 02 level in skeletal muscle would initiate an autoregulatory mechanism that would stimulate _____ in the arterioles supplying the muscle.


The redness and heat of an inflamed area are due to a local hyperemia caused by ________.


In a microscopic field showing an artery and its corresponding vein, you can easily distinguish the two because ________.

veins have thinner walls and are irregular in shape

Blood arriving in the right atrium has just come from the ________.

vena cava and coronary sinus

Once collected, lymph is returned to:

venous circulation

The QRS complex on an electrocardiogram represents:

ventricular depolarization

What does the QRS complex represent in the ECG wave tracing?

ventricular depolarization

Isovolumetric relaxation and ventricular filling (two phases of the cardiac cycle) take place during __________.

ventricular diastole

Which phase of the cardiac cycle is longest?

ventricular diastole

Most of the decrease in ventricular volume takes place during which phase of the cardiac cycle?

ventricular ejection

Ventricular pressure is greater than aortic pressure during which phase of the cardiac cycle?

ventricular ejection

Most of the increase in left ventricular volume takes place during what phase of the cardiac cycle?

ventricular filling

The semilunar valves are forced open when ________.

ventricular pressure exceeds the pressure in the large arteries leaving the heart

The ECG T wave interval represents ________.

ventricular repolarization

What does the T wave of the electrocardiogram represent?

ventricular repolarization

Two pairs of arteries supply the brain. They are: ________.

vertebrals and internal carotids

All of the following conditions impair coagulation except ________.

vitamin K deficiency VASCULAR SPASM severe hypocalcemia liver disease

Which of the following is not a normal component of lymph?

water; RED BLOOD CELLS; ions; plasma proteins

At what point in the cardiac cycle does the AV valve open?

when atrial pressure becomes greater than ventricular pressure

At what point in the cardiac cycle does the semilunar valve close?

when pressure in the ventricle becomes less than aortic pressure

The tricuspid valve is closed ________.

when the ventricle is in systole

At what point in the cardiac cycle does the semilunar valve open?

when ventricular pressure becomes greater than aortic pressure

At what point during the cardiac cycle does the AV valve close?

when ventricular pressure becomes greater than atrial pressure

The ________ pulp is responsible for the immune functions of the spleen.


The ________ pulp of the spleen forms cuffs around the central arteries.


In a centrifuged sample of blood, what makes up the buffy coat?

white blood cells and platelets

James has a hemoglobin measurement of 16 g/100 ml blood. This is ________.

within the normal range

If a patient has pernicious anemia, the inability of the body to absorb vitamin B12, the patient ______.

would have a decreased number of red blood cells

Which class of tissue graft is the least likely to be accepted by a patient's body?


________ are grafts taken from another animal species.


Which of the following would not move by diffusion across a capillary into the surrounding tissue?

Carbon dioxide; Lipid-soluble substances; Oxygen; PROTEINS

T OR F: All capillary beds are continuously perfused with blood.


In sequential order, the components of the intrinsic conduction system, beginning at the SA node, are ________.

AV node, AV bundle, bundle branches, Purkinje fibers

Which of the events below does not occur when the semilunar valves are open?

AV valves are closed. Ventricles are in systole. VENTRICLES ARE IN DIASTOLE. Blood enters pulmonary arteries and the aorta.

Increased pressure in the ventricles would close what valve(s)?

AV valves only

WHat is the nature of acetylcholine's inhibitory effect on heart rate?

Acetylcholine causes opening of potassium channels in the sinoatrial node, thereby hyperpolarizing it.

Select the correct statement about active and passive immunity.

Active and passive humoral immunity are both mechanisms of adaptive immunity that use antibodies.

T OR F: All lymphatic organs are composed of epithelial tissue.


A patient lost a lot of blood during surgery and his blood pressure dropped from 120/80 to 90/50. How did the kidneys respond to this change in blood pressure?

Aldosterone and ADH release is triggered. Aldosterone causes increased sodium absorption and ADH causes increased water absorption, increasing blood volume and blood pressure.

Which statement best describes arteries?

All carry blood away from the heart.

________ is the most common type of immediate hypersensitivity.


Select the correct statement about complement.

An adaptive immune mechanism is often involved in directing complement to its target.

A patient takes a nitroglycerin tablet sublingually for chest pain. Nitroglycerin acts directly on smooth muscle, producing relaxation and vessel dilation. What is the name for chest pain, and how does nitroglycerin relieve chest pain?

Angina pectoris is thoracic pain caused by a fleeting deficiency in oxygen delivery to the myocardium. Because nitroglycerin acts as a vasodilator, blood flow to the heart is increased, promoting the delivery of oxygen to the cells.

T OR F: All lymphoid organs develop from mesoderm.


T OR F: All the lymphoid organs are well developed before birth.


Which of the following is true about blood plasma?

It is about 90% water

A normal Q-T interval is ________.

0.31-0.41 sec when heart rate is 70 beats/min

If an unknown antigen contains only swine serum albumin, how many precipitates will form between it and the wells of antibodies for horse, bovine, and swine albumin?


There are two brachiocephalic veins and ________ brachiocephalic artery (or arteries).


Overall, fluid moves out of capillaries and into the interstitial space. Which of the following best describes why this occurs?

Capillary filtration is greater than capillary reabsorption

Which of the following blood pressure readings would be indicative of hypertension?

170/96 in a 50-year-old man

Place the following in correct developmental sequence: 1. reticulocyte 2. proerythroblast 3. normoblast 4. late erythroblast

2, 4, 3, 1

Arteries and veins are constructed of ________ tunics.


Which sequence is correct for the following events? 1. fibrinogen → fibrin 2. clot retraction 3. formation of thromboplastin 4. prothrombin → thrombin

3, 4, 1, 2

Each hemoglobin can transport ___ oxygen atoms.


Hemoglobin is composed of ________ polypeptide chains.


How many heart valves are there?


A normal red blood cell count is ________; of the sexes, ________ generally have greater numbers.

4 to 6 million/mm2 of blood; men

The heart has _____ chambers and _____ valves.


What is the average normal pH range of blood?


The mean arterial pressure for a patient whose blood pressure is 110/80 is ________.

90 mm Hg

Normal average blood pressure for a newborn baby is ________.


Which of the following would not result in the dilation of the feeder arterioles and opening of the precapillary sphincters in systemic capillary beds?

A LOCAL INCREASE IN PH; a local increase in histamine; an increase in local tissue carbon dioxide; a decrease in local tissue oxygen content

Which of the following is not a mechanism for the development of autoimmune disorders?

A SECOND EXPOSURE TO AN ALLERGEN; Mutation followed by the appearance of membrane proteins not previously present; Exposure of previously "hidden" self-antigens to the adaptive immune system; Cross-reaction of antibodies formed against foreign antigens with self-antigens

Why does nursing care of a patient with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) include monitoring of T lymphocyte counts?

A decrease in the number of T cells would make the patient more susceptible to infection and unusual cancers.

A patient is prescribed a calcium channel blocker to prevent angina (chest pain) by decreasing the demand for oxygen. What is the explanation for this pharmacological effect?

A drug that inhibits the entry of calcium ions into the cytoplasm of cardiac cells decreases the force of myocardial contractility, thereby decreasing the oxygen demand, relieving the chest pain.

A physician orders Tylenol for a temperature greater than 101 degrees F. The patient's temperature is 100.4 F. What is the rationale for not medicating a fever of 100.4 F?

A mild or moderate fever is an adaptive response that seems to benefit the body. Bacteria need large amounts of zinc and iron to multiply. During fever, the liver and spleen sequester iron and zinc that bacteria need to multiply.

Choose the true statement regarding the primary versus the secondary immune response.

A primary response results when naïve lymphocytes are activated, while a secondary response is a result of activating memory cells.

What is the ligamentum arteriosum?

A remnant of the ductus arteriosus

Select the correct statement about cardiac output.

A slow heart rate increases end diastolic volume, stroke volume, and force of contraction.

A pregnant patient comes into a clinic and asks about a small dark bulge that is becoming more apparent on her leg. What is it and what caused it?

A varicose vein. The growing fetus puts downward pressure on the vessels of the groin and restricts the return of blood to the heart, causing the valves in the peripheral veins to begin to fail.

The universal recipient blood type is ________.


A young girl requires a liver transplant due to failure of her liver to function. What is required for her to have a good prognosis, and what must be performed after the operation?

ABO and Rh typing must be performed, followed by MHC typing. Following surgery, she must receive immunosuppressive therapy to keep her body from rejecting the new liver as foreign tissue.

Which is mismatched?

AIDS: T helper cells are destroyed by a virus; Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome (SCID): genetic defect resulting in a shortage of B and/or T cells; Multiple sclerosis: autoimmune disorder; IMMEDIATE HYPERSENSITIVITY: ALLERGIC CONTACT DERMATITIS

Which of the following is not part of the conduction system of the heart?

AV VALVE SA node AV node bundle of His

Damage to the ________ is referred to as heart block.

AV node

Which part of the intrinsic conduction system delays the impulse briefly before it moves on to the ventricles?

AV node

A man enters the hospital complaining of chest pain. His history includes smoking, a stressful job, a diet heavy in saturated fats, lack of exercise, and high blood pressure. Although he is not suffering from a heart attack, his doctor explains to him that a heart attack is quite possible. What did the chest pain indicate? Why is this man a prime candidate for further complications?

