LEED Chapter 5

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10,000 square feet of land that has a FAR of 2 can allows the construction of a _______ building.

20,000 square foot building

In the US, transportation accounts for ____% of the total greenhouse gas emissions from the combustion of petroleum-based fuelds.


Sensitive Land Protection Credit Requirements

Two Options Option 1: 1 point - locate on previously developed land Option 2: 1 point - if not developed, then land must not fall under the categories below 1. Prime farmland 2. Floodplains 3. Habitat 4. Water Bodies 5. Wetlands

For all the LEED credits that require walking distance calculations, walkability should be confirmed by the use of paths that offer a _____________ and ___________ and are part of _________.

safe and comfortable environment; a continuous network of sidewalks

To protect habitat, green buildings should not be developed inside ______. Instead _____ should be preferred.

sensitive lands; infill sites

A higher FAR allows more building _______ and _________ development.

space; denser

Bicycle Facilities Credit Intent

promote the use of bicycles, transportation efficiency, reduction of vehicle distance traveled, and improvement of human health by promoting utilitarian and recreational physical activity

Green Vehicles Credit Intent

reduce pollution by encouraging alternatives to conventionally fueled automobiles

The federal, state, or municipal government can offer _________ on the property to support development.

tax incentives

Define smart growth

the approach that protects undeveloped lands and contributes to developments in projects near jobs, schools, shops, and other destination points with diverse uses

What is defined as prime farmland?

Defined by the US Department of Agriculture, United States Code of Federal Regulations Title 7, Volume 6, Parts 400 to 699, Section 657.5 and identified in the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NCRS) soil survey If outside the US, can be document a local equivalent, and can be used as an alternative compliance path (ACP)

What is defined as floodplains?

Defined by the floor hazard maps of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); if no map exists, project teams will need to make sure the area is not subject to 1% or greater chance of flooding in any year

Compact development strategies

promote efficient neighborhoods and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Green Vehicles Credit Pointage & Summary

- 1 point - promotes the use of green vehicles - provides exceptions, including preferred parking spaces, discounted parking rates, and electric vehicle charging stations (EVSE)

Reduced Parking Footprint Credit Pointage & Summary

- 1 point - to reduce the heat island effects of parking lots

What are the categories of diverse uses? Give examples (page 78)

- Food Retail: supermarket, grocery - Community-serving retail: farmers market, pharmacy, hardware store - Services: bank, gym, hair care, restaurant - Civic and community facilities: child care, education center, medical clinic, place of worship, post office, park - Community anchor uses: commercial office

What are the three major sections of the Location and Transportation credit category?

- Location - Transportation - Neighborhood Pattern and Design

The types of sensitive lands that should be avoided for development:

- Prime farmland - Sites close to wetlands and water bodies (lakes, rivers, etc.) - public parkland - Areas below floodplain - Areas that are part of the habitat or endangered species

Two components of location that are important to consider

- Smart growth - Protecting the habitat with location choice

Calculations for walking and bicycling distances

- demonstrate how far a pedestrian and bicyclist would travel to a destination - shortest path analysis is measured along infrastructure that is safe and comfortable for pedestrians (sidewalks or crosswalks) or cyclists (bike lanes, off-street paths...) - sum of the continuous segments of the route will give the total distance from the origin to the destination

Access to Quality Transit Credit Requirements

- locate any functional entry of the building within a quarter mile (400 meters) walking distance of existing or planned bus, streetcar, or rideshare stops - locate the entry within a half mile (800 meters) walking distance of planned or existing bus rapid transit stops, light/heavy rail stations, commuter rail stations, commuter rail station or commuter ferry terminals - planned but currently nonoperational stations can be counted if they're sited, funded, and under construction at the time of the certificate of occupancy and should be completed within 24 months from that date - to earn the credit, transit services must meet the values on table 5 and table 6 on page 80-81 - both the required number of weekday and weekend trips should be met - trips can be counted in one direction and if a qualifying transit has more than one stop at a walking stance, only one stop can be counted - if any transit types, located at a walking distance to the project, is temporarily rerouted for less than 2 years, it can still be counted

Calculations for total vehicle parking capacity

- new and existing surface parking spaces - new and existing garage or multilevel parking spaces - any off-street parking spaces outside the project boundary that serve building users (shared parking) SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED - public on street parking - parking spaces assigned to fleet and inventory vehicles - motorbike or bicycle spaces

Alternative fuelds

- non-gasoline, low-polluting fuels ex: hydrogen, electricity, propane, compressed natural gas, liquid natural gas, methanol, and ethanol

