Lightbulb Invention

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Who was Edison's biggest rival?

Edison's greatest rival was Nikola Tesla, a Croatian inventor famous for inventing polyphase electric power.

Who was Thomas Edison?

Thomas Edison was a successful American inventor and businessman who's inventions influenced the entire world.

Who were the first to own lightbulbs?

At first, only upper class families that already had electricity could afford lightbulbs, but soon they became more affordable so families of all classes could have electricity and powered lightbulbs.

When did the lightbulb become open to the public?

Edison's new company, Edison Electric Light Company, started to mass produce his new invention in 1880.

Who helped Edison invent the lightbulb?

Edison's research team also known as "Edison's Pioneers" helped him with the invention of the lightbulb.

What was the initial reaction to the lightbulb?

The world was amazed by Edison's lightbulb, and many wanted to convert form oil and candles to electric lighting.

Who was Thomas Edison's wife?

Thomas Edison had two wives. He married his first wife, Mary Stilwell, on December 25, 1871. When Mary passed away he married Mina Miller on February 24, 1886.

Where was Thomas Edison born?

Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio.

When was Thomas Edison born?

Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847.

Why was the lightbulb invented?

Until the invention of the lightbulb, humans could only work at day or by the light of candles or oil lamps, so people longed for a cheap, efficient, and long-lasting light source.

Where was the lightbulb invented?

Edison and his team perfected their first working lightbulb in Menlo Park, New Jersey.

When did Thomas Edison pass away?

Edison died on October 18, 1931.

What was the amount of patents Edison earned?

Edison had 1,093 patents in America, and he also earned several from Great Britain, France, and Germany.

How many children did Edison have?

Edison had a total of six children. Three from his first wife, and three from his second wife.

What was Edison's first invention?

Edison's first great invention was the tin foil phonograph.

Why was Edison's lightbulb better than other inventors electric lights?

Edison's lightbulb was superior to those of other inventors because his was made with a carbonized bamboo filament which lasted over 1,200 hours. The electric lights of other inventors usually lasted very short periods and were too bright for use.

How did Edison's lightbulb work?

Edison's lightbulb worked by passing electricity through a thin platinum filament in the glass vacuum bulb, which delayed the filament from melting.

What did Edison do before he became an inventor?

In 1859 he was a newsboy and "candy butcher" on the trains of Grand Trunk Railway. From 1863-1868 he was a regular telegraph operator.

What was the cost of the first lightbulbs?

In 1881 Edison's light bulbs costed $1, which is about $23 today. This was the amount of money a middle class worker earned a day, so light bulbs were very expensive.

When was the lightbulb invented?

The efficient long-lasting lightbulb we know was invented in 1879.

Who invented the lightbulb?

The first electric light, called an electric arc, was invented by Humphry Davy in 1800, but Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the first long-lasting lightbulb.

Why is Edison credited with inventing the lightbulb when other inventors already had?

Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the lightbulb because he was the first to produce an efficient and long-lasting electrical light source.

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