Angina pectoris. If the coronary arteries are occluded (atherosclerosis), the heart muscle could be deprived of oxygen, resulting in a heart attack.

Which of the following best describes an antibody's mode of action?

Antibodies immobilize antigens and mark them for destruction.

How are T cells "introduced" to antigens?

Antigen-presenting cells link antgenic peptides to MHC proteins to which T cells will attach.

Why might lymphedema occur as a complication after a radical mastectomy, in which lymph nodes have been removed?

Anything that prevents the normal return of lymph to the blood results in severe localized edema.

WHich of the following represents a logical sequence of structures that contribute to the return of fluid into the blood via the lymphatic system?

Arteries, blood capillaries, lymphatic vessels, subclavian vein

Which of the following compromises a logical sequence of vessels as blood exits the heart?

Arteries, capillaries, veins

A patient has been immunized against chicken pox. What type of immunity is this?

Artificially acquired active

If you were to draw an antibody, how might you sketch out its basic shape?

As a "Y"

In what way is pulmonary circulation different from circulation in other body tissues?

As opposed to other tissues, low O2 levels in the lungs induces vasoconstriction.

When blood levels of sodium are increased which of the following hormones would you expect to increase?

Atrial natriuretic peptide

Which of the following will lower blood pressure?

Atrial natriuretic peptide

Germinal centers in the cortex of lymph nodes contain primarily ________.

B cells

Select the correct statement about lymphocytes.

B cells produce plasma cells, which secrete antibodies into the blood.

Which of the following scenarios could result in HDN (hemolytic disease of the newborn)?

B- female pregnant with an AB+ baby.

Which of the following would the body perceive as an antigen?

Bacteria, Virus, and Mismatched red blood cells

_____ can enter lymph capillaries.

Bacteria, large proteins, and interstitial fluid

Antihistamines counter the actions of which white blood cells?


Select the correct statement about blood flow.

Blood flow through the entire vascular system is equivalent to cardiac output.

In terms of blood flow, why is it important that atrial diastole occurs just as ventricular systole begins?

Blood is continually propelled in a forward motion down its pressure gradient.

How would an attack by a mugger effect blood pressure? What is the physiological basis for your answer?

Blood pressure would increase due to sympathetic nervous system stimulation.

What is the effect of hypovolemic shock on the blood vessels and the heart?

Blood vessels constrict to increase venous return and maintain pressure. Heart rate increases to compensate for loss of blood pressure and to maintain cardiac output.

After centrifuging, of the listed blood components, which contains the components of immune function?

Buffy coat (white blood cells)

Why are ACE-inhibitor drugs effective blood pressure-lowering medications?

By inhibiting angiotensin 2, peripheral resistance stays low and the kidneys continue to excrete sodium.

Class I MHC proteins are recognized by which of the following cell types (that are destined to become T cells)?


Which major class of lymphocytes become cytotoxic T cells?


Which of the following statements is incorrect or false?

CLASS II MHC MOLECULES APPEAR ONLY ON THE SURFACE OF ANTIGEN-PRESENTING CELLS, THYMIC CELLS, AND T CELLS THAT HAVE BEEN ACTIVATED BY EXPOSURE TO ANTIGENS; Class 1 MHC molecules are built into the plasma membranes of all body cells; Haptens lack immunogenicity unless attached to protein carriers; MHC proteins are the cell's identity markers.

Antibody functions include all of the following except ________.

CROSS-LINKING CELL-BOUND ANTIGENS ON RED BLOOD CELLS WHEN BLOOD TYPES ARE PROPERLY MATCHED; targeting foreign cells so that complement proteins can cause cellular lysis; binding and inactivating chemical toxins released by bacteria or other microorganisms; linking soluble antigens together so that they fall out of solution

Why is the prognosis of cancer best when there is no detectable spread from the region of the primary tumor to the lymph nodes?

Cancer cells that break free from the primary tumor can metastasize via the lymph system. Non-metastasized cancer is easier to treat.

Which of the following is likely during vigorous exercise?

Capillaries of the active muscles will be engorged with blood.

Which of the following is not a difference between cardiac and skeletal muscle?

Cardiac muscle cells contain more mitochondria than do skeletal muscle cells. Cardiac muscle cells quickly die in the absence of oxygen; skeletal muscle cells are better able to adapt to oxygen deficiency. The plasma membranes of cardiac muscle cells interlock, but skeletal muscle fibers are independent. CARDIAC MUSCLE DOES NOT USE THE SLIDING FILAMENT MECHANISM FOR CONTRACTION; SKELETAL MUSCLE DOES.

Compression of which vessel could cause unconsciousness?

Carotid artery

Why would a patient with no thymus lack an effective humoral immune response?

Certain T cells are required to activate B cells into antibody-producing cells.

____________ is the final step of phagocyte mobilization.


______refers to a group of at least 20 plasma proteins that normally circulate in an inactive state and are a major mechanism for destroying foreign substances in the body.


Select the correct statement about the function of antibodies.

Complement fixation is the main mechanism by which antibodies provide protection.

________ are released by activated T cells and macrophages to mobilize immune cells and attract other leukocytes into the area.


________ cells are the only T lymphocytes that can directly attack and kill other cells.

Cytotoxic T cells

How is the cytotoxic T cell mechanism of action similar to that of complement?

Cytotoxit T cells induce cell lysis with perforin, a protein similar to complement's MAC.

Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease of blood vessels that is responsible for millions of deaths each year. Which of the following answers is correct for the disease process?

Damage occurs to the tunica intima, resulting in release of chemicals and accumulation of fats, LDLs, and cholesterol. These cells are transformed into foam cells, which become fatty streaks that form atherosclerotic plaques, resulting in a narrowing of the blood vessels.

How would a blow to the head that damages (disables) the vasomotor center affect blood pressure? What is the physiological basis for your answer?

Damage to the vasomotor center will cause a loss of vasomotor tone and a drop in blood pressure, because the vasomotor center is the integrating center for blood pressure control.

Asystole is the total absence of ventricular electrical activity. Would defibrillation be effective in this situation?

Defibrillation would not be effective: it interrupts chaotic electrical activity in the heart, and if there is no electrical activity, then there is nothing to interrupt.

Choose the compatible transfusion.

Donate type O blood to a recipient with type AB blood.

An angiocardiogram was performed on an infant who had symptoms of breathlessness, and it was found that he had a patent ductus arteriosus. What is the location and function of the ductus arteriosus in the fetus, and how does it relate to the reason for the infant's breathlessness?

Ductus arteriosus is a shunt between the pulmonary trunk and the aorta in the fetus. Breathlessness is due to the mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.

Why is high blood pressure damaging to the heart?

Due to increased afterload, the left ventricle must contract more forefully to expel the same amount of blood.

Which of the following is not one of the three main factors influencing blood pressure?

EMOTIONAL STATE blood volume peripheral resistance cardiac output

Which of the following would not lead to a bleeding disorder?

EXCESS CALCIUM IN THE DIET Impaired liver function Vitamin K deficiency Thrombocytopenia

Predict what happens to end diastolic volume when an increase in heart rate is not accompanied by an increase in contractility.

End diastolic volume is decreased.

Which of the following is not a formed element of the blood?

Erythrocytes Platelets ANTIBODIES Leukocytes

Which of the following does not stimulate erythrocyte production?

Erythropoietin A drop in normal blood oxygen levels Testosterone HYPERVENTILATING

How would a hypothalamic tumor resulting in excess ADH production affect blood pressure? What is the physiological basis for your answer?

Excess ADH production would cause an increase in blood pressure through increased water retention and, therefore, increased blood volume. ADH also stimulates vasoconstriction.

Why would removal of lymph vessels from the right adillary region cause edema in the right arm?

Excess blood plasma builds up in regions where there are no lymph vessels.

Select the correct statement about factors that influence blood pressure.

Excess red cell production would cause a blood pressure increase.

T OR F: A given pathogen will provoke either a cell-mediated response or an antibody-mediated response but not both.


T OR F: A graft from a monkey to a human is an example of an allograft.


T OR F: Adaptive immunity is provided only by lymphocytes that secrete antibodies.


At the battle of Shiloh in the American Civil War, Confederate General A. S. Johnston was killed when he was shot in the thigh. Witnesses reported that he bled to death almost before he realized that he was wounded. Which blood vessel was most likely to have been injured? Would a tourniquet be recommended for this wound?

Femoral artery. A tourniquet may be ineffective because it is a high-pressure, deep artery with a large diameter.

Which of the following does not serve as a site for blood cell production in the developing fetus?

Fetal yolk sac Liver Spleen INTESTINES Red bone marrow

________ is an autoimmune disease that severely impairs renal function.


CO = ________ × SV.


______ become antigenic if they attach themselves to larger proteins.


A 36-year-old man enters the hospital in an extremely debilitated condition. He has purple-brown skin lesions (a symptom of Kaposi's sarcoma) and a persistent cough. A physical examination reveals swollen lymph nodes, and laboratory tests find a very low lymphocyte count. Information taken during the personal history reveals that he has multiple sex partners with whom he frequently engages in unprotected sex. What is likely to be the man's problem and what is his prognosis?

He is probably suffering from AIDS. His outlook is poor once the disease has progressed to this advanced stage. There is no cure, and drug therapy has had limited short-term success.