Bicycle Facilities Credit Requirements for Bicycle Network

- project should be located so that the building's functional entry or bicycle storage is within 200 yards of a bicycle network that connect to at least one of the following: -- at least 10 diverse uses (table 4) -- an employment center of school, if the project's total area is 50% or more residential -- light or heavy rail staton, bus rapid transit stop, commuter rail, or ferry terminal - all these diverse uses should be within a three-mile (4800) bicycling distance of the project boundary

Green Vehicles Credit Requirements

- projects should designated 5% of all the parking spaces as preferred parking for sole use by green vehicles - a discounted rate of at least 20% for green vehicles can be provided One of the two options... Option 1: Electric vehicle charging - 1 point - install electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) in 2% of all parking spaces -- provide level 2 charging capacity -- comply with relevant regional or local standard for electric connectors -- be networked or accessible from the internet and be capable of participating in a demand-response program Option 2: Liquid, gas, or battery facilities - 1 point - install liquid or gas alternative fuel fuelding facilities or a battery switching station equal to at least 2% of total parking spaces

Calculations for preferred parking

- should have the shortest walking distance to main entrance - located on level that is closest to the main entrance of the building

Reduced Parking Footprint Credit Requirements

- should not exceed minimum local code requirements for parking capacity - should provide parking capacity that is a percentage reduction below base parking capacity ratios of the Parking Consultants Council (Institute of Transportation Engineer's Transportation Planning Handbook, 3rd edition, Tables 18-2 through 18-4) Case 1: Baseline location - projects that have no earned points under "Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses" or "Access to Quality Transit" credits should achieve a 20% reduction from base parking capacity ratios Case 2: Dense and/or transit-served location - have earned 1 or more points under "Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses" credit or "Access to Quality Transit" credit should achieve a 40% reduction from the base parking capacity ratios ALL PROJECTS: - include all the out-of-the-project boundary parking spaces that are leased or owned by project (except public parking) - need to provide preferred parking for carpools for 5% of the total parking after reductions have been made from base ratios - Mixed-use projects should determine the percentage reduction by calculating the parking amount of each use specified by base ratios

Transportation demand management strategies to reduce amount of parking footprint

- telecommuting - compressed workweek schedule - providing shuttles for employees - residential units sold separately from parking - shared parking between uses - transit subsidy

Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses Credit Intent

- to conserve land and protect farmland and wildlife habitat - promote development in areas with existing density - promote daily walks, transportation efficiency, reduce vehicle distance traveled - improve human health by encouraging physical activity

Bicycle Facilities Credit

-1 point - projects need to be located close to bicycle networks and contain bicycle storage and shower rooms - should be both long-term and short-term storage

Access to Quality Transit Credit (Points & Summary)

-1-5 points - locating the project within walking distance of quality transit will reduce single-occupancy vehicle use, therby reducing air pollution and greenhouse gases

LEED for Neighborhood Development Credit (pointage & description)

-8-16 points - designed to promote smart growth and sustainability in neighborhoods

Sensitive Land Protection Credit Purpose

1 point - designed to prohibit development in ecologically sensitive areas - will earn the credit if on previously developed unless a portion has not been

High Priority Site Credit

1-2 credits credit aims to preserve the greenfields and ecologically sensitive lands; the requirements are different in comparison to the "Sensitive Land Protection" credit requires a project to be developed either: -on an infill location inside a historic district (promote redevelopment of the historic district) - or inside one of the high-priority development areas determined by communities and governments (promote socially and economically depressed neighborhood) - or in a brownfield site that needs remediated (promote recovery of polluted site and provide benefits to the environment)

Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses Credit

1-5 Points A project located inside existing built density and/or that is at a walkable distance to diverse uses such as banks, restaurants, supermarkets, etc. has great benefits to both the project users and the environment as it also contributes to compact development. Reduce vehicle use and reduce air pollution (reduction in greenhouse gas emissions) Also a reduction in car accidents Credit awards points for project that are located inside surrounding densities and/or at walking distance

Sensitive Land Protection Credit Requirements: Minor Developments acceptable within water bodies and wetlands

1. Brownfield areas 2. Grading can allow for public access 3. Activity to maintain or restore natural hydrology or native natural communities 4. Pedestrian walkways or bicycle lanes can be constructed up to 12 feet wide and no more than 8 feet 5. Trees that meet the following ratings: under 40% condition rating; diameters less than 6 inches; hazardous trees; 75% of dead trees up to 20% of trees whose diameters are less than 6 inches at breast heigh with a condition rating of 40% of higher 6. Clearings that do not exceed 500 square feet 7. Only one single-story structure per 300 linear feet

