Linux Chapter 7

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What flag would you pass to tar in order to have it make a new archive?


In gerneral,, for which of the following would you want to use lossless compression?

A log file

In the command tar -cvjf foo.tbz a b c, what are the a, b, and c?

File names to be added to the archive

Lossy compression

Is often used with images -Usually results better compression than lossless sacrifices some quality

The three main modes of tar are:

List Create Extract

Compression on a file works by...?

Removing redundant information

What is the purpose of the f flag?

Tells tar to write to the file that follows the flag

Given the command tar -cvjf homedirs.tbz /home, which of the following are true?

The command will print out each filename as it is processed -The output file will be compressed

You try to compress a file that is already compressed. Which of the following statements is true?

The file will not be compressed any further than it already was

Which of the following commands can be used to compress a file?

bzip2 gzip zip

How would you obtain output similar to the following?

gzip -I tags

You type in gzip myfile.tar. What happens?

myfile.tar is removed -myfile.tar.gz holds a compressed version of myfile.tar

Which command would you use to archive the Documents directory and compress it with bzip2 compression?

tar -cjf documents.tbz Documents

Which two commands do the same thing?

tar -czf foo.tar.g foo tar -c foo | gzip > foo.tar.gz

Which command will show what is inside the compressed tarball with a name of foo.tar.gz?

tar -tzf foo.tar.gz

You archived your users' directories into a file called backup.tar.gz. You then view the archive and see the filenames follow this convention: home/username/somefile

tar -xzf backup.tar.gz home/fred/

Given a file called, how can you see whats in it without extracting the files?

unzip -I

Given a file called, how can you extract just the files under ProjectX?

unzip ProjectX/*

What command is normally executed daily to update the database of all files that are on the system?


Which of the following commands will create a zipfile with the contents of your Documents directory?

zip -r Documents

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