For which type of heart condition might a doctor prescribe calcium channel blockers?

Heart irritability

Why is vasodilation prominent in the skin when a person increases physical activity?

Heat is dissipated across the skin from the blood to help cool the body.

Which cell of the immune system is absolutely required for an adaptive immune response?

Helper T cell

What three blood tests might be ordered for a patient if anemia is suspected?

Hematocrit, complete blood count, and microscopic study of erythrocytes

The circulatory route that runs from the digestive tract to the liver is called ________.

Hepatic portal circulation

Blood drained from digestive organs empties into the ____ before going through the liver.

Hepatic portal vein

Which vein carries nutrient-rich blood from the digestive system to the liver?

Hepatic portal vein

B cells provide this kind of immunity.


When can erythroblastosis fetalis not possibly happen in the child of an Rh negative mother?

IF THE FATHER IS Rh- if the child is Rh+ if the father is Rh+ if the child is type O positive

Which of the following is a role of interferons (IFNs)?

IFNs help the body combat viral infections.

Which of the following is not characteristic of the adaptive immune system?

IT IS SPECIFIC FOR A GIVEN ORGAN; It has memory; It is systemic; It is antigen-specific.

Why would there be cause for concern if a young pregnant mother is Rh-, her husband is Rh+, and this is their second child?

If the second child is Rh+ and the mother did not take RhoGAM, there is a chance that the child will develop erythroblastosis fetalis and die before birth.

The antibody that becomes bound to mast cells and basophils and causes the cells to release histamine and other chemicals is ________.


Of the following classes of antibodies, which can cross the placenta?


________ is the most abundant class of antibodies in plasma.


Which of the following is true about the number of binding sites per functional antibody unit?

IgM contains 10 binding sites.

Peyer's patches are found in the ________.

Ileum of the small intestine

What would be the effect of a high salt diet on blood pressure? What is the physiological basis for your answer?

Increased blood pressure. This is due to increased sodium in the blood, increasing the total extracellular fluid volume.

A patient has an 80% blockage of his left anterior descending coronary artery. What would occur in terms of myocardial oxygen supply and demand if his sympathetic nervous system is stimulated?

Increased myocardial contractility increases the oxygen demand for the myocardial cells. If the demand of oxygen exceeds the supply, death of myocardial tissue can occur.

WHich vessel receives blood drainage from the liver and returns in to the heart?

Inferior vena cava

Which of the following does not deliver blood to the right atrium?

Inferior vena cava PULMONARY VEINS Superior vena cava Coronary sinus

Which defense mechanism results in redness, heat, pain, and swelling?


Which of the following is/are not a part of the innate immune defenses?

Inflammation; Natural killer (NK) cells; Fever; T CELLS

A patient has contracted the hepatitis C virus. Which of the following drug therapies might be affective?


Select the correct definition about tissue grafts.

Isografts are between identical twins.

WHat effect does a long period of skeletal muscle inactivity have on blood flow?

It causes blood pooling and a slowing of blood flow.

What purpose does the coronary circuit serve?

It delivers 1/20 of the body's blood supply to the heart muscle itself

A mother takes her son to the doctor and describes the following symptoms that she has observed. The child is running a fever, has flu-like symptoms, and his lymph glands are very swollen and sore to the touch. Of what significance are the swollen and sore lymph glands?

It indicates that the lymph nodes are infected by microorganisms.

A 55-year-old male was admitted to the hospital with heart failure. He complains of increasing shortness of breath on exertion, and of needing to sleep on three pillows at night. On physical assessment, the nurse determines that his ankles and feet are very swollen. Which of these symptoms either reflect left-sided and/or right-sided heart failure?

Left side failure results in shortness of breath. Right side failure results in edema in the extremities.

Which organ blood-flow pattern results in low oxygen levels causing vasoconstriction and high oxygen levels causing vasodilation?


Which of the following lymphoid tissues/organs does not contain reticular connective tissue?

Lymph nodes; Tonsils; THYMUS; Spleen

Select the correct statement about lymph transport.

Lymph transport depends on the movement of adjacent tissues, such as skeletal muscles.

What role do the lymphatic vessels have when it comes to fluid movements across the capillary beds?

Lymphatic vessels reclaim any fluid from the tissue spaces that doesn't get returned to the blood.

Which of the following most correctly describes the need for a functional lymphatic system?

Lymphatic vessels return interstitial fluid to the blood.

Which of the following are considered the primary immune system cells?


Select the correct statement about lymphoid tissue.

Lymphoid tissue is predominantly reticular connective tissue.

The appendix, tonsils, and Peyer's patches are examples of ________.


The presence of ____ proteins makes it possible for our immune system to differentiate between our cells and those that are foreign.


________ predominate at the sites of chronic infections.


Which of the following does not serve as an antigen-presenting cell?

Macrophages; NATURAL KILLER CELLS; Dendritic cells; B cells

After receiving penicillin intravenously, a 32-year-old male patient has an anaphylactic reaction. The nurse understands that therapeutic management includes what critical items?

Maintaining an open airway because the bronchioles can constrict, making it difficult to breathe

Max is bitten by a rattlesnake while on a camping trip. His friends immediately apply ice packs to the bitten area to slow the spread of the protein-based toxin; they then rush him to an emergency facility. What treatment would be given, and what type of immunity did he receive/generate?

Max would be given anti-venom to the rattlesnake venom, thereby conferring passive immunity.

Which of the following is correct about the filling of the ventricles?

Most blood flows passively into the ventricles through open AV valves.

Which of the choices below does not explain why low capillary pressures are desirable?

Most capillaries are extremely permeable and thus even low pressures force solute-containing fluid out of the bloodstream. LOW BLOOD PRESSURE IS MORE DESIRABLE THAN HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Capillaries are fragile and high pressures would rupture them.

The two intrinsic defense systems have many components. Which of the following cell types is not a contributor to specific immunity?

NATURAL KILLER CELLS; plasma cells; B cells; T cells

Which of the following statements regarding NK cells is a false or incorrect statement?

NK cells are present in the blood, spleen, lymph nodes, and red bone marrow; NK cells attack cancer cells and virus-infected body cells; NK cells attack cells that display abnormal MHC antigens; NK CELLS ARE A TYPE OF NEUTROPHIL.

________ cells can lyse and kill cancer cells and virus-infected body cells before the immune system is activated.

Natural Killer

___________ immunity protects a baby who is fed breast milk.

Natural passive

A 52-year-old woman was diagnosed with leukemia, and has been receiving chemotherapy as an outpatient. She tells the RN that she hasn't been feeling well. The patient's skin is warm to the touch and she has a low-grade fever of 100.2°F. The neutrophil blood count is less than 1000/µl. Why is the nurse concerned about this patient?

Neutropenia is a concern because of the neutrophil's role in phagocytosis of bacteria. A low-grade fever suggests that the patient has an infection, and in someone who has neutropenia an infection is a major concern for survival.

___and ___ are the most common phagocytic cells in the blood.

Neutrophils; monocytes

Which of the following materials or compounds would be the most highly immunogenic?


A person who lacks agglutinogens A and B would have blood type:


When neither anti-A sera nor anti-B sera clot on a blood plate with donor blood, the blood is type ________.


Which ABO blood type is considered to be the universal donor?


Which blood type is called the universal donor?


Select the correct statement about antigens.

One antigen may have many different antigenic determinants and may therefore cause the formation of more than one antibody.

WHy don't platelets form plugs in undamaged vessels?

Only contact of platelets with exposed collagen fibers and von Willebrand factor causes them to be sticky and form plugs.

________ determine(s) what specific foreign substances our adaptive immune system will be able to recognize and resist.

Our genes

Leukemia is the general descriptor for which of the following disorders?

Overproduction of abnormal leuocytes

Contraction of the atria results from which wave of depolarization on the ECG tracing?

P wave

Which of the following would not be classified as a lymphatic structure?

PANCREAS; Peyer's patches of the intestine; tonsils; spleen

Which of the following does not respond to cell-mediated immunity?

PATHOGENS IN THE CNS; intracellular pathogens that reside within host cells; foreign tissue transplants; some cancer cells

Which of the following is a pivotal molecule associated with the external surfaces of aggregated platelets and is involved in the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms of blood clotting?


A 17-year-old black male is admitted to the hospital in sickle-cell crisis. What is a top priority for patients in sickle-cell crisis?

Pain management. The sickled cells tend to pile up in capillaries and smaller blood vessels, making the blood more viscous. Normal circulation is impaired, causing swelling and severe pain.

Predict the change in peripheral resistance as blood vessel diameter increases.

Peripheral resistance decreases

Which of the following is correctly matched?

Pernicious anemia: results from a vitamin B12 deficiency

Digestive tract-associated lymphatic tissue includes all of the following except ________.

Peyer's patches; ISLETS OF LANGERHANS; lingual tonsils; palatine tonsils

A woman in her early 50s appeared at a walk-in clinic, complaining of aching pain in her right leg following a fall. Visual examination revealed that the medial aspect of that leg was red and swollen. A diagnosis of phlebitis was made. What is phlebitis, and what more serious condition may result if proper healing does not occur?

Phlebitis is an inflammation of a vein accompanied by painful throbbing and redness of the skin over the inflamed vessel. Thrombophlebitis can result if proper healing does not occur.

