Lifespan 4

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obesity psych results

stigma --> avoid medical checkups, eat more, exercise less

best obesity treatment

sustained counseling and encouragement are best

best age of conception biologically

peak: 25 women: before 30 men: before 40

adulthood: height

starts decreasing by middle age: 50s and beyond -back muscles, CT, and bones lose density --> vertebrae in the spine shrink -people lose about 1 inch of height by age 65

menopause definition; age?

time in middle age (42-58; avg age: 51) in which periods stop because hormone levels decrease

adulthood: hair

turns gray and gets thinner by the end of the stage -first place is at the temples -hair usually starts to gray by age 40

best age of conception emotionally

women who wait until 30s are more emotionally adjusted

medical assistance for giving birth with HIV

women: medical help can almost always help the fetus -men: sperm can be collected and washed in the lab to rid them of the virus --> IVF

obesity in the US

world leader in obesity and diabetes -obesity in the US hasn't changed since 2000


a loss of hearing associated with senescence; usually not apparent until age 60

how many try ART?

about half of infertile US couples try this --> not always successful, expensive, long, no guarantees or privacy

adulthood: sexual arousal

arousal slows with age and orgasm takes longer -distress at slower responsiveness --> anxiety based on misinformed expectations, troubled interpersonal relationships, and unrealistic fears


assisted reproductive technology

adulthood: illegal drugs

decreases over adulthood -marijuana is the slowest to decline -8-10% of 25-35 year olds still use marijuana

infertility: what can help?

diet and exercise


disability-adjusted life years

oxygen and age

organ reserve capacity decreases; vital capacity is reduced; oxygen dispersal into the blood from the lungs drops 4% per decade --> breathing become quicker and more shallow

disability: what? results?

-difficulty in performing ADLs bc of some physical, mental, or emotional condition -hurts a society more than mortality or morbidity if people with disabilities are less able to contribute to the general welfare

HRT results for women

-diminishes menopause symptoms and decreases osteoporosis -taking estrogen for 10+ years causes increased risk of heart attack, stroke, breast cancer

adulthood: income and health

-financially-well, well-educated adults live longer: after age 35, the lifespan increases by 1.7 years for each extra year of education

smoking results; # deaths

-biggest preventable cause of death and chronic disease -443,000 deaths per year in the US -1 billion smoking-related deaths between 2010-2050 worldwide

ART strategies

-can open up fallopian tubes -can increase sperm count -IVF

adulthood: health habits

-correlation between habits in emerging adulthood and health in adulthood; esp true in issues relating to aging -psych and cultural factors weight more heavily than biological ones in regards to health issues

adulthood: sperm production

-daily about 100 mill sperm reach maturity after 75 day dev process --> anything that impairs body functioning over this period can reduce sperm number, shape, and motility

adulthood: vision

-peripheral vision narrows faster than central vision -color vision shifts from vivid to dull faster than black and white -nearsightedness increases and begins at age 20 -farsightedness doesn't appear until 40-45 -younger adults are usually either nearsighted or farsighted, but by the middle of this stage, you are usually both -takes longer for eyes to adjust to darkness or glare

adulthood: hearing: what? when?

-presbycusis usually around age 60

adulthood: cancer rates? causes?

65% of cancer deaths are attributable to lifestyle choices -the rate of cancer increases every decade of adulthood -smoking: 30% of deaths; poor diet and obesity: 30%; lack of exercise: 5%

oldest woman to give birth with no complications


hysterectomy: what? results? how many?

-surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries -causes sudden, premature menopause -in US: 1/4 of women between age 35-55 undergo this

mortality: what? men v. women? overall trend?

