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Which search statement would generate the best results for the research question, "Do students perform better in single-sex classrooms?

(single-sex or gender-separate) and class* and (student* or pupil) and (perform* or result*)

What is Pioneer, Utah's Online Library?

-Online resources accessible by K-12 students and teachers in Utah You Answered - Online resources accessible by people using Utah's public libraries - Online resources available for home use by anyone with a Utah public library card - Online resources available for the students and faculty of Utah's colleges and universities

Which of the following is a characteristic of an article in a scholarly journal?

-The article includes the results of original research -The author is an expert on the topic - There is a bibliography - The article is of substantial length

What domain is used exclusively for colleges and universities?


Why is a book often a good source of information?

A book usually contains in-depth information

What is an in-text or parenthetical citation?

A brief note that leads to an item listed in the bibliography

When evaluating information, what does CARS refer to?

A credible, accurate, reasonable, supported source

What is a bibliography?

A list of citations that appears at the end of a research paper

What is a secondary source?

A source that interprets, analyzes, or explains the topic

What is a primary source?

A source that provides a first-hand account, direct evidence, or research

Which is indicative of a work being in the public domain?

A work published prior to 1923

Which of the following is plagiarism?

Copying an encyclopedia article but not using a citation Using a paragraph from a friend's paper on the same topic An in-text citation that leads to a book that wasn't the source used Using the words, thoughts, or ideas of someone else without giving credit

Which of the following falls under copyright law?

Creative works

Why should researchers gather different formats of information?

Different formats contain different content

What do e-books offer that books in print do not?

E-books can be searched full-text

What is the recommended research process?

Find background information in a subject encyclopedia Search the library catalog for books Look in article databases for current information Check for good websites on the topic

Where should students begin their article database research?

General / Multi-Subject database list

What is nesting?

Linking similar search terms with the logical operator OR within parentheses ( )

Which of the following is included in the ethical use of information?

Obeying copyright laws Complying with Fair Use guidelines Avoiding plagiarism by correctly quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing Creating accurate in-text citations and bibliographies

What information must be included in a bibliographic citation for a scholarly journal article?

Periodical title Article title Periodical volume Article author

Which of the following falls under the Fair Use doctrine?

Research Scholarship Criticism and comment Teaching

Which is a type of periodical that could be used by a student in a research project?

Scholarly journal Newspaper Magazines Trade journals

What does truncation do?

Shortens a word to the root and uses a symbol to stand for variant endings

What is a URL?

The address of the web page

Information literacy includes which of the following?

The effective use of information with knowledge of the economic, legal, and social issued involved -Evaluating and assessing information and sources -Deciding what type of and how much information is needed -Integrating new information into one's existing knowledge

What is included in the invisible web?

The portion of the World Wide Web that isn't searched through search engines

What information must be included in a bibliographic citation for a book?

Title Author Publisher Year of publication

What is the purpose of using a subject encyclopedia?

To find background information and terminology

How do you integrate information into a research paper?

Use in-text citations Use summaries of longer works Use quotations (15% maximum) Use paraphrases with signal tags (signal phrases)

What are logical operators?

Words that establish connections between keywords that broaden or narrow a search

Which logical operator most effectively narrows a search (gives fewer results)?

and (when connecting unlike terms)

Which logical operator broadens a search (gives more results)?

or (when connecting similar terms)

What is important in selecting a research topic?

ou should be able to write about the topic objectively Enough scholarly information has been written to provide sources and support Can be focused to fit the length of the assignment and time for research and writing You can develop an interest in

What are equivalent terms?

terms that mean the same thing in a search

A research topic can be modified according to the information sources located


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