________ are lymphocytes that directly kill virus infected cells.

T cytotoxic cells

Antigens bound to MHC II activate:

T helper cells

_______ are lymphocytes that coordinate cellular and humoral immune responses.

T helper cells

The thymus is important for:

T lymphocyte maturation.

Cardiac muscle cells have several similarities with skeletal muscle cells. Which of the following is not a similarity?

THE CELLS ARE EACH INNERVATED BY A NERVE ENDING. The cells store calcium ions in the sarcoplasmic retiuculum. The cells contain sarcomeres. The cells become depolarized when sodium ions enter the cytoplasm.

Describe the pressures in the atria and ventricles that would cause the opening of the AV valves.

Pressure in the atria would be greater than the pressure in the ventricles.

By convention, the cardiac cycle graphs the events of the left side of the heart. How would the graphs change if we looked, instead, at the right side of the heart?

Pressure in the right ventricle would be much less, and all other events would be about the same.

In which class of molecules are antibodies classified?


What is the function of the coronary circulation?

Provide a blood supply to the heart

________ pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure.


Which is correctly matched?

Quiescent period: total heart relaxation between heartbeats

Why doesn't a clot fill the entire vasculature system once it has started forming?

Rapid blood flow washes away and dilutes activated clotting factors; Thrombin is inactivated by antithrombin 3 if it enters the general circulation.

Which of the following is characteristic of complete antigens?

Reactivity with an antibody

Red blood cells are efficient oxygen transport cells. Of the following characteristics, which is the major contributer to the significan oxygen-carrying capacity of a red blood cell?

Red blood cells are biconcave discs

Select the correct statement regarding blood cell formation.

Red marrow is the main site of blood cell formation throughout adult life.

Your hand has a scratch. What signals would indicate that the injury is inflammed?

Red, hot, swollen, painful

Which of the following changes would effect the longest lasting changes in blood pressure?

Release of antidiuretic hormone

Which of the following is directly involved in long-term blood pressure regulation?

Renal mechanisms

Which of the following structures sets the pace of heart contraction?

SA node

Which part of the conduction system initiates the depolarizing impulse, which spreads throughout the heart?

SA node

The order of impulse conduction in the heart, from beginning to end, is:

SA node, AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers.

Which of the following is not a method that maintains lymph flow?

SMOOTH MUSCLE CONTRACTION; valves in lymph vessel walls; skeletal muscle contraction; breathing

________ is a dangerous condition where the cytokines are released unchecked, making the capillaries very leaky and thus depleting blood fluids.

Septic shock or Sepsis

A woman had a mastectomy that included the removal of axillary lymph nodes on her left side. What can she expect regarding her left arm, and why?

She can expect severe localized edema along the arm, although some lymphatic drainage is eventually reestablished by regrowth of the vessels.

A woman comes into the hospital emergency room complaining that she is having problems swallowing and her neck is swelling. She was involved in an automobile accident a couple days ago, but only bruised her neck. What could be the problem?

She is suffering from Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

In a normal heart, which of the following structures is responsible for setting the heart's pace?

Sinoatrial node

Which lymphoid organ provides a site for lymphocyte proliferation and immune surveillance and response and provides blood-cleansing functions?


An older woman complains of shortness of breath and intermittent fainting spells. Her doctor runs various tests and finds that the AV node is not functioning properly. What is the suggested treatment?

Surgery to implant an artificial pacemaker

Of the following cardiovascular components, which contains the majority of the body's blood volume at any one time?

Systemic veins and venules

Which of the following is NOT a nonspecific internal defense against disease?

T CELLS; NK cells; inflammation; phagocytes

Cellular immunity is attributed to the action of:

T cells

Which of the following statements is a false or incorrect statement?

T cells and B cells become fully immunocompetent when they bind with recognized antigens; The lymphoid organs where lymphocytes become immunocompetent are called primary lymph organs. All other lymphoid organs are referred to as secondary lymphoid organs; It is our genes, not antigens, that determine what specific foreign substances our immune system will be able to recognize and resist; AFTER BECOMING IMMUNOCOMPETENT, THE NAIVE T CELLS AND B CELLS ARE EXPORTED TO THE BONE MARROW WHERE THE ENCOUNTERS WITH ANTIGENS OCCUR

Which of the following is not a difference between the left and right ventricles?

THE LEFT VENTRICLE RECEIVES A SMALLER PERCENTAGE OF CORONARY BLOOD SUPPLY THAN THE RIGHT VENTRICLE. The left ventricle is a more powerful pump than the right ventricle. The left ventricle pumps blood to the systemic circuit, while the right ventricle pumps blood to the pulmonary circuit. The walls of the left ventricle are thicker than the walls of the right ventricle.

Which of the following do not influence arterial pulse rate?

THE VESSEL SELECTED TO PALPATE; postural changes; emotions; activity

Which of the following is not a mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue?

THYMUS; tonsil; appendix; Peyer's patch

What response would you expect after traveling to high altitude for two weeks?

THe kidneys would secrete elevated amounts of erythropoietin.

T OR F: A precapillary sphincter is a cuff of smooth muscle that regulates the flow of blood into the capillaries.


T OR F: A sustained blood pressure of 140/90 or greater indicates hypertension in the patient.


T OR F: A transfusion reaction is a subacute hypersensitivity to foreign red blood cells.


T OR F: About 3 liters of fluid are lost to the tissue spaces every 24 hours and are returned to the bloodstream as lymph.


T OR F: An increase in blood viscosity will cause an increase in peripheral resistance.


T OR F: An infected lymph gland is called a bubo.


T OR F: Anaphylactic shock can result from an immediate hypersensitivity where the allergen enters the blood.


T OR F: Antigens can be complete or incomplete.


T OR F: Arteries supplying the same territory are often merged with one another, forming arterial anastomoses


T OR F: Because lymph vessels are very low-pressure conduits, movements of adjacent tissues are important in propelling lymph through the lymphatics.


T OR F: Cellular ingestion and destruction of particulate matter is called phagocytosis.


T OR F: Chyle is delivered to the blood via the lymphatic system.


T OR F: Digested fats are absorbed from the intestine by the lymph capillaries.


T OR F: Every minute, about 1.5 ml of fluid leaks out of the capillaries.


T OR F: Hypotension is generally considered systolic blood pressure that is below 100 mm Hg.


T OR F: If even a small part of the spleen is left in a ten-year-old child, it will most likely regenerate itself.


T OR F: In infants and young people, congenital vascular problems are less common than congenital heart disease.


T OR F: It is our genes, not antigens, that determine what specific foreign substances our immune system will be able to recognize and resist.


T OR F: Lymphatic capillaries are permeable to proteins.


T OR F: Lymphocytes reside temporarily in lymphoid tissue, then move to other parts of the body.


T OR F: Lymphoid tissue is mainly reticular connective tissue.


T OR F: MHC I proteins (major histocompatibility class I proteins) are found on most cells of the body.


T OR F: Soluble proteins secreted by plasma cells are called antibodies.


T OR F: Somatic recombination by B cells allows each B cell to form its own unique antibody genes.


T OR F: Some immunocompetent cells will never be called to service in our lifetime.


T OR F: Substances capable of triggering the adaptive immune system and provoking an immune response are called antigens.


T OR F: The adjustment of blood flow to each tissue in proportion to its requirements at any point in time is termed autoregulation.


T OR F: The azygos vein originates in the abdomen.


T OR F: The carotid sinus reflex protects the blood supply to the brain, whereas the aortic reflex is more concerned with maintaining adequate blood pressure in the systemic circuit as a whole.


T OR F: The cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis) is an arterial anastomosis.


T OR F: The directional movement of cells in response to chemicals is called chemotaxis.


T OR F: The lymphatic capillaries function to absorb the excess protein-containing interstitial fluid and return it to the bloodstream.


T OR F: The mechanism of the "lethal hit" of cytotoxic T cells and NK cells involves a protein called perforin.


T OR F: The pulmonary circulation does not directly serve the metabolic needs of body tissues.


T OR F: The respiratory burst produced by some macrophages releases free radicals.


T OR F: The thymus functions strictly in maturation of T cells.


T OR F: Vasodilation will result in increased blood flow to a given tissue.


T OR F: When tissues are inflamed, lymphatic capillaries develop openings that permit uptake of large particles such as cell debris, pathogens, and cancer cells.


A nurse palpated enlarged lymph nodes. What are the signs and symptoms that help to distinguish cancerous lymph nodes from infected lymph nodes?

Tender nodes are usually due to inflammation, whereas hard, fixed nodes are suggestive of malignancy.

Which of the following is true during ventricular systole?

The AV valves are closed.

Select the correct statement about the heart valves.

The AV valves are supported by chordae tendineae so that regurgitation of blood into the atria during ventricular contraction does not occur.

What does the cardiac cycle reveal about the opening and closing of the heart valves?

The AV valves close first, then the semilunars open and close, then the AV valves open.

What occurs if a T cell binds to an antigen and the T cell does not receive a co-stimulatory signal?

The T cell enters a state of anergy.

Select the correct statement about the function of myocardial cells in a healthy, normally functioning heart.

The atria, followed by the ventricles, contract as a unit or they do not contract at all.

If baroreceptors are primed to detect blood pressure changes and compensate for them, how is it that some patients suffer from chronic hypertension?