-the annual number of deaths per thousand in the pop -lower for women (live 5 years longer than men) -US: women over 85 outnumber men 2:1 bc more young men and boys die -overall decrease

adulthood: muscle fibers

-type II are reduced by 26% per decade beginning at age 30 -type I don't experience nearly as much decline

heavy alcohol consumption

0can be one of the #1 things that becomes addictive and leads to violence -destroys brain cells, contributes to osteoporosis, decreases fertility, accompanies many suicides/homicides/accidents; more than 60 diseases including liver damage and breast/stomach/throat cancer

steps to break habits

1. denial 2. awareness 3. planning 4. implementation 5. maintenance

adulthood: severe brain loss causes

1. drug abuse: consistent alcohol use/abuse leads to "wet brain" --> Wernike-Korsakoff syndrome (wet brain) which is low Vit B 2. viruses e.g. HIV can destroy neurons 3. poor circulation impairs blood flow; can be caused by cigarette smoking and HBP 4. genes: dominant gene for Alzheimer's (1/1000 people)

ways of coping with stress

1. problem-focused coping 2. emotion-focused coping -adults need both depending on the situation -Attitude sometimes determines whether or not an event becomes a stressor

conception for women age 40

1/2 are infertile, the other half risk Down syndrome and neurodevelopmental issues

IVF miscarriage rate


overall causes of infertility

1/3: issues with the man 1/3: issues with the woman 1/3: mystery

gastric bypass surgery

1/4 get another; high risk of death in the first month after the operation

infertility: rate

15% of couples

US BMI stats

2% underweight 66% overweight (BMI 25+) 33% obese (BMI 30+) 5% morbidly obese (BMI 40+)

adulthood ages


adulthood: prescribed drugs

abuse of prescription drugs increases -they are prescribed more pain medications because they have more pain management issues --> can abuse them more easily -adults are slower to recognize that pain and medications can be addictive -you are going to like your doctor more if they give you more pain medication --> doctors are too quick to prescribe pain medications --> should explain addictive qualities

adulthood: health worldwide

US has lower life expectancy and higher morbidity rate than several poorer nations -immigrants are healthier but poorer than native-born

adulthood: weight

adults gain about 1-2 pounds per year -excessive weight increases the risk of every chronic disease

when is hearing most acute?

age 10 but perfect hearing is always impossible

stressor definition

any situation, event, experience, or other stimulus that causes a person to feel stressed

infertility: female issues

anything that impairs physical functioning: advanced age, extreme dieting, obesity, pelvic inflammatory disease that blocks fallopian tubes

problem-focused coping

attacking their problems directly -more men: fight or flight sympathetic response --> testosterone

adulthood: brain size and results

brain size literally decreases --> memory tasks and multitasking are harder and processing time is longer

hormone replacement therapy: why?

compensate for reduction in menopause or after ovary removal -diminishes menopause symptoms and decreases osteoporosis

adulthood: metabolism

decreases by 1/3 between age 20 and 60

adulthood: skin

drier, rougher, less regular in color -collagen decreases with 1% per year beginning at age 20 --> by age 30, skin is less flexible and there are more wrinkles --> by age 60, all faces are wrinkled -fat cells decrease wrinkles

adulthood: health and education

education teaches healthy habits -education leads to higher income --> better housing and medical care -education may be a marker for intelligence which is a protective factor

HRT in men

effectiveness is questionable

IVF procedure

egg cells are surgically removed from woman --> fertilized by sperm in lab --> replaced in woman

what does senescence affect?

every part of the body -organ reserve capacity decreases; vital capacity is reduced; oxygen dispersal into the blood from the lungs drops; breathing becomes quicker and more shallow -increased BP and LDLs

adulthood: how to slow effects of aging

exercise --> physical fitness is very much correlated with brain functioning

adulthood: how they feel

feel 5-10 years younger than they are --> strong, capable, healthy, and "in their prime"

adulthood: neurons

fire more slowly -messages sent from the axon of one neuron are not picked up as quickly by the dendrites of another --> slowed reaction time

what is HRT?

