LER 202 Exam 1

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Trends of 2050

- Population will be older, whites will decrease, blacks/asians/hispanic proportion increase, talent shortage will increase

Organizational Behavior is the study of___

-Human behavior in organizational settings -The interface between human behavior and the organization -The organization itself

Continuance commitment

A belief that leaving the job poses unacceptable costs or risks; employee stays because she feels she has to

Experiential Learning

A desire for hands-on approaches to instruction

Normative commitment

A feeling of moral or ethical obligation to the organization; employee stays because she believes it would be wrong to leave

long-term orientation

A focus on the future, working on projects that have a distant payoff, persistence, and thrift versus an orientation toward the past and the present including respect for traditions and social obligations

What is the variety of similarities and differences among people called?


general self-efficacy

Confidence in one's ability to be successful


a component of an attitude that guides a person's behavior


a person's complexes of beliefs and feelings about specific ideas, situations, other people


a set of shared values that help people in a group, organization, or society understand which actions are acceptable


Feelings of self-worth and liking or disliking oneself

When someone's performance improves because they're being watched this is called ___ effect?


After WW1 attention shifted to understanding the role of ___ in organizations?

Human factors

The ___ variable in an experiment is predicted to affect something else.


Human Relations Movement

Inspired by the Hawthorne effect; viewed organizations as cooperative systems and treated workers' values&feelings as important


Learn by abstract conceptualization and reflective observation; more concerned about abstract concepts and logical soundness than about people and practical values; suited to research units


Learn by active experimentation and concrete experience; focus on risk taking, opportunity seeking, and action; deal with people easily; suited to action-oriented jobs such as marketing and sales


Learn by concrete experience and reflective observation; superior in generating alternate hypotheses and ideas; tend to be imaginative and people or feeling-oriented

___ is behavior directed at gaining power and controlling the behavior of others:


Which of the following is one of the specific perspectives of organizational behavior?

People as resource

Affective commitment

Positive emotional attachment to the organization, its values, and its goals; employee stays because she wants to

What is a generalization based on a person based on certain characteristics?


Which of the following is an example of distress?

Pressure to perform

the universal model

Presumes a direct cause-and-effect linkage between variables Complexities of human behavior and organizational settings make universal conclusions virtually impossible


Seeing one's own characteristics in others

separation diversity

differences in position or opinion

Managers with a low tolerance for ambiguity tend to be more ___ with their staff and don't empower them to make their own decisions at work:


___ is NOT one of the seven universal emotions


Research has found that ___ people tend to be higher performers in variety of job


___ depend on abstract conceptualization and active experimentation in order to learn


When a large-scale layoff is announced in Bill's company, all the workers including Bill begin to complain. According to attribution theory, we would evaluate Bill's behavior as exhibiting___

high consensus


hiring other firms to do work previously performed by the organization itself


human, material, financial, information

Organizations pursuing a differentiation strategy try to develop a ___ competitive advantage?


The ___ component of an attitude reflects how an individual expect to behave toward or in a situation


Which of gardeners multiple intelligences refers to self-awareness


Burnout ____

is more frequently found among high achievers

variety diversity

knowledge, functional background


learn by active experimentation and abstract conceptualization; superior in technical tasks, inferior in interpersonal settings

__ is how much ben generally considered himself responsible for what happens to him:

locus of control

accommodators would be good at____

marketing and sales

Because Tammi is generally pessimistic and sees things in a negative light she has higher:

negative affectivity

All of the following are considered cultural dimensions except___

open mindedness


outright bigotry or intolerance for other groups

In the past, Karson photography studios directly hired and managed its own custodial staff. Now, Karson contracts this work to a cleaning company. This is an example of ___


like me bias

people prefer to associate with others they perceive to be like themselves


person's beliefs about what constitutes right and wrong behavior


person's feelings toward something

The four managerial functions are____

planning, organizing, leading, and controlling

Someone with a high level of uncertainty avoidance____

prefers unambiguous situations

surface-level diversity

race, gender, age

Situational Perceptive

recognizes that most organizational situations and outcomes are influenced by other variables


reflect long-term life goals such as prosperity, happiness, and a sense of accomplishment


reflect preferred means of achieving terminal values and preferred ways of behaving

Traditional vs secular-rational values:

reflects the contrast between societies in which religion is very important and those in which it is not

Survival vs self-expression values:

reflects the contrast between societies that emphasize economic and physical security and those that emphasize subjective well-being, self-expression, and quality of life


relate to the outcomes of doing work


relate to the work itself

Assimilators would be good at___

research unit

OB Relies on

scientific method

___ is how we screen out info that we are uncomfortable with:

selective perception

John believes that he can sell 10 cars each month. This belief reflects john's:


What kind of people are detailed oriented and want facts:


The culture of US has more of a ___ orientation than that of Japan or Germany

short term

A moderate degree of workload-related stress can___

stimulate energy and motivation

Cost leadership

striving to be the lowest-cost producer for a particular level of product quality

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is useful for___

team building and helps employees understand their own and other's communication styles and interaction preferences


technology (including manufacturing, operations, and service)

conceptual skills

the ability to think in the abstract

Cognitive dissonance:

the anxiety a person experiences when her behavior contradicts her attitudes or when she simultaneously holds two contradictory attitudes


the belief that power and status differences are appropriate within hierarchical social systems such as organizations

General mental ability:

the capacity to rapidly and fluidly acquire, process, and apply information

strategic execution

the degree to which managers and their employees understand and carry out the actions needed to achieve strategic goals

locus of control

the extent to which a person believes her circumstances are a function of her own actions or external factors beyond her control

power distance

the extent to which people accept as normal an unequal distribution of power

person-job fit

the extent to which the contributions made by the individual match the inducements offered by the organization

person-vocation fit

the fit between a person's interests, abilities and a profession


Developing a product or service that has unique characteristics

What is a type of surface-level diversity?