Consequences of suburban sprawl on the environment

1. Construction of a building on undeveloped land will destroy the habitat and wildlife in that location 2. Suburban sprawl results in car dependency - greenhouse gas emission 3. More people will move to suburban area, needing infrastructure

According to the US EPA, in order to promote smart growth and discourage suburban sprawl, the following strategies should be applied:

1. Mix land uses 2. Compact building design 3. Range of housing options 4. Walkable neighborhoods 5. Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place 6. Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty, and critical environmental areas 7. Strengthen and direct development toward existing communities 8. Transportation choices 9. Development decisions predictable, fair, and cost effective 10. Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration in development devisions

Principles of smart growth

1. Protect undeveloped land (greenfields) 2. Reuse/restore previously developed sites 3. Reduce automobile use and promote public transportation 4. Develop efficient rainwater management 5. Reduce the heat island effect 6. Reduce lighting pollution 7. Provide stewardship of nature and the site's surroundings

Points awarded for locating a project inside a LEED ND site BD+C Healthcare

5 - certified 6 - silver 7 - gold 9 - platinum

Transportation accounts for _____ of a project's total greenhouse gas emissions and _____ of greenhouse gas emissions in the US.

50% - project; 33% - US

Points awarded for locating a project inside a LEED ND site BD+C Schools

8 - certified 10 - silver 12 - gold 15 - platinum

Points awarded for locating a project inside a LEED ND site BD+C

8 - certified 10 - silver 12 - gold 16 - platinum

Points awarded for locating a project inside a LEED ND site BD+C CS

8 - certified 10 - silver 16 - gold 20 - platinum

Bicycle Facilities Credit Requirements for Bicycle Storage

Case 1: Commercial or Institutional projects - provide short-term bicycle storage for at least 2.5% of all peak visitors (no less than 4) - provide long-term bicycle storage for at least 5% of all the regular building occupants (no less than 4) - on site shower should also be provided with a changing facility for first 100 regular building occupants and one additional shower for every additional 150 occupants Case 2: Residential projects - provide short-term bicycle storage for at least 2.5% of all peak visitors (no less than 4) - provide long-term bicycle storage for at leas 30% of all regular building occupants (cannot be less than 1 storage space) Case 3: Mixed-use projects - Meet Case 1 & 2 storage requirements for residential and nonresidential portion separately ALL STORAGE REQUIREMENTS: - SHORT-TERM: should be within 100 feet (30 meters) of any main entrance - LONG-TERM: within 100 feet (30 meters) of any functional entry

What does the US Housing and Urban Development define?

Federal Empowerment Zone, Federal Enterprise Community, and Federal Renewal Community

For determining sensitive habitat and endangered species outside the US, project teams may use the ___________________.

International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List

Projects pursuing the LEED for Neighborhood Development Location rating system credit will not be eligible to receive any other ______ credits since.....

LT credits; mostly cover the goals of the other LT credits

What is defined as water bodies?

Made within 100 feet (30 meters) of water bodies except in the case of minor improvements

What is defined as wetlands?

Made within 59 feet (15 meters) of wetlands except minor improvements

High Priority Site Credit Requirements

Option 1: Historic District - 1 Point - locate project on an infill location inside a historic district - land qualifies as an infill site if at least 75% of the land is already developed within a half mile (800 meters) of the project boundary OR Option 2: Priority Designation - 1 Point locate the site in one of the following priority development areas: - site listed by EPA's National Priorities List - Federal Empowerment Zone site - Federal Enterprise Community site - Federal Renewal Community site - Department of the Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Qualified Low-Income Community - US Department of Housing and Urban Development's Qualified Census Tracts (QCT) or Difficult Development Areas (DDA) - A local equivalent program administered at the national level for projects outside the United States OR Option 3: Brownfield Remediation - 2 Points locate the project on a soil or groundwater contaminated brownfield that needs to be remediated according to the formal authorities guidelines

Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses Credit Requirements

Option 1: Surrounding density - 2-3 Points - location of project on a site where the quarter-mile radius (400 meters) of the project boundary meets the values in the table on page 77 - use either "separate residential and nonresidential densities" or "combined density" AND/OR Option 2: Diverse uses - 1-2 Points - locate project so that building's main entrance is within a half mile (800 meters) walking distance of the main entrance of 4-7 (1 point) or 8+ (2 points) existing and available diverse uses shown on table 4 on page 78 - Food Retail: supermarket, grocery - Community-serving retail: farmers market, pharmacy, hardware store - Services: bank, gym, hair care, restaurant - Civic and community facilities: child care, education center, medical clinic, place of worship, post office, park - Community anchor uses: commercial office The same type of diverse use cannot be counted as more than two diverse uses