The baroreceptors in these patients have a new higher set point.

Predict the outcome of an overdose of the hormone erythropoietin.

The blood viscosity increases to levels that may induce heart attacks or strokes.

Select the correct statement about immunodeficiency.

The causative agent in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a virus that recognizes CD4 proteins.

Which of the choices below explains why the arterioles are known as resistance vessels?

The contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscle in their walls can change their diameter.

Why does blood velocity decrease as it flows into a capillary bed?

The cross-sectional area of the capillary beds is approximately 2000x than that of the aorta.

A patient complains of no energy, a chronic sore throat, a low-grade fever, and is tired and achy. His doctor notes an enlarged spleen upon examination. What diagnosis would you expect, and what definitive test would you request?

The diagnosis is infectious mononucleosis. The test would be a differential white blood cell count to look for elevated numbers of monocytes and atypical lymphocytes.

A man of Mediterranean ancestry goes to his doctor with the following symptoms: he is very tired all of the time, and he has difficulty catching his breath after even mild exercise. His doctor orders the following tests: CBC, hematocrit, and differential WBC count. The tests show immature erythrocytes, fragile erythrocytes, and less than 2 million RBCs per cubic millimeter. What would be a tentative diagnosis and suggested treatment?

The diagnosis is thalassemia. The treatment is blood transfusion.

A total WBC count and a differential WBC count have been ordered for Mrs. Johnson. What information is obtained from the differential count that the total count does not provide?

The differential count determines the relative proportion of individual leukocyte types. The total WBC count indicates an increase or decrease in number of WBCs.

Which of the following best describes the immune system?

The diverse set of molecules and immune cells that are found in lymphoid tissue and fluids throughout the body.

Which of the following is equivalent to the ventricular volume during isovolumetric contraction?

The end diastolic volume (EDV)

A 14-year-old girl undergoing a physical examination prior to being admitted to summer camp was found to have a loud heart diastolic murmur at the second intercostal space to the left side of the sternum. What is the reason for the loud heart murmur associated with this girl's condition?

The heart murmur is due to incomplete closing of the pulmonary valve.

An advantage to having reticular connective tissue present in lymph nodes would be that:

The loose organization of reticular connective tissue provides niches for macrophages and lymphocytes; lymph filters through the nodes and is exposed to lymphocytes and macrophages; lymphocytes cycle to various areas of the body and back to lymph nodes

As infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) progresses, some individuals develop persistent generalized lymphadenopathy. Why might this occur?

The lymph nodes are overwhelmed by a large number of virus particles trapped in the nodes.

While passing through a village on safari you notice a man with one enormous leg and one normal-sized leg. What is the most likely reason for the increased size of the swollen leg?

The man has elephantiasis, which is caused by parasitic worms that get in the lymph system and reproduce to levels that block the vessels. The swelling is due to edema.

Select the correct statement about the structure of the heart wall.

The myocardium is the layer of the heart that actually contracts.

Which of the statements below does not describe antigens?

The parts of antigen molecules that initiate immune responses are called epitopes or antigenic determinants; Antigens exhibit immunogenicity and reactivity; Antigens can include proteins, nucleic acids, lipoproteins, glycoproteins, and certain large polysaccharides; ANTIGENS ONLY COME FROM MICROBES

A 46 year-old man involved in a traffic accident is rushed to the emergency room with internal bleeding. Examination reveals a ruptured spleen. As a doctor, which of the following statements are important factors for you to consider as you decide whether or not to remove the patient's spleen?

The patient could regenerate an entirely new spleen; The adrenals can take over some of the spleen's functions; The function of the spleen is not well understood; IF LEFT ALONE, THE SPLEEN CAN OFTEN REPAIR ITSELF; BONE MARROW CAN TAKE OVER SOME OF THE SPLEEN'S FUNCTIONS; The patient cannot live without a spleen; THE LIVER CAN TAKE OVER SOME OF THE SPLEEN'S FUNCTIONS

Which of the following contribute(s) to the flow of lymph through lymphatic vessels?

The pumping of the heart; Pressure changes in the thorax that result from breathing

Predict the nature of an ECG recording when the atrioventricular node becomes the pacemaker.

The rhythm would be slower.

Mr. Wilson is a 45-year-old stockbroker with essential hypertension. He is African American, obese, and he smokes 2-3 packs of cigarettes daily. What risk factors for hypertension are typified by Mr. Wilson? What complications are likely if corrective steps are not taken?

The risk factors are obesity, race, a high-stress job, and smoking. Complications could include atherosclerosis, heart failure, renal failure, and stroke.

Isovolumetric relaxation is characterized by which of the following?

The semilunar and AV valves are closed.

During the ventricular ejection phase of the cardiac cycle, which of the following is true?

The semilunar valves are open.

What effect does age have on the size of the thymus?

The thymus initially increases in size and then decreases in size from adolescence through old age.

WHy is it possible for a person whith type A negative blood to have a negative reaction when receiving a transfusion of whole type O negative blood?

The type O blood may have high enough levels of anti-A antibodies that could cross-react with the recipient's cells.

Mrs. Gray, a 50-year-old mother of seven children, is complaining of dull, aching pains in her legs. She reports that the pain has been getting progressively worse since the birth of her last child. During her physical examination, numerous varicosities are seen in both legs. What pathologic changes have occurred in these veins?

The veins have become tortuous and dilated because of incompetent valves that allow the blood to pool, stretching the vein walls.

When the atria contract, which of the following is true?

The ventricles are in diastole

The principle of complementary structure and function is evident when examining the coverings of the heart. In what way is this relationship evident?

The visceral and parietal membranes of the pericardium are smooth and slide past each other, providing a low-friction environment for heart movement.

A patient was admitted to the hospital with chest pains. On admission, his pulse was 110 and blood pressure was 96/64. According to his history, his normal pulse rate is usually between 80 and 88 and his blood pressure runs from 120/70 to 130/80. Why did these changes in BP and HR occur?

To maintain the same cardiac output, the heart rate would need to increase to compensate for a decreased stroke volume.

Select the correct statement about the prevention of immune attack on "self."

Tolerance is developed during fetal life.

Which of the following is not a lymphoid tissue/organ?

Tonsils; BONE MARROW; Peyer's patches; Spleen

Which of the statements below is an incorrect or false statement?

Transfusion of incompatible blood can be fatal. Unique to the ABO blood group is the presence in the plasma of preformed antibodies. BLOOD TYPING FOR THE KELL, LEWIS, AND DUFFY FACTORS IS ALWAYS DONE BEFORE A BLOOD TRANSFUSION. When a transfusion reaction occurs, the oxygen-carrying capacity of the transfused blood cells is disrupted and the clumping of RBCs in small vessels hinders blood flow to tissues beyond those points.

Of the following blood vessel components, which is the most critical in regulating systemic blood pressure?

Tunica media

What is true about blood typing?

Type AB blood contains antigens A and B.

Factors that aid venous return include all except ________.

URINARY OUTPUT pressure changes in the thorax venous valves activity of skeletal muscles

Which of the following is NOT a part of hemostasis?

VASCULAR RELAXATION vascular spasm platelet plug formation coagulation

________ shock is due to abnormal expansion of blood vessels and a rapid drop in blood pressure.


Which of the following would be a result of anaphylaxis (a systemic allergic reaction)?

Vascular shock

Predict what might happen to peripheral resistance in arterioles supplying skeletal muscle when pH levels drop.

Vasodilation in vessels supplying skeletal muscle

Lymph vessels resemble these vessels of the systemic circulation.


Of the following vessel types, which conduct blood toward the heart, regardless of oxygen content?


Which of the following is true about veins?

Veins are called capacitance vessels or blood reservoirs.

Which of the following statements is true regarding veins versus lymphatic collecting vessels?

Veins have fewer internal valves than do lymphatic vessels.

Which of the following is true about veins?

Veins have valves; arteries do not.

The lowest venous blood pressure is found in the ________.

Venae Cavae

What is the major factor controlling stroke volume during resting periods?

Venous return to the heart

Of the following factors affecting blood pressure, which is (are) the most easily regulated?

Vessel diameter and cardiac output

which of the following statements is true regarding the mechanism controlling movement of white blood cells into damaged areas?

White blood cells exit the capillary and move through the tissue spaces with cytoplasmic extensions by following a trail of chemicals produced by other white blood cells.

When the white blood cell count is depressed, the classic signs of infection such as redness, heat, and swelling are not manifested. In this case, should the nurse avoid administering aspirin?

Yes, aspirin should be avoided because aspirin would disguise a fever that would indicate infection.

Is it possible to determine blood pressure from a cardiac cycle graph? Why or why not?

Yes, both systolic and diastolic pressures can be read.

If the AV node is damaged so that it can no longer transmit the signal from the SA node (total heart block), will the ventricles continue to contract? Why or why not?

Yes: however, ventricular contractions will no longer follow atrial contractions, and the rate of ventricular contractions will be significantly slowed.

A 68-year-old male is admitted to the hospital for emphysema. He is hypoxic and his lab tests reveal low oxygen levels. His hematocrit is 65%. The physician has told him that he has a type of polycythemia in which he has an increased number of erythrocytes circulating in his bloodstream. The patient tells the nurse that he does not understand what that means. How would the nurse explain this in terms the patient could understand?