Contrast effect

Evaluating someone by comparing them with recently-encountered people

Observational Learning

A preference for external stimuli such as demonstrations and diagrams


A tight social framework in which people tend to base their identities on

Which can be meaningfully assessed at the individual and organizational levels?


Discovery Learning

An inclination for exploration during learning

Spatial visual intelligence is most important for whom?


Scientific Management

Before WW1; productivity increased; monotonous and dehumanizing


Behavior directed at gaining power and control of others

A firm dependent on continuous innovation would like seek researchers with a ___ mindset?


Halo effect

Forming a general impression of something or someone based on a single characteristic

The most significant source of change impacting many organizations today is increasing?


Which of the following is a component of deep-level diversity?

Goals and skills

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of valuing and effectively managing diversity?

Greater homogeneity of ideas

interpersonal skills

Skills used to communicate with, understand, and motivate individuals and groups

A successful business strategy is grounded in a competitive advantage that is?


diagnostic skills

The ability to understand cause-and-effect relationships and to recognize the optimal solutions to problems

Tolerance for Risk (Risk Propensity)

The degree to which a person is willing to take chances and make risky decisions

person-group fit

The extent to which an individual fits with the workgroup's and supervisor's work styles, skills, and goals


The extent to which the dominant values in a society emphasize aggressiveness and the acquisition of money and other possessions as opposed to concern for people and overall quality of life

First impression bias

The inability to let go of first impressions, particularly negative ones

Corporate Governance

The oversight of a public corporation by its board of directors


The tendency to put things into groups and then exaggerate the similarities within and the differences among the groups

Tolerance for Ambiguity

The tendency to view ambiguous situations as either threatening or desirable

Which proposes there's one best way that will work for any company?

The universal perspective

Which of the following best describes the role of circumstances in assessing individual differences?

Whether specific differences that characterize a person are good or bad depends on circumstances

All of the following are direct organizational consequences of stress except

accident proneness

The___ component of an attitude is derived from feelings about another person or situation


Systems Perspective

an interrelated set of elements that function as whole-- underscores the importance of an organizations enviornment

Competitive advantage

an organization's edge over rivals in attracting customers and defending itself against competition

disparity diversity

authority, pay, status

Understanding OB and developing your OB skills will help you ___

be a better manager


belief that one's own language, country, and culture are superior to all others


beliefs about groups and individuals based on the idea that all group members are the same

Social Responsibility

businesses living and working together for the common good and valuing human dignity

An example of an intrinsic work value is___

challenging work

If you are happy with your job because of the pay, this is a ___ component of your attitude


What occurs when there is incongruence among two different attitudes

cognitive dissonance


company expansion organically or through acquisitions

Managers goal for managing effectiveness:

enhance behaviors& attitudes, promote citizenship, minimize dysfunctional behavior, drive strategic execution

Social skills:

effectively handling emotions of others

All of the following are inputs an organization receives from its environment EXCEPT:

employee behaviors

psychological contract

employee's overall set of expectations

Interactional fairness:

encompasses both interpersonal and informational fairness


extent that people in a culture define themselves primarily as individuals

uncertainty avoidance

extent to which a culture is uncomfortable with things that are ambiguous or unknown

Tasks demands that are too low can cause a person to ___

feel bored

person-organization fit

fit between an individual's values, beliefs, attitudes, and personality and the values, norms, and culture of the organization

Interactionalism perspective

focuses on how individuals and situations interact continuously to determine individuals' behavior--- attempts to explain how people select, interpret, and change carious situations


focusing on a narrow market segment or niche

__ is the capacity to rapidly and fluidly acquire, process, and apply information

general mental ability

deep-level diversity

goals, skills


the knowledge a person presumes to have about something

Information processing capacity

the manner in which individuals process and organize information

Interpersonal fairness

the perceived degree to which people are treated with respect by those who execute procedures or determine outcomes

Informational fairness:

the perceived extent to which employees receive adequate explanations about decisions affecting their working lives

Distributive fairness:

the perceived fairness of the outcome received

Procedural fairness:

the perceived fairness of the procedures used to generate the outcome


the practice of outsourcing to foreign countries to lower labor costs


the products, services, profits, losses, employee behaviors, new information

Technical skills

the skills necessary to accomplish specific tasks within the organization


the tendency to experience a particular mood or to react to things with certain emotions


the variety of observable and unobservable similarities and differences among people

General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) identifies

three stages of response to a stressor: alarm, resistance, exhaustion

Understanding and addressing the business environment has traditionally been the purview of____

top managers

Because pat is impatient, competitive, ambitious and uptight she is likely to be

type A

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