LGBT Final Exam

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What was Secretary of Defense Cheney's response when his Assistant Secretary for Public Information, Pete Williams, was outed in 1991?

"So what?"

How many states amended their constitutions to ban gay marriage between 2005 and 2007?


The original version of the Gay Rights Bill in the 1970s was designed as an amendment to which existing law?

1964 Civil Rights Act

How long after their engagement did Edie and Thea get married?

42 years

In Bowers v Hardwick, Georgia's Sodomy Law was upheld by the US Supreme Court. What was the exact vote?


What is the Washington Blade?

A gay newspaper in DC

In 1986, which major legal organization added a Lesbian & Gay Rights Project?


Which national health issue diverted attention from the Gay Rights Bill during the early 1980s?


Which Supreme Court Justice wrote the majority opinion in Romer v Evans?

Anthony Kennedy

Which former 1964 Republican candidate supported gays in the debate over DADT?

Barry Goldwater

Which Congresswoman was the original sponsor of the Gay Rights Bill in the early 1970s?

Bella Abzug

Which former President urged President-elect Clinton to immediately issue an Executive Order lifting the ban on gays serving openly in the US military?


What was the compromise made by the state of Vermont in their initial struggle for gay marriage?

Civil Unions

To eliminate any possibility of being blackmailed, what would some gay employees do right before their dismissal hearing was to begin?

Come out before their hearing

Name the California Governor who worked tirelessly to expand the rights of the domestic partner.


Name 3 states who have legalized civil unions of same-sex couples.

Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, Rhode Island

During a 1991 congressional hearing, which Defense Secretary termed the characterization of homosexuals as security risks as "a bit of an old chestnut?"

Dick Cheney

Today, ENDA only covers discrimination in which specific category?


In May 1998, President Clinton's executive order did what for gay employees?

Ended discrimination of gays based on their sexual orientation.

Sen. Doles anti-gay amendment was almost attached to which popular bill?

Family Medical and Leave Act

The first part of DOMA (Section 2) pertains to what?

Full Faith and Credit

GRNL was created in 1976 to lobby for that bill (#1). What does GRNL stand for?

Gay Rights National Lobby--founded by Steve Endean

Which national issue diverted attention away from the Gay Rights Bill during the early days of the Clinton Administration?

Gays in the military

Steve Endean, GRNL's first Executive Director, founded which major gay PAC in the 1980s?


Which State Supreme Court (Baehr v Levin) was the first in the US to challenge discrimination against gay men and women concerning marriage?


What was Gen. Colin Powell's position on lifting the ban on gays in the Military?

He was against it.

GRNL and NGLTF eventually became members of the LCCR. What do those initials stand for?

Leadership Conference on Civil Rights

What was the first state to legalize gay marriage?


The second part of DOMA (Section 3) pertains to what?

Marriage in federal law is between a man and a woman.

Name 3 of the states that permit legal gay MARRIAGE today.

Maryland, Washington, Maine--legalized by popular vote Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa--legalized by the courts Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Washington, DC--legalized through legislature

The Cold War hysteria that swept the early 1950s, searching for communists and homosexuals throughout government, was popularly known by which senator's name?


What is the name of the church that was founded by Rev. Troy Perry in 1968?

Metropolitan Community Church

The author identifies four specific groups that led the fight against gays serving openly in the Military. Name 2 of those groups.

Military leaders, veterans groups, Republicans, and the Radical Right

On May 18, 1970--43 years ago--a gay couple applied for a marriage license for the first time in US history. This event took place in which state?


Which state passed a domestic partnership bill that gave gay couples the same rights as civil unions?


Governor John Lynch signed a bill making which state the 6th to offer gay marriage?

New Hampshire

What state's Court of Appeals voted unanimously in 2008 that gay marriages must be recognized by all employers?

New York

Are domestic partnerships identical to civil unions?


Can gay government employees still be legally denied security clearances?


Did the Clinton Administration support the gay community in the Romer v Evans case?


Prior to 2000, did the gay community conduct an effective campaign to lift the ban against gay men and women serving in the US military?


When our book was printed in 2000, was gay marriage legal in Hawaii?


Did the rate of discharge for gays in the military decrease after DADT went into effect?

No - it increased

Has any gay government employee ever been convicted of being blackmailed?

No, not in the United States.

The first Supreme Court victories for Gay Rights (1958 & 1962) pertained to which specific issue?

Obscenity - sending gay information through the mail

Despite the Bowers ruling in 1986, various State Supreme Courts started to challenge their own state sodomy laws based on the implied right to what?


Who led the fight in the Senate against gays serving openly in the US Military?

Sam Nunn

In 1965, MSW published and distributed a flyer giving advice on how to handle an interrogation by the federal government. Key points:

Say nothing, sign nothing, get an attorney, fight back

In the 1960s, which Cabinet Department was the most anti-gay?

State Department

Why did Gavin Newsom say he decided to ignore the ban on gay marriage in California and help San Francisco city officials give marriage licenses to same-sex couples?

To be on the "right" side of history

In December 1999, which State Supreme Court issues the ruling that initiated the first Civil Union law in the US?


Did former SC Senator Fritz Hollings (D) ever endorse the Gay Rights Bill?


Did the model penal code which was developed in the 1950's call for repeal of all laws against private sexual acts by consenting adults?


Is the Equal Protection Clause relevant to LGBT legal issues?


Was sodomy a crime under the English Common Law that governed the colonies?


Did the Civil Service Commission ever remove "immoral conduct" as criteria for employment exclusion?

Yes in 1975 by Frank Kameny

In Bowers v Hardwick (1986), did any Justice change his mind before the final vote?

Yes; Lewis Powell - thought the case was a waste of time

In 1992, was Amendment 2 in Colorado approved by voters?

Yes; was anti-gay

The debate over gays in the military demonstrates the danger of relying on principles without regard to ____when trying to effect change in a democracy.


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