You have decreased oxygen levels in your blood, and your body has responded by producing more RBCs, causing a type of polycythemia, the term for excessive RBC production.

What is an embolus?

a blood clot that has broken loose and is floating freely in the blood stream

Hemorrhage with a large loss of blood causes ________.

a lowering of blood pressure due to change in cardiac output

The stimulus for the heart's rhythmic contractions comes from _____.

a pacemaker potential

The term ductus venosus refers to ________.

a special fetal vessel that allows umbilical blood to bypass the liver

The inferior vena cava drains the ________.

abdomen and lower extremities

Atrial systole occurs ____ the firing of the sinoatyrial node.


In a healthy individual which of the following would be low?


Which of the following is not a method by which antibodies work?

agglutinating and precipitating antigen; enhancing phagocytosis; neutralizing antigen; ACTIVATING CYTOKINES

The main protein in blood plasma is:


The most abundant plasma protein is ________.


In comparing the volume of blood moved from atria to ventricles when the atria contract with the volume of blood ejected from the heart when the ventricles contract, we observe that ________.

atrial contractions move less blood into the ventricles than ventricles eject

The P wave of a normal electrocardiogram indicates ________.

atrial depolarization

Which of the following chemicals does not help regulate blood pressure?

atrial natriuretic peptide NITRIC ACID angiotensin II adh

Identify the ear like flaps that are attached to the top chambers of the heart.


When antibodies develop against a person's own cells, this is an example of a(n) _____.

autoimmune disease

What is afterload?

back pressure exerted by arterial blood

The basic mechanism employed by complement to fight bacterial infections is ____.

bacterial cell membrane lysis

The ________ in the carotid sinuses and aortic arch detect increases in blood pressure.


The rarest leukocyte is the ________.


Which of the following white blood cells are granulocytes?

basophils and neutrophils

In the Ouchterlony test, where will a precipitate form when bovine serum albumin is mixed with the antibodies for horse albumin, bovine albumin, and swine albumin?

between the wells for bovine albumin and antibodies for bovine albumin

Identify the valve found between the left atrium and left ventricle.

bicuspid (mitral) valve

Complications of aplastic anemia generally do not include ________.

bleeding disorders suppressed immunity impaired formation of all formed elements INCREASE OF LEUKOCYTES AS A RESULT OF ERYTHROCYTE LOSS

Red pulp of the spleen is most concerned with ______, while white pulp is most concerned with _____.

blood filtering; immunity

During the period of ventricular filling ________.

blood flows passively through the atria and the open AV valves into the ventricles

The embryonic mesodermal cells that will eventually form the endothelial lining of blood vessels are called ________.

blood islands

In the capillaries, hydrostatic pressure (HP) is exerted by __________.

blood pressure

Which of the following is NOT an important source of resistance to blood flow?

blood viscosity vessel length vessel diameter TOTAL BLOOD VOLUME

The pulmonary trunk and arteries are color-coded ________ on models and in pictures, because they carry ________ blood.

blue, deoxygenated

Which of the following factors does not influence heart rate?

body temperature age gender SKIN COLOR

B lymphocytes develop immunocompetence in the ________.

bone marrow

Lymph capillaries are absent in all but which of the following?

bone marrow; bones and teeth; cns; DIGESTIVE ORGANS

Lymphocytes are educated within primary lymphoid organs. B cells are educated in the ____ while T cells are educated in the ____.

bone marrow; thymus

Which of these vessels receives blood during ventricular systole?

both the aorta and pulmonary trunk

The major pumping chambers of the heart are ________.

both ventricles

The first major branch of the aortic arch is the ________ branch.

brachiocephalic trunk

Some of the least permeable capillaries are found in the ____, while some of the most permeable capillaries are found in the _____.

brain; bone marrow

The major ionic change that initiates the rising phase of the autorhythmic cell action potential is _____.

calcium ion entry

Natural killer (NK) cells ________.

can kill cancer cells before the immune system is activated

Gas and nutrient exchange occur in the:


Of the following vessel types, which are responsible for the exchange of gases and nutrients with tissues?


Permitting the exchange of nutrients and gases between the blood and tissue cells is the primary function of ________.


What are the smallest blood vessels in the body?


Why is it important that blood pressure drop to lower levels as it reaches the capillary beds?

capillaries are fragile and extremely permeable

Lymphatic collecting vessels are most closely associated with:

capillary beds

The net hydrostatic pressure (HP) is the hydrostatic pressure in the __________ minus hydrostatic pressure in the __________.

capillary; interstitial fluid

Where are the sensors for the arterial baroreceptor reflex located?

carotid sinus and aortic arch

The hepatic portal vein ________.

carries nutrient-rich blood to the liver.

Norepinephrine acts on the heart by ________.

causing threshold to be reached more quickly

In correct sequence from superior to inferior, the three single arteries that arise from the abdominal aorta are ________.

celiac trunk, superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric

The adaptive immune system involves three major cell types: antigen-presenting cells, T cells, which constitute ____ immunity, and B cells, which govern ____ immunity.

cell-mediated; humoral

A patient reports to the doctor that she bruises very easily, and when she cuts herself, she has a hard time stopping the bleeding. What test might a health care provider order to help diagnose this problem?

coagulation time

Lymphatic vessels:

collect excess fluid from interstitial spaces.

The aorta terminates when it divides into the ________.

common iliac arteries

Which of the following is characteristic of antibodies?

composed of heavy and light polypeptide chains

Foramen ovale ________.

connects the two atria in the fetal heart

Which capillaries are the most common in the body?

continuous capillaries

The source of blood carried to capillaries in the myocardium would be the ________.

coronary arteries

The enlarged coronary vessel outside the heart that empties blood into the right atrium is the ________.

coronary sinus

In the tonsils, these structures trap bacteria and other foreign material.


Tonsils have blind-ended structures called ________.


Toll-like receptors (TLRs) trigger the release of ________ to attract white blood cells to the scene.


The only T cells that can directly attack and kill other cells are the ________.

cytotoxic cells

Which of the following would cause vasodilation of arterioles?

decreased activity of the sympathetic nervous system

If cardiac muscle is deprived of its normal blood supply, damage would primarily result from ________.

decreased delivery of oxygen

How would a decrease in blood volume affect both stroke volume and cardiac output?

decreased stroke volume and no change in cardiac output

Which cells engulf antigens and present fragments of them on their own surfaces where they can be recognized by cells that will deal with them?

dendritic cells

The QRS complex is associated with ________.

depolarization of the ventricles

Blood volume restorers include all of the following except ________.

dextran PACKED CELLS albumin saline solutions

The process by which phagocytes exit capillaries and enter injured tissue is called _____.


Which of the following is NOT a functional characteristic of leukocytes?

diapedesis LEUKOCYTOSIS positive chemotaxis amoeboid motion

The shapes and the thickness of the walls of the right ventricle compared to the left are ________.

different: L ventricle is egg-shaped (round in cross section) with thicker walls

Which of the following is not a function of the inflammatory response?

disposes of cellular debris and pathogens; sets the stage for repair processes; prevents the spread of the injurious agent to nearby tissue; REPLACES INJURED TISSUES WITH CONNECTIVE TISSUE

Where are Peyer's patches located?

distal portion of the small intestine

Which of the following is NOT a function of blood?

distribution HORMONE PRODUCTION protection regulation

The antibody molecule is held together by ________ bonds.


This artery of the foot is often palpated to assess the circulatory efficiency of the limb as a whole.

dorsalis pedis artery

Your heart seems to "pound" after you hear a sudden, loud noise. This increase contractility is:

due to norepinephrine causing threshold to be reached more quickly.

The majority (80%) of ventricular filling occurs _____.

during late ventricular systole; passively through blood flow alone

Lymph leaves a lymph node via ________.

efferent lymphatic vessels

Blood vessels that absorb strong pressure pulses contain more of this type of tissue.


The aorta is an example of a(n):

elastic artery

What type of tissue is found in the walls of the arteries that leave the heart but not in the walls of the large veins that enter the heart?

elastic tissue

What does the ECG wave tracing represent?

electrical activity of the heart

The electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) shows a record of ________.

electrical excitation of the heart

Which of the following is equivalent to the ventricular volume during isovolumetric relaxation?

end systolic volume (ESV)

Name the inner lining of the heart.


A family of peptides called ________ are released by the endothelium and are among the most potent vasoconstrictors known.


The formed element ________ can kill parasitic worms.


These white blood cells kill parasitic worms and play a complex role in allergic responses and asthma.


The layers of the heart wall from superficial to deep are:

epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium.

Which of the following would increase heart rate?


Which of the following would increase heart rate?

epinephrine and norepinephrine

Which of the formed elements contains hemoglobin and transports respiratory gases?


Which of the following is not a cause of bleeding disorders?

excess secretion of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)

A premature ventricular contraction is classified as a(n):


T OR F: All leukocytes are also lymphocytes.


T OR F: An ECG provides direct information about valve function.


T OR F: Arterial blood supply to heart muscle is continuous whether the heart is in systole or diastole.


T OR F: Autonomic regulation of heart rate is via two reflex centers found in the pons.


T OR F: Basophils increase in number when parasitic invasion occurs.


T OR F: Cardiac muscle has more mitochondria and depends less on a continual supply of oxygen than does skeletal muscle.


T OR F: Diapedesis is the process by which red blood cells move into tissue spaces from the interior of blood capillaries.