Long-term bicycle storage

Protected storage from rain and snow for the use of residents and employees

LEED for Neighborhood Development Credit Requirements

The project has to be inside a boundary of the one of the following: 1. LEED ND Pilot - Stage 2 for Neighborhood Development Certified Plan 2. LEED ND Pilot - Stage 3 for Neighborhood Development Certified Project 3. LEED 2009 - Stage 2 Precertified LEED for Neighborhood Development Plan 4. LEED 2009 - Stage 3 LEED ND Certified Neighborhood Development 5. LEED v4 - LEED for certified Neighborhood Development Certified Plan 6. LEED v4 - LEED for certified Neighborhood Development Certified Built Project If the project is under one of the sites no points will be awarded: 1. LEED ND Pilot - Stage 1 LEED for Neighborhood Development Prereviewed Plan 2. LEED 2009 - Stage 1 Conditional Approval of LEED ND Plan 3. LEED v4 - LEED for Neighborhood Development Conditional Approval


Working at home by using a computer terminal electronically linked to one's place of employment.

What does the US Department of Treasury, Community Development Financial Institutions Fund provide?

funds for low-income communities

The cars that are eligible to be green vehicles can be classified under ___________ by the __________ or should have earned a ________ or more from the ____________.

Zero Emission Vehicles by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) or should earned a Green Score of 45 or more from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE)

A site that has _______ with _______ can also be classified as a brownfield site.

abandoned building with unknown contamination

Infill sites development

are sites that were either previously developed or were already being used for other pruposes in urban areas

LEED for Neighborhood Development Credit Intent

avoid development on inappropriate sites, to reduce vehicles miles traveled, and to contribute to human health by encouraging daily physical activity and enhancing livability

Sensitive Land Protection Credit Intent

avoiding the development of environmentally sensitive lands and reducing the ecological impact from the location of building on a site

If the development location is close to a bicycle network, providing _____ and ______ helps building occupants use their bicycles to commute and engage in daily physical activity.

bicycle racks and shower rooms

Locating the project on ________ and remediating them before the start of construction can be another option, which can gain ___________ in the LEED certification.

brownfield sites; extra points

Zero-lot-line projects

buildings built on the entire lot

A healthy neighborhood should have _______ , _________, _________, and other diverse uses close enough to minimize travel.

business centers, retail services, education facilities, and other diverse uses

LEED ND sites need to be ____ in order to gain points uner the LEED for Neighborhood Development Location Credit


Compressed workweek

company allows its employees to work more hours during working days in exchange for a day off on the weekday

What are three working options that reduce fossil fuel usage?

compressed workweek, telecommuting, and carpooling

LEED promotes minimizing parking spaces insides buildings to the code minimums in order to ....

discourage individual vehicle use

Floor-to-areas ratio (FAR)

dividing the total square feet of a building by the total square feet of the lot of the building

Define alternative-fuel vehicles

do not rely on gasoline or diesel fuels and are instead powered by electricity, hydrogen, ethanol, natural gas, or biofuel

Define heat island effect

increase in ambient air temperatures in urban areas

What is defined as habitat?

land that hosts endangered or threatened species according to the US Endangered Species Act or NatureServe data

5 strategies to address location and transportation

look on page 68

What does the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) define?

national priority sites

Short-term bicycle storage

non-enclosed bicycle parking typically used by visitors for a period of two hours or less.

The transportation sector is responsible for _______ of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions globally.


Brownfield sites

previously developed sites that were contaminated with waste or pollution

Examples of ecologically sensitive areas

prime farmland, floodplain, habitat, water bodies, or wetland

Access to Quality Transit Credit Intent

promote development in location that have multimodal transportation choices, which reduce motor vehicle use and thereby reduces greenhouse gas emissions, other air pollution, and environmental negatives associated with motor vehicles

High Priority Site Credit Intent

to encourage the project location to be inside areas with development constraints and promote the health of the surrounding areas

Reduced Parking Footprint Credit Intent

to minimize environmental harm related to automobiles, land consumption, rainwater runoff, and parking facilities


undeveloped land

Define green vehicles

vehicles that score a minimum of 45 points on the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) annual vehicles rating guide

A project should reduce the consequences of transportation by ensuring access to alternative modes of transportation such as:

walking and bicycling; alternative-fuel vehicles; providing fuel facilities and parking rates

A healthy neighborhood should contain what three things?

wide sidewalks, benches, and bicycle networks

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