Lifespan Ch. 3

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What does current research say about smoking during pregnancy?

most likely have ADHD; pregnant women should quit smoking because infants whose mother smoked during pregnancy weigh an average of 1/2 pound less at birth

A trait that is passed through mitochondrial inheritance is passed from a __________ to her children.


Meko has dark hair and dark eyes, even though his biological mother is fair-skinned. Meko's hair and eye color are part of his


What is formed from cells from the outer layer of the blastocyst and the uterine wall?


Nadia is exposed to high levels of radiation during the 6th, 7th, and 8th weeks of gestation, which organ structures in the fetus are most likely to show abnormalities?

virtually all organ systems are vulnerable during this time

Under what circumstance(s) will a recessive gene be expressed?

when it is paired with another recessive gene for the same trait

The influence of heroin and methadone upon prenatal and infant development?

miscarriage, premature labor, & death of the infant

What is associated with the second trimester of pregnancy?

morning sickness; increased appetite

The embryonic stage of gestation covers what time period?

3-8 weeks; organogenesis

What percent of congenital disorders result from harmful genes or faulty chromosomes?


A conclusion drawn from "The Cat in the Hat" studies: That newborn infants respond to sounds that they heard during the _________ trimester of development.


Salina is becoming emotionally attached to her unborn fetus. Her breasts are secreting colostrum. Salina is most likely in which trimester?


When does a developing infant begin to respond to sound?

4 months, 17-20 weeks

Sex differentiation begins at around ______ to ______ weeks of gestation

4 to 8

The nucleus of the typical human cell contains how many chromosomes?

46 or 23 pairs

At what point does the fetal period begin?

8 weeks

My father has type A blood and my mother has type O blood. What will my blood type be?

A or O

How are newborn infants affected by medications given to the mother during the birthing process?

Infants whose mother receive analgesics or other anesthetics during labor are usually more sluggish, spend more time sleeping and gain a little weight during the 1st after birth

What is the final stage of labor?

delivery of the placenta (afterbirth) and other material from the uterus/ relaxing & breathing techniques

What is the prognosis for children born with trisomy 13 to 18?

die by age 1

Example of the expressivity of genes: Linda received a ____________ gene for freckles from her father, but Linda's freckles are smaller, lighter, and more widely scattered than those of her father.


What is the term for the pattern of inheritance in which many genes influence a trait?

dominant-recessive pattern

Not long after Gloria found out she was pregnant, she began having pain. When she went to her doctor, she was told that the zygote had implanted in her fallopian tube rather than in her uterus. What type of pregnancy is this?

ectopic pregnancy

What is a commonly used prenatal diagnostic procedure?


Which stage begins when implantation is complete and continues through organogenesis?

embryonic stage

Chromosomes are composed of which of the following?


Which genetic disorders usually does not express symptoms until adulthood?

Huntington's disease

Which individuals has the greatest risk for bearing a child with trisomy 21?

Mrs. Black, age 45

Mrs. Lincoln is receiving information and advice about prenatal care from her health care team. With regard to alcohol, what advice will they most likely give to Mrs. Lincoln?

The child will have low birth weight, possibly ADHD, smaller brains, heart defect, hearing loss, face abnormalities, behavior difficulties

is associated with maternal malnutrition

The delayed expression of adaptive reflexes

What is a trisomy?

a condition in which a child has 3 copies of a specific autosome

Carmelita has smoked an average of one pack of cigarettes per day throughout her pregnancy. How is this likely to affect her fetus?

The infant may weigh less that average at birth

Reese is anatomically female, but did not develop breats or menstruate at puberty and needed hormone therapy. With what was Reese most likely born?

Turner's syndrome

The genes that cause sex-linked disorders are found on the

X chromosome

What is the most common sex-chromosome anomaly?


Phenylketonuria is an example of ____________ disorder


Synapses are formed following the development of which of the neural structures?

axons & dendrites

What is true regarding prenatal infection with HIV?

become ill within 2 yrs of life

Phillip has re hair, which comes from a recessive gene. This must mean that Phillip received the gene from

both parents

Skylar has brown eyes, thin lips, and curly brown hair. Which of these traits is polygenic?

brown eyes

Explain why the human brain develops before the reproductive systems

cephalocaudal pattern

Gina appeared to be a healthy pregnant woman but the baby was born with central nervous system damage, and later it was determined that the child was completely deaf and has mental retardation. What would be the most likely cause?


What is a characteristic of a child born with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder?

face abnormalities

Where does the fertilization of the ovum take place in a normal pregnancy?

fallopian tubes

Genomic A chemical label that identifies whether a gene came from one's __________ or mother


A normally developing fetus has reached a length of 12 inches and weighs about 1 pound. Using ultrasound, it is possible to tell is the fetus is male or female. In which stage of development is this fetus?


When researchers have examined the relationship between maternal emotions and prenatal development, the most consistent finding has been that

fetuses of severely distressed mothers tend to grow more slowly

What is the term used to describe cells that unite at conception?


What is the difference between gametes and all other body cells?

gametes contain 23 single chromosomes; body cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes

What is caused by a gene on the X chromosome?

genetic disorders

Recent research has found that diseases that appear as we age may be a result

genomic imprinting

Which terms describes an individual's unique genetic blueprint, which is created from genes contributed by both parents?


A blastocyst is floating inside of Daria's uterus. In what stage is Daria's pregnancy?


Lists the stages of prenatal development in order of progression.

germinal, embryonic, fetal

What is a condition that can cause a baby to grow too rapidly and result in premature labor or an infant that is too large for a vaginal birth?

gestational diabetes

What serve to hold neurons together?

glial cells

What aspects of neonatal functioning is assessed by the Apgar scale?

heart rate, respiratory rate, muscle tone, response to stimulation of feet, color

What happens with the zygote during the 1st trimester of pregnancy?

it implants itself in the lining of the women's uterus (womb); sends out chemical messages that cause the woman's menstrual periods to stop

Janae and Sean are siblings who come from a family with a history of anxiety. Janae is somewhat anxious but generally takes things in stride. Sean, however, is always concerned about his health, his job, and his family even when there is no reason. Which of the following concepts best explains the difference between Janae and Sean?

multifactorial inheritance

Samson is taller and has a higher IQ than either of his parents. What terms would be used to explain this?

multifactorial inheritance

What are physical traits that are influenced by both genes and the environment?

multifactorial inheritance

After ejaculation, ____________ travel the following path: the woman's ________,_______,_______ and fallopian tube

organism; vagina, cervix, uterus

What are the effects of maternal cocaine use on fetuses and infants?

pregnancy complications such as disruption of placental function & premature labor

Most sex-linked disorders are caused by ___________ genes


Which trait controlled by a dominant gene?

recessive gene

The best example of the proximodistal pattern of development during the prenatal period is

rib cage developing before fingers & toes, structures closer to center of body develop 1st

What maternal disease is not a sexually transmitted disease that can be passed to the fetus during vaginal birth?

rubella or German measles

organogenesis is

the process of organ development

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