Leveraging IS in Business Midterm

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What is field (attribute)?

used to define and store data

What is web mining?

• Discovery and analysis of useful patterns and information from web • Web content mining • Web structure mining • Web usage mining

Current trends with IT Infrastructure

Computer hardware platforms: mobile and BYOD virtualization cloud computing edge computing green computing Computer software platforms: Linux and open-source software software for the web (HTML5) web services and SOA Outsourcing and cloud services Mashups and apps

Emerging trends with IT Infrastructure

Hardware and Networking trends: grid computing quantum computing aerospace technologies 5G network slicing autonomous devices (M2M) Emerging software trends: Cross platform development blockchain IoT Continuous deployment User Experience (UX)

What is competitive intelligence?

the process in which a company gathers and analyzes information about its industry, business environment, competitors, and products with the goal of directing their future strategy

What is an entity?

the subject of a table

Non-Relational Databases

"No SQL" -More flexible data model • Data sets stored across distributed machines • Easier to scale • Handle large volumes of unstructured and structured data

5G Network Slicing

(View picture on phone with the graph)

What is structured query language? (SQL)

-0Structured Query Language (SQL) is an international standard for creating, processing and querying databases and their tables -• SQL is sometimes pronounced as "Sequel" -Many database applications use SQL to retrieve, format, report, insert, delete, and/or modify data for users -• Uses standard English to execute commands -Example: SELECT columnName FROM tableName WHERE condition=true

What is a data cube?

-A Cube is a multidimensional data set -Can have an arbitrary number of dimensions -• Sometimes referred to as a Hypercube • Particularly for data with more than 3 dimensions

Roles in Information Systems

-Chief Information Officer (CIO) -Chief Security Officer(CSO) -Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) -Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) -Chief Data Officer (CDO) These equal: Project Managers Database Administrator Systems analysts Programmers Network Administrator

Information Systems & Social Inclusion

-Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) -Environmental CSR -Ethical CSR -Philanthropic CSR -Social Inclusion

What is data organization?

-Data in the foundation of all decision making -Proper design and organization is important -• Maintaining data cost time and money -Redundant data can be problematic -Reporting needs should be considered

Red Ocean Industry

-Fight for market share -Known market space -Many competitors -Exploit existing demand -Adapt to trends

What is a computer Network?

-Key Digital Networking Technologies • Client/server computing • Packet switching -TCP/IP and connectivity • Application layer • Transport layer • Internet layer • Network interface layer

What are the types of networks?

-Local area networks (LANs) (ethernet or client/server vs peer to peer) -Wide area networks (WANs) -Metropolitican are network (MANs) -Campus area networks (CANs)

Eliminate Redundancy with Data Redundancy

-More accurate data -More manageable data -More effective data -More efficient data -Better decisions

IT Infrastructure Service

-Set of physical devices and software required to operate enterprise - the purpose is to provide a service listed below: IT Server management Database management IT Security management Virtualization Solutions Network management What goes into IT services & infrastructure? business strategy, IT strategy, and Information technology What does it go out to? customer services, supplier services, and enterprise services What goes into a typical IT Infrastructure? Front end applications (IoT) -> firewall -> authentication -> backend applications -> Data sources

Data base types

-Single user / Multi-user • Desktop / Workgroup / Enterprise • Centralized / Decentralized

Data Governance

-authority over data-related matters -What does data governance dictate? -data steward/data governor -goals of data governance -data quality- goals and characteristics -reasons for poor qualify? Reasons for failure? -data quality improvement: -get organizational buy-in -perform data quality audit -establish data stewardship program -improve data capture procedures -apply total quality management procedures

What is unified communications?

-communications systems that integrate voice, data, email, conferencing

Blue Ocean Industry

-create market share -unknown market space -make competition irrelevant -build a new demand -create and shape new trends

What are Voice over IP (VoIP)

-digital voice communication using IP, packet switching

What are internet services?

-email -chatting and instant messaging -newsgroups -telnet -file transfer protocol (FTP) -world wide web

What is Business Intelligence? (BI)

-includes the applications, infrastructure and tools, and best practices • that enable access to and analysis of information to improve and • and optimize decisions and performance

What is a database?

-is a shared, integrated computer structure that stores end user data and metadata (data about data -The basic purpose of a database is to keep track of things -Databases can store information that is much more complicated than spreadsheets or common lists of data

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

-relationship management -sales conversion -marketing -feedback -analytics

What are virtual private networks? (VPM)?

-secure, encypted, private network run over the internet -PPTP -Tunneling

What is a business process? (BPM)

-set of activities and tasks that will accomplish a goal -flows of materials, info, or knowledge 1: design 2: modeling 3: execution 4: monitoring 5: optimization -Examples: -Manufacturing and production -Sales and marketing -Finance and accounting -Human Resource

Views of Collaboration

-short lived or long term -informal or formal (teams) -growing impact -social business -collaboration tools benefits: -higher productivity -improved quality -increased innovation -better customer service -financial performance

What are data warehouse characteristics?