T OR F: Each hemoglobin molecule can transport two molecules of oxygen.


T OR F: Hemoglobin is made up of the protein heme and the red pigment globin.


T OR F: Leukocytes move through the circulatory system by amoeboid motion.


T OR F: Myelocytic leukemia involves a cancerous condition of lymphocytes.


T OR F: Oxygenated blood flows through the right side of the heart.


T OR F: The "lub" sounds of the heart are valuable in diagnosis because they provide information about the function of the heart's pulmonary and aortic valves.


T OR F: The RBC "graveyard" is the liver.


T OR F: The base of the heart is located at the bottom of the heart.


T OR F: The immediate response to blood vessel injury is clotting.


T OR F: The moderator band is found on both the right and left side of the heart.


T OR F: The papillary muscles contract after the other ventricular muscles so that they can take up the slack on the chordae tendineae before the full force of ventricular contractions sends blood against the AV valve flaps.


T OR F: The primary source of RBCs in the adult human being is the bone marrow in the shafts of the long bones.


T OR F: The process of fibrinolysis disposes of bacteria when healing has occurred.


Lymph in the cisterna chyli differs in composition from lymph in the general lymphatic stream in that it contains more ________.


These veins drain the thigh.


Pyrogens induce __________.


Lymph tends to stall inside lymph nodes. This is due to:

fewer efferent lymphatic vessels than afferent lymphatic vessels

What protein involved in coagulation provides the scaffolding for tissue repair?


Which of these is not a normal plasma protein?

fibrinogen THROMBOPLASTIN gamma globulin albumin

Which of the following is not an age-related change affecting the heart?

fibrosis of cardiac muscle THINNING OF THE VALVE FLAPS atherosclerosis decline in cardiac reserve

Net (positive) hydrostatic pressure tends to move fluid out of capillaries. The resulting bulk fluid movement is known as __________.


What structure in the fetal heart allows blood to flow from the right atrium directly to the left atrium?

foramen ovale

Antigens that can provoke an immune response include ________.

foreign proteins, polysaccharides, and small molecules, called haptens, that link to our own body proteins

The slowest step in the clotting process is ________.

formation of prothrombin activator

In what direction does blood flow through the heart?

from a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure

Helper T cells ________.

function in the adaptive immune system activation

If blood pressure is increased at the arterial baroreceptors, what would happen with the activity level of the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) and sympathetic nervous system (SNS)?

increased PNS activity and decreased SNS activity

How would an increase in the sympathetic nervous system increase stroke volume?

increased contractility

A patient with essential hypertension might have pressures of 200/120 mm Hg. This hypertensive state could result in all of the following changes except ________.

increased damage to blood vessel endothelium; increased work of the left ventricle; DECREASED SIZE OF THE HEART MUSCLE; increased incidence of coronary artery disease

By what mechanism would an increase in venous return increase stroke volume?

increased end diastolic volume

Which of the following would increase cardiac output to the greatest extent?

increased heart rate and increased stroke volume

Peripheral resistance ________.

increases as blood viscosity increases

During exercise, the heart rate ________.

increases proportional to the exertion involved

Blood flow to the skin ________.

increases when environmental temperature rises

Arteriole blood pressure increases in response to all but which of the following?

increasing stroke volume FALLING BLOOD VOLUME increasing heart rate rising blood volume all of these

Blood from the lower limbs is returned to the heart via the:

inferior vena cava

Large clusters of lymph nodes occur in all of the following locations except the ________.

inguinal region; axillary region; LOWER EXTREMITIES; cervical region

The function of the intrinsic conduction system is to ________.

insure that the heart beats in a sequential and coordinated manner

What constitutes the body's first line of defense against disease?

intact skin and mucous membranes

What structures connect the individual heart muscle cells?

intercalated discs

Bulk fluid movement across capillary walls is typically through what structures?

intercellular clefts

Interferons ________.

interfere with viral replication within cells

Which antimicrobial protein is produced by a virus-infected cell?


The ________ supply the brain with blood.

internal carotid arteries

Which of the following veins drain the brain?

internal jugular

These veins drain the brain.

internal jugular veins

Lymph is most similar to:

interstitial fluid

Cerebral blood flow is regulated by ________.

intrinsic autoregulatory mechanisms

Oxygen binds to the _____ portion of hemoglobin.

iron atom (in heme)

Brain blood flow autoregulation ________.

is abolished when abnormally high CO2 levels persist

The cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis) ________.

is an example of an anastomosis, lies at the base of the brain, and may provide an alternative set of pathways for blood to reach brain tissue

An oral heparin medication might be prescribed for a patient who:

is at risk for embolism (clots that spontaneously form and wedge in blood vessels).

Venous pressure ________.

is much lower than arterial pressure

Cardiac muscle tissue ________.

is striated, like skeletal muscle tissue

Immunocompetence ________.

is the ability of individual cells to recognize a specific antigen by binding to it

Pulse pressure ________.

is the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure

In the dynamics of blood flow through capillaries, hydrostatic pressure ________.

is the same as capillary blood pressure

Which of the following terms refers to a lack of oxygen supply to heart muscle cells?


Put the phases of the cardiac cycle in the correct order, starting after ventricular filling.

isovolumetric contraction, ventricular ejection, isovolumetric relaxation

The second heart sound is heard during which phase of the cardiac cycle?

isovolumetric relaxation

This cell is the largest white blood cell. It lacks cytoplasmic granules and has a kidney-shaped nucleus.


The heart is called a double pump because ________.

it is two separate side-by-side pumps serving different circulations, it simultaneously pumps blood to the lungs (right side) and to all the other organs of the body (left side), and blood flows into and out of each side of the heart, but not from one side to the other

The QRS complex of the electrocardiogram begins ________.

just prior to ventricular contraction

What organ in the body regulates erythrocyte production?


Which of the following would experience a decreased blood flow during exercise?


As a blood pressure cuff is deflated on the arm, sounds of ________ can be heard.


Highly specialized lymph capillaries called ________ are present in the villi of the intestinal mucosa.


Blood within the pulmonary veins returns to the ________.

left atrium

Which heart chamber receives blood from the pulmonary veins?

left atrium

Which artery supplies the anterior ventricular walls and laterodorsal part of the left side of the heart?

left coronary artery

The third major branch of the aortic arch is the ________ artery.

left subclavian

The thoracic duct of the lymphatic system empties into the ________.

left subclavian vein

The subclavian artery that arises directly from the aorta supplies the ________.

left upper extremity and neck

Identify the most muscular chamber.

left ventricle

What heart chamber pushes blood through the aortic semilunar valve?

left ventricle

Which chamber pumps oxygenated blood out the aorta to the systemic circuit?

left ventricle

A heart murmur would be detected when blood is heard flowing from the ____ to the ____ through the ____.

left ventricle; left atrium; mitral valve

Bradycardia describes a heart rate of ________.

less than 60 beats/min

An increase in white blood cell number at sites of injury, which is characteristic of inflammation, is called ______.


Proinflammatory signals include all of the following except:

leukotrienes; histamines; ANTIBODIES; prostaglandins

This structure is a remnant of a fetal vessel that connected the pulmonary trunk and the aorta.

ligamentum arteriosum

What do the ductus arteriosus and the foramen ovale become at birth?

ligamentum arteriosum; fossa ovalis

The tonsils located at the base of the tongue are the ________.

lingual tonsils

Where in the body would you find low oxygen levels causing vasoconstriction and high levels causing vasodilation?


Small organs associated with lymphatic vessels are termed ________.

lymph nodes

What is/are the principal lymphoid organ(s) in the body?

lymph nodes

Which of the following is NOT a part of the lymphatic system?

lymph nodes; lymphatic vessels; BLOOD VESSELS; lymph

These cells recognize antigens and initiate the immune response.


Which cells become immunocompetent due to thymic hormones?


Which of the following is NOT a lymphoid cell?

macrophage; reticular cell; EOSINOPHIL; dendritic cell

When monocytes migrate into the interstitial spaces, they are called ________.


Phagocyte mobilization involves ________.

mainly neutrophil and macrophage migration into inflamed areas

Which of the following is a regulatory function of blood?

maintenance of normal pH in body tissues

The major function of the most common plasma protein, albumin is _________.

maintenance of plasma osmotic pressure and buffering changes in plasma pH

The intercalated discs in cardiac muscle tissue ________.

mark the junction between two cardiac cells

Regulatory T cells ________.

may function in preventing autoimmune reactions

Leukopenia ________.

may indicate a disease such as cirrhosis of the liver or tuberculosis

_____ is the pressure that propels blood to the tissues.

mean arterial pressure

The heart is located in a subdivision of the thorax called the ________.


Hassall's corpuscles are always found in the lighter-colored ________ regions of the thymus.


A ____ is the progenitor of platelets.


As red blood cells age ________.

membranes "wear out" and the cells become damaged

The basis of immunity is the presence of ___ cells.


Select the mechanism below that is not involved in the flow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels.

milking action of skeletal muscles; PUMPING ACTION OF THE HEART; pressure changes in the thorax that occur during breathing

Lymphatic capillaries owe their permeability to the presence of:

minivalves in their walls.

Pure antibody preparations specific for a single antigenic determinant are called ________ antibodies.


