Lecture Exam 1

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Plasmids carry

antibiotic resistance genes

Membrane bound ribosomes

attached to membrane of endoplasmic reticulum (ER); site of synthesis of proteins to be incorporated into membranes or lysosomes, or exported from cell

Plant cell walls are made of


monotrichous flagella

one flagella


organisms that are too small to be seen with the unaided eye and must be seen with microscopes

The plasma membrane is composed of

phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins that have a wide variety of functions


Or optical isomers. Have chirality, in which their structures are non-superimposable mirror images of each other. Optical because they can rotate the plane of polarized light


Organized layer outside of cells made of either stronger polysaccharides or proteins


The backbone of the cell made of microfilaments, intermediate filaments and microtubules that maintain the structure of the cell, facilitate transport of organelles and large molecules in the cell, and even help physically move the cell

Isomers or structural isomers

Same atomic make up but different structural arrangement/bonding sequence of atoms

Micronutrients (trace elements)

In small amounts, essential to many bio chemical reactions. Sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, earn, calcium, molybdenum, copper, cobalt, manganese, and vanadium


Multi functioning organelle that is not part of the Endo membrane system but functions similar to organelles in the endomembrane system

Flagella movement

1. Run = swims smoothly along, flagella rotates counter-clockwise 2. Tumble = stop then reverse of flagella rotation direction, flagella rotates clockwise *In peritrichous flagella: when it runs, all the flagella move together; when it tumbles, the flagella are pushed apart then bundled again


A jellylike fluid inside the cell in which the organelles are suspended made of water and dissolved chemicals needed for growth.

plasma membrane

A selectively-permeable phospholipid bilayer forming the boundary of the entire cells


A sugarcoat surrounding cells. Allows adherence to surfaces, involved in a formation of bio films, and protects bacteria from external conditions

Eukaryotic flagella and cilia

Are composed of a 9+2 array of microtubules. The sliding of these microtubules relative to each other causes a flagellum to bend

free ribosomes

Are located inside cytoplasm and synthesize water soluble proteins

NAG-NAM disaccharides

Are synthesized inside sale and transported across the membrane by bactoprenol. Outside of cell polymerises The disaccharides into the growing peptidoglycan chain.

Photosynthesis evolved early in bacteria

Around 3.2-3.5 billion years ago and it's evolution resulted in atmospheric concentrations of O2 to skyrocket. Resulting in the Great Oxidation event 2.4 billion years ago

Fields that fall under microbiology

Bacteriology - the study of bacteria Mycology - the study of fungi Protozoology - the study of Protozoa Parasitology - the study of Heminths and other parasites Virology - the study of viruses Immunology - the study of immune system and host pathogen interactions

Gram positives vs gram negatives

Characterized by Hans Christian Graham in 1884. Differentiates the structure of the cell walls in bacteria

70s ribosomes

Composed of 50s large subunit and 30s small subunit

The extra cellular matrix

Composed of proteins and carbohydrates components. It protects cells from physical stressors and transmit signals arriving at the outside edges of the tissue to cells deeper within the surface

inorganic molecules

Do not contain carbon. Make up 1% to 1.5% of cell mass. Simple but important compounds


Does not have a peptide side chain. (No Amino Group)

organic molecules

Contain carbon. Usually organized as chains of carbon Atoms or carbon skeletons.

one or more chromosomes

Contain the genetic blueprint of the celk

Early earths atmosphere was different than originally thought

Contained less CH4 and NH3. More H2 and would have likely included H2S and SO2 in addition to those used in the experiment

All cells have 4 fundamental components

Cytoplasm, plasma membrane, one or more chromosomes, ribosomes

Inclusions or inclusion bodies

Cytoplasmic structures that store excess nutrients Volutin granules, polyhydroxybutyrate PHB, magnetosomes, carboxysomes

Miller-Urey (and Bada) Experiment

Demonstrated that amino acids could be formed on early earth


Dense region in the nucleus where ribosome synthesis occurs


Differ in spatial arrangements of atoms

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Ribosomes

Differ in structure


Different from slime layers. Another type of cell envelope structure composed of structural proteins and glycoproteins. Exact function is still unknown but may help in regulating osmotic pressure


Eukaryotic chromosomes have an 80s size composed of a 60 S large sub unit and 40 S small sub unit

Aerobic bacteria

Evolved 2 billion years ago


Forms multiple layers and each layer is comprised of alternating NAM and NAG chains


Function similar to microfilaments. Are the main components of eukaryotic flagella and aid in cell division

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)

Functions as an endotoxin in infections. Has three components which are lipid a, core polysaccharide, and o antigen

Early Earth's Atmosphere contained...

H2, NH3, H2O, CH4, CO3 and CO2 but NO free oxygen (O2) It was much hotter Had constant lighting strikes that formed amino acids


Hardy structures that protect the bacterial genome in a dormant or non-metabolically active state during unfavorable conditions ! Not a form of reproduction ! Protect against dehydration, toxic chemicals, heat, radiation, and other harsh environments


Has a peptide side chain


Have a thick layer of peptidoglycan with teichoic acids and lipoteichoic acids embedded within it

Photosynthesis takes place

In chloroplast which have an outer membrane and an inner membrane. Stacks of thylakoids called grana form a third membrane layer

Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB)

Inclusions with a monolayer structure

Rough ER

Interconnected array of tubules and cisternae studded with the ribosomes that synthesize proteins destined for the cell membrane, other organelle membranes, or the extra cellular matrix

The eukaryotic plasma membrane

Is composed of a lipid bilayer with many embedded or associated proteins. It contains cholesterol for the maintenance of membrane, as well as glycoproteins and glycolipids that are important in the recognition of other cells or pathogens

The origin of epidemiology

John Snow

The nucleus

Lipid bilayer membrane bound and houses the DNA genome, which is packed tight by histones and contained in multiple rod shaped chromosomes.