-subject oriented -integrated -updateable? -data granularity -historical

Porter's Competitive Forces Model

-threats of new entrants -threats of substitute products or services -bargaining power or customers -bargaining power of suppliers (all of these point to rivalry among existing competitors)

What are big data characteristics?

-variety -velocity -volume all go into veracity (high value or low value)

What is data management?

-• Data Management is a discipline that focuses on the proper generation, storage, and retrieval of data -Data must be properly formatted for storage, processing, and presentation -Decision makers must have access to the information they need

How does AI improve TPS and CRM?

1- online advertising 2- personalized user experience 3- AI-powered chatbots 4- predictive analysis 5- web designing 6- content generation 7- content curation 8- email marketing campaigns 9- voice search optimization 10- E-Commerce

4th Industrial Revolution

1st - water/steam power, mechanical equipment (18th cent) 2nd - electricity power, division of labor, mass production (19) 3rd - electronics & IT automation (20th cent) 4th - cyber-physical systems (21st cent)

Data storage history

8" floppy -> 3 1/2 Floppy -> Zip drive -> USB -> External hard drive

What is blockchain?

A decentralized immutable ledger of transactions maintained through a networking of linked nodes in a peer-to-peer network. -Tyes: Public (Bitcoin) Private (Ripple, hyperledger) Consortium (R3 bank, EWF Energy)

Databases in the cloud

Appeal to start-ups, smaller businesses • Amazon Relational Database Service, Microsoft S Q L Azure • Private clouds

SWOT Analysis

Strengths: -What unique resources can you draw on? -What do others see as your strength -What do you do well? Weaknesses: -Where do you have fewer resources than others? What are others likely to see as weaknesses? -What could you improve? Opportunities: -What opportunities are open to you? -What trends could you take advantage of? How to turn you strengths into opportunities? Treats: -What trends could harm you? What is your competition doing? Threats do you weaknesses expose you to?

Data Types and Analysis

Structured: -reporting -data mining -OLAP -model based analytical systems Unstructured: -content management -file management -meta-data creation -text mining

Types of information systems

TPS (transaction processing system) ESS (expert support systems) DSS (decision support systems) CRM (customer relationship management) OFS (order fulfillment systems) SCM (supply chain management)

Principles over the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Transparency Purpose limitation Data Minimization Confidentiality Accuracy Storage limitations Accountability

What are some common ethical debates?

Voting, office romance, animal testing, SNS screening, fake news, cheating

What is a file (table)?

a collection of related records that define an entity

What is record (Tuple)?

a logically connected set of one ore more fields that describe a person, place, or thing

What is responsibility? (law and ethics)

accepting the consequences of actions

What are disruptive technologies?

an innovation that alters the way consumers, industries, or businesses operate.

What is an organization?

an organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially a business, society, association, etc

What is strategic information systems?

are information systems that are developed in response to corporate business initiatives, intended to create a competitive advantage Challenges: -Sustaining competitive advantage -Aligning IT with business objectives -Managing strategic transition

What are the basic technology trends?

computer power (2x - 18 months) (morres law) declining data storage costs data analysis advances networking advances mobile device growth impact

What is accountability? (law and ethics)

determining who is responsible for actions that were taken

Decision Support Systeem

employee, consumer, and business decision making

TPS and AI

ex: AmazonGO stores

What is a database?

group of related files

CRM and IoT

improves front end process EX: IoT washing machines, where you run out of detergent than it will order more for you

What are the moral dimensions of technology trends?

information rights and obligations] property rights and obligations accountability and control system quantity quality of life

What is a business organization?

is an entity aimed at carrying on commercial enterprise by providing goods or services, to meet needs of the customers -sole proprietorship (only taxed once) -partnerships (multiple ppl working together) -corporation (shareholder ownership) -limited liability (private company)

What is ethics?

is the moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity

Levels of technology integration

layer 0: data stored in silos (data centers) blockchain between layer 0 and 1 layer 1: 5G network and wired network layer 2: automated transaction (smart contracts) layer 3: new insight and value (AI machine learning)

Augmented intelligence

learns from human inputs in order to assist humans in making better decisions -doing human jobs / tasks

What is liability? (law and ethics)

legal concept meaning that individuals have the right to recover damages done to them by other individuals, organizations, or systems

What are the fair information practices of technology trends?

notice/awareness choice/consent - asking for consent with a new application access/participation - preventing info used for other reasons security enforcement

Transaction Processing System (TPS)

payroll - batch inventory - automation order entry - real time


peer to peer network empowers customers by taking out the middle man/3rd party instant transfer of money easy access across the world even after market hours reduces international costs by not having exchange fees

What are internet ethical issues?

privacy, security, copyright, stalking, content, social inclusion

What are the emerging technology trends?

quantum computing cloud computing machine learning (AI) 5G telecommunications internet of things (IoT)

Supply chain management process

raw materials -> suppliers->manufacturing->distribution->retail-> consumer

Innovation Resistance

resistance to change: people organizational structure job tasks information technology

Principles over the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

right to know right to delete right to opt out right to non-discrimination

What is a data slicer?

term for a dimension which is held constant for all cells so that multidimensional information can be shown in a two-dimensional physical space of a spreadsheet or pivot table.