Small muscle masses attached to the chordae tendineae are the ________.

papillary muscles

Which of the following is associated with passive immunity?

passage of IgG antibodies from a pregnant mother to her fetus

Harmful or disease-causing microorganisms are called ________.


Name the ridged bundles of muscle found projecting inside the right atrium.

pectinate muscles

A lack of intrinsic factor, leading to a deficiency of vitamin B12 and large pale cells called macrocytes, is characteristic of ________.

pernicious anemia

The distal portion of the small intestine contains clumps of lymph follicles called ________.

peyer's patches

Which of the following is a part of the second line of defense against microorganisms?


Innate immune system defenses include ________.


During clonal selection of B cells, those B cells with complementary membrane receptors to the invading antigen will differentiate into _____ cells.


The ______ is the fluid portion of the blood.


Antibodies are produced by _______.

plasma cells

Antibodies that act against a particular foreign substance are released by ________.

plasma cells

This component of blood plasma includes molecules that are important for body defense, osmotic balance, and lipid transport.

plasma proteins

The enzyme ______ digests fibrin clots.


This formed element is essential for blood clotting.


Which of the choices below is the parent cell for all formed elements of blood?

pluripotent stem cell (hemocytoblast)

A blood test reveals a large increase in the number of RBCs. One possible explanation for this may be ________.


An abnormal excess of erythrocytes is called__________.


Which of the following most accurately describes how net filtration pressure (NFP) affects bulk fluid flow across capillary walls?

positive NFP causes filtration

These arteries supply the intercostal muscles, spinal cord, and vertebrae.

posterior intercostals

Which of the following is NOT a factor that regulates stroke volume?

preload afterload heart rate contractility ALL OF THE FACTORS ABOVE REGULATE STROKE VOLUME

Which of the following is a protective function of blood?

prevention of blood loss

What types of antigen are recognized by T cells?

processed fragments of protein antigens displayed on surfaces of body cells

The thymus is the only lymphoid organ that does not:

produce hormones; have lymphocytes; have a cortex and medulla; DIRECTLY FIGHT ANTIGENS

B cells respond to the initial antigen challenge by ________.

producing progeny cells that include plasma cells and memory cells

Fever ________.

production is regulated by chemicals that reset the body's thermostat to a higher setting

Aldosterone will ________.

promote an increase in blood pressure

What is the role of interferon in defense against disease?

protects cells that have not yet been infected by viruses

Which arteries carry deoxygenated blood?

pulmonary arteries

WHich of the following structures is an exception to the general principle surrounding blood vessel oxygenation levels?

pulmonary artery and pulmonary veins

Identfiy the valve located at the exit of the right ventricle.

pulmonary semilunar valve

THe major vessel delivering deoxygenated blood to the lungs is the _____.

pulmonary trunk

Which vessel of the heart receives blood during right ventricular systole?

pulmonary trunk

By taking a pulse you can determine ________.

pulse rate, regularity of the pulse, and strength of the pulse

The left ventricular wall of the heart is thicker than the right wall in order to ________.

pump blood with greater pressure

The fact that the left ventricle of the heart is thicker than the right ventricle reveals that it ________.

pumps blood against a greater resistance

Ventricular fibrillation is ________.

rapid, uncoordinated ventricular contractions

The short-term controls of blood pressure, mediated by the nervous system and bloodborne chemicals, primarily operate via all but which of the following?

reflex arcs associated with vasomotor fibers; ALTERING BLOOD VOLUME; reflex arcs involving baroreceptors; chemoreceptors

Which of the following is not a type of T cell?

regulatory; helper; ANTIGENIC; cytotoxic

Commotio cordis is heart failure due to a ________.

relatively mild blow to the chest that occurs during a vulnerable interval (2 ms) when the heart is repolarizing

Functions of the spleen include all of those below except ________.

removal of old or defective blood cells from the blood; FORMING CRYPTS THAT TRAP BACTERIA; storage of iron; storage of blood platelets

Which of the following is a long-term mechanism for maintaining blood pressure?

renal regulation

Which of the following processes provides a long-term response to changes in blood pressure?

renal regulation

The cardiac cycle ________.

represents all of the events of the heart during one heartbeat

Clonal selection of B cells ________.

results in the formation of plasma cells

Lymphatic vessels:

return tissue fluid to the bloodstream.

Which side of the heart receives blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs?


In the coronary circulation oxygenated blood is provided to the heart muscle by the ________.

right and left coronary arteries

Which chamber receives blood from the superior and inferior vena cavae?

right atrium

Which lymphatic structure drains lymph from the right upper limb and the right side of the head and thorax?

right lymphatic duct

A thrombus (blood clot) in the first branch of the arch of the aorta would affect the flow of blood to the ________.

right side of the head and neck and right upper arm

Which chamber of the heart exits into the pulmonary trunk?

right ventricle

Which heart chamber pumps unoxygenated blood out the pulmonary trunk?

right ventricle

Which heart chamber sends deoxygenated blood to the lungs?

right ventricle

Which of the following are involved directly in pulmonary circulation?

right ventricle, pulmonary artery, and left atrium

To auscultate the aortic semilunar valve, you would place your stethoscope in the ________.

second intercostal space to the right of the sternum

Which of the following is not a function of lymph nodes?

serve as antigen surveillance areas; produce lymphoid cells and granular WBCs; PRODUCE LYMPH FLUID AND CEREBRO-SPINAL FLUID; act as lymph filters and activate the immune system

When the lymphatic structures are blocked due to tumors, the result is ________.

severe localized edema distal to the blockage

The form of circulatory shock known as hypovolemic shock is ________.

shock that results from large-scale loss of blood volume, or after severe vomiting or diarrhea

The influence of blood vessel diameter on peripheral resistance is ________.

significant because resistance is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the vessel radius

The heart's pacemaker is the:

sinoatrial node

The primary input ot the heart by the cardioinhibitory center is primarily found in the _____.

sinoatrial node and atrioventricular node

Leaky capillaries found in the bone marrow are called_________.

sinusoidal capillaries

Modified capillaries that are lined with phagocytes are called ________.


Both lymph and venous blood flow are heavily dependent on ________.

skeletal muscle contractions and differences in thoracic pressures due to respiratory movement

Which of the following act as the first line of defense against foreign pathogens?

skin; mucous membranes

The velocity of blood flow is ________.

slowest in the capillaries because the total cross-sectional area is the greatest

The tunica media consists of ________.

smooth muscle and elastic fibers

Which of the following is characteristic of all leukocytes?

they are nucleated

Bronchial arteries that supply oxygenated blood to the lungs and bronchi arise from the ________.

thoracic aorta

How many branches does the aortic arch give rise to?


If we were able to artificially alter the membrane permeability of pacemaker cells so that sodium influx is more rapid, ________.

threshold is reached more quickly and heart rate would increase

Platelet formation is regulated by:


T cells achieve self-tolerance in the _______.


The first lymphoid organ to appear in development is (are) the:


Which lymphoid organ serves as the site where T lymphocytes become immunocompetent T cells?

thymus gland

Activation of the extrinsic pathway of coagulation requires exposure of the blood to _____.

tissue factor 3

Why are children given vaccinations?

to develop antibodies against various diseases

What is the main function of heart valves?

to prevent backward flow of blood

The function of B cells in the immune response is ________.

to produce plasma cells that make antibodies

The inferior vena cava carries blood ____ the ______ of the heart.

to; right atrium

Lymphoid tissue that appears as a swelling of the mucosa in the oral cavity is called a(n) ________.


The ________ are the simplest lymphoid organs and are found at the entrance to the pharynx.


Which of the following is/are the simplest lymphoid organ(s)?


Name the needle like ridges of muscle lining the ventricles.

trabeculae carneae

The major function of the red blood cells (RBC) is to ________.

transport O2 and CO2

Which of the following is not a function of the lymphatic system?

transporting dietary fats; TRANSPORTING RESPIRATORY GASES; draining excess interstitial fluid; carrying out immune responses

Tonsils promote memory of pathogens by:

trapping pathogens to develop immune cells with memory.

Sickling of red blood cells can be produced in those with sickle-cell anemia by ________.

travel at high altitude and vigorous exercise

The ________ valve is located between the right atrium and the right ventricle.


The ________ valve of the heart has three flaps with chordae tendineae.


Identify the right atrioventricular valve.

tricuspid valve

Which valve is located between the right atrium and ventricle?

tricuspid valve

T OR F: A condition of leukocytosis indicates over 11,000 white blood cells per cubic millimeter in the blood.


T OR F: A person with type B blood could receive blood from a person with either type B or type O blood.


T OR F: A person's blood type is genetically determined.


T OR F: All lymphocytes are leukocytes, but not all leukocytes are lymphocytes.


T OR F: Anastomoses among coronary arterial branches provide collateral routes for blood delivery to the heart muscle.


T OR F: As pressure in the aorta rises due to atherosclerosis, more ventricular pressure is required to open the aortic valve.


T OR F: Blood on the right never mixes with blood on the left, once the heart is fully developed.


T OR F: Chronic release of excess thyroxine can cause a sustained increase in heart rate and a weakened heart.


T OR F: Congestive heart failure means that the pumping efficiency of the heart is depressed so that there is inadequate delivery of blood to body tissues.


T OR F: Each heme contains an atom of iron and can transport one molecule of oxygen.


T OR F: Erythrocytes lack a nucleus.


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