Lipid biosynthesis. Produces H202 a highly reactive molecule that degrades molecules such as uric acid, amino acid, and fatty acids Also produces catalase which is an enzyme that breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen


Long structures used by cells to move in aqueous environments composed of three parts Basal body - motor Hook - intermembrane connection Filament - long string like structure that propels the cell with its movement

Intermediate filaments

Named because they are bigger than Actin monomers and smaller than microtubules. Maintain the position of the nucleus

isotonic solution

No net movement of water particles. Cell membrane is attached to cell walk


Makes proteins


Most abundant elements in cells. 99% of dry weight of cells. Hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur

Peptidoglycan (murein)

Polymer chain comprising the primary structure of the bacterial cell wall

The cell wall

Protects the cell from changes in osmotic pressure

Prokaryotic flagella

Run in a rotary movement, while eukaryotic flagella run in a bending move using a complex sliding filament system

D form enantiomer

Rotate clockwise. Derived from Latin word Dexter meaning on the right

L form enantiomer

Rotate counterclockwise. Derived from Latin word laevus meaning on the left


Short bristle like proteins projecting from cell surfaces. Numerous and enable cells to attach to surfaces of other cells


Spores re-entering a vegetative cell state upon favorable conditions


Stores compounds used for carbon metabolism

Golgi apparatus

Structured as stacks of membranous discs with enzymes that modifies lipids and proteins transported from the ER

greenhouse gases

Such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and methane were removed from the atmosphere causing the earth to rapidly freeze

The mitochondria is

Surrounded by two membranes, the inner of which is extensively folded into cristae and is the site of the inner membrane space

Endospores can

Survive for long periods of time - thousands of years Only found in a few Gram positives

S stands for

Svedburg Unit or the measure of sedimentation in an ultracentrifuge. Based on size shape and surface qualities

Smooth ER

Synthesize lipids, involved in carbohydrate metabolism, and detoxifies toxins within the cell

endosymbiotic theory

The first forms of life on earth were prokaryotic and archaic. States that mitochondria And chloroplasts arose as a result of prokaryotic cells. This Endo symbiosis is believed to be a major driving factor in the evolution of complex organisms

Germ Theory

The idea that diseases result from microbial infection

spontangeous generation

The notion that life can arise from non-living matter • Aristotle first proposed this theory • Francisco Redi first disproved it

Prokaryotic cells lack a

nucleus and membrane bound organelles and generally have one single circular chromosome in the nucleoid


The process by which vegetative cells transform into endospores when nutrients are depleted or conditions become harsh


The study of microorganisms


The suicide sack of the cell. Vesicles that contain digestive enzymes for the degradation of various particles. Food, cellular debris, microorganisms, or immune complexes

Miasma Theory

The theory that diseases were caused by miasma or bad air arising from organic decay, filth, or other conditions of the local environment.

transport vesicles

Transport proteins and lipids from the ER to the Golgi apparatus and modified molecules from the Golgi to the membrane of the cell or organelles

Secretory vessels

Transport vesicles involved with exocytosis


Two intertwine strands of monomers that work with motor proteins to affect muscle contraction in animals or movements of amoeboid's

Replicating the experiment

Under these conditions Produced all 20 amino acids common to life plus many more Nucleic acids Simple sugars

hypotonic solution

Water particles move into the cell. Cell wall counteracts osmotic pressure to prevent swelling and lysis

Mycolic acid

Waxy substance on the external side of the cell wall in micro bacterium species, protect cells from phagocytosis by immune cells

What yields ethanol and CO2

Yeast fermentation

Hypertonic solution

a solution that causes a cell to shrink because of osmosis. Cell membrane shrinks and detached from cell wall (plasmolysis)

The peptide chains on 2 stacked N-Acetylmuramic

acids are cross linked to stabilize the layers

amphitrichous flagella

flagella at both ends

petritrichous flagella

flagella cover the entire surface

Eukaryotic cells have a

nucleus and membrane bound organelles and multiple rod shaped chromosomes in the nucleus

gram negative

have a thin layer of peptidoglycan in the Periplasm between two phospholipid bilayer membranes and Lipopolysaccharides on the outside of the outer membrane


iron oxide inclusions; or iron sulfide inclusions

Bacterial Plasma Membrane

is a phospholipid by layer with a variety of embedded proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates that perform various functions for the cell


longer, less numerous protein appendages that aid in attachment to surfaces or other cells F pilus (sex pilus) aids in transfer of DNA between bacterial cells

vegetative cells are

metabolically active cells

lophotrichous flagella

multiple flagella at one end

cell wall function

provides support and protection from harsh conditions outside of the celk


small circular double strangled DNA molecules that are located outside of the chromosomes

volutin granules

store inorganic phosphate

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