Who is E.F. Codd?

Background: -Computer Scientist at IBM • Theories for data management • Developed the relational model The relational database: • Identified limitation of reporting using file systems • Disconnect logical organization from physical storage • Created a logical schema for storing information

What is Online Analytical Processing? (OLAP)

Database type: Data Warehouse Applications: Decision Support Systems, MIS Data model: Multi-Dimensional Typical user: Middle Managers, Executives Range of data:Historical Update Schedule: Batch Emphasis: Retrieval, knowledge development

What is Online Transactional Processing? (OLTP)

Database type: Relational Database Applications: Transaction Processing, ERP Data model: Entity-Relationship Typical user: Staff, operations personnel Range of data: Current (1-2 years) Update Schedule: Real time Emphasis: Update, data management

Business Intelligence Decision Making and Knowledge Discovery

Decision Making: -price and promotion -effectiveness -discontinue products/ add new ones Knowledge discovery: -What products are sold together? -Price sensitivity for products -Who buys what products (demographic, geographic, sociographic

Organizational Configurations

Entrepreneurial (Simple)• (small firm in fast environ) Machine bureaucracy• (slow environ, middle company) Divisionalized bureaucracy• (general motors) (fortune500) Professional bureaucracy• (law firms) (school systems) Adhocracy ( consulting firms)

Mediating factors with organizations and IT

Environment Culture Structure Business processes Politics Management decisions

What is description in data mining?

Focuses on finding human-interpretable patterns describing the data. -Clustering: Seeks to identify a finite set of categories or clusters to describe the data. -Summarization: Finding a compact description for a subset of data. -Deviation Detection: Identify significant changes in the data from previously measured values. -• Link Analysis: uncovers relationships among data

Organizational Structures

Hierarchical org structure• (diff levels of authority) Functional org structure• (organized by job function) Horizontal org structure• Divisional org structures• (each division responsible for own resources) Matrix org structure• (cross functional teams) Team-based org structure• (based on teams) Network org structure (network spreads out resources)

Modifications Problems with Data Redundancy

Insert Anomalies Update Anomalies Delete Anomalies

Sources of Business Intelligence

Internal: Transactional databases Data ware houses External: Cloud External databases Big Data Websites, Social networks, Text messages

Intranets and Extranets

Intranets: -content management -business intelligence -employee collaboration -document management Extranet: -websites and portals -corporate social media -custom development -partner collaboration

General Areas of Ethics (theoretical approaches)

Mataethics- the study of the origin and meaning of ethical behavior Normative- moral standards that regulate RIGHT OR WRONG conduct Applied- the analysis of specific, controversial moral issues (different people have different views). has no consensus on how we should handle a matter

What is the challenge with ethics?

Not everybody has the same moral standards. Common sense is developed from norms, experience, and other environmental factors.

What is prediction in data mining?

Predict unknown or future values of variables of interest. -Classification: maps (classifies) a data item into one of several predefined classes. • Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) • Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) -Regression: maps a data item to a real-valued prediction variable. -Estimation: Predicting a continuous value. -Time series analysis: An ordered sequence of values at equally spaced time intervals.

Value Chain

Primary activities: -Inbound logistics -Operations -Sales and marketing -Service -Outbound logistics Support activities: -Business organizational infrastructure -Human resource management -Procurement process -Technology Aspects (All fall into Firm Value Chain)

Categories of Ethical Issues

Privacy- collection of info Accuracy- accuracy of info collected Property- who owns the info Accessibility- who should have access to the info and if they should pay for it

What is data redundancy?

Problems using traditional file systems -Data redundancy -Data inconsistency -Program-data dependence -Lack of flexibility -Poor security -Lack of data sharing and availability

What is Data?

Raw facts

What is referential integrity?

Rules used by R D B M S to ensure relationships between tables remain consistent

IT Infrastructure evolution

Server management: mainframe->PC->Client/server->Enterprise->cloud/mobile Data management: file system->RDMS->DW->Big Data->Blockchain Network Management: Analog->GSM->CDMA->LTE->5G

What is text mining?

• Extracts key elements from large unstructured data sets • Sentiment analysis software

Establishing an Information Policy

• Firm's rules, procedures, roles for sharing, managing, standardizing data • Data administration - Establishes policies and procedures to manage data • Data governance - Deals with policies and processes for managing availability, usability, integrity, and security of data, especially regarding government regulations • Database administration - Creating and maintaining database

Database advantages

• Improved data sharing • Better data integrity • Minimized data inconsistency • Improved data access • Improved decision making • Increased end-user productivity

How to ensure Data Quality?

• More than 25 percent of critical data in Fortune 1000 company databases are inaccurate or incomplete • Before new database is in place, a firm must: • Identify and correct faulty data • Establish better routines for editing data once database in operation • Data quality audit • Data cleansing

What is normalization?

• Streamlining complex groupings of data to minimize redundant data elements and awkward many-to-many relationships

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