giving a woman estrogen or progesterone

senescence definition

gradual, physical decline that is related to aging, during which the body becomes less strong and efficient

tobacco in US

has declined over the past 50 years --> fewer men with lung cancer

weight loss drugs

have many side effects

adulthood: eating choices

high calories, low nutrient -only 27% eat 3 servings of veggies per day


hormone replacement therapy

menopause symptoms

hot flashes, hot flushes, and cold sweats -psychological: finding new zest or depression

vitality definition; what affects it?

how healthy and energetic--physically, intellectually, and socially--an individual actually feels -affected more by personality and social affirmation than biology

morbidity: what? men v. women? overall trend?

illnesses and impairments of all kinds -women have higher rates for almost every chronic disease; severely depressed more than 2x men -has increased bc of medical advances -over-diagnosing with false-positives


in vitro fertilization

infertile definition

inability to conceive after trying for 1 year

adulthood: lack of exercise

inactivity is incredibly unhealthy, esp for heart disease and diabetes -people are sitting for longer hours every day than before -fewer than 5% of adults in the US and England get 30 min per day of exercise

adulthood: obesity

increases each decade until old age -50% of all adults over the age of 30 are obese

middle age spread

increases waist circumference, all muscles weaken, pockets of fat on the abdomen/upper arm/buttocks/chin, people stoop when they stand

adulthood: happiness

increases with age: adults are more happy and less depressed than emerging adults

alcohol worldwide

low-income nations have more abstainers and more abusers -high-income nations have more moderation

results of stress

lowers immunity, increases BP, speeds up HR, reduces sleep, produces other reactions that can lead to serious illness -can increase drug use, overeating, and underexercising

diseases of affluence

lung and breast cancer --> now more common among the poor


male menopause -reduction of sexual desire, erections, and muscle mass -implies a drop in hormone or reproductive ability, but it actually is a decreased sex and increased stress/performance anxiety that causes decreased testosterone

disability-adjusted life years: definition

measure of the reduced quality of life caused by disability

public health definition

measures that help prevent morbidity, mortality, and disability in the public at large, such as via immunization, monitoring the food and water supply, and increasing preventative health practices

fertility treatment success

medical advances have solved about half of the issues with infertility

hearing and cohort

more and more HSers listen to loud music --> more symptoms of hearing loss in young emerging adults than ever before --> begins with ringing ears and muffled sound

adulthood: cohort and sex

more comfortable with contraception and only 1-2 kids --> more sexually active bc less worried about offspring

benefits of committed monogamous relationships

more likely to be extremely satisfied with sex life

causes of weight gain in the US

more meat and fat; less fiber -context of meals: long and leisurely vs. fast food

measures of health

mortality, morbidity, disability/vitality, income

whisper test

most adults pass but by age 65, half fail

infertility: where?

most common in nations where medical care is scarce and STIs are common --> fertility may be prized in these places bc infertility and infant mortality are common

adulthood: sexual activity

most people are sexually active throughout adulthood -sex usually stops at age 60 for women and 65 for men -but people with good health continue into 70s and beyond

adulthood: psych wellbeing

one of the best times in life psychologicalyl

attention myopia

one's resolve (maintenance ability) fades when faced with stress

how to achieve goal of less disability and more vitality

primary prevention


quality adjusted life years

adulthood: agility and why

reduced bc type II muscle fibers are reduced 26% per decade beginning at age 30

infertility: male issues

reduced sperm number, shape, and activity bc of fever, time in sauna, env toxins, radiation, prescription drugs, stress, addictions to cigarettes and marijuana, coca cola - it takes 5x as many months to impregnate a woman when a man is 45 than when they are under 25

senescence and illness

senescence does not equate with impairment or illness; age weakens/reduces function but does not necessarily lead to illness

adulthood: first physical change

skin becomes drier, rougher, less regular in color

what is the biggest preventable cause of death and chronic disease?


tobacco worldwide

smoking rates are rising in developing nations; esp among women -smoking-related cancers are increasing

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