Library Research Quiz
you can also specify your search using the Advanced Search link to search by
"author" or "title".
The Library Catalog searches for your terms as
The three most common Boolean operators are
You will get better search results by breaking your topic down into its main concepts and combining your terms with
Boolean Operators.
3 major psychology databases
PsycArticles, PsycINFO, Psychological & Behavioral Sciences Collection
On the research guide, you will find relevant psychology resources conveniently located in one place, including
article databases, the library catalog, reference materials, and more
psychology reference books are
critical sources of information that provide the history and chronology of an issue
Some examples of reference books include
encyclopedias, handbooks, and dictionaries
Gathering background information can
help you write your thesis statement and paper more clearly and help you form better research strategies when you search for articles.
To get started on your book search,
just type your terms into the search box, then click Search.
If you look the same term up in a psychology dictionary, the definition is
much longer, and tells you a lot more about where the theory originated.
As a policy, the library does not
not carry course textbooks, but it does have a large collection of both print and electronic books to support your research needs.
The library catalog locates
print books, e-books, videos, and more.
Your search results will be a combination of
print books, electronic books, and other materials that match your search terms
Boolean operators are
special connectors used to define the relationships between words or groups of words.
You can access the library catalog from
the Find Books tab on the Psychology 480 guide.